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AACE Clinical Case Reports

ISSN: 2376-0605

AI Open

ISSN: 2666-6510

AJO-DO Clinical Companion

ISSN: 2666-4305

AJOG Global Reports

eISSN: 2666-5778
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AJPM focus

ISSN: 2773-0654

Alter: European Journal of Disability Research

ISSN: 1875-0672

ALTER is a peer-reviewed European journal which looks at disability and its variations. It is aimed at everyone who is involved or interested in this field. ALTER is an emblematic Latin word for all forms of difference, leaving open the question of their nature and expression.An inter-disciplinary journalFirst and foremost, interdisciplinarity means remaining open to all human and social sciences: sociology, anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis, history, demography, epidemiology, economics, law, etc. It also means a connection between the different forms of knowledge - academic and fundamental - applied and relating to the experience of disability.A cross-disciplinary journal Research on disability and its variations constitutes a transversal axis which opens the review up to a multitude of approaches and problematic. It covers matters ranging from the individual to the environment, from impairment to participation, from discrimination to the exercise of citizenship... ALTER looks at all the questions examined in human and social sciences, be they social, economic, political or health related.A European journal The European dimension means having a multicultural outlook; it means well-argued comparisons and useful scientific controversies that go beyond national boundaries.

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ALTEX : Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten

ISSN: 0946-7785

Aims and Scope: ALTEX. edited by the Swiss Society ALTEX Edition is the official journal of CAAT (Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. USA). EUSAAT (European Society for Alternatives to Animal testing) and T4 (transatlantic think tank of toxicology. Baltimore. Konstanz. Utrecht).

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Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology

The Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology is an organized compilation covering international patent and journal literature related to pulp and paper technology. Each issue of the Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology contain approximately 16,400 records in each monthly issue, which are pulled from the most current data from PaperChem.

PaperChem covers:

  • Corrosion
  • Economics and Research
  • Engineering and Process Control
  • Fiber Webs and Nonwovens
  • Films, Foils, and Laminates
  • Finishing and Converting
  • Forestry and Pulpwood
  • Gluing, Labeling, and Sealing
  • Machinery Equipment and Maintenance
  • Mill Construction and Operation
  • Packaging
  • Pulp, Paper, and Board
  • Silvichemicals and Residues
  • Spent Liquors and Pollution Control
  • Tissue Culture

The Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology is arranged via descriptors from the Paperchem Thesaurus. The Thesaurus contains approximately 9000 controlled terms. In addition there is an author index and a subject index.

Abstract Bulletin of Paper Science and Technology may be ordered from Engineering Information or a subscription agency.

For more information contact:
Tel: +1 201 216 8500
Fax: + 1 201 216 8532

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Academic Pathology

eISSN: 2374-2895
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Academic Pediatrics

ISSN: 1876-2859

Academic Pediatrics, the official journal of the Academic Pediatric Association, is a peer-reviewed publication whose purpose is to strengthen the research and educational base of academic general pediatrics. The journal provides leadership in pediatric education, research, patient care and advocacy. Content areas include pediatric education, emergency medicine, injury, abuse, behavioral pediatrics, holistic medicine, child health services and health policy,and the environment. The journal provides an active forum for the presentaton of pediatric educational research in diverse settings, involving medical students, residents, fellows, and practicing professionals. The journal also emphasizes important research relating to the quality of child health care, health care policy, and the organization of child health services. It also includes systematic reviews of primary care interventions and important methodologic papers to aid research in child health and education.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Academic Radiology

ISSN: 1076-6332

Academic Radiology publishes original reports of clinical and laboratory investigations in diagnostic imaging, the diagnostic use of radioactive isotopes, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, digital subtraction angiography, and related techniques. Brief technical reports describing original observations, techniques, and instrumental developments; state-of-the-art reports on clinical issues, new technology and other topics of current medical importance; book reviews; scientific studies and opinions on radiologic education and letters to the Editor are also included.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Accident Analysis & Prevention

ISSN: 0001-4575

Accident Analysis & Prevention provides wide coverage of the general areas relating to accidental injury and damage, including the pre-injury and immediate post-injury phases. Published papers deal with medical, legal, economic, educational, behavioral, theoretical or empirical aspects of transportation accidents, as well as with accidents at other sites. Selected topics within the scope of the Journal may include: studies of human, environmental and vehicular factors influencing the occurrence, type and severity of accidents and injury; the design, implementation and evaluation of countermeasures; biomechanics of impact and human tolerance limits to injury; modelling and statistical analysis of accident data; policy, planning and decision-making in safety.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Accounting, Organizations and Society

ISSN: 0361-3682

Accounting, Organizations & Society is a major international journal concerned with all aspects of the relationship between accounting and human behaviour, organizational structures and processes, and the changing social and political environment of the enterprise. Its unique focus covers such topics as: the social role of accounting, social accounting, social audit and accounting for scarce resources; the provision of accounting information to employees and trade unions and the development of participative information systems; processes influencing accounting innovations and the social and political aspects of accounting standard setting; behavioural studies of the users of accounting information; information processing views of organizations, and the relationship between accounting and other information systems and organizational structures and processes; organizational strategies for designing accounting and information systems; human resource accounting; cognitive aspects of accounting and decision-making processes, and the behavioural aspects of budgeting, planning and investment appraisal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Achievements in the Life Sciences

Achievements in the Life Sciences publishes articles within phenomenon studying under the name "Life". Articles considering "Life" from the point of view of biology, physics, chemistry, geology, mathematics, philosophy, medicine, philology and any other scientific directions are accepted to the publication.

Achievements in the Life Sciences accept original papers and reviews.

The Journal published papers in the interdisciplinary fields:
-biomaterial, etc

The main condition for acceptance is achievement of message.

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Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica

Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica (AAT), launched in 1962, is the official and peer-reviewed publication of the Taiwan Society of Anaesthesiologists. It is published quarterly (March/June/September/December) by Elsevier and indexed in EMBASE, Medline, Scopus, ScienceDirect, SIIC Data Bases. AAT accepts submissions from around the world.

AAT is the premier journal in the field of anaesthesia and its related disciplines of critical care and pain in Asia. The number of Chinese anaesthesiologists has reached more than 60,000 and is still growing. The journal aims to disseminate anaesthesiology research and services for the Chinese community and is now the main anaesthesiology journal for Chinese societies located in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

AATcaters to clinicians of all relevant specialties and biomedical scientists working in the areas of anesthesia, critical care medicine and pain management, as well as other related fields (pharmacology, pathology molecular biology, etc). AAT's editorial team is composed of local and regional experts in the field as well as many leading international experts.

Article types accepted include review articles, research papers, case reports, short communication, correspondence and images.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

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Acta Astronautica

ISSN: 0094-5765eISSN: 1879-2030

Acta Astronautica is sponsored by the International Academy of Astronautics. Content is based on original contributions in all fields of basic, engineering, life and social space sciences and of space technology related to:The peaceful scientific exploration of space,Its exploitation for human welfare and progressConception, design, development and operation of space-borne and Earth-based systemsIn addition to regular issues, the journal publishes selected proceedings of the annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC), transactions of the IAA and special issues on topics of current interest, such as microgravity, space station technology, geostationary orbits, and space economics. Other subject areas include satellite technology, space transportation and communications, space energy, power and propulsion, astrodynamics, extraterrestrial intelligence and Earth observations.For more information on the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), visit their home page: Members of the IAA are eligible for a discount on a personal subscription to Acta Astronautica. Please click here to download an order form.

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Acta Automatica Sinica

Acta Automatica Sinica (monthly, founded in 1963) is a joint publication of Chinese Association of Automation and the of Automation (the Academy of Sciences). The objective of Acta Automatica Sinica is the high quality and rapid publication of the articles, with a strong focus on new trends, original theoretical and experimental research and developments, emerging technology, and industrial standards in automation. The scope of the journal is extensive. The topics include but is not limited to automatic control, systems theory and engineering, automation engineering and applications, computer-aided technologies for automation systems, robotics, artificial intelligence and intelligent control, pattern recognition and image processing, information processing and service, network-based automation, etc.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

Please see our for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo

Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo is the official publication of the Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo (Colombian Association of Critical Medicine and Intensive Care), and as such it publishes articles associated with these specialties. It is published every 3 months in March, June, September and December.

La revista Acta Colombiana de Cuidado Intensivo es el órgano oficial de la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo y como tal publica artículos relacionados con la especialidad. Se publica cada 3 meses en marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre.

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Acta Haematologica Polonica

ISSN: 0001-5814

Acta Haematologica Polonica jest oficjalnym czasopismem Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów oraz Instytutu Hematologii i Transfuzjologii zwiazanym z polska hematologia i transfuzjologia od 1970 roku. Pismo publikuje zarówno prace oryginalne doswiadczalne, opisy przypadków jak równiez prace pogladowe i edukacyjne. Tematyka prac publikowanych w Acta Haematologica Polonica obejmuje zagadnienia fizjologii oraz patologii w hematologii i transfuzjologii miedzy innymi dotyczace leukocytów, erytrocytów, plytek krwi, ukladu odpornosciowego, mechanizmów hemostazy oraz aspektów klinicznych rozrostowych chorób hematologicznych.

