A Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial é uma revista trimestral, que considerará para publicação trabalhos originais, de investigação, revisões, casos clínicos e comunicações curtas, de interesse científico para clínicos e investigadores relacionados direta ou indiretamente com a saúde oral.The Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial is a quarterly magazine, which will consider for publication original articles, research, review articles, case reports and brief communications with scientific interest for clinicians and researchers directly or indirectly related to oral health.
A Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia é a revista oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (SPP). Publicam-se 6 números por ano, dando prioridade aos estudos relacionados com as doenças respiratorias do adulto e de investigação clínica. A revista publica artigos originais submetidos ao sistema de revisão por pares (peer review), revisões, editoriais e artigos de opinião. A revista imprime-se em português, e tanto a versão em português como uma versão em inglês estarão disponiveis de forma livre na página web da revista e na PubMed e outras das principais bases de dados.Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia is the official journal of the Portuguese Society of Pulmonology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia/SPP). The journal publishes 6 issues per year, mainly about respiratory system diseases in adults and clinical research. This work can range from peer-reviewed original articles to review articles, editorials, and opinion articles. The journal is printed in Portuguese, and is freely available both in Portuguese and in English in its web page as well as in Medline and other databases.
Perioricidade: Publicação semestral
La Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad resulta imprescindible para conocer los últimos avances y las revisiones más destacadas en el ámbito de la calidad asistencial tanto en atención primaria como en el ámbito hospitalario. Sus páginas ofrecen contenidos relacionados con cualquier aspecto de la investigación en el campo de la salud pública y la administración sanitaria.6 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte http://www.elsevier.es/calasis
auditing, environmental accounting, social accounting, management accounting, corporate governance
La Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología (Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology) is the official journal of the Spanish Association of Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology (Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología (AELFA). It is a multidisciplinary journal which publishes articles associated with the fields of Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology and complies with APA guidelines. Director: Enrique Salesa Batlle.
Los campos de interés de la
The journal's fields of interest include all areas that contribute to a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease, both in clinical or translational research and in education. The journal promotes the publication of manuscripts on the topics of Pathology, Surgery, Epidemiology and Public Health, Gynecology, Nuclear Medicine, Medical Oncology, Psychology, Radiation Oncology, and Radiology.
Main topics of interest
Through its broad perspective and the quality of its articles,
REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DEL DOLOR (SED) (Journal of the Spanish Pain Society) is the official Journal of the Spanish Pain Society (la Sociedad española del dolor). It contains Original research articles, Clinical Notes, Reviews, Continuing Education Articles, Letters to the Editor and Literature Reviews. All works received are subjected to an internal assessment and reviewed by external reviewers.
El órgano de expresión científica de la Asociación Española de Biopatología Médica (AEBM), la Asociación Española de Farmacéuticos Analistas (AEFA) y la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica Clínica y Patología Molecular (SEQC). En sus páginas se incluyen los artículos científicos relacionados con las ciencias del laboratorio clínico de mayor interés profesional.4 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte http://www.elsevier.es/labclin
Les membres du comité éditorial sont tous issus des instances, institutions, universités, sociétés savantes, fédérations, académies, associations reflétant toute la diversité de la profession infirmière à travers le monde.
La revue est diffusée sur ScienceDirect.
Organe d'expression de la Société Francophone d'Etude et de Recherche en Orthoptie, la Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie, de parution trimestrielle, est destinée aux orthoptistes, et plus largement aux professionnels de santé concernés par l'orthoptie : opthalmologistes, mais aussi enseignants, éducateurs pour jeunes enfants, soignants prenant en charge les personnes âgées, personnels de rééducation (kinésithérapeutes, ergothérapeutes, psychomotriciens…).Dans chaque numéro, la Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie propose des articles d'actualité (professionnelle, sociale, juridique, santé publique, Europe), de recherche (études, cas cliniques), de formation (dossier) et de sciences humaines (société, histoire, droit), ainsi que des fiches pratiques et techniques (test, équipement).
Chaque mois, la Revue francophone des laboratoires propose a ses lecteurs:toute l'actualité scientifique professionnelle à travers une revue de presse internationale et des échos rédigés par les membres de notre comité scientifique,un dossier scientifique consacré à un thème de fond en biologie médicale, composé d'articles scientifiques de très haut niveau couvrant les différents phénomènes biologiques et les différentes techniques d'analyses,Un dossier du technicien plus "pratique" spécialement destiné à la formation des techniciens de laboratoires,des rubriques régulières comme Cas clinique et Fiche technique illustrant, à partir d'un cas concret, une méthode de diagnostic ou une technique d'analyse,une veille juridique, complément indispensable pour la bonne exécution des analyses.
Au service du progrès neurologiqueLa Revue neurologique rend compte des évolutions les plus récentes de votre spécialité au travers de Revues générales, Mémoires originaux, Brèves communications, Lettres à l'éditeur...Un support efficace de formation médicale continue La Revue neurologique vous permettra d'optimiser votre pratique gràce aux rubriques Mises au point, Pratique neurologique, Images, Comment j'examine, Cas cliniques, etc.Une tribune d'expression et d'audience internationalesLa Revue neurologiquepublie les sujets de recherche d'auteurs français ou étrangers de renom.
Une dimension européenne
D'intérêt européen, un grand nombre d'articles font l'objet de reprints dans l'EJCAP (
Les communications du Congrès national de l'AFVAC
Tous les ans, le meilleur de la recherche clinique dans le domaine des animaux de compagnie est présenté au Congrès national de l'AFVAC, toutes disciplines confondues. Les résumés détaillés des communications libres et des interventions à la Tribune des résidents et internes sont fournis aux lecteurs, répartis sur les différents numéros de l'année de référence.
Une source d'informations pour les professionnels, chercheurs, enseignants et étudiantsLa Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique permet d'entretenir et d'approfondir ses propres travaux grâce à la diversité des méthodologies et disciplines abordées dans chaque numéro.La revue propose également des articles pédagogiques à destination des enseignants et des étudiants.Découvrez des informations variées à travers :- des articles de recherche et des mises au point,- toutes les disciplines : épidémiologie, économie de la santé...,- différents sujets : cancer, nutrition, vieillissement¿,- et un champ géographique large.
La création de la
L'objectif de la revue est de répondre aux besoins de tous les professionnels spécialisés dans cette prise en charge comme les pédiatres onco-hématologues, les infirmià res/puéricultrices des services et réseaux spécialisés, les chirurgiens pédiatres, les radiothérapeutes, les radiologues, les anatomo-pathologistes, les biologistes, les pharmacologues mais aussi les psychologues, les onco-généticiens, les épidémiologistes, les pédiatres non spécialisés et les pédiatres en formation.
