JPRAS Open is an international, open access journal dedicated to publishing case reports, short communications, and full-length articles. JPRAS Open will provide the most current source of information and references in plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery. The Journal is based on the continued need to improve surgical care by providing highlights in general reconstructive surgery; cleft lip, palate and craniofacial surgery; head and neck surgery; skin cancer; breast surgery; hand surgery; lower limb trauma; burns; and aesthetic surgery. The Journal will provide authors with fast publication times.
JTO Clinical and Research Reports is the official open access journal of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. It aims to complement the Journal of Thoracic Oncology by offering authors a gold open access publication option and publishing the following article types in particular:
The increase in Japan's share of international trade and financial transactions has had a major impact on the world economy in general and on the U.S. economy in particular. The new economic interdependence between Japan and its trading partners created a variety of problems and so raised many issues that require further study.Japan and the World Economy will publish original research in economics, finance, managerial sciences, and marketing that express these concerns.Japan and the World Economy seeks to meet the growing need for comprehensive, impartial and scientific study of trade imbalance and friction, technological competition, internationalization of financial markets, exchange rate variation and macroeconomic coordination, comparative managerial and marketing practices and other related topics. Contributions are solicited from a broad-based, international community of scholars. In addition to empirical and policy-oriented studies, Japan and the World Economy also welcomes theoretical analysis that contributes to an understanding of the issues and proposes corrective action.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Japanese Dental Science Review is published by the Japanese Association for Dental Science aiming to introduce the modern aspects of the dental sciences from Japan more comprehensively and comparatively in the tide of the world dentistry and contribute to the development of dental basic and clinical sciences in the world, and to share and discuss the update information with foreign researchers and dentists for further development of dentistry.The Japanese Dental Science Review is unique journal devoted Review paper - many of which are invited, but unsolicited submissions are welcome and will be given full consideration. All submitted papers are subject to the peer- refereeing process..
The reference journal at the service of rheumatologists, Joint Bone Spine publishes original articles, editorials, general reviews, clinical cases, letters to the editor, etc., concerning joint, bone and spine diseases and all the latest advances in the specialty.Joint Bone Spine gives priority to medical and basic science studies pertaining to the many facets of rheumatology. The articles submitted to Joint Bone Spine in English are also published in the Revue du Rhumatisme, the official publication of the French Society of
Précédemment Journal Européen des Urgences, le Journal Européen des Urgences et de Réanimation s'adresse aux médecins urgentistes mais aussi à tous les professionnels de l'Urgence. Savocation : renforcer les liens entre unemédecine d'urgence, tous les jours plus avide de connaissances et de modernité, et denombreuses spécialités médicales et chirurgicales qui partagent avec elle la prise en charge des patients les plus graves, ou les plus complexes. Dans cette démarche, le JEUREA ouvre donc sa ligne éditoriale à desmédecins urgentistes mais aussi à d'autresspécialistes de renom pour faire profiter le lecteur desconnaissances indispensables et des mises à jour multidisciplinaire que requiert la prise en charge la plus avancée des urgences.Un outil de formation et une vitrine ouverte sur le monde des Urgences et du Samu.
Organe d'expression de la Société Française d'OphtalmologieUne information scientifique fiableLe Journal français d'ophtalmologie propose d'excellents articles originaux et cas cliniques qui vous permettront d'actualiser vos connaissances et de prendre connaissance des évolutions de votre spécialité. Dans chaque numéro, une large place est réservée aux communications de la Société française d'ophtalmologie. Rédigé par les meilleurs spécialistes, le Journal délivre des informations scientifiques de haute qualité.Le e-jfo, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Le e-jfo est le complément électronique du Journal français d'ophtalmologie et est exclusivement accessible sur le site Il propose des cas cliniques, l'agenda et les comptes rendus des congrès en ophtalmologie, l'annuaire des associations de patients et les résultats de la récente enquête de lectorat du journal.Une revue de formation médicale continueLe Journal français d'ophtalmologie vous propose d'enrichir votre pratique au travers de nombreux outils de FMC : dossiers thématiques ou tables rondes ayant eu lieu lors du congrès de la Société française d'ophtalmologie, revues générales, techniques chirurgicales, images sélectionnées pour leur qualité visuelle exceptionnelle et leur intérêt clinique, planches anatomo-cliniques...Toute l'actualité de votre spécialité Le Journal français d'ophtalmologie publie une revue de presse sur les articles les plus récents de la presse internationale dans l'e-jfo. La rédaction sélectionne aussi pour vous des ouvrages et en fait de courtes analyses.
Nouvelle formule en 2010 !Pour suivre au mieux les évolutions et avancées scientifiques en chirurgie digestive et viscérale, et vous permettre d’améliorer sans cesse la qualité des soins apportés à vos patients, le Journal de Chirurgie, le plus ancien des journaux chirurgicaux français, se modernise et vous propose une nouvelle formule avec encore plus de contenus !Le Journal de Chirurgie devient le Journal de Chirurgie ViscéraleLa revue scientifique de référence dans la discipline change de titre afin d’être encore plus proche de vos attentes. Retrouvez ainsi, dans le nouveau Journal, les meilleurs articles de recherche clinique, une revue de presse des principaux travaux internationaux dernièrement parus, mais également toute l’actualité scientifique, légale et socioprofessionnelle de la spécialité. Vous apprécierez notamment les nombreuses rubriques très didactiques soutenues par des illustrations en couleur d’excellente qualité (Cas cliniques, Bandes dessinées de techniques chirurgicales, Mises au point et Mini-revues), qui seront l’occasion pour vous, chercheur ou praticien, de faire le point, d’évaluer et d’optimiser votre pratique.New formula in 2010!In order to follow the evolutions and scientific news in digestive and visceral surgery, and to allow you to unceasingly improve quality of the care taken to your patients, the Journal of Surgery, oldest of the French surgical newspapers, proposes to you a modern and new formula with even more contents !Journal of Surgery becomes Journal of Visceral SurgeryThe scientific journal of reference in the area changes its title to be closer to your needs. Thus, find in the new formula, the best articles of clinical research, a press review of principal international work lately published, but also all the scientific, legal and socio-professional topicality of the speciality. You will appreciate, in particular, the very didactic headings supported by illustrations excellent quality of color (Clinical cases, Cartoons of surgical techniques and Mini-reviews), which will be the opportunity for you, researcher or expert, to evaluate and optimize your practice.
Un journal pluridisciplinaireLe Journal de gynécologie obstétrique aborde tous les aspects de la gynécologie obstétrique et de la gynécologie médicale, y compris la médecine foetale, le diagnostic prénatal, la chirurgie gynécologique, la gynécologie oncologique, l'uro-gynécologie, la chirurgie endoscopique, la sénologie, la médecine de la reproduction...La revue de référence de la spécialitéSoumis à une sélection rigoureuse selon les normes de publication internationales, le Journal de gynécologie obstétrique publie de nombreux articles originaux qui font référence.Votre outil scientifique de formationLe Journal de gynécologie obstétrique publie des mises au point, des revues générales et des synthèses qui vous permettront d'approfondir vos connaissances et de suivre régulièrement les évolutions.La rubrique état des connaissances fait le point sur un thème considéré dans la durée ; l'analyse de la presse internationale s'arrête sur les papiers les plus marquants de la discipline.
Published from 1836 by the leading French mathematicians, the Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées is the second oldest international mathematical journal in the world. It was founded by Joseph Liouville and published continuously by leading French Mathematicians - among the latest: Jean Leray, Jacques-Louis Lions, Paul Malliavin and presently Pierre-Louis Lions.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Le Journal de Mycologie Médicale (JMM), journal officiel de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale (SFMM), publie en français et en anglais des travaux consacrés à la mycologie humaine et animale. Il comporte 4 numéros par an comprenant des articles originaux, des revues générales, de courtes communications, des cas cliniques, des notes techniques, des lettres à l'éditeur et diverses informations. Les sujets traités concernent notamment les aspects cliniques , diagnostiques, épidémiologiques, immunologiques, médicaux, pathologiques, prophylactiques ou thérapeutiques des mycoses. Ils abordent aussi les aspects fondamentaux liés notamment à la morphologie (microscopie électronique et photonique), la physiologie, la biochimie, la biologie cellulaire et moléculaire, l'immunochimie, la génétique, la taxonomie et la phylogénie des champignons et des actinomycètes pathogènes ou opportunistes de l'homme et des animaux.The Journal de Mycologie Médicale (JMM), the official journal of the French Society for Medical Mycology (SFMM), publishes in French and in English works dealing with human and animal mycology. The 4 issues per year are composed of editorials, original articles, general reviews, short communications, case reports, technical notes, letters to the editor and information. The subjects treated are focused in particular on clinical, diagnostic, epidemiological, immunological, medical, pathological, preventive or therapeutic aspects of mycoses. Also covered are basic aspects linked primarily with morphology (electronic and photonic microscopy), physiology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, immunochemistry, genetics, taxonomy or phylogeny of pathogenic or opportunistic fungi and actinomycetes in humans or animals.
La revue de médecine pratique de l'enfance et de l'adolescence pour tous les professionnels de l'enfant et les médecins généralistes.Les articles du Journal de pédiatrie et de puériculture traitent en profondeur tous les aspects des soins à l'enfant dont la diversité est à l'image de ces professions aux rôles multiples. Les sujets traités couvrent le traitement et les soins aux enfants malades, le conseil génétique, ainsi que les techniques de pointe : nouvelles approches du diagnostic prénatal, génie génétique, etc.Les disciplines concernées sont nombreuses : pédiatrie générale, médecine fœtale et néonatale, nutrition, dermatologie, pharmacologie, psychiatrie et psychologie, puériculture pratique, enfant et société, nouvelles des congrès. Dans chacun des 8 numéros de la revue, le lecteur trouvera des informations sur son domaine de spécialité, ainsi que des résultats de recherches multidisciplinaires lui permettant de suivre l'évolution des autres spécialités.
Le Journal de radiologie diagnostique et interventionnelle s'appuie sur une grande qualité de publication et une ligne éditoriale rigoureuse qui lui donnent une valeur scientifique de niveau international. La revue publie des mises au point qui constituent de véritables références dans cette spécialité et qui sont regroupées dans 6 numéros annuels consacrés exclusivement à la FMC et font le point complet sur des thèmes d'actualité.
