Established in 2011, Advanced Energy Materials is an international, interdisciplinary, English-language forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on materials used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion and storage. With a 2017 Impact Factor of 21.875, Advanced Energy Materials is a prime source for the best energy-related research. This Impact Factor confirms in numbers what was already clear from the content: that AEnM has joined Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials and Small as a top-quality journal.
Advanced Functional Materials, the premier full-paper general materials science journal, publishes cutting-edge research and insightful reviews by leaders in the field. With a 2009 ISI Impact Factor of 6.990, all aspects of materials science are covered, including photovoltaics, organic electronics, carbon materials, nanotechnology, photonics, and biomaterials. Special Offer: Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Materials are available as a combined package. Benefit from a 10% discount off the regular subscription rate. Sign up for the free newsletter and get weekly updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science. ISSN: 1438-1656 (print), 1527-2648 (online) Volume 13. 12 Issues in 2011. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Adv. Eng. Mater.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).
Advanced Functional Materials is the leading full-paper materials science journal, with a 2009 ISI Impact Factor of 6.990. Advanced Functional Materials publishes full papers of original research and feature articles reviewing cutting-edge work from leaders in the field. All aspects of materials science are covered, including photovoltaics, organic electronics, carbon materials, nanotechnology, liquid crystals, magnetic materials, surfaces and interfaces, and biomaterials. Special Offer: Advanced Functional Materials and Advanced Materials are available as a combined package. Benefit from a 10% discount off the regular subscription rate. Visit Materials Views and get daily updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science. Don't be left behind and sign up for the e-alerting service. Don't be left behind and sign up for the e-alerting service. ISSN: 1616-301X (print), 1616-3028 (online), CODEN: AFMDC6 Volume 20. 24 Issues in 2010. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Adv. Funct. Mater.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).
Founded in 1790, Annalen der Physik is one of the world's oldest and most renowned physics journals with an over 200 year tradition of excellence. Annalen der Physik has always been the home of innovative papers from the best and brightest minds in the field, such as Albert Einstein, Max Planck, and many others. It still publishes peer-reviewed original papers in the areas of experimental, theoretical, applied, and mathematical physics and related areas. Visit Materials Views and get daily updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science. Don't be left behind and sign up for the e-alerting service. How to cite?.
Produktinformationen Download Flyer Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften ist in erster Linie eine Geschichte der Ideen und Entdeckungen. oft genug aber auch der Moden. Irrtümer und Missverständnisse. Sie hängt eng mit der Entwicklung kultureller und zivilisatorischer Leistungen zusammen und bleibt von der politischen Geschichte keineswegs unberührt. Diese Wechselwirkungen verständlich aufzuzeigen und damit auch für die Gegenwart nutzbar zu machen. hat sich die ZeitschriftBerichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichtezur Aufgabe gemacht. Disziplinübergreifende historische Themenstellungen lassen Gemeinsames und Spezifisches innerhalb der Natur-. Geistes-. Sozial-. Medizin- und Ingenieurwissenschaften erkennen. ISSN: 0170-6233 (print). 1522-2365 (online). Band 34. 4 Ausgaben 2011. Impressum Impressum(PDF) –[Archiv anzeigen][Archiv verstecken] Zitate:Um sicher zu gehen. dass die Artikel in dieser Zeitschrift korrekt elektronisch erfasst werden (z.B. in CrossRef oder ISI Web of Science). benutzen Sie beim Zitieren bitte folgende Abkürzung: 'Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch.' (die Zeichensetzung hängt vom Stil der zitierenden Zeitschrift ab).
molecular - cellular - biomedical - physiology - translational research - systems - hypotheses encouraged BioEssays is a review-and-discussion journal publishing novel insights, forward-looking reviews and commentaries in contemporary biology with a molecular, genetic, cellular, or physiological dimension. A further aim is to emphasise transdisciplinarity and integrative biology in the context of organismal studies, systems approaches, through to ecosystems where appropriate. The journal has three main sections: Insights & Perspectives (for ideas, hypotheses and commentaries), Prospects & Overviews (for review-style articles) and Reports & Opinion (for meeting reports, book reviews and letters to the Editor). The Prospects & Overviews section contains mini-reviews highlighting very recent research articles, and longer papers that present a field, its developments and prospects for a broad readership; we also welcome methods papers (including presentation of new model systems) under the rubric Methods, Models & Techniques. The journal's insightful analysis makes it essential reading for professional researchers (from basic research through to medically-related fields), as well as an invaluable tool for lecturers and students. Mean time to first decision: 22 days Affiliated with Epigenesis, the European Network of Excellence for epigenetics research.