La revue devient ainsi l'organe officiel de diffusion de la Société Française de lutte contre les Cancers et les leucémies de l'Enfant et de l'adolescent (SFCE) et de la Société d'Hématologie et d'Immunologie Pédiatrique (SHIP).
Accroître la notoriété internationale de l’orthopédie francophoneA 118 ans, la Revue de Chirurgie orthopédique franchit, en 2009, une étape décisive dans son développement afin de renforcer la diffusion et la notoriété des publications francophones auprès des praticiens et chercheurs non-francophones.Les auteurs ayant leurs racines dans la francophonie trouveront ainsi une chance supplémentaire de voir reconnus les qualités et l’intérêt de leurs recherches par le plus grand nombre.Tous les travaux scientifiques de l’Orthopédie et de la Traumatologie accessibles en anglais et en français.Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research (OTSR) et sa version française Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (RCOT) publient respectivement en anglais et en français des travaux scientifiques originaux ayant trait à l’orthopédie, quelle que soit leur origine. Tous les mémoires originaux, faits cliniques, notes de technique font l’objet d’une double publication : en anglais en format purement électronique (OTSR), en français en édition papier et électronique (RCOT). Seule la version anglaise (OTSR) est indexée dans les banques de données internationales.Des rubriques pratiques pour un lectorat francophone et pluri-disciplinaireLa Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique propose par ailleurs en français, des travaux de sociétés scientifiques et groupes de recherche spécialisés liés à l’orthopédie, et des rubriques pratiques : Technique opératoire, Pratique professionnelle, Revue de presse, Analyse de livre...
La Revue de l'infirmière, le mensuel de toutes les infirmières.Fondée en 1951 par la Croix-Rouge française, la Revue de l'infirmière est la plus ancienne des publications de la discipline. Concrète et technique, elle est en prise directe avec la pratique quotidienne des infirmières ; elle leur apporte ainsi toute la formation et l'information dont elles ont besoin pour exercer leur métier.Chaque mois, la Revue de l'infirmiere vous propose 4 rubriques incontournables pour votre exercice quotidien :Actualités : événements majeursFormation : dossier complet sur une pathologie ou un type de soins, son diagnostic et son protocole.Pratique : rubriques régulières de diagnostic, protocole, observance, relation d'aide, soins à domicile...Guide : nouveaux produits, nouveaux matériels, associations, agenda, livres et multimédia, offres d'emploi et de formation.Et depuis Janvier 2006, la Revue de l'infirmière vous propose une fiche médicament et une fiche imagerie médicale.Chaque mois également, avec une parution décalée entre chaque numéro, le supplément de la Revue de l'infirmière fait le tour d'une spécialité ou d'un mode d'exercice infirmier. Compris également dans l'abonnement, le hors-série Formation.
Revue de micropaléontologie is one of five (5) journals in the world dedicated exclusively to microfossils, and one of the oldest journals in its discipline. Articles are concerned with a range of current topics in Paleobiology, Paleobiodiversity, Evolution, Systematics, Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental reconstructions, especially those that allow linking the microfossil record to global climate and environmental change. The journal has become a key player in the establishment of biostratigraphy and of paleoenvironmental reconstructions as a fundamental tool in Earth Sciences, and especially in petroleum exploration and development.
Bimestrielle pluridisciplinaire, la Revue de santé scolaire et universitaire s'adresse aux médecins et infirmières scolaires, aux psychologues et aux assistantes sociales. Elle donne, en effet, la parole à tous les acteurs participant à la promotion de la santé et de l'action sociale en milieu scolaire et universitaire afin :
- de favoriser les échanges et le partage d'expériences ;
- de rompre l'isolement des professionnels de la santé et de l'action sociale pour travailler ensemble ;
- d'accompagner les professionnels dans leur pratique quotidienne.
La Revue de santé scolaire et universitaire souhaite devenir la référence de tous les professionnels de la santé et de l'action sociale de l'école à l'université.
Revue de publication et de formation, la
Au sommaire des numéros où les travaux rapportés sont soutenus par des illustrations en couleur nombreuses, la
Véritable outil de formation médicale continue pour la pratique professionnelle, la revue propose par ailleurs des articles spécifiquement retenus pour publication dans le cadre du développement professionnel continu, enfin des notes techniques et des communications brèves.
La Revue des Maladies Respiratoires (Rev Mal Respir) est un outil de formation professionnelle pour tous les acteurs impliqués directement ou indirectement dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de pathologie respiratoire. La Revue publie en langue française les travaux de recherche de qualité issus des équipes francophones ainsi que des documents de formation concernant les maladies respiratoires, dans le cadre des rubriques suivantes : Editoriaux, Articles originaux, Revues générales (souvent dans le cadre de Séries thématiques), Synthèses ou Mises au point, Recommandations d´experts et textes de consensus, Fiches techniques, Cas cliniques ou articles « images et diagnostics », Lettres à la rédaction.Les suppléments thématiques de la Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités (Rev Mal Respir Actual) permettent la publication de compte-rendus et résumés de congrès (Missions CPLF, Mission ATS, Mission ERS), des synthèses bibliographiques sur les publications marquantes en Pneumologie (L´année Pneumo) et des textes de formations issues de diverses réunions organisées sous l´égide de la Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française.
La Revue des maladies respiratoires Actualités est la composante de la Revue des maladies respiratoires qui publie, sous la forme d’une information scientifique didactique, les documents issus des principales conférences ou réunions scientifiques des divers aspects de la pratique pneumologique.
La Revue du Ppodologue se veut un outil à la fois de technique et de pratique à l'intention des pédicures-podologues et de tous les professionnels de santé préoccupés par le pied, ses pathologies et les soins à y apporter.Cette nouvelle revue vous proposera à chaque numéro :- Actualités: Toute l'actualité de votre profession : comptes rendus de congrès, réunions scientifiques et techniques, ...- Formation: Un dossier thématique pour approfondir votre formation continue.- Pratique: Des rubriques de pratique quotidienne.- Guide: Toutes les informations nécessaires à la gestion de votre formation et de votre carrière : offres d'emploi et de formation, derniers produits et livres
Revue de la Société Française de Rhumatologie, la Revue du Rhumatisme monographies publie quatre fois par an des monographies traitent de sujets importants ou d’actualité dans la spécialité, sous forme de mises au point rédigées par les meilleurs experts.
Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America updates you on the latest trends in patient management, keeps you up to date on the newest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue (February, May, August, and November) focuses on a single topic in rheumatology and is presented under the direction of an experienced editor. Topics include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, crystal diseases, MSK exam, disorders of the bone, immunodeficiency states, lupus, neuromuscular disease, pain disorders, scleroderma, vasculitis, pediatrics, therapeutics, treatment guidelines, and treatment modalities.