Un rendez-vous trimestriel à ne pas manquer pour les médecins rééducateurs, les médecins d¿appareillage, les médecins conseil, les services et les centres de rééducation, tout comme pour les autres intervenants concernés, les psychologues ou encore les acteurs de sciences humaines.Une revue de pratique et de formation en médecine physique et de réadaptationPar son approche globale et polydisciplinaire, le Journal de réadaptation médicale entend être un instrument de liaison entre la médecine, le handicap, la société et le médecin rééducateur. Ses travaux rigoureux d¿analyse et de synthèse contribuent au développement de la médecine physique et de réadaptation.Le Journal de réadaptation médicale publie régulièrement des numéros thématiques qui servent de documents de référence dans la spécialité.Des Cahiers de FMC publiés sous l¿égide du Collège national des enseignants universitaires de médecine physique et de réadaptation complètent la vocation pédagogique de la revue.
The Journal will consider for publication review articles in French or English language dealing with all the fields of infections (bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic) their treatment and prevention. Up to seven sections structure each issue: bacterial infections/antibiotics, viral infections/antiviral agents, mycobacterial infections/antimycobacterial agents, fungal infections/antifungal agents, parasitic infections/antiparasitic agents, vaccines, hygiene and infection control. Providing readers with a regular update on recent developments, the Journal is an indispensable gateway to information and training for practitioners, microbiologists, pharmacologists and students. Before publication, articles are submitted for review to 2 reviewers: modifications suggested by the reviewers must be included in a second version of the manuscript and resubmitted to the Journal. The Journal is not responsible to authors before the final decision of the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief.
The Journal for Nature Conservation deals with the application of science in the concepts, methods and techniques for nature conservation. This international and interdisciplinary journal offers a forum for the communication of modern approaches to nature conservation. It aims to provide both scientists and practitioners in conservation theory, policy and management with comprehensive and applicable information. In particular, the journal encourages cooperation between scientists and practitioners, including the integration of biodiversity issues with social and economic concepts. Therefore, review and research papers, conceptual, technical and methodological papers, as well as short communications are welcomed from a wide range of disciplines. This might include theoretical ecology, landscape ecology, restoration ecology, ecological modeling, ecological economics, ecosystem services, population genetics, land-use planning, conservation biology, wildlife management, environmental planning, monitoring, policy making and environmental education. The key criteria are that all submissions are focused on nature conservation and contribute relevant knowledge of general interest to the wider conservation community.
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The Journal of Accounting Education (JAEd) is a refereed journal dedicated to promoting and publishing research on accounting education issues and to improving the quality of accounting education worldwide.The Journal provides a vehicle for making results of empirical studies available to educators and for exchanging ideas, instructional resources, and best practices that help improve accounting education. The Journal includes four sections: a Main Articles Section, a Teaching and Educational Notes Section, an Educational Case Section, and a Best Practices Section. Manuscripts published in the Main Articles Section generally present results of empirical studies, although non-empirical papers (such as policy-related or essay papers) are sometimes published in this section. Papers published in the Teaching and Educational Notes Section include short empirical pieces (e.g., replications) as well as instructional resources that are not properly categorized as cases, which are published in a separate Case Section. Note: as part of the Teaching Note accompany educational cases, authors must include implementation guidance (based on actual case usage) and evidence regarding the efficacy of the case vis-à-vis a listing of educational objectives associated with the case.The Best Practices section includes individual and institutional practices related to, for example, student recruitment, student advising, student retention, alumni relations, and efforts to integrate accounting practice and accounting education. These articles are typically shorter in length than Main Section (i.e., research-based) articles. While such papers do not need evidence obtained on the basis of an experimental design (e.g., pre- versus post-test comparison), some evidence regarding the value or benefit of the best practice should be included, along with a discussion of relevant costs (out-of-pocket as well as opportunity costs, such as faculty time, practitioner involvement, etc.). Finally, note that the JAEd publishes manuscripts on all topics that are relevant to accounting education, including uses of technology, learning styles, assessment, curriculum, and faculty-related issues.
The Journal of Accounting and Economics encourages the application of economic theory to the explanation of accounting phenomena. It provides a forum for the publication of the highest quality manuscripts which employ economic analyses of accounting problems. A wide range of methodologies and topics are encouraged and covered:* The role of accounting within the firm;* The information content and role of accounting numbers in capital markets;* The role of accounting in financial contracts and in monitoring agency relationships;* The determination of accounting standards;* Government regulation of corporate disclosure and/or the Accounting profession;* The theory of the accounting firm.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Accounting and Public Policy publishes research papers focusing on the intersection between accounting and public policy. Preference is given to papers illuminating through theoretical or empirical analysis, the effects of accounting on public policy and vice-versa. Subjects treated in this journal include the interface of accounting with economics, political science, sociology, or law. The Journal includes a section entitled Accounting Letters. This section publishes short research articles that should not exceed approximately 3,000 words. The objective of this section is to facilitate the rapid dissemination of important accounting research. Accordingly, articles submitted to this section will be reviewed within fours weeks of receipt, revisions will be limited to one, and publication will occur within four months of acceptance.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Acute Medicine (JACME) is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine. It is published quarterly by Elsevier.The Journal aims to publish high quality scientific and clinical research in the field of emergency medicine, critical care and trauma, with the goal of promoting and disseminating medical science knowledge to improve global health.Articles on laboratory, clinical, and social research in emergency medicine and other related fields that are of interest to the medical profession are eligible for consideration. Review articles, original articles, case reports, short communications, and letters to the editor are accepted. The journal is published quarterly, with a total of 4 issues a year.
The Journal of Adolescent Health is a multidisciplinary scientific Journal, which seeks to publish new research findings in the field of Adolescent Medicine and Health ranging from the basic biological and behavioral sciences to public health and policy. We seek original manuscripts, review articles, letters to the editor, commentaries, and case reports from our colleagues in Anthropology, Dentistry and Oral Health, Education, Health Services Research, International Health, Law, Medicine, Mental Health, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Public Health and Policy, Social Work, Sociology, Youth Development, and other disciplines that work with or are committed to improving the lives of adolescents and young adults.The Journal is the official publication of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAHM), a multidisciplinary organization committed to improving the health and well-being of adolescents. One of the Society's primary goals is the development, synthesis, and dissemination of scientific and scholarly knowledge unique to the health needs of adolescents. To meet this goal, the Society established the Journal of Adolescent Health in 1980.According to the Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters, Journal of Adolescent Health has a 2012 Impact Factor of 2.966, and is ranked in the following categories:11th of 121 journals in Pediatrics (Science edition)30th of 158 journals in Public, Environmental and Occupational Health (Science edition)14th of 65 journals in Developmental Psychology (Social Science edition)11th of 136 journals in Public, Environmental and Occupational Health (Social Science edition)
Journal of Advanced Research is a peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary scientific research, theories and observations.Journal of Advanced Research aims to serve scientists through prompt publications of significant advances in any branch of science and to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning science. The editorial objective of the journal is facilitation of knowledge enhancement related to studies in the following fields:1. Science2. Medicine3. Dentistry4. Pharmacy5. Veterinary medicine6. Agriculture7. Engineering8. Information Technology
Founded in 1970, the Journal of Aerosol Science considers itself the prime vehicle for the publication of original work as well as reviews related to basic and applied aerosol research. Its content is directed at scientists working in areas such as physics, chemistry, engineering, applied mathematics, aerobiology, medicine, industrial and environmental hygiene, toxicology, or materials processing.The editors welcome submissions of papers describing recent theoretical and experimental research related to:• The basic physical, chemical and biological properties of systems of airborne particles of all types,• Their measurement,• Their formation, transport, deposition and effects,• Their industrial, environmental and medical applications.Beside originality, a very important criterion for acceptance of a submission is its ability to communicate conclusions of general relevance to a given field. On the other hand, the Journal is not intended to archive data such as environmental measurements from specific geographical regions, unless new methodologies are involved or broadly relevant new conclusions are reached.
The Journal of Affective Disorders publishes papers concerned with affective disorders in the widest sense: depression, mania, anxiety and panic. It is interdisciplinary and aims to bring together different approaches for a diverse readership. High quality papers will be accepted dealing with any aspect of affective disorders, including biochemistry, pharmacology, endocrinology, genetics, statistics, epidemiology, psychodynamics, classification, clinical studies and studies of all types of treatment.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of African Earth Sciences sees itself as the prime geological journal for all aspects of the geology of the African continent and the Middle East, and especially on the search for natural resources from these regions.This international interdisciplinary journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed scientific papers on the geodynamics of the African and Arabian plates and their contained mobile belts, cratons and sedimentary basins; the crustal evolution, tectonics and structural geology of this region; economic geology of major mineral deposits and hydrocarbon resources; sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeontology, petrology and mineralogy, geochemistry and isotope geology of Africa and the Middle East. Papers on applied geology should preferably be linked to such core geological disciplines and must be addressed to a more general geological readership. It is important to note that articles intended for submission to the Journal of African Earth Sciences must be of a wider African (or even international) context rather than purely local studies of limited scope, which should rather be addressed to national or local African-Middle Eastern journal forums. Journal of African Earth Sciences papers should appeal to a wide audience of geoscientists rather than being highly specialised technical papers.The journal is closely affiliated with the Geological Society of Africa and publishes the GSA Newsletter. The Journal of African Earth Sciences recently launched the "Geological Society of Africa Presidential Review" series of invited review articles written by acknowledged international experts, bringing together the latest earth science information for academic, applied geological and mining institutions on particular topics of wide interest.
Specifically, the journal focuses on:
(i) Theoretical issues relating to development of trade and African trade in particular;
(ii) Policy and institutional matters relating to the development of African trade and trade finance; and
(iii) Other contemporary issues of relevance to the development of global and African trade and trade Finance.
Though the foregoing constitute the primary focus of the Journal, papers relevant to trade and trade facilitation as well as other socio-economic issues, as they relate to social and economic development in Africa in general, will also be covered by
The Journal of Aging Studies features scholarly papers offering new interpretations that challenge existing theory and empirical work. Articles need not deal with the field of aging as a whole, but with any defensibly relevant topic pertinent to the aging experience and related to the broad concerns and subject matter of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities. The journal emphasizes innovations and critique - new directions in general - regardless of theoretical or methodological orientation or academic discipline. Critical, empirical, or theoretical contributions are welcome.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Agriculture and Food Research is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on research in the agricultural and food sciences. The journal welcomes full length research articles, reviews, short communications, perspectives, and commentaries from researchers in academic institutions, international research centers, and public and private research organizations. The journal has a special interest in the research that links agriculture and food together, and editors will prioritize to publish papers in this interdisciplinary field. Special issues covering topics in a specific subject area and conference proceedings are also considered for publication.