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Acta Histochemica: Research and Methods in Cell and Tissue Biology

ISSN: 0065-1281

Acta histochemica, a journal of structural biochemistry of cells and tissues, publishes original research articles, short communications, reviews, letters to the editor, meeting reports and abstracts of meetings. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for the cytochemical and histochemical research community in the life sciences, including cell biology, biotechnology, neurobiology, immunobiology, pathology, pharmacology, botany, zoology and environmental and toxicological research. The journal focuses on new developments in cytochemistry and histochemistry and their applications. Manuscripts reporting on studies of living cells and tissues are particularly welcome. Understanding the complexity of cells and tissues, i.e. their biocomplexity and biodiversity, is a major goal of the journal and reports on this topic are especially encouraged. Original research articles, short communications and reviews that report on new developments in cytochemistry and histochemistry are welcomed, especially when molecular biology is combined with the use of advanced microscopical techniques including image analysis and cytometry. Letters to the editor should comment or interpret previously published articles in the journal to trigger scientific discussions. Meeting reports are considered to be very important publications in the journal because they are excellent opportunities to present state-of-the-art overviews of fields in research where the developments are fast and hard to follow. Authors of meeting reports should consult the editors before writing a report. The editorial policy of the editors and the editorial board is rapid publication. Once a manuscript is received by one of the editors, an editorial decision about acceptance, revision or rejection will be taken within a month. It is the aim of the publishers to have a manuscript published within three months after the manuscript has been accepted.

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Acta Oecologica

ISSN: 1146-609X

Acta Oecologica is venue for the publication of original research articles in ecology. We encourage studies in all areas of ecology, including ecosystem ecology, community ecology, population ecology, conservation ecology and evolutionary ecology. There is no bias with respect to taxon, biome or geographic area. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, but combinations are particularly sought. Priority is given to papers based on explicitly stated hypotheses. Acta Oecologica also accepts review papers.The forum section is reserved for short papers with critical discussion of current issues in ecology, as well as comments and viewpoints on previously published papers. Acta Oecologica does not publish book reviews, but comments on new books are welcome in the forum section.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Otorrinolaringologica

ISSN: 2173-5735
Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española, the official publication of the Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and Neck and Face Diseases (Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-Facial) and the Ibero-American Society of Otorhinolaryngology, is the most important journal in Spanish dedicated to Otorhinolaryngology, which reflects the continuous scientific and technical progress of the specialty. It has become and important tool to be kept up to date. The Journal publishes Original Articles (articles on basic research and clinical investigation) and Clinical-Surgical Notes, which are subjected to a rigorous peer review process. The Journal includes a Review section on current topics of the different areas of the specialty.

Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española is aimed at specialists in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and Neck and Face Diseases and professionals in related areas (Audiology, Phoniatrics, Speech-Language Pathology, Facial Plastic Surgery …)

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Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española

ISSN: 0001-6519eISSN: 1988-3013

Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española, Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-Facial y de la Academia Iberoamericana de Otorrinolaringologia, es la revista más importante en español dedicada a la Otorrinolaringología, en la que se reflejan los continuos progresos científicos y técnicos de la especialidad, lo que la convierte en una importante herramienta para mantenerse actualizado. La revista publica colaboraciones originales (artículos de investigación básica e investigación clínica) y notas clínico-quirúrgicas, las cuales son sometidas a un riguroso proceso de revisión por pares. La revista incorporará una sesión de revisiones sobre temas de actualidad de las diferentes áreas de la especialidad.Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española se dirige a especialistas en Otorrinolaringologíay Patología Cérvico-Facial y profesionales de áreas afines (Audiología, Foniatría, Logopedia, Cirugía plástica facial...)

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Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B

ISSN: 2211-3835

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB) is a bimonthly journal, in English, which publishes significant original research articles, rapid communications and high quality reviews of recent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences — including pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, natural products, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacokinetics.APSB is a series of journal of Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, which was founded in 1953, indexed in Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus, SciFinder Scholar, Biological Abstracts, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Bibliography on Science and Technology, etc. It sponsored by Insititute of Materia Medica, Chineses Acedemy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, production and hosting by Elsevier B. V.

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Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica

ISSN: 1000-6818

Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, founded in 1985, is sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and Peking University, and organized by the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, PekingUniversity. Since 1997, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica has been indexed in SCI of ISI (US). Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica is devoted to reporting new and original experimental and theoretical basic research of interest to physical chemists, biophysical chemists, and material physical chemists. Manuscripts that are essentially reporting data, applications of data, or reviews of the literature are not suitable for publication in Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica.

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Acta Poetica

Acta Poetica es una revista semestral, arbitrada y de acceso abierto (open-acces), que publica artículos, notas, entrevistas y reseñas originales y traducidas, escritas principalmente en español y otras lenguas. Nuestra publicación pertenece al Centro de Poética del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

El propósito de Acta Poetica es ofrecer una plataforma intelectual para los estudiosos de instituciones nacionales y extranjeras y, con ello, aportar reflexiones sustantivas al estudio de la literatura, la crítica literaria y la teoría crítica, sobre aspectos de la literatura y otras expresiones culturales. Nuestra revista está dirigida a estudiosos de la literatura y otras disciplinas relacionadas con arte, cultura y sociedad.

El contenido de Acta Poetica refleja la diversidad de las líneas de investigación del Centro de Poética, en el marco inter y multidisciplinario de la teoría crítica: mito, semántica, semiótica, deconstrucción, artes visuales, retórica, poética, teoría de la recepción, hermenéutica, crítica literaria, literatura comparada, estudios culturales, misticismo, filología, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el discurso, historia de la literatura, cine, fotografía, arquitectura, artes escénicas, música y su relación con otras disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia, la sociología y la teoría política.

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Acta Psychologica

eISSN: 0001-6918

Acta Psychologica publishes original articles and extended reviews on selected books in any area of experimental psychology. The focus of the Journal is on empirical studies and evaluative review articles that increase the theoretical understanding of human capabilities. The majority of papers deal with human performance, attention, perception, memory, and decision-making but papers concerned with social processes, development, psychopathology, neuroscience or computational modelling are also welcome provided that they are of direct importance to experimental psychologists and are written so as to be understandable to such a readership.The journal publishes occasional special issues devoted to single topics which merit particular attention. Examples of such issues are: Visual Gestalt Formation (P. v. Helm, R.v. Lier and J. Wagemans) and Executive Control of Human Action (B. Hommel, I. Daum and R.H. Kluwe)Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Sociológica

Acta Sociológica is a journal of sociology analysis of research conducted at the Center for Sociological Studies of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciencie at UNAM.

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Acta Tropica

ISSN: 0001-706X

Acta Tropica, is an international journal that covers biomedical and health sciences with particular emphasis on topics relevant to human and animal health in the tropics and the subtropics.Its scope includes the biology of parasites and vectors, welcoming contributions concerning either basic or applied research in disciplines such as taxonomy, morphology, biochemistry, physiology and immunology; the development of tools for diagnosis and disease control; clinical and community medicine; and the epidemiology of communicable disease and health systems.Contributions may be in the form of original papers, review articles or short communications - case reports are not considered for publication.Most downloaded papersBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Acta Urológica Portuguesa

The Acta Urológica Portuguesa is the official journal of the Association of Urology. Its main objective is the disclosure of scientific papers concerning the field of Urology. Both Portuguese, and non-Portuguese speaking authors are invited to actively participate in this endeavor.

A Acta Urológica Portuguesa é a revista médica oficial dação Portuguesa de Urologia. Tem como objectivo a divulgação de trabalhos científicos relacionados com a Urologia. Além da comunidade urológica lusófona, são convidados a participar neste projecto autores não urologistas, em língua portuguesa ou inglesa.

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Acta de Investigacion Psicologica

La revista tiene como propósito central divulgar contribuciones originales de investigación empírica firmemente anclada en teoría y metodología rigurosa. Se alienta además la inclusión de artículos que reflejen la naturaleza inter y transdisciplinaria de la Psicología, funcionando como un espacio de comunicación e intercambio de conocimiento especializado.

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Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (English Edition)

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Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas

ISSN: 0001-7310

Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas, publicación Oficial de la Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología, es una revista de prestigio consolidado. Creada en 1909, es la revista mensual más antigua editada en España.
En 2006 entró en Medline, y hoy resulta imprescindible para estar al día sobre la dermatología española y mundial.