We are beginning to understand how communications at the rhizosphere, with soil organisms and other plant species, affect root exudates and nutrient uptake. This rapidly evolving subject utilizes molecular biology and genomic tools, food web or community structure manipulations, high performance liquid chromatography, isotopic analysis, diverse spectroscopic analytics, tomography and other microscopy, complex statistical and modeling tools.
Field experiments, microcosm experiments, and soil-free research will be considered. Research papers, technical or method papers, reviews, and commentaries are welcome. Papers discussing informative negative results will also be considered.
Rice Science is an international research journal sponsored by China National Rice Research Institute. It publishes original research papers, review articles, as well as short communications on all aspects of rice sciences in English language. Some of the topics that may be included in each issue are: breeding and genetics, biotechnology, germplasm resources, crop management, pest management, physiology, soil and fertilizer management, ecology, cereal chemistry and post-harvest processing.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles describing fundamental developments in the field of robotics, with special emphasis on autonomous systems. An important goal of this journal is to extend the state of the art in both symbolic and sensory based robot control and learning in the context of autonomous systems.Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles on the theoretical, computational and experimental aspects of autonomous systems, or modules of such systems.Application environments of interest include industrial, outdoor and outer space where advanced robotic techniques are required for autonomous systems to accomplish goals without human intervention; this includes robotics for hazardous and hostile environments.Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry brief reports on international meetings in the field, as well as an occasional multi-author debate on current topics of interest. Forthcoming meetings of importance will be listed.In more detail, the journal will cover the following topics:• Symbol mediated robot behavior control;• Sensory mediated robot behavior control;• Active sensory processing and control;• Industrial applications of autonomous systems;• Sensor modeling and data interpretation e.g. models and software for sensor data integration, 3D scene analysis, environment description and modeling, pattern recognition;• Robust techniques in AI and sensing e.g. uncertainty modeling, graceful degradation of systems;• Robot programming e.g. on-line and off-line programming, discrete event dynamical systems, fuzzy logic;• CAD-based robotics e.g. CAD-based vision, reverse engineering;• Robot simulation and visualization tools;• Tele-autonomous systems;• Micro electromechanical robots;• Robot control architectures;• Robot planning, adaptation and learning.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Original papers are welcomed in the areas of rapid-response manufacturing, global manufacturing, flexible automation, mechatronics, computer-controlled machinery and processes, micromechanical systems, green manufacturing, biotech manufacturing, photonics manufacturing, nano manufacturing, robotics, rapid prototyping, concurrent engineering, life cycle engineering, CAD/CAM/CAE, integration of IT tools into manufacturing, and other fields involving unique manufacturing techniques.
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our
Please see our
The journal publishes original reports of theoretical and methodological nature in the fields of geology, geophysics, and geochemistry, which contain data on composition and structure of the Earth's crust and mantle, describes processes of formation and general regularities of commercial mineral occurrences, investigations on development and application of geological-geophysical methods for their revealing. As to works of regional nature, accelerated publication are available for original papers on a variety of problems of comparative geology taking into account specific character of Siberia, adjacent Asian countries and water areas. The journal will also publish reviews, critical articles, chronicle of the most important scientific events, and advertisements.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Russian Literature combines issues devoted to special topics of Russian literature with contributions on related subjects in Croatian, Serbian, Czech, Slovak and Polish literatures. Moreover, several issues each year contain articles on heterogeneous subjects concerning Russian Literature. All methods and viewpoints are welcomed, provided they contribute something new, original or challenging to our understanding of Russian and other Slavic literatures.Russian Literature regularly publishes special issues devoted to:• the historical avant-garde in Russian literature and in the other Slavic literatures• the development of descriptive and theoretical poetics in Russian studies and in studies of other Slavic fields.
SSM - Population Health
The new online only, open access, peer reviewed journal in all areas relating Social Science research to population health.
SSM - Population Healthshares the same Editors-in Chief and general approach to manuscripts as its sister journal,Social Science & Medicine. The journal takes a broad approach to the field especially welcoming interdisciplinary papers from across the Social Sciences and allied areas.
SSM - Population Health offers an alternative outlet for work which might not be considered, or is classed as 'out of scope' elsewhere, and prioritizes fast peer review and publication to the benefit of authors and readers.
The journal welcomes all types of paper from traditional primary research articles, replication studies, short communications, methodological studies, instrument validation, opinion pieces, literature reviews, etc. SSM - Population Health also offers the opportunity to publish special issues or sections to reflect current interest and research in topical or developing areas. The journal fully supports authors wanting to present their research in an innovative fashion though the use of multimedia formats.
Safety Science serves as an international medium for research in the science and technology of human safety. It extends from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, leisure and home, as well as every other field of man's hazardous activities.Safety Science is multidisciplinary. Its contributors and its audience range from psychologists to chemical engineers. The journal covers the domain of safety in its general sense with a special focus on the interfaces between technology, people and organizations. Papers may address the physics and engineering of safety; its social, policy and organisational aspects; the management of risks; the effectiveness of control techniques for safety; standardization, legislation, inspection, insurance, costing aspects, human behaviour and safety and the like.Safety Science will enable academic researchers, engineers and decision-makers in companies, government agencies and international bodies, to augment their information level on the latest trends in the field, from policy makers and management scientists to engineers.The journal focuses primarily on original research papers across its whole scope, but also welcomes state-of-the-art review papers and first hand case histories on accidents and disasters of special significance. The emphasis is on safety risks, as distinct from health risks, but may include both.
Une revue conçue pour les sages-femmes
Fédérer la profession
Sages-femmes hospitaliêres, en clinique, en PMI, libérales et étudiantes :
Un niveau scientifique inégalé
Les sommaires élaborés à chaque numéro sont le reflet de la diversité des pratiques dans le domaine de la périnatalité, de l'obstétrique et de la gynécologie.
Une revue engagée
L'objectif de
Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology is an English language, peer-reviewed scholarly publication in the area of ophthalmology. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology publishes original papers, clinical studies, reviews and case reports. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology is the official publication of the Saudi Ophthalmological Society and is published by King Saud University in collaboration with Elsevier and is edited by an international group of eminent researchers.