The Journal of Air Transport Management (JATM) sets out to address, through high quality research articles and authoritative commentary, the major economic, management and policy issues facing the air transport industry today. It offers practitioners and academics an international and dynamic forum for analysis and discussion of these issues, linking research and practice and stimulating interaction between the two.The refereed papers in the journal cover all the major sectors of the industry (airlines, airports, air traffic management) as well as related areas such as tourism management and logistics. Papers are blind reviewed, normally by two referees, chosen for their specialist knowledge. The journal provides independent, original and rigorous analysis in the areas of:• Policy, regulation and law• Strategy• Operations• Marketing• Economics and finance• SustainabilityPapers are welcomed covering key industry developments and trends, such as changes in government thinking towards air transport; evolving competitive environments and new industry structures; emerging and maturing markets and changing customer needs; sustainability and security challenges; and industry innovation and technological developments.In addition to normal papers, JATM also contains 'Notes' articles. These are short articles not exceeding 2500 words in length (including any references, footnotes, tables and figures). They should be self-contained papers, of either a theoretical or applied nature, that provide a stimulating approach to address a major and topical management or policy issue. They should not be review papers, indeed lengthy reviews of previous work should be avoided, and instead notes should succinctly address the topic in hand. The notes are subject to the normal blind refereeing process to maintain the high standards of the journal.
The Journal of Algebra is a leading international journal and publishes papers that demonstrate high quality research results in algebra and related computational aspects. Only the very best and most interesting papers are to be considered for publication in the journal. With this in mind, it is important that the contribution offer a substantial result that will have a lasting effect upon the field. The journal also seeks work that presents innovative techniques that offer promising results for future research.The Computational Algebra SectionThe Computational Algebra section has been introduced to provide an appropriate forum for contributions which make use of computer calculations and to broaden the scope of the Journal.The following papers are particularly welcome in the Computational Algebra section of the Journal of Algebra:• Results obtained by computer calculations - to be suitable for publication such results must represent a major advance of mathematics. It is not sufficient to extend previous computations by means of higher computer power. Rather the contribution has to exhibit new methods and mathematical results to be accepted.• Classifications of specific algebraic structures (in form of tables, if appropriate), which are not easily obtained and are useful to the algebraic community.• Description and outcome of experiments, to put forward new conjectures, to support existing conjectures, or to give counter examples to existing conjectures.• Papers emphasizing the constructive aspect of algebra, such as description and analysis of new algorithms (not program listings, nor, in the first instance, discussions of software development issues), improvements and extensions of existing algorithms, description of computational methods which are not algorithms in the strict sense (since, e.g., they need not terminate).• Interactions between algebra and computer science, such as automatic structures, word problems and other decision problems in groups and semigroups, preferably, but not necessarily, with an emphasis on practicality, implementations, and performance of the related algorithms.• Contributions are welcome from all areas of algebra, including algebraic geometry or algebraic number theory, if the emphasis is on the algebraic aspects.Contributions describing applications of algebraic results or methods, for example in coding theory, cryptography, or the algebraic theory of differential equations are highly welcome. An important general criterion for the publication of a paper in the Computational Algebra section is its emphasis on the constructive aspects.
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology publishes high-impact, cutting-edge clinical and translational research papers for allergists, immunologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, and other physicians and researchers interested in allergic diseases and clinical immunology. Articles cover such topics as asthma, food allergy, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, primary immune deficiencies, occupational and environmental allergy, and other allergic and immunologic diseases, and include clinical trials and mechanistic studies that report on novel therapies, insights into underlying mechanisms, and other discoveries that will inform our understanding of these diseases and ultimately improve the diagnosis and management of patients. With an impact factor of 12.047, the journal ranks 1st of 23 in the Allergy category and 7th of 135 in the Immunology category in the 2013 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology is also recommended for initial purchase in the Brandon-Hill study, Selected List of Books and Journals for the Small Medical Library.
Aims and ScopeJACI: In Practice covers the spectrum of conditions treated by allergist-immunologists in their practices. The emphasis of the journal is on information that is practical for clinicians-material that can be used in everyday practice or will help in acquiring new knowledge or skills that can be directly applied to patients. A major goal of JACI: In Practice is to provide our readers with a high level of evidence to support their clinical decisions in diagnosis and management. Content All JACI: In Practice content is peer-reviewed. The journal welcomes original research articles that fit into the above scope. For each original article, a highlight box indicates what is already known about this subject, what this study adds, and how the new information impacts current management guidelines. Shorter original research and instructive case reports are presented as Clinical Communications. "Images in Allergy" submissions that consist of clinical pictures (e.g., X-rays, CT scans, biopsies, allergens, endoscopic visualizations of the airway, eruptions, etc.) and impart important clinical information are also included. In addition, JACI: In Practice features various types of review articles that will primarily be invited by the editors. Many of these will offer CME. The original and review articles are supplemented by Editorials, AAAAI Practice Papers, and a regular Ask the Expert column.
The Journal of Alloys and Compounds is intended to serve as an international medium for the publication of work on solid materials comprising compounds as well as alloys. Its great strength lies in the diversity of discipline which it encompasses, drawing together results from materials science, solid-state chemistry and physics. The interdisciplinary nature of the journal is evident in many subject areas. Experimental and theoretical approaches to materials problems require an active interplay between a variety of traditional and novel scientific disciplines. In much of the work published in the journal, synthetic and structural studies are combined with investigations of chemical and physical properties of alloys and compounds, contributing to the development of areas of current scientific interest. Papers submitted for publication should contain new experimental or theoretical results. The Journal of Alloys and Compounds provides a unique international forum where materials scientists, chemists and physicists can present their results both to workers in their own fields and to others active in related areas.The journal will not consider topics on casting, liquid alloys, wear, creep, welding, conducting polymers, purely synthetic papers without any properties, coordination chemistry, ionic liquids, catalysis, biochemistry, and organic materials.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original work for the advance of the science of materials comprising alloys and compounds. The journal's great strength lies in the diversity of disciplines that the journal encompasses, drawing together results from materials science, solid-state chemistry, and condensed matter physics. The interdisciplinary nature of Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications manifests itself in many research subjects that require an active interplay between a variety of traditional and emerging scientific disciplines.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications provides a unique international platform where materials scientists, chemists, and physicists present their works both to researchers in their own fields and to others working in related areas. The work published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds Communications should comprise studies on syntheses and structure of alloys and compounds and investigations of their chemical and physical properties, contributing to the development of areas of current scientific interests. The journal publishes full-length papers, short communications, timely reviews, roadmaps, and perspective articles commensurate with the scope of the journal.
Journal of AAPOS presents expert information on children's eye diseases and on strabismus as it impacts all age groups. Major articles by leading experts in the field cover clinical and investigative studies, treatments, case reports, surgical techniques, descriptions of instrumentation, current concept reviews, and new diagnostic techniques. The Journal is the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The international Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis is devoted to the publication of qualitative and quantitative results relating to:- Controlled pyrolysis (thermal degradation) of chemical materials, including synthetic and natural macromolecules as well as lower molecular weight chemicals;- Fundamental studies of pyrolysis processes by chemical, physical and physicochemical methods:- Studies of pyrolysis reaction kinetics, energetics, and mechanisms;- Environmental, geochemical, biological, medical, and forensic applications of analytical pyrolysis;- Studies in high temperature chemistry, including chemical vapor deposition;- Pyrolysis investigations of energy related problems, including the characterization of fossil/synthetic fuels and coal extraction/liquefaction products;- Technical developments and new instrumentation for pyrolysis techniques in combination with chromatographic or spectroscopic methods;- Automation, optimization and standardization of pyrolysis techniques;- Computer handling and processing of pyrolysis data, including library filing and retrieval techniques, and computer matching and advanced pattern recognition techniques;- Analytical characterization of materials by alternative means of thermally assisted degradation, for example, by ozonolysis, hydrolysis, derivatization, or enzymatic cleavage;- Oxidative pyrolysis, including studies in the combustibility and flammability of materials, and the chemistry of flames;- Applied pyrolysis, i.e. the use of pyrolysis methods in the disposal of waste materials and/or in the production of energy or commercially useful chemicals.
An innovative, international publication, the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology is devoted to the development of theory and, in a broad sense, methodology for the systematic and rigorous understanding of the organization, operation, and evolution of human societies.The discipline served by the journal is characterized by its goals and approach, not by geographical or temporal bounds. The data utilized or treated range from the earliest archaeological evidence for the emergence of human culture to historically documented societies and the contemporary observations of the ethnographer, ethnoarchaeologist, sociologist, or geographer. These subjects appear in the journal as examples of cultural organization, operation, and evolution, not as specific historical phenomena. The concomitant range of socioeconomic complexity encompasses the simplest human culture, or "proto-culture," as well as the most complex states or empires.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Journal of Anxiety Disorders is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes research papers dealing with all aspects of anxiety disorders for all age groups (child, adolescent, adult and geriatric). Manuscripts that focus on disorders formerly categorized as anxiety disorders (obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder) and the new category of illness anxiety disorder are also within the scope of the journal. Research areas of focus include: traditional, behavioral, cognitive and biological assessment; diagnosis and classification; psychosocial and psychopharmacological treatment; genetics; epidemiology; and prevention. Theoretical and review articles that contribute substantially to current knowledge in the field are appropriate for submission. The journal also contains sections for clinical reports (single-case experimental designs and preliminary but innovative case series) and brief reports designed to highlight empirical research that may be limited in scope or present research that may be innovative but in need of replication (see instructions to authors regarding the format for the brief report).Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
On 1.8.2007, the Faculty of Biological Sciences became the Faculty of Science. The specialized study programs, which were focused almost exclusively on biology, have been expanded to include chemical, physical and programs. Also, courses in the offered study programs are included in the training program for future teachers.
