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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny

ISSN: 1863-7221eISSN: 1864-8312

The scope of the journal covers integrative taxonomy, morphology/anatomy, phylogeny (molecular or morphology-based), bio- and phylogeography, and palaeontology. Purely descriptive work, faunistic work, and (usually) work with a strong regional focus are outside the scope. Descriptions of new taxa are welcome, but must be embedded in a novel wider context (e.g. a phylogenetic, evolutionary, or biogeographical framework).

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Contributions to Entomology

ISSN: 0005-805XeISSN: 2511-6428

Contributions to Entomology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung. Suitable for the journal are original contributions in English (or German) language concerning insect systematics, taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography, faunistics, ecology, applied entomology, entomological bibliography, and history of entomology.

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Geologica Saxonica

ISSN: 1617-8467eISSN: 2750-8242

Research fields covered by Geologica Saxonica are geology, paleontology, stratigraphy, petrography, mineralogy and geoscience history with focus on Central Europe.

The journal of the Museum of Mineralogy and Geology was founded in 1876 by Hanns Bruno Geinitz as „Mitteilungen aus dem Königlichen Mineralogisch-Geologischen und Prähistorischen Museum“. It was refounded in 1955 by Hans Prescher as „Jahrbuch des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden“ and continued from 1966 as „Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden“. Since 2001 the periodical is entitled „Geologica Saxonica – Journal of Central European Geology“.

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International Journal of Malacology

ISSN: 1869-0963eISSN: 2367-0622
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Vertebrate Zoology

ISSN: 1864-5755eISSN: 2625-8498

Research fields covered by Vertebrate Zoology are ta‍xo‍no‍my, mor‍pho‍logy, an‍at‍omy, phy‍lo‍ge‍ny (mo‍le‍cu‍lar and mor‍pho‍lo‍gy-based), hi‍sto‍ri‍cal bio‍geo‍gra‍phy, and pa‍lae‍on‍to‍lo‍gy of ver‍te‍bra‍tes.

Vertebrate Zoology (formerly Zoologische Abhandlungen) is a scientific journal published by the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung. The journal is published online according to the Creative Commons Licence. Only manuscripts in English language are considered for publication.

Research fields covered by Vertebrate Zoology are taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, phylogeny (molecular and morphology-based), historical biogeography, and palaeontology of vertebrates. Original contributions as well as reviews are welcome. Descriptions of new taxa should be integrated into a proper context (e.g. complete revision of a taxon, phylogenetic or biogeographical framework). Studied specimens have to be deposited in a public scientific collection to allow re-examination and reproducibility of results.

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