The Scandinavian Journal of Management (SJM) provides an international forum for innovative and carefully crafted research on different aspects of management. We promote dialogue and new thinking around theory and practice, based on conceptual creativity, reasoned reflexivity and contextual awareness. We have a passion for empirical inquiry.We promote constructive dialogue among researchers as well as between researchers and practitioners. We encourage new approaches to the study of management and we aim to foster new thinking around management theory and practice.We publish original empirical and theoretical material, which contributes to understanding management in private and public organizations. Full-length articles (up to 8.000 words) and book reviews form the core of the journal, but focused discussion-type texts (around 3.000-5.000 words), empirically or theoretically oriented, can also be considered for publication.The Scandinavian Journal of Management is open to different research approaches in terms of methodology and epistemology. We are open to different fields of management application, but narrow technical discussions relevant only to specific sub-fields will not be given priority.All submissions and review processes for the journal are now carried out electronically through EES (http://ees.elsevier.com/sjm/). Reliability has always been our guideline, and EES enables us to further speed up submission and review processes and to offer authors an opportunity to make use of reasonable lead times in getting their work reviewed and published.What is Scandinavian about the Scandinavian Journal of Management?The Scandinavian Journal of Management was founded in 1985, and it has become a truly international journal where scholars from all over the world publish their work. The name of the journal signifies:1. Openness: Empirical inquiries driven by curiosity over the exotic nature of mundane organizational life predominate, often in the form of case studies using qualitative research methods. The journal remains open, however, also to more classical approaches in the field of management, but it is the task of the proponents of such approaches to prove their worth, rather than vice versa. Openness is also manifest in the broad thematic profile of the journal.2. Creativity: Openness relates to interdisciplinary innovation and novel ways of conceptualizing management-related phenomena. We encourage creative refashioning of existing conceptions of management, and the introduction of new meanings and nuances into well-known concepts and ideas.3. Reflexivity: Creativity needs to be based on serious consideration of the foundations of the research endeavor, and the epistemological and methodological underpinnings of the theoretical claims made through empirical inquiry. In brief, the role and impact of the researcher/s in research needs to be addressed and thought out.The Editorial Team of the Scandinavian Journal of Management seeks to embody these principles in running the journal. Being Scandinavian and Nordic is a state of mind. Our talent pool and audience is the whole wide world all those interested in innovative management research.Our Editorial Team consists of Editor Alexander Styhre and Associate Editors Christine Coupland, Martin Fougère, Monica Lindgren, Inger Johanne Pettersen, Per Skålén and Morten Thanning Vendelo. Within our Team, we maintain a decentralized editorial system where the associate editors will be assigned responsibility for individual manuscripts, which fall in their particular areas of expertise. Our Book Review Editors Tommy Jensen and Sara Louise Muhr run a section, which features reviews on recent books by well-known scholars, but also on more avantgarde or marginal works and on books published in languages other than English. We want to provide our readers with reviews on interesting books that other major journals are unlikely to cover.Beyond a constant regular inflow of quality manuscripts, special issues provide in many ways the extra spice for scientific journals. They have been a prominent feature of the Scandinavian Journal of Management, too. Our Editorial Team will maintain the policy of the journal in encouraging top class special issues on timely and relevant themesOn behalf of our Editorial Team, I would like to invite you to consider the Scandinavian Journal of Management as a potential outlet for your work, as a relevant journal to do reviews for, or just to enjoy a good read.
As official journal of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)Schizophrenia Research is THE journal of choice for international researchers and clinicians to share their work with the global schizophrenia research community. More than 6000 institutes have online or print (or both) access to this journal - the largest specialist journal in the field, with the largest readership!Schizophrenia Research's time to first decision is as fast as 6 weeks and its publishing speed is as fast as 4 weeks until online publication (corrected proof/Article in Press) after acceptance and 14 weeks from acceptance until publication in a printed issue.The journal publishes novel papers that really contribute to understanding the biology and treatment of schizophrenic disorders; Schizophrenia Research brings together biological, clinical and psychological research in order to stimulate the synthesis of findings from all disciplines involved in improving patient outcomes in schizophrenia.
Science & Justice provides a forum to promote communication and publication of original articles, reviews and correspondence on subjects that spark debates within the Forensic Science Community and the criminal justice sector. The journal provides a medium whereby all aspects of applying science to legal proceedings can be debated and progressed. Science & Justice is published six times a year, and will be of interest primarily to practising forensic scientists and their colleagues in related fields. It is chiefly concerned with the publication of formal scientific papers, in keeping with its international learned status, but will not accept any article describing experimentation on animals which does not meet strict ethical standards.Aims and ScopePromote communication and informed debate within the Forensic Science Community and the criminal justice sector.To promote the publication of learned and original research findings from all areas of the forensic sciences and by so doing to advance the profession.To promote the publication of case based material by way of case reviews.To promote the publication of conference proceedings which are of interest to the forensic science community.Scope:To provide a medium whereby all aspects of applying science to legal proceedings can be debated and progressed.To appeal to all those with an interest in the forensic sciences.
A publication of the French Society of Sports Medicine.Science & Sports proposes, on one hand, updates on medical, scientific and applied technical research in the different fields of sports and physical activities (internal medicine, traumatology, psychology, sociology, biomechanics, technology. And, on the other hand, it facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technology between the clinic, research and practice in physical and athletic activity.Articles are published in French or English.
Science of Computer Programming is dedicated to the distribution of research results in the areas of software systems development, use and maintenance, including the software aspects of hardware design.The journal has a wide scope ranging from the many facets of methodological foundations to the details of technical issues andthe aspects of industrial practice.The subjects of interest to SCP cover the entire spectrum of methods for the entire life cycle of software systems, including• Requirements, specification, design, validation, verification, coding, testing, maintenance, metrics and renovation of software;• Design, implementation and evaluation of programming languages;• Programming environments, development tools, visualisation and animation;• Management of the development process;• Human factors in software.• Software aspects of operating systems, system administration and network management.Special emphasis is given to recent trends in software development, such as software architecture, component-based software development and web-based software engineering. SCP is divided into four tracks. These are: (1) Concepts and methodology, (2) Formal techniques, (3) Experimental software technology, (4) Descriptive software technology.1) The conceptual track is open for methodological, philosophical and sociological studies on all aspects of computer software production and usage, including ethics.2) The formal track emphasizes the development and the pragmatic application of formal and semiformal techniques. Submissions which the editors consider mainly mathematical or theoretical in nature, with the preliminary consent of the authors, will formally be forwarded to the sister journal TCS.3) The experimental track is open for expositions on implementations of and experiments with novel programming languages, systems and methods. It must be emphasized that papers describing new software tools of relevance to SCP are welcome under the strict condition that the source code of the tools is open.4) The descriptive track deals with observational studies of current software development practices, reporting on new languages,systems and methods, including survey reports on the various themes.Special Issues:Science of Computer Programming welcomes Special Issues within its Scope either resulting from conferences or workshops or from dedicated editorial efforts.