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Actas Espanolas de Psiquiatria

ISSN: 1139-9287eISSN: 1578-2735

La revista Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría publica de manera preferente trabajos relacionados con las actividades investigadoras y clínicas en el área de Psiquiatría, Psicología médica y Neuropsiquiatría. .

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Actas Urológicas Españolas (English Edition)

ISSN: 2173-5786

Actas Urológicas Españolas is the official Journal of the Spanish Urology Association (Asociación Española de Urología, AEU) and the American Urology Confederation (Confederación Americana de Urología, CAU)) and is the reference urology journal in the Spanish language. Actas Urológicas Españolas is an international journal dedicated to urological diseases and renal transplant. It has been the official publication of the Spanish Urology Association since 1974 and of the American Urology Confederation since 2008. Its articles cover all aspects related to urology. Actas Urológicas Españolas is published in Spanish in its paper edition and in Spanish and English on the Internet. It has high visibility and accessibility and is found in the most important data bases, such as, Scientific Citation Index Expanded and Medline/Pubmed.

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Actas Urológicas Españolas: Journal of urological diseases and renal transplant

ISSN: 0210-4806eISSN: 1699-7980

Actas Urológicas Españolas is the official Journal of the Spanish Urology Association (Asociación Española de Urología, AEU) and the American Urology Confederation (Confederación Americana de Urología, CAU)) and is the reference urology journal in the Spanish language. Actas Urológicas Españolas is an international journal dedicated to urological diseases and renal transplant. It has been the official publication of the Spanish Urology Association since 1974 and of the American Urology Confederation since 2008. Its articles cover all aspects related to urology. Actas Urológicas Españolas is published in Spanish in its paper edition and in Spanish and English on the Internet. It has high visibility and accessibility and is found in the most important data bases, such as, Scientific Citation Index Expanded and Medline/Pubmed.

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Acupuncture and Related Therapies

ISSN: 2211-7660
Acupuncture and Related Therapies is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality research in acupuncture and its related therapies (e.g. neural therapy, laser therapy) as well as in all complementary therapies, including whole medical systems (e.g. TCM, naturopathy, Ayurveda), biological treatment methods (e.g. vitamins, biologics, other direct treatments), other biologically based practices (e.g. in nutrition, dietetics), meditative movement therapies (e.g. Qigong, Yoga, TaiChi), mind body interventions (e.g. Meditation), and body based methods (e.g. osteopathy, manual therapy).

Acupuncture and Related Therapies publishes basic and clinical research papers, review papers, case studies and short communications. Special attention is given to educational contributions, we therefore welcome supplementary material such as videos of treatments, demonstrations and summarising lectures. Equally, papers of relevance to health care providers and policy makers are very welcome.

Acupuncture and Related Therapies provides a forum for the dissemination and discussion of the findings of acupuncture research and clinical applications in a wide range of medical disciplines, including veterinary medicine. We believe in the principles of Evidence Based Medicine and seek to support clinical decision making by following Evidence Based Medicine. We especially welcome papers that contribute to further integrating conventional and complementary therapies into mainstream care.

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Ad Hoc Networks

ISSN: 1570-8705

The Ad Hoc Networks is an international and archival journal providing a publication vehicle for complete coverage of all topics of interest to those involved in ad hoc and sensor networking areas. The Ad Hoc Networks considers original, high quality and unpublished contributions addressing all aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksSensor NetworksWireless Local and Personal Area NetworksHome NetworksAd Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent SystemsNovel Architectures for Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksSelf-organizing Network Architectures and ProtocolsTransport Layer ProtocolsRouting protocols (unicast, multicast, geocast, etc.)Media Access Control TechniquesError Control SchemesPower-Aware, Low-Power and Energy-Efficient DesignsSynchronization and Scheduling IssuesMobility ManagementMobility-Tolerant Communication ProtocolsLocation Tracking and Location-based ServicesResource and Information ManagementSecurity and Fault-Tolerance IssuesHardware and Software Platforms, Systems, and TestbedsExperimental and Prototype ResultsQuality-of-Service IssuesCross-Layer InteractionsScalability IssuesPerformance Analysis and Simulation of ProtocolsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Addiction Neuroscience

ISSN: 2772-3925

Addictive Behaviors

ISSN: 0306-4603eISSN: 1873-6327

Addictive Behaviors is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality human research on addictive behaviors and disorders since 1976. The journal accepts submissions of full-length papers and short communications on substance-related addictions such as the abuse of alcohol, drugs and nicotine and behavioral addictions such as compulsive gambling and internet excesses. We primarily publish behavioral and psychosocial research but our articles span the fields of psychology, sociology, psychiatry, epidemiology, social policy, medicine, pharmacology and neuroscience. While theoretical orientations are diverse, the emphasis of the journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance. However, innovative and empirically oriented case studies that might encourage new lines of inquiry are accepted as well. Studies that clearly contribute to current knowledge of etiology, prevention, social policy or treatment are given priority. Scholarly commentaries on topical issues, systematic reviews, and mini reviews are encouraged. We especially welcome multimedia papers that incorporate video or audio components to better display methodology or findings.Related ProductEating Behaviors An International JournalBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Addictive Behaviors Reports

eISSN: 2352-8532

Addictive Behaviors Reports is an online only, open-access and peer reviewed journal offering an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of research in addictive behaviors. The journal accepts submissions that are scientifically sound on all forms of addictive behavior (alcohol, drugs, gambling, Internet, nicotine and technology) with a primary focus on behavioral and psychosocial research. The emphasis of the journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance. We are particularly interested in 'non-traditional', innovative and empirically oriented research such as negative/null data papers, replication studies, case reports on novel treatments, and cross-cultural research. Studies that might encourage new lines of inquiry as well as scholarly commentaries on topical issues, systematic reviews, and mini reviews are also very much encouraged. We also welcome multimedia submissions that incorporate video or audio components to better display methodology or findings.

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Addictive Behaviors with Eating Behaviors (Combined Subscription)

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Additive Manufacturing

ISSN: 2214-7810eISSN: 2214-8604

Additive Manufacturing is the peer-reviewed journal that provides academia and world-leading industry with high quality research papers and reviews in additive manufacturing. The journal aims to acknowledge the innovative nature of additive manufacturing and its broad applications to outline the current and future developments in the field.

Additive manufacturing technologies are positioned to provide a disruptive transformation in how products are designed and manufactured. From this, there was a need to create a fast-publication journal which provides a unique publication outlet for engineers, materials scientists and practitioners in academia and virtually any industry as these technologies are incorporated in new product and medical implant design and manufacturing.

The journal covers a wide scope, comprising new technologies, processes, methods, materials, systems, and applications in the field of additive manufacturing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Design and Modeling
• Multiple material components and devices Heterogeneous Design
• Heterogeneous Design
• Modeling from concept to manufacture to implementation to disposal - the entire product life cycle

Additive manufacturing processes and process enhancements
• Advancements in additive manufacturing processes
• Multi-technology (hybrid) systems
• Enhanced closed-loop control of additive manufacturing systems

Multiple and novel materials
• Characterization and performance - mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological, opticals
• New material formulations and composite materials
• Processing of materials in additive manufacturing and for use in additive manufacturing

Special applications with multi-functionality
• Medical additive manufacturing and bio-printing
• Optimized configurations such as topology optimization
• Additive manufacturing for space and in-space additive manufacturing
• Improved energy utilization in and using additive manufacturing
• Nano-additive manufacturing
• Electromechanical and robotic systems
• 3D electronics, electromagnetics, and metamaterials
• Other novel applications of additive manufacturing

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Additive Manufacturing Letters

ISSN: 2772-3690

Additives for Polymers

Additives for Polymers brings you authoritative, independent and comprehensive coverage of the additives' industry worldwide, including: plasticizers, pigments, fire retardants, heat and light stabilizers, fillers and fiber reinforcements.

Every month you receive a unique digest of business news, materials, new equipment and technology, market news, legislation and events.