The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology provides a forum for the presentation of conceptual, methodological, policy, and research studies involved in the application of behavioral science research in developmental and life span psychology. The Journal publishes quality papers from an interdisciplinary perspective focusing on a broad array of social issues.The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology focuses on two key concepts: human development, which refers to the psychological transformations and modifications that occur during the life cycle and influence an individual's behavior within the social milieu; and application of knowledge, which is derived from investigating variables in the developmental process. Its contributions cover research that deals with traditional life span markets (age, social roles, biological status, environmental variables) and broadens the scopes of study to include variables that promote understanding of psychological processes and their onset and development within the life span. Most importantly, the Journal demonstrates how knowledge gained from research can be applied to policy making and to educational, clinical, and social settings.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Applied Geophysics with its key objective of responding to pertinent and timely needs, places particular emphasis on methodological developments and innovative applications of geophysical techniques for addressing environmental, engineering, and hydrological problems. Related topical research in exploration geophysics and in soil and rock physics is also covered by the Journal of Applied Geophysics.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
This journal welcomes papers in the areas of logic which can be applied in other disciplines as well as application papers in those disciplines, the unifying theme being logics arising from modelling the human agent. For a list of areas covered see the Editorial Board.The editors keep close contact with the various application areas, with The International Federation of Compuational Logic and with the book series Studies in Logic and Practical Reasoning.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
This journal is a cover to cover translation of the Russian journal Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, published by the Russian Academy of Sciences and reflecting all the major achievements of the Russian School of Mechanics.The journal is concerned with high-level mathematical investigations of modern physical and mechanical problems and reports current progress in this field. Special emphasis is placed on aeronautics and space science and such subjects as continuum mechanics, theory of elasticity, and mathematics of space flight guidance and control.
The Journal of Applied Poultry Research (JAPR) provides practical, reliable, and timely information to those whose livelihood is derived from the commercial production of poultry and those whose research benefits this sector. This journal addresses topics of near-term application based on studies and criticial observations, encourages scientific approaches to practical problem solving, and presents information that is comprehensible to a broad readership. JAPR publishes original research reports, field reports, and reviews on breeding, hatching, health and disease, layer management, meat bird processing and products, meat bird management, microbiology, food safety, nutrition, environment, sanitation, welfare and economics.
DIRECCI N Flavia Freidenberg Universidad de Salamanca CONSEJO DE REDACCI N Elena Mart nez Barahona Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Amelia Brenes Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Patricia Marenghi (Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Fernando Pedrosa Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Margarita C. Batlle Univ. Externado. Colombia Luc a Miranda Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jorge Castillo Vaquera El Colegio Mexiquense. A.C.. M xico Daniela Paiva Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais. Brasil Araceli Mateos D az Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Juan Mario Solis Delgadillo Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Mar a Jos Cascante Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Santiago Basabe Serrano FLACSO. Ecuador Julieta Su rez Cao Northwestern University EE.UU. Oniel D az Jim nez University of Birmingham. Reino Unido An bal P rez-Li n Pittsburgh University. EE.UU. Idalina Arreola Atilano Univ. Aut noma de Tlaxcala. M xico CONSEJO CIENT FICO Manuel Alc ntara S ez Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Catalina Romero Pontificia Univ. Cat lica de Per Detlef Nolte GIGA-Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Hamburgo. Alemania Francisco Panizza (London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Gran Breta a Jonathan Hartlyn Univ. de Carolina del Norte. EE.UU. Olivier Dab ne SCIENCE PO. Francia Iv n Llamazares Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Salvador Mart Puig Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jos Enrique Molina Univ. del Zulia Venezuela Sim n Pachano FLACSO. Ecuador Ludolfo Paramio CSIC. Espa a Francisco Guti rrez San n Univ. Nacional. Colombia Fernando Rueda Junquera Univ. de Burgos. Espa a Philippe C. Schmitter Instituto Universitario Europeo. Italia Mario Serrafero Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Pilar Domingo Univ. de Londres. Gran Breta a V ctor Alarc n Olgu n Univ. Aut noma Metropolitana. M xico Esther del Campo Univ.
The Journal of Approximation Theory is devoted to advances in pure and applied approximation theory and related areas. These areas include, among others:• Classical approximation• Abstract approximation• Constructive approximation• Degree of approximation• Fourier expansions• Interpolation of operators• General orthogonal systems• Interpolation and quadratures• Multivariate approximation• Orthogonal polynomials• Padé approximation• Rational approximation• Spline functions of one and several variables• Approximation by radial basis functions in Euclidean spaces, on spheres, and on more general manifolds• Special functions with strong connections to classical harmonic analysis, orthogonal polynomial, and approximation theory (as opposed to combinatorics, number theory, representation theory, generating functions, formal theory, and so forth)• Approximation theoretic aspects of real or complex function theory, function theory, difference or differential equations, function spaces, or harmonic analysis• Wavelet Theory and its applications in signal and image processing, and in differential equations with special emphasis on connections between wavelet theory and elements of approximation theory (such as approximation orders, Besov and Sobolev spaces, and so forth)• Gabor (Weyl-Heisenberg) expansions and sampling theory
The Journal of Archaeological Science is aimed at archaeologists and scientists with particular interests in advancing the development and application of scientific techniques and methodologies to all areas of archaeology. This established monthly journal publishes original research papers and major review articles, of wide archaeological significance.The journal provides an international forum for archaeologists and scientists from widely different scientific backgrounds who share a common interest in developing and applying scientific methods to inform major debates through improving the quality and reliability of scientific information derived from archaeological research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Submitted papers will be reviewed by two reviewers and we aim to reach a first decision within 4 weeks.
We welcome suggestions for thematic sets of papers arising from meetings dealing with aspects of Scientific Archaeology and Archaeological Science and will publish special volumes of high-quality papers deriving from conferences and symposia.
We especially welcome contributions from early career researchers.
If your article describes a new technique or has global significance please consider submitting to
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The Journal of Arid Environments is an international journal publishing original scientific and technical research articles on physical, biological and cultural aspects of arid, semi-arid, and desert environments. As a forum of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue it addresses research on all aspects of arid environments and their past, present and future use.Research Areas include:Paleoclimate and PaleoenvironmentsClimate and Climate ChangeHydrological processes and systemsGeomorphological processes and systemsSoils (physical and biological aspects)Ecology (Plant and Animal Sciences)Anthropology and human ecology (archaeology, sociology, ethnobotany, human adaptations,etc. Agriculture Land use grazing, mining, tourism, etc)Land use (agronomy, grazing, mining, tourism, etc)Conservation (theory, policy, sustainability, economics, heritage)Land degradation (desertification) and rehabilitationEnvironmental monitoring and managementBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Arthroplasty brings together the clinical and scientific foundations for joint replacement. This peer-reviewed journal publishes original research and manuscripts of the highest quality from all areas relating to joint replacement or the treatment of its complications, including those dealing with clinical series and experience, prosthetic design, biomechanics, biomaterials, metallurgy, biologic response to arthroplasty materials in vivo and in vitro.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
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The Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity (previous title was Journal of Korean Nature) is an official journal of National Science Museum of Korea (NSMK) and Korea National Arboretum (KNA).
The scope of journal is wide and multidisciplinary that publishes original research papers, review articles, as well as conceptual, technical and methodological papers on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its application by humankind. This wide and multidisciplinary journal aims to provide both scientists and practitioners in conservation theory, policy and management with comprehensive and applicable information.
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The Journal of Asian Earth Sciences is an international interdisciplinary journal devoted to all aspects of research related to the solid Earth Sciences of Asia. The Journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed scientific papers on the regional geology, tectonics, geochemistry and geophysics of Asia. It will be devoted primarily to research papers but short communications relating to new developments of broad interest, reviews and book reviews will also be included. Papers must have international appeal and should present work of more than local significance.The scope includes deep processes of the Asian continent and its adjacent oceans; seismology and earthquakes; orogeny, magmatism, metamorphism and volcanism; growth, deformation and destruction of the Asian crust; crust-mantle interaction; evolution of life (early life, biostratigraphy, biogeography and mass-extinction); fluids, fluxes and reservoirs of mineral and energy resources; surface processes (weathering, erosion, transport and deposition of sediments) and resulting geomorphology; and the response of the Earth to global climate change as viewed within the Asian continent and surrounding oceans.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Asian Economics provides a forum for publication of increasingly growing research in Asian economic studies and a unique forum for continental Asian economic studies with focus on (i) special studies in adaptive innovation paradigms in Asian economic regimes, (ii) studies relative to unique dimensions of Asian economic development paradigm, as they are investigated by researchers, (iii) comparative studies of development paradigms in other developing continents, Latin America and Africa, (iv) the emerging new pattern of comparative advantages between Asian countries and the United States and North America, and (v) the emerging economic dimensions following the one-currency based European Economic Community and the new economic reforms in Soviet Union and in Eastern European Countries.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal also encourages papers involving:
The journal covers the physical processes operating in the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, the Sun, interplanetary medium, and heliosphere. Phenomena occurring in other "spheres", solar influences on climate, and supporting laboratory measurements are also considered. The journal deals especially with the coupling between the different regions.
Solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and other energetic events on the Sun create interesting and important perturbations in the near-Earth space environment. The physics of this subject, now termed "space weather", is central to the
The Journal of Autoimmunity publishes papers related to the diverse aspects of autoimmunity: the mechanism of self-recognition, regulation of autoimmune responses, experimental autoimmune diseases, diagnostic autoantibody tests, and the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of autoimmune diseases. Special, but not exclusive, attention will be given to papers dealing with genetic, molecular biology, and cellular aspects of the discipline.Research Areas Include:• Underlying mechanisms of autoimmunity• Immunologic• Molecular• Cellular• Genetic• VirologicAreas of Clinical Interest:• Rheumatology• Dermatology• Endocrinology• Nephrology• Haematology• ImmunopharmacologySpecial issues:Suggestions for special issue topics and guest editors can be sent to Deirdre Dunne, d.dunne@elsevier.comBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF) publishes theoretical and empirical research papers spanning all the major research fields in finance and banking. The aim of the Journal of Banking and Finance is to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial institutions and the money and capital markets within which they function. The Journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their implementation, empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research in banking and other domestic and international financial institutions and markets. The Journal's purpose is to improve communications between, and within, the academic and other research communities and policymakers and operational decision makers at financial institutions - private and public, national and international, and their regulators.Main subjects covered include: Accounting and Financial Reporting; Alternative Investments; Asset Pricing; Banking Efficiency; Banking Regulation; Bank Solvency and Capital Structure; Behavioural Finance; Commodity and Energy Markets; Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance and Ethics; Credit Rating; Derivative Pricing and Hedging; Empirical Finance; Financial Applications of Decision Theory or Game Theory; Financial Applications of Simulation or Numerical Methods; Financial Economics; Financial Engineering; Financial Forecasting; Financial Risk Management and Analysis; Portfolio Optimization and Trading; Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions; Stochastic Models for Asset and Instrument Prices; Systemic Risk.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal welcomes contributions to the understanding and treatment of psychopathology. Such contributions may stem from various theoretical perspectives, such as learning theory, cognitive science, social psychology, developmental psychology, etc. The Journal primarily focuses on experimental tests of psychological approaches to psychopathology, though contributions from medicine, biology, sociology, or epidemiology may be published. The same holds for non-experimental approaches, which may occasionally be published if deemed relevant for the field of experimental psychopathology. Papers to be published generally focus on:•Theoretically or clinically relevant differences between specific patient groups and other groups, if experimentally tested;•Mechanisms that cause, perpetuate or reduce disorders;•Diagnostic or therapeutic proceduresParticipants in the studies may be patients, healthy subjects, or animals, depending on the relevance of the subject characteristics for the question to be answered.Clinical trials (RCTs and others) should be registered in an official trial register and the registration number should be reported. These studies should include a flow diagram according to the most recent CONSORT guidelines and a CONSORT checklist should accompany the submission. See for the guidelines and forms.Studies testing hypotheses on characteristics of a disorder should not only include a non-patient control group, but also an appropriate clinical control group, to assess the specificity of the effect. We cannot guarantee acceptance of studies missing an appropriate clinical control group.Case studies, open trials, and pilot studies may be considered for publication in the Journal if they are unusually innovative.Consecutive case series with appropriate designs (i.e., contrasting at least two conditions; e.g. multiple baseline design) and appropriate statistical analyses are considered for publication.Replications are essential in science and are, to the present editor's opinion, often undervalued. Short reports of attempts to replicate experimental studies, whether successful, or failed, and whether applied or fundamental, are considered for publication, if appropriately powered. The maximum number of words is 2500 for these reports.All submissions will first be screened on the degree to which they match the Aims and Scope of the Journal.