Science of the Total Environment is an international journal for publication of original research on the total environment, which includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and anthroposphere.The total environment is characterized where these five spheres overlap. Studies that focus on at least two or three of these will be given primary consideration. Papers reporting results from only one sphere will not be considered. Field studies are given priority over laboratory studies. The total environment is studied when data are collected and described from these five spheres. By definition total environment studies must be multidisciplinary.Examples of data from the five spheres are given below:Subject areas may include, but are not limited to:• Agriculture, forestry, land use and management• Air pollution quality and human health• Contaminant (bio)monitoring and assessment• Ecosystem services and life cycle assessments• Ecotoxicology and risk assessment• Emerging fields including global change and contaminants• Environmental management and policy• Environmental remediation• Environmental sources, processes and global cycling• Groundwater hydrogeochemistry and modeling• Human health risk assessment and management• Nanomaterials in the environment• Noise in the environment• Persistent organic pollutants• Plant science and toxicology• Remote sensing• Stress ecology in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems• Trace metals and organics in biogeochemical cycles• Waste and water treatmentThe editors discourage submission of papers which describe results from routine surveys or monitoring programs, studies which are local in scope, laboratory experiments, hydroponic or pot studies measuring biochemical/physiological endpoints, food science studies, screening of new plant species for phytoremediation, testing known chemicals in another setting, and experimental studies lacking a testable hypothesis.The abstract, highlights and conclusions of papers in this journal must contain clear and concise statements as to why the study was done and how readers will benefit from the results. Articles submitted for publication in Science of the Total Environment should establish connections among research findings with implications for environmental quality, ecological health, and/or human health.
Scientia Horticulturae is an international journal publishing research related to horticultural crops. Articles in the journal deal with open or protected production of vegetables, fruits, edible fungi and ornamentals under temperate, subtropical and tropical conditions. Papers in related areas (biochemistry, micropropagation, soil science, plant breeding, plant physiology, phytopathology, etc.) are considered, if they contain information of direct significance to horticulture. Papers on the technical aspects of horticulture (engineering, crop processing, storage, transport etc.) are accepted for publication only if they relate directly to the living product. In the case of plantation crops, those yielding a product that may be used fresh (e.g. tropical vegetables, citrus, bananas, and other fruits) will be considered, while those papers describing the processing of the product (e.g. rubber, tobacco, and quinine) will not. The scope of the journal includes all horticultural crops but does not include speciality crops such as, medicinal crops or forestry crops, such as bamboo. Basic molecular studies without any direct application in horticulture will not be considered for this journal.Types of paper: 1. Original full papers (regular papers)2. Review articles (should cover a part of the subject of active current interest) 3. Short Communications - 3.1 Report of preliminary results of important research (pilot investigation: e.g. no duplications or with other restrictions) - 3.2 Newly developed methodology or modification of existing methodology, possibly description of first test. - 3.3 Results of the application of an earlier published research methodology on other crops or under different conditions (fact finding or recipes) that are nevertheless of interest to an international readership. Should include new scientific insight.4. Book Reviews (included in the journal on a range of relevant books which are not more than 2 years old).Original papers should report the results of original research and should be of international and not only regional interest. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere, except in a preliminary form. Reviews should cover a part of the subject active current interest. They may be submitted or invited.Short Communications should be as completely documented, both by reference to the literature and description of the experimental procedures employed, as a regular paper. They should not occupy more than 4 printed pages (about 8 manuscript pages, including figures, etc.).For consultation or suggestions please contact the Editors-in-Chief.
The objectives of Scientia Iranica are two-fold. The first is to provide a forum for the presentation of original works by scientists and engineers from around the world. The second is to open an effective channel to enhance the level of communication between scientists and engineers and the exchange of state-of-the-art research and ideas.The scope of the journal is broad and multidisciplinary in technical sciences and engineering. It encompasses theoretical and experimental research. Specific areas include but not limited to chemistry, chemical engineering, civil engineering, control and computer engineering, electrical engineering, material, manufacturing and industrial management, mathematics, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, petroleum engineering, physics, nanotechnology.
Scientific African is a peer reviewed, open access, inter- and multidisciplinary scientific journal that is dedicated to expanding access to African research, increasing intra-African scientific collaboration, and building academic research capacity in Africa. The journal aims to provide a modern, highly-visible platform for publishing pan-African research and welcomes submissions from all scientific disciplines in the following broad categories:
AGF - Agriculture and Food Security
CHE - Chemistry
CON - Conservation and Sustainability Studies
ECO - Economics and Business
ENV - Environmental and Geosciences
ITE - Information Technology and Engineering
LIF - Life and Health Sciences
MAT - Mathematics
PHY - Physical Sciences
SOC - Social Sciences and Policy
From its international perspective, Sealing Technology distils the information you need to take advantage of every new development and business opportunity in the pump and fluid handling industry. It quickly alerts you to rapid changes and developments, and analyses their impact on the industry and its marketplace.In every issue:• Technology news - all the latest developments including dynamic and static seals, the latest seal designs to reduce fugitive emission, centrifugal pump and mechanical seals, compressed gasket sheet materials, etc.• Business news - key information on your competitors' movements in the market, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions worldwide, major contracts, financial information relating to the major players, etc.• Feature articles - experts share the secrets of their own success• Patents - the latest new patents from around the world, including the latest innovations in design and developments of sealing systems• Events' calendar - comprehensive listing of all the international conferences and exhibitions• Webwatch - listing of new website addresses as they appear for you to bookmark and revisitSealing Technology covers the following areas: automotive, biotechnology, Brewing and wine, chemicals, desalination, drinking water treatment, electronics, food and beverage, mineral extraction, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, power generation, pulp and paper, and sewage treatment.
In scope, the journal encompasses all aspects of research into sediments and sedimentary rocks at all spatial and temporal scales.Sedimentary Geology aims to provide a forum for the publication of high-quality research papers of general interest across the entire range of subjects falling under the umbrella of sedimentary geology, from techniques of sediment analysis to geodynamical aspects of sedimentary-basin evolution.Papers submitted to Sedimentary Geology should place the research in a broad context so that it is of interest to the diverse, international readership of the journal. Thus, papers that focus solely on a local theme or area will not be accepted for publication.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy is an international journal owned by Epilepsy Action (the largest member led epilepsy organisation in the UK). It provides a forum for papers on all topics related to epilepsy and seizure disorders.Seizure focuses especially on clinical and psychosocial aspects, but will publish papers on the basic sciences related to the condition itself, the differential diagnosis, natural history and epidemiology of seizures, as well as the investigation and practical management of seizure disorders (including drug treatment, neurosurgery and non-medical or behavioural treatments).The journal reflects the social and psychological burden and impact of the condition on people with epilepsy, their families and society at large, and the methods and ideas that may help to alleviate the disability and stigma, which the condition may cause. The journal aims to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines that work in the field of epilepsy.
