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Water S.A.

ISSN: 0378-4738eISSN: 1816-7950

Water SA publishes refereed, original work in all branches of water science, technology, engineering and policy. This includes water resource development; the hydrological cycle; surface hydrology; geohydrology and hydrometeorology; limnology; salinisation; treatment and management of municipal and industrial water and wastewater; treatment and disposal of sewage sludge; environmental pollution control; water quality and treatment; aquaculture in terms of its impact on the water resource; agricultural water science; etc. Contributions may take the form of a paper, a critical review, a short communication, a rapid communication, a technical note or comments on papers already published. A paper is a comprehensive contribution to the subject, including introduction, experimental information and discussion of results. A review is an authoritative, critical account of recent and current research in a specific field to which the author has made notable contributions. A short communication is a concise account of new and significant findings to inform readers of preliminary or limited research results. A rapid communication is an original contribution that merits prompt publication to publicise the findings of very recent research with immediate significance. A technical note describes an original process or technique without necessarily including extensive data, theory or critical evaluation. Comments on papers already published are sent to the authors of the paper for reply and both the comments and the authors' reply will be published in the forthcoming edition of Water SA. All correspondence is to be routed through the Editor.

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Water Wheel

ISSN: 1816-7969