La JBHSI es un foro abierto a todos los investigadores interesados en contribuir con el avance del conocimiento, y tiene como objetivo fundamental difundir trabajos originales empíricos, metodológicos o conceptuales en las áreas de Psicología experimental, análisis contingencial aplicado, y análisis de la conducta humana y animal, en las áreas interdisciplinarias de salud, educación, trabajo y comportamiento social.
The area of Behavioral Finance and the related area of Experimental Finance are now fully accepted as mainstream approaches within finance. Behavioral and experimental finance therefore represent lenses and approaches through which we can view financial decision-making. The aim of the journal is to publish high quality research in the fields of corporate finance, asset pricing, financial econometrics, international finance, personal financial decision making, macro-finance, banking and financial intermediation, capital markets, risk management and insurance, derivatives, quantitative finance, corporate governance and compensation, investments, market mechanisms, SME and microfinance and entrepreneurial finance, where such research is carried out with a behavioral perspective and/or is carried out via experimental methods.The journal aims to provide a single source for the latest research in these areas. It is open to but not limited to papers which cover investigations of biases, the role of various neurological markers in financial decision making, national and organizational culture as it impacts financial decision making, sentiment and asset pricing, the design and implementation of experiments to investigate financial decision making and trading, methodological experiments, and natural experiments. Although primarily empirical, it welcomes theoretical papers which cast light on behavioral and experimental topics. the journal is also open to review and survey papers on any aspect of the above, where such papers aim to provide an overview and synthesis of present research.
The Journal of Biomechanics publishes reports of original and substantial findings using the principles of mechanics to explore biological problems. Analytical, as well as experimental papers may be submitted, and the journal accepts original articles, surveys and perspective articles (usually by Editorial invitation only), book reviews and letters to the Editor. The criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include excellence, novelty, significance, clarity, conciseness and interest to the readership.Papers published in the journal may cover a wide range of topics in biomechanics, including, but not limited to:Fundamental Topics - Biomechanics of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, mechanics of hard and soft tissues, biofluid mechanics, mechanics of prostheses and implant-tissue interfaces, mechanics of cells.Cardiovascular and Respiratory Biomechanics - Mechanics of blood-flow, air-flow, mechanics of the soft tissues, flow-tissue or flow-prosthesis interactions.Cell Biomechanics - Biomechanic analyses of cells, membranes and sub-cellular structures; the relationship of the mechanical environment to cell and tissue response.Dental Biomechanics - Design and analysis of dental tissues and prostheses, mechanics of chewing.Functional Tissue Engineering - The role of biomechanical factors in engineered tissue replacements and regenerative medicine.Injury Biomechanics - Mechanics of impact and trauma, dynamics of man-machine interaction.Molecular Biomechanics - Mechanical analyses of biomolecules.Orthopedic Biomechanics - Mechanics of fracture and fracture fixation, mechanics of implants and implant fixation, mechanics of bones and joints, wear of natural and artificial joints.Rehabilitation Biomechanics - Analyses of gait, mechanics of prosthetics and orthotics.Sports Biomechanics - Mechanical analyses of sports performance.The journal is affiliated to the American Society of Biomechanics, the International Society of Biomechanics, the European Society of Biomechanics, the Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics
The Journal of Biomedical Informatics (formerly Computers and Biomedical Research) has been designed to reflect a commitment to high-quality original research papers, reviews, and commentaries in the area of biomedical informatics. Although we publish articles motivated by applications in the biomedical sciences (for example, clinical medicine, health care, population health, imaging, and translational bioinformatics), the journal emphasizes reports of new methodologies and techniques that have general applicability and that form the basis for the evolving science of biomedical informatics. Articles on medical devices; evaluations of implemented systems (including clinical trials of information technologies); or papers that provide insight into a biological process, a specific disease, or treatment options would generally be more suitable for publication in other venues. Papers on applications of signal processing and image analysis are often more suitable for biomedical engineering journals, although we do publish papers that emphasize the information management and knowledge representation/modeling issues that arise in the storage and use of biological signals and images. System descriptions are welcome if they illustrate and substantiate the underlying methodology that is the principal focus of the report and an effort is made to address the generalizability and/or range of application of that methodology.The methods that are the focus of JBI papers may be drawn from any of a number of component sciences in the field of biomedical informatics. Although the methods are often related to the field of computer science, many JBI papers will emphasize innovative techniques from other fields, such as decision science, statistics, cognitive science, psychology, information science, or management science.
The Journal of Biomedical Research (JBR), a peer-reviewed bimonthly biomedical publication, intends to provide international biomedical researchers with an open forum to disseminate important new information about biomedical research. JBR is covered by major abstracting and indexing services and welcomes submissions from authors worldwide. It publishes original research articles, review articles and case reports, and Letter to the Editor is also accepted. JBR covers the latest developments in multidisciplinary areas of biology and biomedicine, and focuses on mechanistic studies at the molecular level. Manuscripts with innovative ideas and/or approaches that bridge different fields are considered with priority. The main subject areas include, but are not limited to, biochemistry/biophysics, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, protein science, structural biology, and translational medicine.
The Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering is a research journal publishing original full-length research papers, short research papers (notes), reviews, and Letters to the Editor. The Journal is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge concerning fermentation technology, biochemical engineering, food technology and microbiology.
The Journal provides a medium for the rapid publication of both full-length articles and short communications on novel and innovative aspects of biotechnology. The Journal will accept papers ranging from genetic or molecular biological positions to those covering biochemical, chemical or bioprocess engineering aspects as well as computer application of new software concepts, provided that in each case the material is directly relevant to biotechnological systems. Papers presenting information of a multidisciplinary nature that would not be suitable for publication in a journal devoted to a single discipline, are particularly welcome. The following areas are covered in the Journal:* Nucleic Acids/Molecular Biology* Physiology/Biochemistry* Biochemical Engineering/Bioprocess Engineering* Industrial Processes/New Products* Medical Biotechnology* Agro- and Food Biotechnology * Genomics and BioinformaticsMore information on these areas can be found hereBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies brings you the latest therapeutic techniques and current professional debate. Publishing highly illustrated articles on a wide range of subjects this journal is immediately relevant to everyday clinical practice in private, community and primary health care settings.Techniques featured include:• Physical Therapy• Osteopathy• Chiropractic• Massage Therapy• Structural Integration• Feldenkrais• Yoga Therapy• Dance• Physiotherapy• Pilates• Alexander Technique• Shiatsu and Tuina• Occupational Therapy• Tai Chi / Qi Gong• Cranial Therapy• Neuromuscular Therapy• Lymph Drainage• Myofascial Therapy• Applied KinesiologyEssential reading for all those involved in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal dysfunction.
The Journal of Bone Oncology is a peer-reviewed international journal aimed at presenting basic, translational and clinical high-quality research related to bone and cancer.As the first journal dedicated to cancer induced bone diseases, JBO welcomes original research articles, review articles, editorials and opinion pieces. Case reports will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and only when accompanied by a comprehensive review of the subject. The areas covered by the journal include:Bone metastases (pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnostics, clinical features, prevention, treatment)Preclinical models of metastasisBone microenvironment in cancer (stem cell, bone cell and cancer interactions)Bone targeted therapy (pharmacology, therapeutic targets, drug development, clinical trials, side-effects, outcome research, health economics)Cancer treatment induced bone loss (epidemiology, pathophysiology, prevention and management)Bone imaging (clinical and animal, skeletal interventional radiology)Bone biomarkers (clinical and translational applications)Radiotherapy and radio-isotopesSkeletal complicationsBone pain (mechanisms and management)Orthopaedic cancer surgeryPrimary bone tumoursClinical guidelinesMultidisciplinary careKeywords: bisphosphonate, bone, breast cancer, cancer, CTIBL, denosumab, metastasis, myeloma, osteoblast, osteoclast, osteooncology, osteo-oncology, prostate cancer, skeleton, tumour
The journal will cover, but is not limited to, the following topics:
• Acoustics
• Architectural design
• Building maintenance
• Building materials
• Building pathology
• Building performance
• Coatings and claddings
• Computer aided-design and simulation
• Construction engineering management
• Construction technology
• Energy efficiency
• Environmental design and assessment
• Façade and envelope engineering
• Facilities management
• Fire safety engineering
• Health and wellbeing
• HVAC systems
• Indoor environment
• Inspection and diagnosis
• Life cycle assessment
• Lighting
• Retrofit and refurbishment of existing buildings
• Service life prediction
• Strengthening and rehabilitation
• Structural analysis
• Structural assessment
• Structural design
• Structural monitoring and testing
• Sustainable buildings
• Thermo-hygrometric design
• Water systems and sanitation
• Whole life cost
Technical notes on projects, codes and standards are also welcomed.