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Una publicación excelente para la revisión de las enfermedades reumáticas y sus aspectos limítrofes. Sus contenidos facilitan extraordinariamente la formación médica continuada, y cuentan con el aval del Sistema Español de Acreditación de la Formación Continuada.4 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte http://www.elsevier.es/semreuma
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism provides a broad interpretation of the field, including aspects of general medicine and orthopedics. Each bimonthly issue presents comprehensive review articles focusing on topics in rheumatology. It is of interest to rheumatologists, internal medicine specialists, orthopedic surgeons, immunologists and specialists in bone and marrow metabolism.Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism is ranked 5th out of 29 journals in the Rheumatology category on the 2011 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters, and has an Impact Factor of 4.969.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Each issue of Seminars in Arthroplasty provides a comprehensive, current overview of a single topic in arthroplasty. The journal addresses orthopedic surgeons, providing authoritative reviews with emphasis on new developments relevant to their practice.2011 Issues/Topics:March Current Concepts in Joint Replacement - ShoulderA. Seth GreenwaldJune Current Concepts In Joint Replacement - The HipSeptember Current Concepts in Joint Replacement - The Knee:Selected papers from the 11th Annual Spring Meeting, Las Vegas, May 2010December Ceramics in Orthopedic Surgery: The Contemporary LandscapeBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Cancer Biology is a review journal dedicated to keeping scientists informed of developments in the field of molecular oncology on a topic by topic basis. Each issue is thematic in approach, devoted to an important topic of interest to cancer biologists, from the underlying genetic and molecular causes of cellular transformation and cancer to the molecular basis of potential therapies. Every issue is edited by a guest editor, an internationally acknowledged expert in the field, and contains six to eight authoritative invited reviews on different aspects of the subject area. The aim of each issue is to provide a coordinated, readable, and lively review of a selected area, published rapidly to ensure currency.Topics covered in earlier issues include:• Tumour suppressor genes• Protein kinases in signal transduction• Steroids and their receptors• Transgenic mice in cancer research• Apoptosis and Cancer• RNA interference in cancer biology and treatment• Oncogenes as therapeutic targetsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology is a review journal dedicated to keeping scientists informed of developments in the field of molecular cell and developmental biology, on a topic by topic basis. Each issue is thematic in approach, devoted to an important topic of interest to cell and developmental biologists, focusing on the latest advances and their specific implications. Every issue is edited by a guest editor, an Internationally acknowledged expert in the field, and contains six to eight authoritative invited reviews on different aspects of the subject area. The aim of each issue is to provide a coordinated, readable, and lively review of a selected area, published rapidly to ensure currency.Topics Covered in Earlier Issues Include:• Dictyostelium pattern formation• Molecular chaperones of the ER: their role in protein folding and genetic disease• Plant development and signalling• Chromatin: a target for intracellular signalling pathways• Gene duplication in development and evolutionBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery offers a comprehensive and coordinated review of a single, timely topic related to the diagnosis and treatment of proctologic diseases. Each issue is an organized compendium of practical information that serves as a lasting reference for colorectal surgeons, general surgeons, surgeons in training and their colleagues in medicine with an interest in colorectal disorders.2014 TopicsMarchInnovative Radiotherapy for Colorectal CancerAndrea McKeeJuneAnastomotic LeakTodd FranconeSeptemberTransanal SurgeryMark H. WhitefordDecemberAnal FistulasJoshua I. S. BleierBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery publishes topical reviews that address critical advances in the practice of medical and surgical dermatology. In-depth coverage of topics integral to the specialty, includes dermatologic surgery, general dermatology and dermatopathology.2010 Topics, Volume 29, Issues 1-4 MarchPsoriasis and BiologicsCraig Leonardi June Pediatric DermatologyKelly Cordoro SeptemberPigmented LesionsMichael Ming DecemberSkin CancerTom Rohrer 2009 Topics, Volume 28, Issues 1-4MarchHair and Nail DisordersAntonella TostiJune Disorders Affecting Skin of ColorNaissan WesleySeptemberDermoscopy and Recently Developed Imaging TechnologiesPeter SoyerDecemberDecemberAdvances in Body ShapingEmmy M. GraberMichael S. KaminerCraig Leonardi2008 Topics, Volume 27, Issues 1-4MarchTechnology in Dermatology and Dermatologic SurgeryAshish BhatiaAllan C. HalpernGirish MunavalliJuneAtopic DermatitisSarah L. ChamlinSeptemberAcne TherapyEmmy M. GraberDecemberLasers and Lights--A Practical Update and Future Considerations.
Each issue of Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology offers current, authoritative reviews of topics in diagnostic anatomic pathology. The Seminars is of interest to pathologists, clinical investigators and physicians in practice.
Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (formerly Seminars in Neonatology) is a bi-monthly journal which publishes topic-based issues, including current 'Hot Topics' on the latest advances in fetal and neonatal medicine. The Journal is of interest to obstetricians and maternal-fetal medicine specialists.The Journal commissions review-based content covering current clinical opinion on the care and treatment of the pregnant patient and the neonate and draws on the necessary specialist knowledge, including that of the pediatric pulmonologist, the pediatric infectious disease specialist, the surgeon, as well as the general pediatrician and obstetrician.Each topic-based issue is edited by an authority in their field and contains 8-10 articles.Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine provides:• Coverage of major developments in neonatal care;• Value to practising neonatologists, consultant and trainee pediatricians, obstetricians, midwives and fetal medicine specialists wishing to extend their knowledge in this field;• Up-to-date information in an attractive and relevant format.