Aims and Scope Download Flyer CLEAN - Soil. Air. Wateris a new. international and interdisciplinary journal covering all aspects of Sustainability and Environmental Safety. It hosts an attractive mixture of peer-reviewed scientific reviews. research papers. and short communications. Combining environmental aspects of soil. air. water. and sustainability and technosphere the journal focuses on prevention measures and forward oriented approaches rather than on remediation and pollution cleanup. With editors from all over the world — all of them are renowned specialists in their subjects and respective countries — and by reflecting the rapid development of environmental sciencesCLEANaims to close the gap between developing and developed countries. Additionally. a magazine section provides an interesting variety of news. facts. personal profiles. forthcoming events and conferences as well as book reviews. Topical Issues bring readers up to date on recent developments on the most crucial areas of research and technological advances. ISI Impact Factor: 1.412* * Thomson Reuters Citation Report 2009 CLEANfocuses on sustainability and environmental safety.analytical topics. processes. and engineering.pollution of the compartments soil. air. water and their boundaries as habitat resulting from interferences of technosphere with characterizing the pollutants from both analytical and ecotoxicological view points.recent developments on green chemistry and sustainability issues.holistic approaches. case studies. and best practices from developing and developed countries as examples. CLEANaims to reflect the rapid development of environmental sciences and sustainabilityprovide a link to emerging countriesbuild a bridge between East and West and North and Southencourage environmental scientists of emerging countries to scrutinize technologies and develop them furtherpresent holistic approaches and report case studies and best practices from developing and developed countries as examples ISSN: 1863-0650 (print). 1863-0669 (online) Volume 38. 12 Issues in 2010. How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'CLEAN' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).
ChemBioChem is an international forum for short communications, full papers, reviews & minireviews and highlights & concepts. ChemBioChem (Impact Factor 2009: 3.824) is a source for important primary and secondary information across the whole field of chemical biology, bio(in)organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Its mission is to integrate this wide and flourishing field, ranging from complex carbohydrates through peptides/proteins to DNA/RNA, from combinatorial chemistry and biology to signal transduction, from catalytic antibodies to protein folding, from bioinformatics and structural biology to drug design - to name just a few topics.
Aims and Scope Download Flyer Scope With a first impact factor of 4.767 (2009).ChemSusChemis well on its way to become a top interdisciplinary journal for research at the interface of chemistry and sustainability with energy research. materials science. chemical engineering. and biotechnology. It is a sister journal ofAngewandte Chemieas well asChemBioChem.ChemPhysChem. andChemMedChemwill publish a mix of full papers and communications. reviews and highlights. and book reviewswill succeedAnnali di Chimica—A Journal of Analytical. Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistryof the Società Chimica Italiana which ceases publication at the end of 2007Focussustainable chemistrygreen chemistryenvironmental chemistryenergy storage and conversionheterogeneous catalysishomogeneous catalysisbiocatalysisbiorenewable resourcesbiofuels and biorefineriesbiodegradablescarbon dioxide capture and storagecoal and petroleum chemistryhydrogen generation and storagefuel cellssolar cellsphotovoltaicscleaner synthesis technologycultural heritage chemistry ISSN: 1864-5631 (print). 1864-564X (online). CODEN: CHEMHY. Volume 4. 12 Issues in 2011. Masthead Masthead(PDF) –[Show history][Hide history] How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'ChemSusChem' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).
chemistry, applied chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry
The Chinese Journal of Chemistry is an international forum for peer-reviewed original research results in all fields of chemistry. Founded in 1983 under the name Acta Chimica Sinica English Edition and renamed in 1990 as Chinese Journal of Chemistry, the journal publishes a stimulating mixture of Accounts, Full Papers, Notes and Communications in English. The Chinese Journal of Chemistry is available on Wiley Online Library, offering free article abstracts fully searchable articles free ContentAlerts via E-mail access to related articles via CrossRef Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs): unique identifiers for digital content instant full-text access via Pay per View. The Chinese Journal of Chemistry is jointly published by the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Wiley-VCH on behalf of the Chinese Chemical Society. It is supported by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In 2000 it received the Chinese National Award for Journals.