The Journal of Business Research applies theory developed from business research to actual business situations. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many areas of business activity, JBR examines a wide variety of business decisions, processes and activities within the actual business setting. Theoretical and empirical advances in buyer behavior, finance, organizational theory and behavior, marketing, risk and insurance and international business are evaluated on a regular basis. Published for executives, researchers and scholars alike, the Journal aids the application of empirical research to practical situations and theoretical findings to the reality of the business world.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Business Venturing: A Journal Dedicated to Entrepreneurship provides a scholarly forum for sharing useful and interesting theories, narratives, and interpretations of the antecedents, mechanisms, and/or consequences of entrepreneurship.This multi-disciplinary, multi-functional, and multi-contextual journal aspires to deepen our understanding of the entrepreneurial phenomenon in its myriad of forms. The journal publishes entrepreneurship research from (1) the disciplines of economics, psychology, and sociology and welcomes research from other disciplines such as anthropology, geography, history, and so on, (2) the functions of finance/accounting, management, marketing, and strategy and welcomes research from other functions such as operations, information technology, public policy, medicine, law, music, and so on, and (3) the contexts of international and sustainability (environmental and social) and welcomes research from other contexts such as high uncertainty, dynamism, time pressured, emotional, and so on.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
JBV Insights is supercharged in terms of speed and accessibility and aims to have manuscripts with the journal for no longer than three months (from submission to online publication [or rejection]). Manuscripts will be concise and widely available online via ScienceDirect.
The research featured in JBV Insights will highlight important ideas that cannot yet meet the threshold for completeness, robustness or theoretical explication required of JBV, but will otherwise stimulate further research. Empirical submissions could include unusual findings, atheoreical descriptions, non-findings or replication of established relationships, or single experiments. Theoretical submissions could include thought-provoking examples or juxtapositions. Other submissions include simulations and scale and other methodological developments.
The editorial policy of the JBV Insights requires that submitted articles highlight and stimulate conversation about entrepreneurial phenomena. Articles can be based on empirical findings or descriptions, theoretical arguments, simulations, or methodological developments.
JBV Insights represents a multi-discipline voice on entrepreneurship including, in the fields of management, strategy, sociology, psychology, economics, international business, finance/accounting, sustainable and social entrepreneurship, and marketing.
Types of Paper
Papers that successfully survive the review process share several attributes:
• A precise description of the research problem, issue, or question
• Use of appropriate methods or, in the case of theory pieces, persuasive argumentation
• A clear summary of results
• Concise but clear implications for theory and/or practice
The Journal of Cancer Policy is an international, open access journal which publishes research and reviews on global cancer policy. The journal encompasses all aspects of cancer policy and public health, including:* Health economics related to cancer* Drug development, including cost and regulatory issues* Drug and lifestyle mediated prevention of cancer* The management of cancer in low, middle and high income countries* Inequalities in cancer care* Priorities for cancer policy development* Cancer systems and organisation of care, research and education* Social determinants of cancer* Political economy of cancer* The role of patient advocacy groups in cancer policyThe Journal of Cancer Policy will consider original research, reviews, short communications and reports, and correspondence for publication.
Journal of Cardiac Failure publishes original, peer-reviewed communications of scientific excellence and review articles on clinical research, basic human studies, animal studies, and bench research with potential clinical applications to heart failure - pathogenesis, etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, assessment, prevention, and treatment.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The official journal of the Japanese College of Cardiology is an international, English language, peer-reviewed journal publishing the latest findings in cardiovascular medicine. The Journal of Cardiology (JC) aims to publish the highest-quality material covering original basic and clinical research on all aspects of cardiovascular disease. Topics covered include ischemic heart disease, cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment, new diagnostic techniques, and cardiovascular imaging. JC also publishes a selection of review articles, clinical trials, short communications, and important messages and letters to the editor.
Fast, authoritative and in-depth reportsJournal of Cardiology Cases (JC Cases) is an official peer-reviewed online journal of the Japanese College of Cardiology (JCC) dedicated to case reports. JC Cases provides an appropriate forum for all cardiologists by publishing without delay their important clinical cases of recent occurrence. Accepted articles are online soon after author proofs are returned with assigned volume and page numbers (article-based publishing). Notable articles are also discussed in the journal's editorials. One year after their publication, all articles become accessible, at no cost, also to nonsubscribers.Learning from real casesLearning from medical cases provides valuable experience not only for clinicians, but also for students and paramedical staff members. Rare medical cases and conditions discovered through the latest methods of examination are often not found in textbooks, but frequently they are quickly reported in JC Cases. Encountering them early will greatly contribute to the acquisition of actual clinical capability by students and staff alike. Furthermore, learning diagnostic processes from medical cases and the interpretation of symptoms is important to train and develop thinking processes used in the clinical field.For all medical personnelThis journal provides paramedical staff members also with opportunities to learn specifically about the role of examinations and ways to manage patients. Therefore JC Cases is the leading such case report journal and should be regularly read by all cardiovascular medical researchers, doctors, and medical personnel.From every clinical siteThe journal welcomes contributions from nonmembers of the Society. Please prepare manuscripts in conformance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.
The Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia is primarily aimed at anesthesiologists who deal with patients undergoing cardiac, thoracic or vascular surgical procedures. JCVA features a multidisciplinary approach, with contributions from cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgeons, cardiologists, and other related specialists. Emphasis is placed on rapid publication of clinically relevant material. The journal is international in scope and encourages innovative submissions from all continents.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography is a unique peer-review journal that integrates the entire international cardiovascular CT community including cardiologist and radiologists, from basic to clinical academic researchers, to private practitioners, engineers, allied professionals, industry, and trainees, all of whom are vital and interdependent members of our cardiovascular imaging community across the world. The goal of the journal is to advance the field of cardiovascular CT as the leading cardiovascular CT journal, attracting seminal work in the field with rapid and timely dissemination in electronic and print media.The Journal addresses a broad range of topics that affect cardiovascular CT imaging. Our major focus is on original research and on the clinical and technical aspects of cardiovascular CT. Other sections include Contemporary and Historical Reviews, unique Case Reports, Viewpoints, Practical Tips and Tricks, Images with videos viewable on the Internet, Guidelines, Editorial Commentaries, Basic/Clinical Implications, Historical Vignettes and news developments in cardiovascular CT. As the Official Journal of the Society of Cardiovascular CT, we also publish the Plenary address given at the annual Scientific Sessions of SCCT each summer.We publish position papers and important news information for SCCT members about the Society, and supplement issues, including the abstracts from the Annual Scientific Session.To encourage and promote excitement in performing research, each year we recognize leading clinicians and researchers, and recognize outstanding cardiology and four outstanding radiology trainees for their work in the field.The Editorial Board includes internationally prominent individuals who are devoted to advancement of the science of cardiovascular CT.Electronic usage:An increasing number of readers access the journal online via ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information.Average monthly article downloads for this journal: 2,443** Figure is a monthly average of full-text articles downloaded from ScienceDirect between October 2012 and October 2013
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (JCMR), the official journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, is an open access, online journal that publishes articles on all aspects of basic and clinical research on the design, development, manufacture, and evaluation of magnetic resonance methods applied to the cardiovascular system.
Journal of Catalysis is the premier scholarly publication in the field of catalysis and an indispensable source of information for chemists and chemical engineers in both industrial and academic fields. Over the last decade, Journal of Catalysis has been ranked among the top five chemical engineering journals in terms of impact and relevance. During this period, it has published some of the most important contributions to physical chemistry and the science and applications of catalysis.Journal of Catalysis publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis and homogeneous catalysis. These include studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical processes at surfaces and in metal complexes, novel concepts in surface chemistry, the synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, and theoretical methods of direct interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysts and catalytic processes.Journal of Catalysis publishes manuscripts of archival value because of their significant fundamental and conceptual contributions to our understanding and practice of catalytic chemistries. The journal features authoritative articles, priority communications, research notes, and letters to the Editors.Journal of Catalysis also publishes Priority Communications and Research Notes. Priority Communications contain unique, exciting, and novel results that provide compelling evidence for rapid publication; while results in such communications may be of a preliminary nature, experimental details must be fully documented and the results reliably reproduced. Research Notes typically contain data and concepts that resolve in a concise but rigorous manner issues raised in previous publications.
Research Areas include:
The Journal of Cereal Science was established in 1983 to provide an International forum for the publication of original research papers of high standing covering all aspects of cereal science related to the functional and nutritional quality of cereal grains and their products.The journal also publishes concise and critical review articles appraising the status and future directions of specific areas of cereal science and short rapid communications that present news of important advances in research. The journal aims at topicality and at providing comprehensive coverage of progress in the field.Papers submitted to Journal of Cereal Science should not be purely descriptive or confirmatory in nature, but should be innovative and offer new insights into cereal science research.Research Areas Include:• Composition and analysis of cereal grains in relation to quality in end use• Morphology, biochemistry, and biophysics of cereal grains relevant to functional and nutritional characteristics• Structure and physicochemical properties of functionally and nutritionally important components of cereal grains such as polysaccharides, proteins, oils, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals• Storage of cereal grains and derivatives and effects on nutritional and functional quality• Genetics, agronomy, and pathology of cereal crops if there is a substantive relationship to end-use properties of cereal grains• Functional and nutritional aspects of cereal-based foods and beverages, whether baked, fermented, or extruded• Industrial products (e.g., starch derivatives, syrups, protein concentrates, and isolates) from cereal grains, and their technology• functional genomics as it relates to end-use quality.Database coverage includes AGRICOLA, Biological Abstracts (BIOSIS), Chemical Abstracts, Current Contents, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, Maize Abstracts, Research Abstracts, and Science Citation Index.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy publishes scientific reports relating the functional and biochemical aspects of the nervous system with its microanatomical organization. The scope of the journal concentrates on reports which combine microanatomical, biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural approaches.Papers should offer original data correlating the morphology of the nervous system (the brain and spinal cord in particular) with its biochemistry. The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy is particularly interested in publishing important studies performed with up-to-date methodology utilizing sensitive chemical microassays, hybridoma technology, immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization and receptor radioautography, to name a few examples.The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy is the natural vehicle for integrated studies utilizing these approaches. The articles will be selected by the editorial board and invited reviewers on the basis of their excellence and potential contribution to this field of neurosciences. Both in vivo and in vitro integrated studies in chemical neuroanatomy are appropriate subjects of interest to the journal. These studies should relate only to vertebrate species with particular emphasis on the mammalian and primate nervous systems.