Seminars in Hematology is a topical journal that focuses on subjects of current importance in clinical hematology and related fields. The journal is devoted to making the present status of such topics and the results of new investigations readily available to the practicing physician. Seminars in Hematology is of special interest to hematologists, oncologists, internal medicine specialists, blood bankers and specialists in thrombosis and hemostasis.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Immunology is a review journal dedicated to keeping scientists informed of developments in the field of immunology on a topic by topic basis. Each issue is thematic in approach, devoted to an important topic of interest to immunologists, focusing on recent advances across a broad spectrum of research, from the molecular and cellular basis of the immune response to the possibilities for its manipulation. Every issue is edited by a guest editor, an internationally acknowledged expert in the field, and contains six to eight authoritative invited reviews on different aspects of the subject area. The aim of each issue is to provide a coordinated, readable, and lively review of a selected area, published rapidly to ensure currency.Topics Covered in Earlier Issues Include:• Mechanism of V(D)J rearrangement• Commitment to CD4 and CD8 lineages• Mechanisms of T cell help• Lessons from the LPR mouse• Phosphatidylinositol-linked molecules in T-cell activationBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Nephrology is a timely source for the publication of new concepts and research findings relevant to the clinical practice of nephrology. Each issue is an organized compendium of practical information that serves as a lasting reference for nephrologists, internists and physicians in training.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com2011 Topics, Volume 31, Issues 1-6JanuaryPregnancy and the KidneyS. Ananth Karumanchi and Marshall LindheimerMarchEndothelium and the KidneyPhilip MarsdenMay Peritoneal DialysisJoanne BargmanJulyImaging Techniques in Nephrology Bruce MolitorisSeptemberUric Acid and the KidneyRichard JohnsonNovemberGlomerulonephritisRichard J. Glassock
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine is a timely source for new concepts and techniques in nuclear medicine. The clinically oriented articles provide a reference for those involved in the performance and interpretation of nuclear medicine procedures. The contributing authors represent many of the recognized authorities from around the world.2012 Topics, Volume 42, Issues 1-6:JanuaryPlanar Imaging in the Age of SPECTMarchFunctional Studies of the Gastrointestinal TractMayTheranosticsJulyLow-Sensitivity FDG-PET StudiesSeptemberRadiation Oncology and Nuclear MedicineNovemberBrain Imaging UpdateBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Oncology brings you current, authoritative, and practical reviews of developments in the diagnosis and management of patients with cancer. Each issue examines a single topic of clinical importance. You're guided through each cancer's biology, epidemiology, and pathophysiology, its clinical presentation and therapeutic options, and appropriate follow-up measures. This journal makes an excellent addition to every oncology practice.2013 Topics: Volume 40The Evolving Landscape of Neuroendocrine TumorsEmily K. BergslandCardio-oncology: The Relationships Between the Heart and CancerMarc L. SchwartzProstate CancerLeonard Gomella, Adam Dicker, and William Kevin KellyRenal CancerBrian I. Rini and Thomas PowlesMultiple MyelomaAndrzej J. JakubowiakLung CancerDavid CarboneBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Oncology Nursing is a quarterly journal for the dissemination of knowledge in the complex field of cancer nursing. The Journal contains topical reviews carefully prepared by selected experts. Each issue focuses on a specific topic, with the aim of comprehensive coverage.2013 Forthcoming Issue - Volume 29, Issues 4November: Cognitive Changes Associated with Cancer and Cancer Treatment2014 Forthcoming Topics - Volume 30, Issues 1-4February: Advanced Nursing Science Within the Cooperative Group SettingMay: Personalizing Patient Care with Precision MedicineAugust: Targeted TherapiesNovember: TBABenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Each issue provides up-to-date, state-of-the-art information on a single topic in orthodontics. Readers are kept abreast of the latest innovations, research findings, clinical applications and clinical methods. Collection of the issues will provide invaluable reference material for present and future review.Commission OnlyThis journal only publishes commissioned articles. Each issue investigates important developments and topics in orthodontics and provides articles that provide dental practitioners with authoritative guidance. Intended as an ongoing clinical reference, it is a unique publication.
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology is a topical journal that focuses on subjects of current importance in the field of pediatric neurology. The journal is devoted to making the status of such topics and the results of new investigations readily available to the practicing physician. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology is of special interest to pediatric neurologists, pediatric neuropathologists, behavioral pediatricians, and neurologists who treat all ages.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com2012 Topics, Volume 19, Issues 1-4MarchViral Infections of the Pediatric Nervous SystemDan BonthiusJuneNeurologic Sequelae of Cancer in ChildrenNicole UlrichSeptemberImmunizations and the Pediatric Nervous SystemMax WhiznitzerDecemberSocial Issues in Pediatric NeurologyM. Shevell
Seminars in Pediatric Surgery provides current state-of-the-art reviews of subjects of interest to those charged with the surgical care of young patients. Each quarterly issue addresses a single topic with articles written by the experts in the field. Guest editors, all noted authorities, prepare each issue.2012 Topics, Volume 21, Issues 1-4FebruaryChildhood solid tumorsRobert ShambergerMayChallenges of Pediatric Surgical Practice in AfricaEssam Elhalaby and Alastair MillarAugustHepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders in ChildrenMark DavenportNovemberHirschsprung Disease and Related DisordersDaniel TeitelbaumBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The purpose of each issue of Seminars in Perinatology is to provide authoritative and comprehensive reviews of a single topic of interest to professionals who care for the mother, the fetus, and the newborn. The journal's readership includes perinatologists, obstetricians, pediatricians, epidemiologists, students in these fields, and others. Each issue offers a comprehensive review of an individual topic, with emphasis on new developments that will have a direct impact on their practice.2014 Topics, Volume 38:FebruaryPeriviable Birth: Obstetric and Neonatal Management and Counseling Issue Part 2Brian M. MercerMarchExtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the NeonateBillie Lou ShortJuneIschemic Placental DiseaseCande V. AnanthAugustShoulder Dystocia and Neonatal Brachial Plexus PalsySuneet ChauhanOctoberCardiac Disease in PregnancyLynn SimpsonDecemberComplex Medical and Surgical Issues in Pregnancy from an OB Anesthesia PerspectiveRichard SmileyBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Each issue of Seminars in Radiation Oncology is compiled by a guest editor to address a specific topic in the specialty, presenting definitive information on areas of rapid change and development. A significant number of articles report new scientific information. Topics covered include tumor biology, diagnosis, medical and surgical management of the patient, and new technologies.Seminars in Radiation Oncology has an Impact Factor of 4.312 and is ranked 10th of 90 journals in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging category and 38th of 141 in Oncology category on the 2009 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters.2011 Topics: Volume 21, Issues 1-4JanuaryEarly Stage Breast CancerLori Pierce, MDAprilMetabolic and Functional Imaging with Radiation TherapyJames M. Balter, PhDJulyRectal CancerBrian Czito, MD, and Christopher Willett, MDOctoberLiver Tumors (primary and metastatic)Laura Dawson, MD