Beton- und Stahlbetonbau veroffentlicht seit mehr als 100 Jahren anwendungsorientierte Beitrage zum gesamten Massivbau. Mit ihren wissenschaftlich fundierten Beitragen gibt sie monatlich praktische Hilfestellung fur die Arbeit des Bauingenieurs. Themenuberblick:.
Crystal Research and Technology is an international journal examining all aspects of research within experimental, industrial, and theoretical crystallography. The journal covers the relevant aspects of *crystal growth techniques and phenomena (including bulk growth, thin films) *modern crystalline materials (e.g. smart materials, nanocrystals, quasicrystals, liquid crystals) *industrial crystallisation *application of crystals in materials science, electronics, data storage, and optics *experimental, simulation and theoretical studies of the structural properties of crystals *crystallographic computingSign up for the free newsletter and get weekly updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science.ISSN: 1521-4079 (online).Volume 47. 12 Issues in 2012.
Aims and Scope Download Flyer Electroanalysisis an international. peer-reviewed journal covering all branches of electroanalytical chemistry. including both fundamental and application papers as well as reviews dealing with analytical voltammetry. potentiometry. new electrochemical sensors and detection schemes and practical applications. Serving as a vital communication link between the research labs and the field.Electroanalysishelps you to quickly adapt the latest innovations into practical clinical. environmental and industrial applications.Electroanalysisprovides the most comprehensive coverage of the field and is the number one source for information on electroanalytical chemistry. With a five-year Impact Factor (2008) of 3.080.Electroanalysiscontinues to be one of the two leading journals in electrochemistry. 2009 Impact Factor: 2.630 ISSN: 1040-0397 (print). 1521-4109 (online). Volume 23. 12 Issues in 2011. Masthead Masthead(PDF) –[Show history][Hide history] How to cite:To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science). please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Electroanalysis' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).
Engineering in Life Sciences covers all technological aspects of Industrial, Environmental, Plant and Food Biotechnology, especially those related to the new, emerging fields of interest: White Biotechnology and Bioenergy.The journal reflects the modern and fast moving nature of engineering in life sciences and serves as a worldwide forum for the exchange of scientific information in this field, its interdisciplinary character supporting the transfer of scientific results of industrial biotechnology, as well as of environmental studies into technological processes. Concentrating on technology rather than on fundamental biological phenomena, it provides particularly useful insights into engineering applications.Rapid recent advances in genetic and metabolic engineering, systems biology, cell culture, tissue engineering and other biomedical applications have generated virtually unlimited potential for altering the capabilities of living systems expanding the scope of biotechnology, generating new applications for biological products and providing unprecedented ability to control life processes. A primary component of the mission of Engineering in Life Sciences is to facilitate the realization of this immense potential.All papers on microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, and applied environmental studies are technologically relevant, and there is a strong focus on bioprocess and biochemical engineering. Thus, the journal helps to drive advances in the covered fields, in terms of both research & development and the implementation of basic knowledge.
The European Journal of Immunology (EJI) is a basic immunology research journal, focusing on various aspects of immunology including but not limited to antigen processing, cellular immune response, immunity to infection, immunomodulation, innate immunity, molecular immunology, leukocyte signalling, clinical immunology, and new technology. Established in 1971, the Journal has been serving the needs of the immunology community worldwide with objective enthusiasm. While mechanistic insight, which helps us better understand the workings of the immune system is of great importance for EJI, we are also interested in studies that contain thought-provoking immunological findings. HIGHLIGHTS 2010.