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics exists primarily for dissemination of significant new knowledge in experimental equilibrium thermodynamics and transport properties of chemical systems. The defining attributes of The Journal are the quality and relevance of the papers published.The Journal publishes work relating to gases, liquids, solids, polymers, mixtures, solutions and interfaces. Studies on systems with variability, such as biological or bio-based materials, gas hydrates, among others, will also be considered provided these are well characterized and reproducible where possible. Experimental methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow critical assessment of the accuracy claimed.Authors are encouraged to provide physical or chemical interpretations of the results. Articles can contain modelling sections providing representations of data or molecular insights into the properties or transformations studied. Theoretical papers on chemical thermodynamics using molecular theory or modelling are also considered.The Journal welcomes review articles in the field of chemical thermodynamics but prospective authors should first consult one of the Editors concerning the suitability of the proposed review.Contributions of a routine nature or reporting on uncharacterised materials are not accepted.We strongly encourage all authors to use EES at the following URL when submitting papers to The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics.EES can be accessed at: time users will need to register)JCT Style guidePlease consult the Guide for Authors for further details on the requirements for submitting your paper to The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. The guidelines described in this document, as well as those listed in the JCT Style Notes, should be carefully adhered to ensure high-quality and rapid publication of your manuscript.
The Journal of Chiropractic Humanities (ISSN 1556-3499) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to providing a forum for the chiropractic profession to disseminate information dedicated to chiropractic humanities. The primary purpose of the Journal of Chiropractic Humanities is to foster scholarly debate and interaction within the chiropractic profession regarding the humanities, which includes history, philosophy, linguistics, literature, jurisprudence, ethics, theory, sociology, comparative religions, and aspects of social sciences that address historical or philosophical approaches. The journal's objective is to fulfill this purpose through careful editorial review and publication of expert work, by creating legitimate dialogue in a field where adiversity of opinion exists, and by providing a professional forum for interaction of these views.The journal is currently indexed in Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Manual Alternative and Natural Therapy Index System (MANTIS), and the Index to Chiropractic Literature (ICL).Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Chiropractic Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to providing a forum for the chiropractic profession to disseminate information dedicated to the developing primary care emphasis within the profession. The journal focuses on providing practical and applicable information for the practicing doctor of chiropractic.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Choice Modelling publishes theoretical and applied papers in the field of choice modelling. Papers are expected to either make a methodological contribution to the field, or to present an innovative application. The journal is not limited to one area of study, such as transport or marketing, but invites contributions from across a range of disciplines where the analysis of choice behaviour is a topic of interest. While the majority of papers focus on the use of discrete choice models, contributions looking at other methods are also welcome. Similarly, the Journal of Choice Modelling also welcomes contributions looking at survey design.
The Journal of Chromatography A provides a forum for the publication of original research and critical reviews on all aspects of fundamental and applied separation science. The scope of the journal includes chromatography and related techniques, electromigration techniques (e.g. electrophoresis, electrochromatography), hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques, sample preparation, and detection methods such as mass spectrometry. Contributions consist mainly of research papers dealing with the theory of separation methods, instrumental developments and analytical and preparative applications of general interest.Journal of Chromatography A welcomes the submission of research papers which report on studies concerning the development of new and significant advances in separation science. Manuscripts detailing fundamental research on all aspects of separation science theory and methodology are especially encouraged. In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in separation science. Papers describing the use of routine separation methods or straightforward extensions of these methods to new sample matrices will normally not be published unless new developments are described. These should be demonstrated to give clear and considerable advantages over existing methods. As part of the Introduction section to each manuscript, authors must address the question of how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods and this comparison must show that significant advances are proposed.Where new analytical methods are described, authors are encouraged to apply these methods to a sample matrix of suitable analytical complexity. In such cases appropriate validation of the method should be provided, together with proper statistical treatment of data. Analytical performance characteristics of new methods should be given, including sensitivity, tested limits of detection or quantification, accuracy, precision, and specificity.Review articles are invited by the editors or may be proposed in writing to the editors or the editorial office. Potential authors will be asked to provide a brief outline of the subject matter of the proposed review. Review articles should be sufficiently broad in scope to appeal to a wide cross-section of the journal's readership, but should be specific enough to permit discussion at an appropriate depth. Above all, reviews should be critical rather than enumerative and should provide the reader with expert opinion regarding the relative merits of the various published approaches to the topic under review. Figures and Tables are encouraged in review articles.Journal of Chromatography Aapplies the same criteria for acceptance of manuscripts to all types of submissions, irrespective of whether these are submitted for regular issues, special issues, or symposium issues.
The Journal of Chromatography B publishes papers on developments in separation science relevant to biology and biomedical research including both fundamental advances and applications.Analytical techniques which may be considered include the various facets of chromatography, electrophoresis and related methods, affinity and immunoaffinity-based methodologies, hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques, and microanalytical approaches. The journal also considers articles reporting developments in sample preparation, detection techniques including mass spectrometry, and data handling and analysis.Developments related to preparative separations for the isolation and purification of components of biological systems may be published, including chromatographic and electrophoretic methods, affinity separations, field flow fractionation and other preparative approaches.Applications to the analysis of biological systems and samples will be considered when the analytical science contains a significant element of novelty, e.g. a new approach to the separation of a compound, novel combination of analytical techniques, or significantly improved analytical performance. Areas to be considered include:• The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biopolymers including proteins, peptides and their post-translational modifications as well as nucleic acids and glycans • The comparative analysis of biological systems using proteomics, genomics, metabonomics and other "omics" approaches• Clinical analysis, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, therapeutic drug monitoring, toxicological analysis, doping analysis, veterinary applications, analysis of environmental contaminants in biological systems• The screening and profiling of body fluids, tissues, cells, biological matrices and systems, analysis of endogenous compounds, biomarkers • Identification of new bioactive compoundsApplications which utilize published or commercial analytical or preparative protocols with little or no modification or where the results of the application rather than the analytical methodology comprise the major element of novelty of the manuscript should be directed to more specialized journals. Modifications to a previously published method may be considered for a short communication in cases where the improvement in performance is significant. Reports of analytical methods for compounds in early pharmaceutical development often lack general interest and will not be published unless the authors can demonstrate the broader significance of the methodology involved. Quality control analyses of bulk drugs, natural products or pharmaceutical formulations are not within scope.
The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as a transdisciplinary, international forum for the exchange of information and research concepts, policies, and technologies designed to help ensure progress towards making societies and regions more sustainable. It aims to encourage innovation and creativity, new and improved products, and the implementation of new, cleaner structures, systems, processes, products and services. It is also designed to stimulate the development and implementation of prevention oriented governmental policies and educational programmes.Cleaner production is a concept that goes beyond simple pollution control. It involves active research and development into new structures, systems, processes, materials and products that are more resource and energy efficient, whilst engaging and empowering people. Such approaches have become necessary for businesses, institutions, governments, and civil society to ensure ecologically, socially,and economically sustainable, consumption production and service strategies. These involve educational, training, management, and technical assistance programs, which are needed to accelerate the adoption of cleaner production and sustainability by industries, governments and universities.Authors are invited to submit papers from the following areas:Industrial Applications including:• Toxics use reduction in product design, process development and in the usage and end-of-life management phases of products• New and novel uses of materials and technologies• Improved processes through development and usage of "environmentally friendlier" technologies• Advances in Green Chemistry, Green Engineering and Green Architecture• Improved process automation and controlEnvironmental Management Initiatives:• Improvements in the integration of environmental management systems• Improvements in the integration of environmental, quality, health and safety and corporate social responsibility management• Improved life cycle management of products and services• Improvements in holistic environmental performance evaluation• Improvements in environmental reviewing, auditing and reporting• Advances in life cycle assessment and life cycle management• Advances in risk reduction• Advances in reduction of the life cycle usage of energy, water and other materials• Advances in applications of renewable energy and other low-carbon technologies and products• Improvements in corporate social responsibility• Advances in corporate sustainability reporting• Advances in Industrial Ecology and Regional Sustainable DevelopmentLegislation, Policy and Regulations:• Improved regulatory and policy initiatives designed to promote implementation of proactive and preventive approaches throughout society• Advanced governmental policies and programmes to promote the transition to sustainable societiesEducation, Training and Learning:• Improved educational & training initiatives on values, paradigms, concepts and tools to help societies make the transition to sustainable societies.
The core of the journal is original contributions on subjects relevant to clinical practice, and rigorously peer-reviewed. Highly respected international experts have joined together to form the
The official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD), the Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment and Management of Musculo-Skeletal Health publishes the latest clinical research on the uses of bone mass and density measurements in medical practice, as well as state-of-the-art review articles on critical topics.The Journal is committed to serving ISCD's mission - the education of heterogenous physician specialties and technologists who are involved in the clinical assessment of skeletal health. The focus of JCD is bone mass measurement, including epidemiology of bone mass, how drugs and diseases alter bone mass, new techniques and quality assurance in bone mass imaging technologies, and bone mass health/economics.Combining high quality research and review articles with sound, practice-oriented advice, JCD meets the diverse diagnostic and management needs of radiologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, rheumatologists, gynecologists, family physicians, internists, and technologists whose patients require diagnostic clinical densitometry for therapeutic management.
The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology aims at promoting the quality of clinical and patient-oriented health care research through the advancement and application of innovative methods of:conducting and presenting primary research;synthesizing research results;disseminating results;and translating results into optimal clinical practice;with special attention to the training of new generations of scientists and clinical practice leaders.Journal of Clinical Epidemiology has an Impact Factor of 5.332 according to the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® 2013 and is ranked 6th of 158 journals in the Public, Environmental & Occupational Health category.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The main purposes for publishing
To achieve these purposes, the
Review articles, Original articles, Brief communications, Case reports and Letters to the Editor are considered for publication.
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Because the scope of clinical lipidology is broad, the topics addressed by the Journal are equally diverse. Typical articles explore lipidology as it is practiced in the treatment setting, recent developments in pharmacological research, reports of treatment and trials, case studies, the impact of lifestyle modification, and similar academic material of interest to the practitioner. While preference is given to material of immediate practical concern, the science that underpins lipidology is forwarded by expert contributors so that evidence-based approaches to reducing cardiovascular and coronary heart disease can be made immediately available to our readers. Sections of the
Electronic usage:
An increasing number of readers access the journal online via ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information.
