Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal of architecture, urban design and planning, and built environment studies.
Bauphysik ist die einzige deutsche Fachpublikation zu dieser Thematik. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren ist die Zeitschrift Spiegel der Forschung in Wissenschaft und Industrie, der Normung und ingenieurpraktischen Tatigkeit. Sie ist nicht nur fur Bauphysiker ein Arbeitsmittel und Nachschlagewerk, sondern fur alle am Bau Beteiligte, z. B. Beratende Ingenieure, Architekten und Fachplaner. Themenuberblick:.
The aims of CoDesign are: * to report new research and scholarship in principles, procedures and techniques relevant to collaboration in design; * to act as an international forum for discussion of collaborative design issues; * to foster communication between academic researchers and industry practitioners concerned with collaborative design; * to encourage a flow of information across the boundaries of the disciplines contributing to collaborative design; * to stimulate ideas and provoke widespread discussion with a forward-looking perspective. CoDesign is inclusive, encompassing collaborative, co-operative, concurrent, human-centred, participatory, socio-technical and community design among others. Research in any design domain concerned specifically with the nature of collaboration design is of relevance to the Journal. Research papers which present theory, report empirical studies, and describe and evaluate collaborative design methods, tools and techniques are welcomed. Papers reflecting on practical experience of collaborative design are also welcomed. Topics include collaborative design theory; collaborative design methods, techniques and tools; methods for studying collaborative design; studies of collaborative design; computer-supported collaborative design (CSCD) system requirements; CSCD systems, design and use; communication in collaborative design; computer mediated collaborative design communication; handling design issues (e.g. sustainability) collaboratively, and managing collaborative design. The Journal provides a primary outlet for research publications, state of the art reviews, book reviews and correspondence discussing collaborative design. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.
A CIB-encouraged journal that publishes papers on a range of multidisciplinary subjects in the field of construction innovation