The fledgling State of Israel began to publish its scientific activity in 1951 under the general heading of Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, which quickly split into sections to accommodate various fields in the growing academic community. In 1963, the Bulletin ceased publication and independent journals were born, with Section A becoming the new Israel Journal of Chemistry. The Israel Journal of Chemistry is the official journal of the Israel Chemical Society. Effective from Volume 50 (2010) it is published by Wiley-VCH. The Israel Journal of Chemistry is an international and peer-reviewed publication forum for Special Issues on timely research topics in all fields of chemistry: from biochemistry through organic and inorganic chemistry to polymer, physical and theoretical chemistry, including all interdisciplinary topics. Each topical issue is edited by one or several Guest Editors and primarily contains invited Review articles. Communications and Full Papers may be published occasionally, if they fit with the quality standards of the journal. The publication language is English and the journal is published six times a year. ISSN: 0021-2148 (print). 1869-5868 (online). CODEN: ISJCAT. Volume 51. 6 Issues in 2011. How to cite: To make sure that references to this journal are correctly recorded and resolved (for example in CrossRef or ISI Web of Science), please use the following abbreviated title in any citations: 'Isr. J. Chem.' (punctuation may vary according to the style of the citing journal).
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics combines the longest tradition in the field of polymer science with the publication of newest results, latest trends, and their critical evaluation. It offers an attractive mixture of high-quality Full Papers, Talents, Trends, and Highlights in all areas of polymer science -from chemistry to physical chemistry and materials science. The journal also includes Book Reviews, Essays, Macromolecular News, and Conference Reports. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics was founded in 1943 by Hermann Staudinger, who received the Nobel Prize in 1953 for his pioneering work in proving the existence of macromolecules. With an again increased 2009 Impact Factor of 2.570, MCP is among the top-10 of journals publishing original research in polymer science, making Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics the journal of choice for your best original research articles. Special Series.
Mathematical Logic Quarterly publishes original contributions on mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics and related areas, such as general logic, model theory, recursion theory, set theory, proof theory and constructive mathematics, algebraic logic, nonstandard models, and logical aspects of theoretical computer science. - A Journal for Mathematical Logic, Foundations of Mathematics, and Logical Aspects of Theoretical Computer Science ISSN: 0942-5616 (print). 1521-3870 (online). Volume 57. 6 Issues in 2011.
Mathematische Nachrichten - Mathematical News publishes original papers on new results and methods that hold prospect for substantial progress in mathematics and its applications. All branches of analysis, algebra, number theory, geometry and topology, flow mechanics and theoretical aspects of stochastics are given special emphasis. Mathematische Nachrichten is indexed/abstracted in Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences; Mathematical Review; Zentralblatt fur Mathematik; Math Database on STN International, INSPEC; Science Citation Index ISSN: 0025-584X (print), 1522-2616 (online) Volume 283. 12 Issues in 2010.
Aims & Scope Molecular Nutrition & Food Research is a primary research journal devoted to health, safety and all aspects of molecular nutrition such as nutritional biochemistry, nutrigenomics and metabolomics aiming to link the information arising from related disciplines:
Stahlbau bundelt in einer Fachzeitschrift alles uber Stahl-, Verbund- und Leichtmetallkonstruktionen im gesamten Bauwesen. Seit 1928 begleitet sie maßgeblich den gesamten Stahlbau. In Stahlbau finden sich praxisorientierte Berichte uber samtliche Themen des Stahlbaus. Die in Stahlbau publizierten Fachaufsatze sind Erstveroffentlichungen. Themenuberblick: .
Structural Concrete, the official journal of the fib, provides conceptual and procedural guidance in the field of concrete construction, and features peer-reviewed papers, keynote research and industry news covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service and demolition of concrete structures.
Bautechnik ist seit mehr als 85 Jahren eine der fuhrenden technisch-wissenschaftlichen Fachpublikationen fur den gesamten Ingenieurbau. Sie tragt zur Forderung der Kommunikation zwischen Forschung und Praxis sowohl innerhalb des Bauwesens als auch interdisziplinar bei; daruber hinaus hilft sie, die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Bautechnik und Umwelt im weitesten Sinne zu bewerten. Themenuberblick:.