Average monthly article downloads for this journal: 6,615*
The journal has a broad International perspective, and emphasises the advances occurring in Asia, the Pacific Rim region, Europe and North America. The Journal acts as a focus for publication of major clinical and laboratory research, as well as publishing solicited manuscripts on specific subjects from experts, case reports and other information of interest to clinicians working in the clinical neurosciences.
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Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our
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Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Mycobacterial Diseases aims to provide a forum for clinically relevant articles on all aspects of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections, including (but not limited to) epidemiology, clinical investigation, transmission, diagnosis, treatment, drug-resistance and public policy, and encourages the submission of clinical studies, thematic reviews and case reports. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Mycobacterial Diseases is an Open Access publication.
Journal of Clinical Virology is an international journal publishing papers on any aspect of human virology that directly pertains to virus-induced clinical conditions. Articles from any field of virological study will be considered if the article is relevant to the understanding or manipulation of a disease state.
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The journal accepts original articles on clinical or laboratory research in the field of liver diseases and review articles on topics of current interest (mainly by invitation). In addition, the journal features articles of educational value to postgraduate students such as 'Hepatology Quiz' and 'What is your diagnosis?', 'Liver Transplantation Forum', 'Hepatology Elsewhere' and 'From Bench to Bedside'.
The focus of
The journal publishes case reports in a variety of disciplines in endocrinology, including diabetes, metabolic bone disease and osteoporosis, thyroid disease, pituitary and lipid disorders.
Co-operative organization is broadly defined. It refers not only to co-operatives as an institutional form, but any other organization that follows the principles of co-operation. Examples include consumer, housing, producer, and worker co-operatives, credit unions and mutuals, multiparty alliances as well as different forms of collective, community, and social entrepreneurship. In addition to these types of co-operative entities, a variety of non-profit and voluntary organizations will be covered in the journal.
• Voluntary association of individuals and/or entities (co-operating and networking)
• Freedom with fellow individuals and entities (pursuit of autonomy and independence)
• Accountability of individuals and entities (membership in organizations and environments)
• User-members' collective ownership of and control over the organization's resources (democracy)
• Engagement in action only if rewards/results are greater than costs/efforts (efficiency and beneficiality)
• Transaction- or contribution-based distribution of economic surplus to members and stakeholders (fairness)
• Education and training of members and stakeholders on co-operation and the underlying principles (knowledge of co-operation).
Theory elaboration on the topic co-operative organizations has an interdisciplinary tradition.
The Journal of CO2 Utilization offers a single, multi-disciplinary, scholarly platform for the exchange of novel research in the field of CO2 re-use for scientists and engineers in chemicals, fuels and materials.The emphasis will be on the dissemination of leading-edge research from basic science to the development of new processes, technologies and applications. This includes CO2 as a feedstock in the chemical, energy and materials sectors, and utilization in general to help minimize environmental impact.The Journal of CO2 Utilization will publish original peer-reviewed research papers, reviews, and short communications, including experimental and theoretical work, and analytical models and simulations.The coverage includes, but is not limited to:Materials for CO2 activation and adsorptionHeterogeneous and homogeneous catalytic reactions involving CO2CO2 conversion to generate synthetic fuels, polymers, organic carbonates, and intermediate products.Supercritical CO2 utilization in natural product extraction, catalysis and separationUse of CO2 as an oxidantElectrochemical conversion of CO2Photo-electrochemical, photo-catalytic and photochemical conversion of CO2Biological conversion of CO2Integrated processes for CO2 conversion and reduction
A. Colloidal Materials and Nanomaterials
B. Surfactants and Soft Matter
C. Adsorption, Catalysis and Electrochemistry
D. Interfacial Processes, Capillarity and Wetting
E. Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
F. Novel Phenomena and Techniques
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Submission to the
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Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our
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The purpose of the journal is also to stimulate international dialog among academics, industry participants, traders, investors, and policymakers with mutual interests in commodity markets. The mandate for the journal is to present ongoing work within commodity economics and finance. Topics can be related to financialization of commodity markets; pricing, hedging, and risk analysis of commodity derivatives; risk premia in commodity markets; real option analysis for commodity project investment and production; portfolio allocation including commodities; forecasting in commodity markets; corporate finance for commodity-exposed corporations; econometric/statistical analysis of commodity markets; organization of commodity markets; regulation of commodity markets; local and global commodity trading; and commodity supply chains. Commodity markets in this context are energy markets (including renewables), metal markets, mineral markets, agricultural markets, livestock and fish markets, markets for weather derivatives, emission markets, shipping markets, water, and related markets. This interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary journal will cover all commodity markets and is thus relevant for a broad audience. Commodity markets are not only of academic interest but also highly relevant for many practitioners, including asset managers, industrial managers, investment bankers, risk managers, and also policymakers in governments, central banks, and supranational institutions.
The Journal of Communication Disorders publishes original articles on topics related to disorders of speech, language and hearing. Authors are encouraged to reports of experimental or descriptive investigations, theoretical or tutorial papers, case reports, or brief communications to the editor. Special topic issues titled Clinics in Communication Disorders provide clinicians with essential information on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders.
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We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.
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The mission of the Journal of Comparative Economics is to lead the new orientations of research in comparative economics. Before 1989, the core of comparative economics was the comparison of economic systems with in particular the economic analysis of socialism in its different forms. In the last fifteen years, the main focus of interest of comparative economists has been the transition from socialism to capitalism. In recent years, mostly as a result of the transition experience, a new orientation of comparative economics has emerged that focuses on the comparison of the economic effects of the various institutions of capitalism, be it in the legal sphere (common law versus civil law), in the political sphere (different types of democracies and electoral regimes) or in the sphere of culture, social norms, etc. This new orientation is a natural development following the very diverse experience of transitions from socialism to capitalism. The transition experience has indeed shown with a vengeance the importance of institutions in the process of economic development.Questions raised along these new orientations include: what institutions are critical (courts, credit markets, good regulations, etc) for successful growth?; how should institutions be measured (subjective surveys, particular laws on the books, etc); why are certain institutions, such as courts and regulatory culture, slow-moving while others, such as constitutions and electoral procedures, relatively fast-moving; why is there so much cross-sectional variance in the quality of institutions, and what kinds of initial conditions or historic natural experiments can be employed to estimate the causal impact of institutions on economic performance? The Journal of Comparative Economics will maintain its tradition of publishing the best papers on the Chinese economy and of being an important outlet for work on economies in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union; the Journal of Comparative Economics aims to enlarge the interest of the journal to other emerging market economies.
The Journal of Comparative Pathology is an International, English language, peer-reviewed journal which publishes full length articles, short papers and review articles of high scientific quality on all aspects of the pathology of the diseases of domesticated and other vertebrate animals.Articles on human diseases are also included if they present features of special interest when viewed against the general background of vertebrate pathology.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The multidisciplinary Journal of Complexity publishes original research papers that contain substantial mathematical results on complexity as broadly conceived. Outstanding review papers will also be published. In the area of computational complexity, the focus is on complexity over the reals, with the emphasis on lower bounds and optimal algorithms. The Journal of Complexity also publishes articles that provide major new algorithms or make important progress on upper bounds. Other models of computation, such as the Turing machine model, are also of interest. Computational complexity results in a wide variety of areas are solicited.Areas Include:• Approximation theory• Biomedical computing• Compressed computing and sensing• Computational finance• Computational number theory• Computational stochastics• Control theory• Cryptography• Design of experiments• Differential equations• Discrete problems• Distributed and parallel computation• High and infinite-dimensional problems• Information-based complexity• Inverse and ill-posed problems• Machine learning• Markov chain Monte Carlo• Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo• Multivariate integration and approximation• Noisy data• Nonlinear and algebraic equations• Numerical analysis• Operator equations• Optimization• Quantum computing• Scientific computation• Tractability of multivariate problems• Vision and image understandingBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Journal of Computational Physics thoroughly treats the computational aspects of physical problems, presenting techniques for the numerical solution of mathematical equations arising in all areas of physics. The journal seeks to emphasize methods that cross disciplinary boundaries.The Journal of Computational Physics also publishes short notes of 4 pages or less (including figures, tables, and references but excluding title pages). Letters to the Editor commenting on articles already published in this Journal will also be considered. Neither notes nor letters should have an abstract.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Computational Science is a rapidly growing multi- and interdisciplinary field that uses advanced computing and data analysis to understand and solve complex problems. It has reached a level of predictive capability that now firmly complements the traditional pillars of experimentation and theory.The recent advances in experimental techniques such as detectors, on-line sensor networks and high-resolution imaging techniques, have opened up new windows into physical and biological processes at many levels of detail. The resulting data explosion allows for detailed data driven modeling and simulation.This new discipline in science combines computational thinking, modern computational methods, devices and collateral technologies to address problems far beyond the scope of traditional numerical methods.Computational science typically unifies three distinct elements:• Modeling, Algorithms and Simulations (e.g. numerical and non-numerical, discrete and continuous);• Software developed to solve science (e.g., biological, physical, and social), engineering, medicine, and humanities problems;• Computer and information science that develops and optimizes the advanced system hardware, software, networking, and data management components (e.g. problem solving environments).The Journal of Computational Science aims to be an international platform to exchange novel research results in simulation based science across all scientific disciplines. It publishes advanced innovative, interdisciplinary research where complex multi-scale, multi-domain problems in science and engineering are solved, integrating sophisticated numerical methods, computation, data, networks, and novel devices.The journal welcomes original, unpublished high quality contributions in the field of computational science at large, addressing one or more of the aforementioned elements.
The Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of computational and applied mathematics. The main interest of the Journal is in papers that describe and analyze new computational techniques for solving scientific or engineering problems. Also the improved analysis, including the effectiveness and applicability, of existing methods and algorithms is of importance. The computational efficiency (e.g. the convergence, stability, accuracy, ...) should be proved and illustrated by nontrivial numerical examples. Papers describing only variants of existing methods, without adding significant new computational properties are not of interest.The audience consists of: applied mathematicians, numerical analysts, computational scientists and engineers.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Journal of Computer and System Sciences publishes original research papers in computer science and related subjects in system science, with attention to the relevant mathematical theory. Applications-oriented papers may also be accepted.Research areas include traditional subjects such as:• Theory of algorithms and computability• Formal languages• Automata theoryContemporary subjects such as:• Complexity theory• Algorithmic Complexity• Parallel & distributed computing• Computer networks• Neural networks• Computational learning theory• Database theory & practice• Computer modeling of complex systemsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: