With this journal, the editors intend to permit an international, interdisciplinary discussion of legal and ethical issues approached from an historical, theoretical or comparative point of view. Each of the individual volumes emphasizes one particular issue at the interface of law and philosophy, and also contains contributions from the fields of economics, sociology and political science.
Applied Economics Quarterly is an international journal publishing applied research with strong relevance for economic policy. Contributions to all arenas of economic policy are invited; in particular, growth, labor, finance and industrial organization. The journal´s goal is to enhance economic policy-making by providing a forum for innovative and rigorous research.
Credit and Capital Markets is a scientific periodical based on the principle of double-blind review. It publishes analytical and empirical studies in the fields mentioned hereafter: stability and growth processes in national and international markets, monetary and foreign-exchange theory and policy, financial market theory, bank management and banking regulation policy. Since its establishment in 1968, Credit and Capital Markets has published approximately 1.000 contributions, including many seminal articles and is respected internationally in research and teaching, in theory and policy. Starting with volume 2022, this journal will be published in Open Access as part of a Subscribe to Open pilot project. All contributions are published under the Creative Commons licence CC BY 4.0. Authors do not have to bear any costs for publication in Open Access.
According to its subheading, »Der Staat« is a »Journal for the Theory of the State, Constitutional History and German and European Public Law«. Instead of an ahistorical approach, »Der Staat« describes and analyses its object as to what it has become, the conditions of its creation, existence and development, its concrete achievements and endangerments, as well as in the comparison with the understanding of the state and state actions in other countries today especially within the European context. The journal intends to examine the fundamentals of today’s statehood, analyze the concrete and current developments and classify them within the further contexts of the respective dogmatics within both the jurisprudence and the legitimation discourse in Germany and Europe.
Die Verwaltung is a quarterly »Journal for Administrative Law and Administrative Science« in German (with English abstracts). It was founded in 1968 by Ernst Forsthoff who edited the journal until 1974. The journal publishes long and in-depth articles on the whole range of its subject matters. One issue per year is devoted to a particular topic. In regular periods, the jurisprudence of a particular field of administrative law (e.g. police and security law or administrative procedural law) is reported by a selected team of authors. The main publications in the field of administrative law and administrative science are reviewed.
Sociologia Internationalis has given itself a new title for its 50th anniversary: »European Journal for Cultural Research«. It publishes articles in German, English, French and Spanish. This concept is based on the approach that sociology is a discipline characterized by social traditions, including national traditions and conditions. Not least, its wealth of theories, insights, instruments and perspectives is due to the conceptual work in the various languages. Internationality in science should maintain and communicate this diversity but not melt it down into one language and tradition of thought. In this regard, the journal stands for a European path of inter-nationality in the mutual discourse of science.
In Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, studies on the history of Brandenburg and Prussia are accompanied by the publication of research and conference reports, as well as miscellaneous articles and reviews. The journal is published by Ulrike Höroldt, Hans-Christof Kraus and Frank-Lothar Kroll on behalf of the Prussian Historical Commission, which was established in 1977 in Berlin, and the Prussian Privy State Archives of the Cultural Heritage Foundation.
The German Journal of Risk and Insurance aims at stimulating the interdisciplinary exchange between scientists in the fields of risk and insurance. The authors of the papers published in the Journal come from various disciplines: economics, mathematics, laws and medicine. The Journal was founded in 1901 and is actually one of the oldest risk and insurance journals of the world.
It is the goal of the Yearbook's editors to create a free forum for the discussion of international law that is available to the largest possible international audience. To this end, the Yearbook has remained progressive by discussing timely topics of interest and concern to international legal academics and practitioners. Its editors have also modified the Yearbook's approach to the field in recent years by offering a focus section in each volume that considers issues of particular importance to the further development of international law. The Yearbook has also been successful in informing the international law community with regard to research done in German academic institutions and in presenting international viewpoints on various topics to the German community.
The »Hegel-Jahrbuch« is the yearbook of the International Hegel Society, which was founded in 1953 by Wilhelm Raimund Beyer (1902–1990) in Nuremberg. It has been published since 1961 and was edited by W. R. Beyer until 1984, since then by the respective acting board of the Society. It documents the contributions of the International Hegel Congresses.
The Yearbook Property and Copyright Law in the Democracy (JEUD) aims to explore and illuminate the correlation and interaction between democracy and intellectual property. Thereby, copyright will be scientifically promoted and further developed as an essential component of a free and democratic social order. The yearbook creates an academic forum in order to rediscover copyright as property in a research-based and discursive way, to examine it interdisciplinary and to draft out proposals for a sustainable concept of copyright law. The yearbook understands itself as a place of discussion and thus primarily includes articles from scientific symposia and dialogues organized by its editors. In doing so, the academic discourse between renowned speakers from research and practice will be displayed in the yearbook. It is also open for scientific articles in various disciplines and legal policy statements and also provides a platform for junior academics. According to this objective, the yearbook portrays a range of overarching topics that relate past and modern developments in the protection of intellectual property to other disciplines and the prevailing zeitgeist of a digital world.
