The Berg Journals Collection offers libraries online access to the full text of an expanding range of highly respected, interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journals with a strong focus on culture and the visual arts. *A choice of 17 journals is available within the Collection in 2011. *All Berg journals offer authoritative peer-reviewed content, excellent functionality, unlimited user licenses, and COUNTER-compliant usage statistics. *Flexible access and pricing models for individual journals - as well as the full Collection - are available to libraries and library consortia worldwide.*Free 30-day institutional trials are available.
Arbor, revista de Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura, es una publicacio´n perio´dica bimensual, que publica arti´culos orignales. Se caracteriza por estar al servicio de la sociedad espan~ola y de la comunidad cienti´fica como instrumento de informacio´n, puesta al di´a, reflexio´n y debate. Al abordar con el rigor cienti´fico requerido cualquier to´pico, Arbor trata de ser una publicacio´n socialmente u´til, analizando en sus pa´ginas estados de la cuestio´n, estudios de caso y puestas al di´a en temas de ma´ximo intere´s. Arbor es, sin duda, una de las revistas publicadas por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas de mayor antigu¨edad y dilatada andadura. Arbor esta´ abierta al colectivo de investigadores espan~oles y extranjeros y a los creadores y gestores de nuestra cultura.
Armed Forces & Society (AFS), a quarterly publication, publishes articles on military institutions, civil-military relations, arms control and peacemaking, and conflict management. The journal is international in scope with a focus on historical, comparative, and interdisciplinary discourse. The editors and contributors include political scientists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, scholars, and economists, as well as specialists in military organization and strategy, arms control, and peacekeeping.
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies is the flagship journal of the Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University. It is a peer-reviewed journal that targets research in policy studies in Australia, Asia and the Pacific, across a discipline focus that includes economics, political science, governance, development and the environment. Specific themes of recent interest include health and education, aid, migration, inequality, poverty reduction, energy, climate and the environment, food policy, public administration, the role of the private sector in public policy, trade, foreign policy, natural resource management and development policy.
Papers on a range of topics that speak to various disciplines, the region and policy makers are encouraged. The goal of the journal is to break down barriers across disciplines, and generate policy impact. Submissions will be reviewed on the basis of content, policy relevance and readability.
Asian Business & Management (ABM) is an academic general management and business journal, that is, we are in principle open to all disciplines and fields of research on management and business-subject to the condition that submissions must be related to Asia. We especially encourage papers that draw on one of the various streams of the business systems literature, broadly conceived, to generate new insights into the societal embeddedness of firms in Asia and the consequences of such embeddedness on managerial and business processes, structures, and outcomes. Please refer to the 2012 Editorial for further details. A rigorous double-blind peer review system, involving in-country and international refereeing, ensures that articles meet the highest standards of quality.