Casopis je utemeljen 1925. godine pod nazivom Acta Botanica Instituti Botanici Regalis Universitatis Zagrebensis. Pod nazivom Acta Botanica Croatica izlazi od 1957. godine.Objavljuje izvorne znanstvene radove iz botanike, algologije, mikologije, bakteriologije i biljne virologije (floristika, taksonomija, ekologija, citologija, fiziologija, citogenetika, molekularna biologija, paleobotanika). Objavljuje rezultate istraživanja na kopnu (u nizinskim i krškim podrucjima), u kopnenim vodama, te u Jadranskom i Sredozemnom moru.Casopis ima medunarodno uredništvo i medunarodnu recenziju rukopisa pisanih iskljucivo na engleskom jeziku. Od 2000. godine Acta Botanica Croatica izlazi dvaput godišnje (jedan volumen, dva broja).AGRICOLA, BIOSIS, CAB International, EBSCO Publishing, BIOBASE, Current Awareness in Plant Science, Scopus, Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Zoological Records, Web of Science – Science Citation Index expanded.
Acta Botanica Hungarica publishes papers by scientists of Hungary and of surrounding countries working on the topics listed below. Studies by foreign researchers written in the framework of international projects and cooperations are also welcome. Main subjects: plant anatomy and histology, cryptogam and phanerogam taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, plant geography, plant sociology, vegetation science, tropical botany, ethnobotany, paleobotany and palynology. Publishes book reviews and advertisements.
Acta Botanica Brasilica (Acta bot. bras.) publishes original articles on all aspects of plant (including algae) and fungi biology. The submitted manuscript or its essential content must not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Contributions should be substantial, written in English and show general interest. Manuscripts that report aspects of local interest are discouraged unless the implications of the findings are wide-reaching. Manuscripts with agronomic subjects are expected to contain a substantial amount of basic plant biology.
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum is an international journal established in 1978 that publishes peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of plant physiology. The coverage ranges across this research field at various levels of biological organization, from relevant aspects in molecular and cell biology to biochemistry.The coverage is global in scope, offering articles of interest from experts around the world. The range of topics includes measuring effects of environmental pollution on crop species; analysis of genomic organization; effects of drought and climatic conditions on plants; studies of photosynthesis in ornamental plants, and more.Under Editor-In-Chief Przemyslaw Wojtaszek, the journal is published on behalf of the Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, in cooperation with Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Department of Plant Physiology. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.530 (2012)*
Adansonia est une revue de biologie végétale consacrée à l'inventaire, l'analyse et l'interprétation de la biodiversité des plantes vasculaires. Elle publie, en français ou en anglais, des travaux originaux de recherche en botanique, particulièrement en systématique et domaines associés : morphologie, anatomie, biologie, écologie, phylogénie, biogéographie etc.Adansonia fait suite depuis 1997 au Bulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, section B, Adansonia, Botanique, phytochimie.
Associated with the International Association for Aerobiology, Aerobiologia is an international medium for original research and review articles in the interdisciplinary fields of aerobiology and interaction of human, plant and animal systems on the biosphere. Coverage includes bioaerosols, transport mechanisms, biometeorology, climatology, air-sea interaction, land-surface/atmosphere interaction, biological pollution, biological input to global change, microbiology, aeromycology, aeropalynology, arthropod dispersal and environmental policy. Emphasis is placed on respiratory allergology, plant pathology, pest management, biological weathering and biodeterioration, indoor air quality, air-conditioning technology, industrial aerobiology and more.
Aerobiologia serves aerobiologists, and other professionals in medicine, public health, industrial and environmental hygiene, biological sciences, agriculture, atmospheric physics, botany, environmental science and cultural heritage.There are no page charges to pub
Alpine Botany is an international journal providing a forum for botanical studies with a particular interest in plant ecology, vegetation and flora of mountain regions.Alpine Botany publishes original contributions and reviews on biogeography, biosystematics, evolutionary biology, population biology, ecophysiology and functional ecology of plants and vegetation, and on interactions of plants with plants, animals or microorganisms.We aim at contributions that explore plant biological phenomena in order to understand functionally ongoing ecological, evolutionary or physiological processes.Descriptive or applied studies are acceptable, provided that clear research questions are addressed and that findings are presented in a context fitting the scope of the journal. Articles must be relevant for an international readership.Alpine Botany is the official publication of the Swiss Botanical Society and is published by Springer Basel AG, Switzerland.
Bibliographic Data
First published in 1891
1 volume per