Full references or contact details are included to enable any item to be followed up easily and quickly.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

ISSN: 0169-409XeISSN: 1872-8294

The aim of the Journal is to provide a forum for the critical analysis of advanced drug and gene delivery systems and their applications in human and veterinarymedicine. The Journal has a broad scope, covering the key issues for effective drug and gene delivery, from administration to site-specific delivery.In general, the Journal publishes review articles in a Theme Issue format. Each Theme Issue provides a comprehensive and critical examination of current and emerging research on the design and development of advanced drug and gene delivery systems and their application to experimental and clinical therapeutics. The goal is to illustrate the pivotal role of a multidisciplinary approach to modern drug delivery, encompassing the application of sound biological and physicochemical principles to the engineering of drug delivery systems to meet the therapeutic need at hand.Articles review the current status of a specific topic, giving equal emphasis to the identification of major conceptual and technological challenges to successful drug and gene delivery, to an evaluation of triumphs as well as shortcomings in current conceptual and technical approaches, and to a discussion of their possible solution.Theme issues are commissioned by one of the Executive Editors or the Editor-in-Chief. The Journal does not publish stand alone manuscripts. If you wish to submit a theme issue topic for consideration, please contact one of the editors.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advanced Engineering Informatics

ISSN: 1474-0346eISSN: 1873-5320

Advanced computing methods and related technologies are changing the way engineers interact with the information infrastructure. Explicit knowledge representation formalisms and new reasoning techniques are no longer the sole territory of computer science. For knowledge-intensive tasks in engineering, a new philosophy and body of knowledge called Engineering Informatics is emerging.Advanced Engineering Informatics solicits research papers with particular emphases both on 'knowledge' and 'engineering applications'. As an international Journal, original papers typically:• Report progress in the engineering discipline of applying methods of engineering informatics.• Have engineering relevance and help provide the scientific base to make engineering decision-making more reliable, spontaneous and creative.• Contain novel research that demonstrates the science of supporting knowledge-intensive engineering tasks.• Validate the generality, power and scalability of new methods through vigorous evaluation, preferably both qualitatively and quantitatively.In addition, the Journal welcomes high quality review articles that summarise, compare, and evaluate methodologies and representations that are proposed for the field of engineering informatics. Similarly, summaries and comparisons of full-scale applications are welcomed, particularly those where scientific shortcomings have hindered success. Typically, such papers have expanded literature reviews and discussion of findings that reflect mastery of the current body of knowledge and propose novel additions to contemporary research.Papers missing explicit representation and use of knowledge, such as those describing soft computing techniques, mathematical optimization methods, pattern recognition techniques, and numerical computation methods, do not normally qualify for publication in the Journal. Papers must illustrate contributions using examples of automating and supporting knowledge intensive tasks in artifacts-centered engineering fields such as mechanical, manufacturing, architecture, civil, electrical, transportation, environmental, and chemical engineering. Papers that report application of an established method to a new engineering subdomain will qualify only if they convincingly demonstrate noteworthy new power, generality or scalability in comparison with previously reported validation results. Finally, papers that discuss software engineering issues only are not in the scope of this journal.

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Advanced Engineering Informatics with Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Combined Subscription)

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Advanced Powder Technology

ISSN: 0921-8831eISSN: 1568-5527

The aim of Advanced Powder Technology is to meet the demand for an international journal that integrates all aspects of science and technology research on powder and particulate materials. The journal fulfills this purpose by publishing original research papers, rapid communications, reviews, and translated articles by prominent researchers worldwide.The editorial work of Advanced Powder Technology, which was founded as the International Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, is now shared by distinguished board members, who operate in a unique framework designed to respond to the increasing global demand for articles on not only powder and particles, but also on various materials produced from them.Advanced Powder Technology covers various areas, but a discussion of powder and particles is required in articles. Topics include:Production of powder and particulate materials in gases and liquids(nanoparticles, fine ceramics, pharmaceuticals, novel functional materials, etc.)Aerosol and colloidal processingPowder and particle characterizationDynamics and phenomenaCalculation and simulation (CFD, DEM, Monte Carlo method, population balance, etc.)Measurement and control of powder processesParticle modificationComminutionPowder handling and operations (storage, transport, granulation, separation, fluidization, etc.)

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Advances in Accounting

ISSN: 0882-6110

Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting continues to provide an important international forum for discourse among and between academic and practicing accountants on the issues of significance. Emphasis continues to be placed on original commentary, critical analysis and creative research; research that promises to significantly advance our understanding of financial markets, management best-practices, behavioral phenomenon and regulatory policy. Advances in technology and aggressive global competition have propelled tremendous changes over the two decades since AIA was founded. Over the last decade, the meltdown of our financial markets and banking systems twice has spurred a plethora of regulatory reforms. Still, a wide array of unsolved questions continues to plague the accounting profession worldwide. Even as the world appears to grow smaller, nations of the world continue to grapple with ever changing and often inconsistent regulatory environments. Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting attempts to support thought leadership on a diverse agenda of issues and authors' interests. The mission of AIA remains one of publishing highest quality research and commentary which is relevant to our times.AIA continues its commitment to the global arena not only by publishing papers with an international perspective, but with this issue incorporating Advances in International Accounting. As never before the citizens of the world as well as the global accounting profession seek ways to re-stablize our economies and mend our bent or broken institutions. AIA continues to champion international forward thinking research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Agronomy

ISSN: 0065-2113

Edited by: Donald L.

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Advances in Anesthesia

ISSN: 0737-6146

Each year, Advances in Anesthesia brings you the best current thinking from the preeminent practitioners in your field. A distinguished editorial board identifies current areas of major progress and controversy and invites specialists to contribute original articles on these topics. These insightful overviews bring concepts to a clinical level and explore their everyday impact on patient care.

Volume 28 Highlights (coming Fall 2010)

  • Suggamadex in Other Countries
  • An Update on PCOD
  • Anesthesia for the Transplant Patient for Non-transplant Surgery
  • Unusual Infectious Agents and Anesthesia
  • Herbal Medications and Nutraceuticals: Perioperative Considerations
  • Modern Understanding of Mechanical Ventilation in Normal and Diseased Lung
  • Biomarkers: Understanding, Progress, and Implications in the Perioperative Period
  • Physician Performance Measures and Professional Practice Evaluation
  • Ultrasound-Guided Central Venous Cannulation
  • Perioperative Implication of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Thoracolumbar-Paravertebral
  • Post-Dural Puncture Headache
  • Lipid Emulsion

Thomas M. McLoughlin, Jr., MD

Associate Editors:
Joel O. Johnson, MD, PhD and Francis V. Salinas, MD

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Advances in Animal Biosciences

ISSN: 2040-4700

Advances in Applied Energy

eISSN: 2666-7924
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Advances in Applied Mathematics

ISSN: 2324-7991eISSN: 2324-8009

Interdisciplinary in its coverage, Advances in Applied Mathematics is dedicated to the publication of original and survey articles on rigorous methods and results in applied mathematics. The journal features articles on discrete applied mathematics, applied commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, theoretical bioinformatics, experimental mathematics, theoretical computer science, and other areas.Emphasizing papers that represent a substantial mathematical advance in their field, the journal is an excellent source of current information for mathematicians, computer scientists, applied mathematicians, physicists, statisticians, and biologists. Over the past ten years, Advances in Applied Mathematics has published research papers written by many of the foremost mathematicians of our time.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Applied Mechanics

ISSN: 0065-2156

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Advances in Applied Microbiology

ISSN: 0065-2164

Edited by: Allen I. Laskin. Sima Sariaslani and Geoffrey M.

Advances in Archaeomaterials

ISSN: 2667-1360

Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

ISSN: 1049-250X

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Advances in Biological Regulation

eISSN: 2212-4926

Advances in Biological Regulation (formerly Advances in Enzyme Regulation) reports cutting edge scientific progress on regulation at the molecular level, covering:The molecular biology of control of gene expression by hormones, drugs and growth factors in cancer cells and in clinical situations of metabolic diseases, inborn errors of metabolism and neoplasia.Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine issuesRegulatory networks, mainly in cellular signalling, differentiation, cell cycle & growth control, structure-function relationships, cell fate and lineage commitment or assembly mechanisms in cellsViruses, or supramolecular constructs, and signaling mechanisms mediating transcriptionGenomic, proteomic, bioinformatics and systems biology approaches to identify and characterize steps of biological control in a cellular context.Complex cellular, pathogenic, clinical, or animal model systems studied by biochemical, molecular, genetic, epigenetic or quantitative ultrastructural approachesBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Biomarker Sciences and Technology

ISSN: 2543-1064

Advances in Botanical Research

ISSN: 0065-2296
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Advances in Cancer Biology - Metastasis

ISSN: 2667-3940

Advances in Cancer Research

ISSN: 0065-230X
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Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry

ISSN: 0065-2318
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Advances in Catalysis

ISSN: 0360-0564
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Advances in Chemical Engineering

ISSN: 0065-2377
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Advances in Clinical Chemistry

ISSN: 0065-2423

Edited by: Gregory S.

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Advances in Clinical Radiology

ISSN: 2589-8701

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science

ISSN: 0001-8686eISSN: 1873-3727

Review articles on any subject within the realm of colloid and interface science will be deemed appropriate for this journal. The subject matter should be treated in depth as a critical review of the current state of the subject area, and optimally, accepted articles will also contain new results and insights. Articles just reporting original research will not be accepted for publication.Both traditional topics and those of emerging science and technology are welcome. In particular, topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and those relating to interfacial and colloid aspects of the biosciences are encouraged. Areas of both theoretical or fundamental interest as well as those concerning industrial applications, emerging instrumental techniques, etc. are appropriate.Online article submission now available via: to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Colloid and Interface Science with Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (Combined Subscription)

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Advances In Computers

ISSN: 0065-2458

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Advances in Cosmetic Surgery

eISSN: 2542-4327
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Advances in Digestive Medicine

ISSN: 2351-9797
Advances in Digestive Medicine (AIDM) is the official peer-reviewed publication of The Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan (GEST), the Digestive Endoscopy Society of Taiwan (DEST) and Taiwan Association for the Study of the Liver (TASL). It is published quarterly by Elsevier and indexed in ScienceDirect, BIBSAM, EBSCOhost, OhioLINK and SwetsWise Online Content.