Every month, the peer-reviewed journal Sozialer Fortschritt, the »German Review of Social Policy«, provides information, analysis, and reform proposals across the complete spectrum of social policy. It is not only the »major« topics of current debates that are critically assessed. An important objective is to address areas of social policy that would otherwise either frequently be overlooked or only be dealt with in highly specialized journals. In contributions on current issues, Sozialer Fortschritt provides a forum for academic analyses and reform proposals that deal with the fundamental concerns of social policy and social security. In such contributions, important stimuli have been and are given to the further development of social policy. In addition to individual issues of the journal that cover a diverse range of topics, regular special issues collect together articles on selected social policy themes.
Economics is social science. This central idea guiding the Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch since its founding in 1871 has lost none of its relevance. Ever more scholars have discovered that an »isolating« economics that removes economic processes from their social, historical, ethical, and ecological contexts in the interest of applying certain formal methods runs the danger of missing important aspects of economic reality. In philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences, contextualism has grown in importance over the last several years, a core postulate of which is that a fuller understanding of human thought and action requires a grasp of the context in which they are embedded. In line with its original intention, the main objective of Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch is to offer such newer research a forum in which economic life is set in relation to its social and physical environment, particularly where the interface between the economic system and the other systems is studied. Institutional approaches appear to be particularly relevant to this purpose, nevertheless quantitative and qualitative methods are equally welcome. We also wish to solicit contributions that devote themselves to questions of long-term human development and societal change, including those from the perspective of economic history and the history of economic thought. Considering social and normative questions is an important thematic focus in the long tradition of this journal.
The Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung have a long tradition. They have been published since 1926. Much has changed since then, so have the Vierteljahrshefte: Since 2008, they are published with a new concept and fresh layout. But the basic idea remains the same: They address current topics from economic policy, which are additionally explained and discussed by authors at the DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research). The accumulated knowledge of researchers and experts is applied to the problems of economic policy. The Vierteljahrshefte offer an overview of the debates for complex topics of economic policy and show new perspectives, as well as suggestions for solutions.
Recht und Politik (RuP) is a German law journal examining developments in German and European law and policy. RuP focuses in particular on public and constitutional law. From its first issue in 1965, the journal’s approach has been interdisciplinary, blending progressive discussions of legal matters with important political context. German legislative and judicial decision-making is so intertwined with EU legislation and court decisions that RuP is intensifying its attention to EU issues. Starting in 2017, RuP expands its analysis of legal discussions at EU level and publishes selected key documents from the Court of Justice of the EU. Recht und Politik is published quarterly in German. Its readers and contributors are primarily lawyers, judges, legal scholars, political scientists, politicians, and practitioners involved in developing legislation on European and national level. RuP contributors include prominent members of the German legal establishment as well as up and coming scholars and practitioners.
The modern theory of law is a general theory of law and society, which must be compatible with all existing legal systems in the social reality of the law. With regard to this social reality of the law, which determines all human experiencing and acting, legal theory is understood as an analytic hermeneutical and social science of action that is exclusively theory and not the philosophy of law. Above all, general legal theory in a world society that is now growing closer is concerned with encountering the equalization of national law with the law in general and avoiding the errors of a purely philosophical and moral legal concept and a strictly analytical jurisprudence, as well as overcoming the misjudgements of a purely historical and socioeconomic legal concept. In view of the constantly growing possibilities of normative communication, especially those of the law, and the multitude of state-organized legal systems, this international journal serves the jurisprudential basic research, the comparison of methods and theories, and the structure and expansion of a modern structure theory, especially the legal theory of norms and action.
Sociologus is an internationally known, peer-reviewed journal of social anthropology. It is available online and in print and is listed in the major scholarly indexes. Founded in 1925 by Richard Thurnwald, it is one of the best-known anthropology journals in the German-speaking world. The journal is dedicated to empirical research on cultural diversity, social processes and their transformations and the contrasting forms of social relations. It has no fixed topical or regional focus, but concerns itself with the comparative interpretation and explanation of human behaviour.
The »Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch« (Yearbook of Literary Studies) was founded in 1926 by Günther Müller with the aim to publish both research and literary texts. The Jahrbuch was banned by the Nazis in 1939 and re-founded by the German scholar Hermann Kunisch in 1960; the new series has now grown to more than 50 volumes. The trans-disciplinary journal publishes articles on German, English and American literature, as well as literature in the Romance languages. Articles may be written in German or the languages of the respective fields. Each volume also comprises a substantial review section. Early career scholars are encouraged to submit their manuscripts.