This peer-reviewed scholarly journal is an official publication of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Established in 1927, the journal has a rich and varied history, and has long been one of the leading philosophy journals in North America. Each issue features scholarly articles, topical discussions, and book reviews dealing with all philosophical areas and approaches. Every fourth issue is a special issue dedicated entirely to the work and legacy of a particular thinker. Members of the American Catholic Philosophical Association have online access to all issues as a benefit of ACPA membership.
The Croatian Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal with a primary focus on original philosophical work in analytic philosophy in Central Europe. It was established in 2001 and has a particular strength in the philosophy of linguisitcs. Articles and reviews from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, and other countries are published along with with contributions from Western Europe and the US. The journal is published three times per year in Croatia by KruZak, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.
Founded in 2004, Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal devoted to philosophy of culture and the study of value. It aims to promote the exploration of different values and cultural phenomena in regional and international contexts.The editorial board encourages the submission of manuscripts based on original research that are judged to make a novel and important contribution to understanding the values and cultural phenomena in the contemporary world.