The Bonn zoological Bulletin (BzB), formerly "Bonner zoologische Beiträge", is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing original research articles, reviews, and scientific notes dealing with organismal zoology.Focus of the BzB are (1) taxonomy, (2) systematics and evolution, and (3) biodiversity and biogeography, all with respect to terrestrial animals. Terrestrial animals as understood here include those inhabiting fresh or brackish waters. Contributions from related fields like ecology, morphology, anatomy, physiology or behaviour are welcome when of clear relevance to the focus topics.Publication in BzB is free of charge, including colour illustrations or photographs contributing significantly to quality and / or readability of the manuscript. Authors retain full copyright of their published papers, may share them with colleagues, and are encouraged to post the original pdfs on their personal or institutional website for non-commercial use. All material must be original, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. .