The Gastroenterological Society of Taiwan (GEST) was founded officially in Taipei on 15th March, 1970. Over the past 42 years, GEST has grown from a small group of practicing Gastroenterologists to an organization with over 1,600 members. The members are composed of practicing gastroenterologists and hepatologists, and researchers in basic gastroenterology and hepatology.

The mission of GEST is to enhance the quality of patient care, train young fellows, promote research in gastroenterology and hepatology-related fields, and to develop networks through regular convention and education programs. Mentoring, knowledge exchange, and dedication to professional growth are among the core values of GEST and its members.

AIDM aims to promote clinical and scientific research in digestive diseases in Taiwan, and to disseminate this research to the international community of medical and healthcare professionals. The journal accepts reviews, perspectives, original articles, short communications, case reports, images and challenge, and letters to the editor.

Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our services.

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Advances in Ecological Research

ISSN: 0065-2504
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Advances in Engineering Software

ISSN: 0965-9978eISSN: 1873-5339

The objective of this journal is to communicate recent and projected advances in computer-based engineering techniques. The fields covered include mechanical, aerospace, civil and environmental engineering, with an emphasis on research and development leading to practical problem-solving.The scope of the journal includes:• Innovative computational strategies and numerical algorithms for large-scale engineering problems• Analysis and simulation techniques and systems• Model and mesh generation• Control of the accuracy, stability and efficiency of computational process• Exploitation of new computing environments (eg distributed hetergeneous and collaborative computing)• Advanced visualization techniques, virtual environments and prototyping• Applications of AI, knowledge-based systems, computational intelligence, including fuzzy logic, neural networks and evolutionary computations• Application of object-oriented technology to engineering problems• Intelligent human computer interfaces• Design automation, multidisciplinary design and optimization• CAD, CAE and integrated process and product development systems• Quality and reliabilityThe journal publishes research papers, survey papers on key application areas, short communications and technical notes, discussions, software reviews and book reviews. A conference calendar is also included – entries welcome.Related conferences are listed under 'Related publications'.

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Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

ISSN: 0065-2601
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Advances in Family Practice Nursing

eISSN: 2589-420X
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Advances in Food and Nutrition Research

ISSN: 1043-4526
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Advances in Genetics

ISSN: 0065-2660
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Advances in Geophysics

ISSN: 0065-2687

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Advances in Heart and Lung Transplantation

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Advances in Heat Transfer

ISSN: 0065-2717
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Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry

ISSN: 0065-2725
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Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics

ISSN: 1076-5670

Advances in Immunology

ISSN: 0065-2776

Edited by: Frederick W.

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Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

ISSN: 2666-9129

Advances in Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 0898-8838eISSN: 1557-8917
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Advances in Integrative Medicine

Advances in Integrative Medicine (AIMED) is an international peer-reviewed, evidence-based research and review journal that is multi-disciplinary within the fields of Integrative and Complementary Medicine.

The journal focuses on rigorous quantitative and qualitative research including systematic reviews, clinical trials and surveys, whilst also welcoming medical hypotheses and clinically-relevant articles and case studies disclosing practical learning tools for the consulting practitioner.

By promoting research and practice excellence in the field, and cross collaboration between relevant practitioner groups and associations, the journal aims to advance the practice of IM, identify areas for future research, and improve patient health outcomes.

International networking is encouraged through clinical innovation, the establishment of best practice and by providing opportunities for cooperation between organisations and communities.

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Advances in Kidney Disease and Health

ISSN: 2949-8147eISSN: 2949-8139

The purpose of Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease is to provide in-depth, scholarly review articles about the care and management of persons with early kidney disease and kidney failure, as well as those at risk for kidney disease. Emphasis is on articles related to the early identification of kidney disease; prevention or delay in progression of kidney disease; the multidisciplinary case management of patients with chronic kidney disease or kidney failure, organ effects of kidney disease; epidemiology and outcomes research in chronic kidney disease; benefits and complications of the primary treatment methods, dialysis and transplantation; technical aspects of the delivery of uremia therapy; care of the critically ill patient with kidney failure in the intensive care setting; new therapies for kidney failure; and health care research in chronic kidney disease. The full spectrum of basic science through clinical care is covered in these reviews. Clinical care issues stress the multidisciplinary team approach to the care of kidney patients. Topics covered will be of interest to practicing nephrologists (pediatric and adult), nephrology fellows (pediatric and adult), nurses, technicians, dietitians, and social workers caring for patients with kidney disease. Each bimonthly issue of Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease presents focused review articles devoted to a single topic of current importance in clinical nephrology and related fields.2014 Issues, Vol. 21January Cancer and the Kidney: Growth of Nephro-OncologyMark Perazella, Jeffrey Berns, and Mitchell RosnerMarch Treatment of Glomerular Disease: Newer Therapies and a New Look at Older TherapiesJai RadhakrishnanMay Diabetic Kidney DiseaseKevin Ho and Amy Jayne McKnightJuly Focal Segmental GlomerulosclerosisAshley Jefferson and Cynthia NastSeptember The Interdisciplinary CKD Team: The Whole is Greater than the PartsBarbara Weis, Kim Zuber, Diana Jalal, and Jane DavisNovember CVDJohn P. Middleton and Uptal Patel

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Advances in Life Course Research

ISSN: 1569-4909eISSN: 1879-6974

Advances in Life Course Research publishes articles dealing with various aspects of the human life course. Seeing life course research as an essentially interdisciplinary field of study, it invites and welcomes contributions from anthropology, biosocial science, demography, epidemiology and statistics, gerontology, economics, management and organisation science, policy studies, psychology, research methodology and sociology. Original empirical analyses, theoretical contributions, methodological studies and reviews accessible to a broad set of readers are welcome. Articles might focus on specific events as well as on whole segments of the life course, including determinants and consequences, social relationships and policy implications, without restrictions over time and space.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Marine Biology

ISSN: 0065-2881
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Advances in Mathematics

ISSN: 0001-8708

Emphasizing contributions that represent significant advances in all areas of pure mathematics, Advances in Mathematics provides research mathematicians with an effective medium for communicating important recent developments in their areas of specialization to colleagues and to scientists in related disciplines.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Medical Sciences

eISSN: 1896-1126

‘Advances in Medical Sciences’ is the official Journal of the Medical University of Bialystok (Poland). Our Journal was founded in 1955 and it was originally entitled ‘Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Bialymstoku – Annales Academiae Medicae Bialostocensis’. In 2006 the title was changed to ‘Advances in Medical Sciences’. .

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Advances in Microbial Physiology

ISSN: 0065-2911

Edited by: Robert K.

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Advances in Molecular Pathology

ISSN: 2589-4080

Advances in Nutrition

eISSN: 2156-5376

Advances in Nutrition (AN/Adv Nutr) publishes literature reviews focused on key findings and recent research in all areas of interest to nutritional scientists and biomedical researchers. This would include nutrition-related research efforts directed toward biochemical, molecular, and genetic studies utilizing experimental animal models, domestic animals and human subjects. The other major foci of the journal are in the clinical nutrition, epidemiology and public health and nutrition education. Review articles will focus on progress made during the past few years rather than research developments over a broad historical timeframe.

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Advances in Oncology

ISSN: 2666-853X

Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry

eISSN: 2452-1760
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Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ISSN: 2667-1476

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry

ISSN: 0065-3055

Edited by: Anthony F. Hill and Mark J.

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Advances in Parasitology

ISSN: 0065-308X
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Advances in Pediatrics

ISSN: 0065-3101

Each year, Advances in Pediatrics brings you the best current thinking from the preeminent practitioners in your field. A distinguished editorial board identifies current areas of major progress and controversy and invites specialists to contribute original articles on these topics. These insightful overviews bring concepts to a clinical level and explore their everyday impact on patient care. Volume 57 Highlights (coming Fall 2010)Foundations of Pediatrics: Fuller Albright, MDAdvances in the Management of Pain in Children: Chronic PainCoccidiodomycosisNon-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseDiabetic KetoacidosisTherapeutic Use of ImmunoglobulinsChildhood Injuries: Accidents and PoisoningsAdvances in Pediatric Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and ToxicologyPediatric Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy: An UpdateHemophiliaBridging Mental Health and Medical Care in Underserved Pediatric Populations: Three Integrative ModelsKetogenic DietThe GH/IGF-1 Axis in Growth and Development: New Insights Derived from Animal ModelsCochlear ImplantsSurgical Treatment of GERDFetal Diagnosis and Surgical InterventionControversies in the Evaluation of Young Children with FracturesDisaster PreparednessEditor-in-Chief:Michael S. KappyAssociate Editors:Lewis A. Barness, Leslie L. Barton, Enid Gilbert-Barness, and Moritz Ziegler

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Advances in Pharmacology

ISSN: 1054-3589
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Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 0065-3160
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Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology

ISSN: 1876-1623eISSN: 1876-1631

Published continuously since 1944, The Advances in Protein Chemistry series has been the essential resource for protein chemists. Each volume brings forth new information about protocols and analysis of proteins. Each thematically organized volume is guest edited by leading experts in a broad range of protein-related topics.

