The Review of Religious Research (RRR) publishes contemporary, empirical social science research on religion, primarily in the areas of sociology, social psychology and psychology. RRR provides a forum for research across multiple themes and approaches, including: new religious movements, dynamics of denominational and congregational growth, individual and organizational variations in beliefs and practices, relation between personal spirituality and institutional religious involvement, conflict within congregations and denominations, religious experience, ethnic religious groups, religion and family life, religion and political behavior, comparative analyses of religious behavior and institutions.Among the characteristics which distinguish RRR from other academic journals on the study of religion are its applied focus and the opportunities it offers for academics and denomination-based researchers to share their findings with each other. RRR aims to facilitate the sharing and comparing of applied studies between denominational and academic researchers.RRR is the official quarterly journal of the Religious Research Association, Inc. It considers and publishes research articles, denominational research report summaries, and solicited book reviews.Unsolicited book reviews and are not accepted for publication in the Review of Religious Research. If you would like to review a book for the journal, contact Book Review Editor Paul Olson at
Co-herencia is a half-yearly journal published by the Humanities Department at EAFIT University. Its purpose is to disclose findings generated by investigations, theoretical reflections, specialized debates, translacions, essays, and critical reviews on topics related to humanistic studies in general, and associated with literature, philosophy, history, politics and communication studies in particular. Co-herencia is directed towards professors, researchers, students, and scholars within the disciplines or knowledge areas which comprise the ample spectrum of humanistic studies, but also to other readers with an affinity for the scholarly topics compiled in each volume. Its purpose is to be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion and a space for dialogue among peers on the contributions of humanities in determining a thinking and deliberating community in Colombia.
La Revue de me´taphysique et de morale publie notamment des nume´ros a` the`me autour de grandes questions, aujourd'hui de´battues dans la communaute´ philosophique internationale. Elle s'efforce ainsi d'e^tre fide`le a` sa tradition : l'inde´pendance a` l'e´gard de toute e´cole de pense´e. Elle publie aussi, pour certains auteurs ou courants philosophiques, le bilan des recherches contemporaines. Des notes critiques informent des parutions re´centes, notamment des ouvrages parus hors de France ; des e´tudes critiques, de plus grande ampleur, sont consacre´es aux plus notables de ces publications.
Créée par Henri Berr en 1900, La Revue de synthèse accueille des travaux d'histoire intellectuelle, d'épistémologie, de philosophie, de sociologie, d'histoire économique, sociale et culturelle. Elle a la vocation d'animer les réflexions situées au carrefour entre la philosophie, l'histoire des sciences et l'histoire générale en encourageant les recherches et les échanges sur les questions touchant aux fondements des sciences sociales, aux renouvellements de l'enquête sur les sciences, aux développements des voies nouvelles propres à l'histoire intellectuelle.
La Revue de synthèse se consacre donc à l'histoire du travail intellectuel. Elle contribue à éclairer les critères de scientificité des sciences sociales. Elle occupe à ce titre une place originale dans l'ensemble des publications internationales. Elle maintient cette exigence de qualité par une sévère sélection des articles qui lui sont proposés.The Revue de synthèse was created by Henri Berr in 1900. The journal welcomes pieces that deal with intellectual history, epistemology, philosophy, sociology, and economic, social and cultural history. Its goal is to serve as a forum for discussions taking place at the crossroads between philosophy, the history of science and general history by encouraging research and exchanges on issues concerning the foundations of social sciences, changes in scientific investigation and the development of new approaches specific to intellectual history.
The Revue de synthèse studies the historically dated cognitive activity of scientists, philosophers and scholars. It looks to shed light on the scientific claims of the social sciences. In this regards, it stands out from other international publications. It maintains this quality requirement by severe selection of submitted articles., .