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IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

eISSN: 1939-1374

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing emphasizes the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical and computational methods that are central in services computing; the emerging field of Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services, Business Process Integration, Solution Performance Management, Services Operations and Management. 

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IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks

eISSN: 2373-776X

The IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks publishes high-quality papers that extend the classical notions of processing of signals defined over vector spaces (e.g. time and space) to processing of signals and information (data) defined over networks, potentially dynamically varying. In signal processing over networks, the topology of the network may define structural relationships in the data, or may constrain processing of the data. Topics include distributed algorithms for filtering, detection, estimation, adaptation and learning, model selection, data fusion, and diffusion or evolution of information over such networks, and applications of distributed signal processing.

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IEEE Wireless Communications

ISSN: 1536-1284eISSN: 1558-0687

IEEE Wireless Communications is designed for individuals working in the communications and networking communities. It covers technical and policy issues relating to personalized, location-independent communications in all media (and combinations of media), and at all protocol layers. Both wired and wireless communications are covered as well as computing, the mobility of people, communicating devices, and personal services. Each issue of this interdisciplinary magazine provides articles of high quality and depth concerning the revolutionary technological advances in personal, location-independent communications and computing.

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IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

ISSN: 2162-2337eISSN: 2162-2345

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters publishes short papers in a rapid publication cycle on advances in the state-of-the-art of wireless communications. Both theoretical contributions (including new techniques, concepts, and analyses) and practical contributions (including system experiments and prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged. This journal focuses on the physical layer and the link layer of wireless communication systems.

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IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences

ISSN: 0916-8508eISSN: 1745-1337

IET Information Security

ISSN: 1751-8709eISSN: 1751-8717

IET Information Security publishes original, peer-reviewed, research papers in information security and cryptography. Information security is a multidisciplinary field that spans the very broad area of computer security, modern cryptography, and the electronic aspects of hardware security. The aim of the journal is to bring together papers from all disciplines contributing to information security. Some of the topics covered by this journal are: access control and database security; block ciphers and hash functions; financial cryptography; economic aspects of information security; key management and secret sharing; malware; peer-to-peer security; quantum cryptography; secure electronic commerce; and watermarking and fingerprinting.

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IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

ISSN: 1868-4238eISSN: 1868-422X
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INFORMS Journal on Computing

ISSN: 1091-9856eISSN: 1526-5528

The INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC) is a quarterly that publishes papers in the intersection of operations research (OR) and computer science (CS). Most papers contain original research, but we also welcome special papers in a variety of forms, including Feature Articles on timely topics, Expository Reviews making a comprehensive survey and evaluation of a subject area, and State-of-the-Art Reviews that collect and integrate recent streams of research. All papers are refereed.

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ISSN: 1313-8251eISSN: 1313-8251


ISSN: 1820-4503eISSN: 1820-4503

IT Professional

ISSN: 1520-9202eISSN: 1941-045X

IT Professional is a technical magazine of the IEEE Computer Society. It publishes peer-reviewed articles, columns and departments written for and by IT practitioners and researchers covering:

  • practical aspects of emerging and leading-edge digital technologies,
  • original ideas and guidance for IT applications, and
  • novel IT solutions for the enterprise.

IT Professional’s goal is to inform the broad spectrum of IT executives, IT project managers, IT researchers, and IT application developers from industry, government, and academia.

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ISSN: 1888-0967

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

ISSN: 2502-4752eISSN: 2502-4760

Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

ISSN: 2089-3272

Informacinės Technologijos ir Valdymas

ISSN: 1392-124XeISSN: 2335-884X

Informatica: An International Journal

ISSN: 0868-4952eISSN: 1822-8844
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ISSN: 0170-6012eISSN: 1432-122X

Hauptaufgabe dieser Zeitschrift ist die Publikation aktueller, praktisch verwertbarer Informationen über technische und wissenschaftliche Fortschritte aus allen Bereichen der Informatik und ihrer Anwendungen in Form von Übersichtsartikeln und einführenden Darstellungen sowie Berichten über Projekte und Fallstudien, die zukünftige Trends aufzeigen. Es sollen damit jene Leser angesprochen werden, die sich in neue Sachgebiete der Informatik einarbeiten, sich weiterbilden, sich einen Überblick verschaffen wollen. Damit kommen als Zielgruppe nicht nur ausgebildete Informatikspezialisten in Betracht, sondern auch Praktiker, die neben ihrer Tagesarbeit die wissenschaftliche Entwicklung der Informatik verfolgen, und Studierende an Fachhochschulen oder Universitäten, die sich Einblick in Aufgaben und Probleme der Praxis verschaffen möchten. Durch Auswahl der Autoren und der Themen sowie durch Einflussnahme auf Inhalt und Darstellung - die Beiträge werden von mehreren Herausgebern referiert - soll erreicht werden, dass möglichst jeder Beitrag dem größten Teil der Leser verständlich und lesenswert erscheint. So soll diese Zeitschrift das gesamte Spektrum der Informatik umfassen, aber nicht in getrennte Sparten mit verschiedenen Leserkreisen zerfallen. Da die Informatik eine sich auch weiterhin stark entwickelnde anwendungsorientierte Wissenschaft ist, die ihre eigenen wissenschaftlichen und theoretischen Grundlagen zu einem großen Teil selbst entwickeln muss, will die Zeitschrift sich an den Problemen der Praxis orientieren, ohne die Aufgabe zu vergessen, ein solides wissenschaftliches Fundament zu erarbeiten. Zur Anwendungsorientierung gehört auch die Beschäftigung mit den Problemen der Auswirkung der Informatikanwendungen auf den Einzelnen, den Staat und die Gesellschaft sowie mit Fragen der Informatik-Berufe einschließlich der Ausbildungsrichtlinien und der Bedarfsschätzungen., .

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Informatika i ee Primeneniya

ISSN: 1992-2264eISSN: 2310-9912


eISSN: 2078-2489

Information (ISSN 2078-2489) is an international, scientific open access journal of information science and technology, data, knowledge and communication. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal: manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material we also accept manuscripts communicating to a broader audience with regard to research projects financed with public funds copies of source codes (if any) might be deposited

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Information - Wissenschaft and Praxis

ISSN: 1434-4653eISSN: 1619-4292
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