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Advances in Quantum Chemistry

ISSN: 0065-3276

Unstable States in the Continuous Spectra. Part I: Analysis. Concepts. Methods. and Results Edited by: Cleanthes A.

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Advances in Radiation Oncology

eISSN: 2452-1094
The mission of Advances in Radiation Oncology is to provide original clinical research aimed at improving the lives of people living with cancer and other diseases treated with radiation therapy. The purpose of Advances is to provide information for clinicians who use radiation therapy by publishing:

  • Clinical trial reports and reanalyses.
  • Basic science original reports.
  • Manuscripts examining health services research, comparative and cost effectiveness research, and systematic reviews.
  • Case reports documenting unusual problems and solutions.
  • High quality multi and single institutional series, as well as other novel retrospective hypothesis generating series.
  • Timely critical reviews on important topics in radiation oncology, such as side effects.
  • Articles reporting the natural history of disease and patterns of failure, particularly as they relate to treatment volume delineation.
  • Articles on safety and quality in radiation therapy.
  • Essays on clinical experience.
  • Articles on practice transformation in radiation oncology, in particular:
    • Aspects of health policy that may impact the future practice of radiation oncology.
    • How information technology, such as data analytics and systems innovations, will change radiation oncology practice.
  • Articles on imaging as they relate to radiation therapy treatment.

Advances is the sister publication of the Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics and Radiation Oncology. As such, Advances aims to complement the research in those two journals

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Advances in Redox Research

ISSN: 2667-1379

Advances in Sample Preparation


Advances in Small Animal Care

ISSN: 2666-450X

Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery

ISSN: 1041-7826

Each month, Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery features abstracts of material from recent publications and presentations, followed by comments from specialists in the field. Small animal veterinarians and veterinary technicians gain new insight into specific topics and increase their skills in judging how to apply new tests and treatments in practice situations.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Advances in Space Research

ISSN: 0273-1177

The COSPAR publication Advances in Space Research (ASR) is an open journal covering all areas of space research including: space studies of the Earth's surface, meteorology, climate, the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system, upper atmospheres, ionospheres and magnetospheres of the Earth and planets including reference atmospheres, space plasmas in the solar system, astrophysics from space, materials sciences in space, life sciences as related to space, fundamental physics in space, space debris, space weather, earth observations of space phenomena, etc.All submissions are reviewed by two scientists in the field. COSPAR is an interdisciplinary scientific organization concerned with the progress of space research on an international scale. Operating under the rules of ICSU, COSPAR ignores political considerations and considers all questions solely from the scientific viewpoint.Editor-in-Chief: J. LastovickaView full editorial boardSpace Research Today (SRT) COSPAR's information bulletin, provides COSPAR Associates and subscribers to Advances in Space Research with special guest articles on current topics in space research by practitioners in the field, regular information on meetings, COSPAR and space research-related news, information on COSPAR committees and activities, on scientific activities of interest, including launch lists, profiles of key personnel and letters from the community. Space Research Today is issued three times each year, in April, August and December. The August issue in odd numbered years includes the Call for Papers for the Scientific Assembly of the following year. Thus, Space Research Today is a key tool in communication of information within the COSPAR community. Everyone is invited to contribute articles, letters, news or images of interest. These should be sent to the General Editor.The SRT editorial team is:• General Editor - Professor Richard A. Harrison; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK• Executive Editor - Ms Leigh Fergus Swan• Editorial Team - Dr Jean-Louis Fellous, Dr Mariano Mendez, Dr Dan Reisenfeld, Professor Yohsuke Kamide

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Advances in Surgery

ISSN: 0065-3411
Each year, Advances in Surgery brings you the best current thinking from the preeminent practitioners in your field. A distinguished editorial board identifies current areas of major progress and controversy and invites specialists to contribute original articles on these topics. These insightful overviews bring concepts to a clinical level and explore their everyday impact on patient care.

John L. Cameron

Associate Editors:
Timothy G. Buchman, K. Craig Kent, Keith D. Lillemoe, Kelly M. McMasters, Mark A. Talamini, and Charles J. Yeo

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Advances in Virus Research

ISSN: 0065-3527
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Advances in bamboo science

ISSN: 2773-1391

Advances in child development and behavior

ISSN: 0065-2407

Advances in Child Development and Behavior is intended to ease the task faced by researchers, instructors, and students who are confronted by the vast amount of research and theoretical discussion in child development and behavior. The serial provides scholarly technical articles with critical reviews, recent advances in research, and fresh theoretical viewpoints.

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Adverse Reactions Titles (Section 38 EMBASE)

Each year, approximately 400,000 articles appearing in over 4,000 biomedical and 200 chemical serials are scanned at Elsevier by medical specialists and pharmacologists. Each year, an average of 100,000 articles dealing with drugs and other biologically active substances are included in EMBASE, the Excerpta Medica database, of which an average of about 8,000 fall within the scope of Adverse Reactions Titles.

Since 1989 Elsevier has included abstracts with many of the citations published to increase the usefulness of this journal. Approximately 50% of published citations include abstracts.

Citations and abstracts (including those of original papers, preliminary communications, reviews, editorials and letters to the editor) are included if they contain significant information on:

• the complications, side effects and undesirable reactions produced by clinically used drugs;

• experimental and teratology to the extent that clinically used drugs are under investigation;

• suicide, attempted suicide, drug abuse and accidental over-dosage;

• detailed author and keyword indexes allow the reader to locate items of special interest.

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African Journal of Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 2211-419X

The African Journal of Emergency Medicine (AfJEM) is the official journal of the African Federation for Emergency Medicine. It is an international, peer-reviewed journal aimed in particular at supporting emergency care across Africa. AfJEM publishes original research, reviews, brief reports of scientific investigations, case reports as well as commentary and correspondence related to topics of scientific, ethical, social and economic importance to emergency care in Africa. Articles will be of direct importance to African emergency care, but may have originated from elsewhere in the world.

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African transport studies

ISSN: 2950-1962

Ageing Research Reviews

ISSN: 1568-1637eISSN: 1872-9649

As the average human life expectancy has increased, so too has the impact of ageing and age-related disease on our society. Ageing research is now the focus of thousands of laboratories that include leaders in the areas of genetics, molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, and behaviour. Ageing Research Reviews (ARR) covers the trends in this field. It is designed to fill a large void, namely, a source for critical reviews and viewpoints on emerging findings on mechanisms of ageing and age-related disease. Rapid advances in understanding of mechanisms that control cellular proliferation, differentiation and survival are leading to new insight into the regulation of ageing. From telomerase to stem cells to energy and oxyradical metabolism, this is an exciting new era in the multidisciplinary field of ageing research. The cellular and molecular underpinnings of manipulations that extend lifespan, such as caloric restriction, are being identified and novel approaches for preventing age-related diseases are being developed. ARR publishes articles on focussed topics selected from the broad field of ageing research, with an emphasis on cellular and molecular mechanisms of the aging process and age-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative disorders. Applications of basic ageing research to lifespan extension and disease prevention are also covered in this journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Aggression and Violent Behavior

ISSN: 1359-1789

Aggression and Violent Behavior, A Review Journal is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes substantive and integrative reviews, as well as summary reports of innovative ongoing clinical research programs on a wide range of topics germane to the field of aggression and violent behavior. Papers encompass a large variety of issues, populations, and domains, including homicide (serial, spree, and mass murder: sexual homicide), sexual deviance and assault (rape, serial rape, child molestation, paraphilias), child and youth violence (firesetting, gang violence, juvenile sexual offending), family violence (child physical and sexual abuse, child neglect, incest, spouse and elder abuse), genetic predispositions, and the physiological basis of aggression.Manuscripts that articulate disparate orientations will be welcomed, given that this journal will be cross-disciplinary and cross-theoretical. Indeed, papers will emanate from numerous disciplines, psychology, psychiatry, criminology, criminal justice, law, sociology, anthropology, genetics, social work, ethology, and physiology.Papers describing the study of aggression in normal, criminal, and psychopathological populations are acceptable. Reviews of analog investigations of aggression and animal models will be considered if the contribution is likely to lead to significant movement in the field. The emphasis, however, will be on innovativeness of presentation and clarity of thinking.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Aging Brain

eISSN: 2589-9589
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Aging and Health Research

ISSN: 2667-0321

Agri Gene

ISSN: 2352-2151
Agri Gene publishes papers that focus on the regulation, expression, function and evolution of genes in crop plants, farm animals, and agriculturally important insects and microorganisms.

Agri Gene strives to be a diverse journal and topics in multiple fields will be considered for publication so long as their main focus is on agriculturally important organisms (plants, animals, insects, or microorganisms). Although not limited to the following, some examples of potential topics include:

  • Gene discovery and characterization.
  • Genetic markers to guide traditional breeding.
  • Genetic effects of transposable elements.
  • Evolutionary genetics, molecular evolution, population genetics, and phylogenetics.
  • Profiling of gene expression and genetic variation.
  • Biotechnology and crop or livestock improvement.
  • Genetic improvement of biological control microorganisms.
  • Genetic control of secondary metabolic pathways and metabolic enzymes of crop pathogens.
  • Transcription analysis of beneficial or pest insect developmental stages

Agri Gene encourages submission of novel manuscripts that present a reasonable level of analysis, functional relevance and/or mechanistic insight. Agri Gene also welcomes papers that have predominantly a descriptive component but improve the essential basis of knowledge for subsequent functional studies, or which provide important confirmation of recently published discoveries provided that the information is new.

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Agricultural Systems

ISSN: 0308-521XeISSN: 1873-2267

Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural and social environments. In particular, its aim is to encourage integration of knowledge among those disciplines that underpin agriculture. Many contributions will therefore be multi- or inter-disciplinary. Papers generally focus on either methodological approaches to understanding and managing interactions within or among agricultural systems, or the application of holistic or quantitative systems approaches to a range of problems within agricultural systems and their interactions with other systems. Because of the nature of the readership of Agricultural Systems, the contents of papers should be easily accessible (properly introduced, presented and discussed) to readers from a wide range of disciplines.The scope includes the development and application of systems methodology, including system modeling, simulation and optimization; ecoregional analysis of agriculture and land use; studies on natural resource issues related to agriculture; impact and scenario analyses related to topics such as GMOs, multifunctional land use and global change; and the development and application of decision and discussion support systems; approaches to analyzing and improving farming systems; technology transfer in tropical and temperate agriculture; and the relationship between agricultural development issues and policy.The journal publishes original scientific papers, short communications, review articles and book reviews. Review articles and book reviews should only be submitted after consultation or invitation from either an Editor or the Book Review Editor, respectively.Please bookmark this page as: more information/suggestions/comments please contact

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Agricultural Water Management

ISSN: 0378-3774

The journal publishes papers of international significance relating to the science, economics, and policy of agricultural water management. In all cases, manuscripts must address implications and provide insight regarding agricultural water management.The primary topics that we consider are the following:• Farm-level and regional water management• Crop water relations, crop yields and water productivity • Irrigation, drainage, and salinity in cultivated areas• Salinity management and strategies for improving the use of saline water in agriculture• Rainwater harvesting and crop water management in rainfed areas• Use of wastewater and other low quality waters in agriculture • Groundwater management in agriculture and conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water• Implications of groundwater and surface water management on nutrient cycling• Exploitation and protection of agricultural water resources.Additional topics of interest include interactions between agricultural water management and the environment (flooding, soil erosion, nutrient loss and depletion, non-point source pollution, water quality, desertification, and the potential implications of global climate change for agricultural water management), and the institutional and regulatory aspects of agricultural water management (water pricing, allocation and competition).Papers in these categories must draw direct and practical linkages to agricultural water management. Manuscripts drawing generalised conclusions, such as that competition for water will increase in future, or that less water will be available for agriculture, are unlikely to be considered.Also, manuscripts describing basic soil-water-plant relationships, basic engineering and hydrology, or methods of estimating evapotranspiration will be considered only if the discussion is relevant to the active management of water in agriculture and the information enhances international literature.

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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

ISSN: 0168-1923eISSN: 1873-2240

Agricultural and Forest Meteorologyis an international journal for the publication of original articles and reviews on the inter-relationship between meteorology, agriculture, forestry, and natural ecosystems. Emphasis is on basic and applied scientific research relevant to practical problems in the field of plant and soil sciences, ecology and biogeochemistry as affected by weather as well as climate variability and change. Theoretical models should be tested against experimental data. Articles must appeal to an international audience. Special issues devoted to single topics are also published.Typical topics include canopy micrometeorology (e.g. canopy radiation transfer, turbulence near the ground, evapotranspiration, energy balance, fluxes of trace gases), micrometeorological instrumentation (e.g., sensors for trace gases, flux measurement instruments, radiation measurement techniques), aerobiology (e.g. the dispersion of pollen, spores, insects and pesticides), biometeorology (e.g. the effect of weather and climate on plant distribution, crop yield, water-use efficiency, and plant phenology), forest-fire/weather interactions, and feedbacks from vegetation to weather and the climate system.Keyword index available on

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Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia

What is Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia?
Launched in October 2010, Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia will be an e-only product focused entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia enables fast dissemination so conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect, which will then be made freely available worldwide. Conference proceedings will be accepted for publication in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia based on suitability and will be required to meet certain criteria, including relevance to an international audience and covering highly cited or timely topics. Copyright information
For authors publishing in Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, accepted manuscript will be governed by CC BY-NC-ND. For further details see our copyright information.

What does Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia offer authors and conferences organizers?
Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia offers a single, highly recognized platform where conference papers can be hosted and accessed by millions of researchers. Authors will know where to go to keep abreast of the latest developments in their field. All proceedings will appear online, on Science Direct, within 8 weeks of acceptance of the final manuscripts via the conference organizer and will then be freely available to all users. Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia will offer authors and conference organizers a fast and cost effective way to provide maximum exposure for their papers. Templates (both Latex and Word) will be provided to assist in the publication and the final online papers will contain linked references, XML versions and DOI numbers.

Why should conference organizers choose Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia?
Unlike regular journals, there will be no limit to the amount of papers Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia issue can contain and pricing will be affordable, clear and transparent. Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia will offer immediate access for all, with papers online within 8 weeks of acceptance, and free access provides maximum exposure for individual papers and the related conference. Organizers will be credited on the actual issue and will be fully responsible for quality control, the review process and the content of individual conference papers.

What is the process for submitting conference proceedings to Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia?
Proposals, including a synopsis of why such an Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia issue will have an impact on its community, a list of agreed contributors and an outline of the related conference (including a link to the conference website) should be sent to: Elaine van Ommen Kloeke (Publisher) Proposals should be prepared using the template /inca/publications/misc/AASPRO Proposal Template.dochere.

Please note that we do not accept proposals from individual authors for Procedia titles

There will be an agreed fee, based on the size of the proceedings, which will include online publication on ScienceDirect and free access after acceptance. In addition to the online version there is the possibility to purchase paper copies, CD-ROMs and USB sticks. Moreover, interactive media possibilities such as webcasts and web seminars can be acquired for extra exposure both before and after the conference.

Can Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences Procedia be sponsored?
We are open to discussing sponsoring possibilities at all times. Sponsors can include funding bodies, government agencies and/or industry. Benefits to sponsors include visibility amongst a scientific audience and the opportunity to communicate messages via a peer-reviewed platform. Benefits to authors and conference organizers are the further dissemination of material to an international audience and reduced costs to the overall conference budget.

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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment with Applied Soil Ecology (Combined Subscription)

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

ISSN: 0167-8809eISSN: 1873-2305

AGRICULTURE,ECOSYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENTAn International Journal for Scientific Research on the Interaction Between Agroecosystems and the EnvironmentAgriculture, Ecosystems and Environment publishes scientific articles dealing with the interface between agroecosystems and the natural environment, specifically how agriculture influences the environment and how changes in that environment impact agroecosystems. Preference is given to papers from experimental and observational research at the field, system or landscape level, from studies that enhance our understanding of processes using data-based biophysical modelling, and papers that bridge scientific disciplines and integrate knowledge. All papers should be placed in an international or wide comparative context.The focus is on the following areas:• Biological and physical characteristics and dynamics of agroecosystems.• Ecology, diversity and sustainability of agricultural systems.• Relationships between agroecosystems and the natural environment, including land, air, and water.• Agroecosystem and global environmental changes including climate change, greenhouse gases and air pollution.• Ecological consequences of intensification, soil degradation, waste application, irrigation, and mitigation options.• Environmental implications of agricultural land use and land use change.All manuscripts are initially screened on their topic suitability and linguistic quality. The following topics are discouraged unless they provide new information regarding processes operating at the agroecosystem-environment interface: inventory and survey analysis and impact assessment, including life cycle and emergy analysis; greenhouse or laboratory-based studies; development of models or methodologies and pure model application; studies that are purely agronomic, socio-economic, or political.

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Air Medical Journal

ISSN: 1067-991X

Air Medical Journal is the official journal of the five leading air medical transport associations in the United States. AMJ is the premier provider of information for the medical transport industry, addressing the unique concerns of medical transport physicians, nurses, pilots, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, communication specialists, and program administrators. The journal contains practical how-to articles, debates on controversial industry issues, legislative updates, case studies, and peer-reviewed original research articles covering all aspects of the medical transport profession.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 0741-8329eISSN: 1873-6823

Alcohol is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of the actions or effects of alcohol on the nervous system or on other organ systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and biomedical aspects of diagnosis, etiology, treatment or prevention of alcohol-related health effects.

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Alcoholism and Drug Addiction


A quarterly journal aimed at scientists engaged in studies in psychoactive substances, at clinicians and all those interested in problems connected with alcohol and drug addiction. The journal is interdisciplinary in its character - the papers accepted for publication address problems associated with alcohol and other psychoactive substances and take the form of studies in basic, clinical, epidemiological and social research topics. The issues discussed in the journal include alcohol and drug policy, social and cultural determinants in substance use, social history of alcohol and drug use, behavioural addictions, the influence of psychoactive substances on mechanisms in the brain and its neuroplasticity, biological factors associated with alcohol and psychoactive substance abuse in youth and adults, impact of addictions on health, nervous system, liver, life expectancy, addiction therapy schemes, pharmacological strategies.

The goal of the journal is to share the results of Polish and international research work and studies, expand and integrate research groups, and also to build bridges between science and (clinical) practice.

The Editorial Board accepts for publication original research papers, review articles, case studies and monographs, conference papers, conference reviews, book reviews, letters and announcements. All the research articles, reviews, case studies and monographs are peer reviewed. Authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. We accept articles in Polish and English.

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction is an official journal of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.

The paper version of the journal is distributed by The State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems, which also provides co-financing.

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Alexandria Engineering Journal

ISSN: 1110-0168eISSN: 2090-2670

Alexandria Engineering Journal is an international journal devoted to publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied science. Alexandria Engineering Journal is cited in the Engineering Information Services (EIS) and the Chemical Abstracts (CA). The papers published in Alexandria Engineering Journal are grouped into five sections, according to the following classification:• Mechanical, Production, Marine and Textile Engineering• Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Nuclear Engineering• Civil and Architecture Engineering• Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences• Environmental EngineeringAlexandria Engineering Journal publishes original papers, critical reviews, technical papers, technical data, short notes, and letters to the editor. Papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects which contribute to the understanding of engineering and applied sciences or give an insight into engineering practices and processes are welcome. Authors from all over the world are invited to submit manuscripts for possible publications in Alexandria Engineering Journal.

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Algal Research

ISSN: 2211-9264

Algal Research is an international phycology journal covering all areas of emerging technologies in algae biology, biomass production, cultivation, harvesting, extraction, bioproducts, and econometrics. It publishes original research and reviews on algal biology (phylogeny, molecular traits and metabolic regulation of microalgae for biofuels), algal cultivation (phototrophic systems in open ponds, heterotrophic systems), algal products and economics, algal harvesting and extraction systems, new conversion technologies for algal biomass and technoeconomic modeling of algae biofuels systems.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Review articles, book reviews and commentaries should only be submitted after consultation with the Editors.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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All Clinics Online

  • 1 year individual access to all current clinical review articles at
  • 57 clinical review titles
  • Archived issues dating back to 2002
  • Access to any new issues published during your subscription
  • PDF files of all content for convenient viewing

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Allergology International

ISSN: 1323-8930eISSN: 1440-1592

Allergology International is the official English language journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology, publishing peer-reviewed articles of scientific excellence in human and experimental allergology, and related fields of research. The Journal aims to further the international exchange of results and encourages authors from all countries to submit papers in the following categories: Original Articles; Case Reports; Short Communications; Occasional Reviews and Editorials; and Letters to the Editor. Allergology International is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

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Ambulatory Surgery

ISSN: 0966-6532

Day-care, or ambulatory techniques provides an efficient and flexible approach to the provision of many surgical and therapeutic procedures.

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American Heart Journal

ISSN: 0002-8703

The American Heart Journal will consider for publication suitable articles on topics pertaining to the broad discipline of cardiovascular disease. Our goal is to provide the reader primary investigation, scholarly review, and opinion concerning the practice of cardiovascular medicine. We especially encourage submission of 3 types of reports that are not frequently seen in cardiovascular journals: negative clinical studies, reports on study designs, and studies involving the organization of medical care. The Journal does not accept individual case reports or original articles involving bench laboratory or animal research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice

ISSN: 2666-6022

American Journal of Cardiology

ISSN: 0002-9149

Published 24 times a year, The American Journal of Cardiology® is an independent journal designed for cardiovascular disease specialists and internists with a subspecialty in cardiology throughout the world. AJC is an independent, scientific, peer-reviewed journal of original articles that focus on the practical, clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. AJC has one of the fastest acceptance to publication times in Cardiology. Features report on systemic hypertension, methodology, drugs, pacing, arrhythmia, preventive cardiology, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathy. Also included are editorials, readers' comments, and symposia.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

ISSN: 1064-7481eISSN: 1545-7214

Aims and ScopeThe American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry is the authoritative source of information for the rapidly developing field of geriatric psychiatry. The Journal contains peer-reviewed articles on the diagnosis and classification of psychiatric disorders of later life, epidemiological and biological correlates of mental health of older adults, and psychopharmacology and other somatic treatments. The Journal is published twelve times a year.

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American Journal of Infection Control

ISSN: 0196-6553

AJIC covers key topics and issues in infection control and epidemiology. Infection control professionals, including physicians, nurses, and epidemiologists, rely on AJIC for peer-reviewed articles covering clinical topics as well as original research. As the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). AJIC is the foremost resource on infection control, epidemiology, infectious diseases, quality management, occupational health, and disease prevention. AJIC also publishes infection control guidelines from APIC and the CDC. AJIC is included in Index Medicus and CINAHL.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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American Journal of Kidney Diseases

ISSN: 0272-6386

The American Journal of Kidney Diseases (AJKD), the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, is recognized worldwide as a leading source of information devoted to clinical nephrology practice and clinical research. Articles selected for publication in AJKD must adhere to rigorous standards, supporting the journal's goal to communicate important new information in clinical nephrology in a way that strengthens knowledge and helps physicians to provide their patients with the highest standard of care.Each issue of AJKD includes a mix of research findings and educational content. Original Investigations—fully reviewed not only by peer reviewers but also by statistics experts to ensure validity-describe the latest findings related to pathogenesis and treatment of kidney disease, hypertension, acid-base and electrolyte disorders, dialysis therapies, and kidney transplantation. Case Reports highlight new diseases, novel presentations, and potential therapeutic strategies. In addition, AJKD's rich array of educational and special interest features includes narrative reviews, editorials, teaching cases, quizzes, and articles focusing on translational research, clinical practice, and socioeconomic aspects of kidney disease and treatment.American Journal of Kidney Diseases is ranked 5th of 73 journals in the Urology & Nephrology category of the 2013 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters, and has an Impact Factor of 5.294.

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American Journal of Medicine

ISSN: 0002-9343

The American Journal of Medicine - "The Green Journal" - publishes original clinical research of interest to physicians in internal medicine, both in academia and community-based practice. The American Journal of Medicine is the official journal of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine, a prestigious group comprised of chairs of departments of internal medicine at more than 125 medical schools across the country. Each issue carries useful reviews as well as seminal articles of immediate interest to the practicing physician, including peer-reviewed, original scientific studies that have direct clinical significance, and position papers on health care issues, medical education, and public policy. The journal's ISI factor - the international measure of cited manuscripts and scientific impact - is fourteenth in the world among all general medical journals.The AJM publishes studies performed by multi-center groups in the various disciplines of medicine, including clinical trials and cohort studies from large patient populations, specifically:Phase I, phase II, and phase III studies performed under the auspices of groups such as general clinical research centers, cooperative oncology groups, and the like.Reports of patients with common presentations or diseases, especially studies that delineate the natural history and therapy of important conditions.Reviews oriented to the practicing internist and diagnostic puzzles, complete with images from a variety of specialties.Careful physiological or pharmacological studies that explain normal function or the body's response to disease.Analytic reviews such as meta-analyses and decision analyses that use a formal structure to summarize an important field.

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American journal of medicine open

ISSN: 2667-0364

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology

ISSN: 0002-9378

Covering the full spectrum of the specialty, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, “The Gray Journal,” presents the latest diagnostic procedures, leading-edge research, and expert commentary in maternal-fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, gynecologic oncology, and urogynecology as well as general obstetrics and gynecology.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM

ISSN: 2589-9333