Seminars in Roentgenology is designed primarily for the practicing radiologist and for the resident. Each quarterly issue compiled by a leading guest editor covers a single topic of current importance. The clinical, pathological, and roentgenologic aspects are emphasized, while research and techniques are discussed insofar as they provide documentation and clarification of the subject under discussion. This Seminars series is of interest to radiologists, sonographers, and radiologic technicians.2012 Topics, Volume 47, Issues 1-4:JanuaryPediatric Imaging Update, Part IAprilPediatric Imaging Update, Part IIJulyCardiac ImagingOctoberImaging of TraumaBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Spine Surgery is a continuing source of current, clinical information for practicing surgeons. Under the direction of a specially selected guest editor, each issue addresses a single topic in the management and care of patients. Topics covered in each issue include basic anatomy, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, management options and follow-up of the condition under consideration. The journal also features "Spinescope," a special section providing summaries of articles from other journals that are of relevance to the understanding of ongoing research related to the treatment of spinal disorders.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery is devoted to keeping the practicing surgeon current. Each issue of the quarterly journal presents state of the art review articles, news and views editorial pieces, current reading sections that highlight up to date articles on fundamental or controversial issues, and features a roundtable discussion on a pre-selected topic with experts in the field answering important how-to questions. 2012 Topics, Volume 24Spring:The demise of the stentless valveThe future of tissue-engineered organs for transplant?Optimizing Control of pleural spaceCurrent Status of lung cancer screeningMitral valve surgery for dilated cardiomyopathyPost infarction ventricular septal defectMediastinal lymph node dissection for lung cancerSummer:Anaortic Coronary Bypass SurgeryWhat is the Optimal Interval Between Chemoradiation and Esophagectomy?Lung Cancer Resection Volume: Is Procedure Volume Really and Indicator of Quality?Specialty Matters in the Treatment of Lung CancerAwake Thoracic Surgery - Is it Worth the Trouble?Unilateral Extended Thoracoscopic Thymectomy for Nontumoral Myasthenia Gravis - A New StandardCerebral Protection For Aortic Arch SurgeryThoracoscopic Mediastinal Lymph Node Dissection for Lung Cancer - Part 2Implantation of Total Artificial Heart in Congenital Heart DiseaseFall:Alternate Approaches to Sternal ClosureMicroRNA as a New Factor in Lung and Esophageal CancerSleep Deprivation and the SurgeonRight Ventricular Failure After Cardiac SurgeryApical Aortic Valve ConduitLaparoscopic Repair of Epiphrenic DiverticulumHuge Ruptured and Infected Pseudoaneurysm of the Ascending Aorta after Previous Cardiac Surgery
The Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual is a companion to Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Together with the Seminars, the Annual provides complete coverage of the specialty by focusing on important developments in pediatric cardiac surgery. The editor of each annual volume invites prominent congenital surgeons to review the latest literature and expertly detail the greatest changes taking place in pediatric cardiac surgery.2012 Topics:The Aortic Valve•Aortic Valve Insufficiency: Leaflet Reconstruction Techniques•Aortic Valve Reconstruction in Young Infants and Children •Valve-Sparing Aortic Root ReplacementThe Pulmonary Valve•Valve-Sparing Options in Tetralogy of Fallot Surgery•Timing and Techniques for Pulmonary Valve Replacement in the Patient With Tetralogy of Fallot•Options for Prosthetic Pulmonary Valve Replacement The Tricuspid Valve•Ebstein's Anaomaly of the Tricuspid Valve: The Cone Repair•Surgical Management of Congenital (Non-Ebstein) Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation•Tricuspid Valve Repair in Single Ventricle: Timing and TechniquesThe Mitral valve•Congenital Mitral Stenosis: Anatomic Variants and Surgical Reconstruction•Mitral Regurgitation in Congenital Heart Defects: Surgical Techniques for Reconstruction•The Rheumatic Mitral Valve and Repair Techniques in Children•Atrioventricular Valve Repair for Patient with Heterotaxy Syndrome and a Functional Single Ventricle
Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI is directed to all physicians involved in the performance and interpretation of ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging procedures. It is a timely source for the publication of new concepts and research findings directly applicable to day-to-day clinical practice. The articles describe the performance of various procedures together with the authors' approach to problems of interpretation. Each issue is devoted to one topic and all papers are by invitation only.2012 Topics, Volume 32, Issues 1-6:FebruaryImaging in Pregnancy and the Postpartum StateAprilThyroid ParathyroidJuneImaging of the AortaAugustErrors and Malpractice in RadiologyOctoberENT Emergencies IIDecemberThe Pulmonary VasculatureBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Each issue of Seminars in Vascular Surgery examines the latest thinking on a particular clinical problem and features new diagnostic and operative techniques. The journal allows practitioners to expand their capabilities and to keep pace with the most rapidly evolving areas of surgery.Seminars in Vascular Surgery is indexed/abstracted in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine, and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.2009 Topics, Volume 22June Dealing with Long-Term Problems after Endovascular and Open Aortic RepairBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
•Sensing principles and mechanisms
New materials development (transducers and sensitive/recognition components)
•Fabrication technology
•Optical devices
•Electrochemical devices
•Mass-sensitive devices
•Gas sensors
•Analytical microsystems
•Environmental, process control and biomedical applications
•Signal processing
•Sensor and sensor-array chemometrics
•Optoelectronic sensors
•Mechanical sensors
•Thermal sensors
•Magnetic sensors
•Interface electronics
•Sensor Systems and Applications
•µTAS - Micro Total Analysis Systems (Microsystems for the generation, handling and analysis of (bio)chemical information)
•Development of solid-state devices for transducing physical signals
•Analytical devices incorporating a biological material
The editors will accept reviews and papers of obvious relevance, which describe important new concepts, underpin understanding of the above areas of interest or provide important insights into the practical application, manufacture and commercialisation of bio-sensing and sensing technologies.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical brings together multidisciplinary interests in one journal entirely devoted to disseminating information on all aspects of research and development of solid-state devices for transducing physical signals. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical regularly publishes original papers, letters to the Editors and from time to time invited review articles within the following device areas:• Fundamentals and Physics, such as: classification of effects, physical effects, measurement theory, modelling of sensors, measurement standards, measurement errors, units and constants, time and frequency measurement. Modeling papers should bring new modeling techniques to the field and be supported by experimental results.• Materials and their Processing, such as: piezoelectric materials, polymers, metal oxides, III-V and II-VI semiconductors, thick and thin films, optical glass fibres, amorphous, polycrystalline and monocrystalline silicon.• Optoelectronic sensors, such as: photovoltaic diodes, photoconductors, photodiodes, phototransistors, positron-sensitive photodetectors, optoisolators, photodiode arrays, charge-coupled devices, light-emitting diodes, injection lasers and liquid-crystal displays.• Mechanical sensors, such as: metallic, thin-film and semiconductor strain gauges, diffused silicon pressure sensors, silicon accelerometers, solid-state displacement transducers, piezo junction devices, piezoelectric field-effect transducers (PiFETs), tunnel-diode strain sensors, surface acoustic wave devices, silicon micromechanical switches, solid-state flow meters and electronic flow controllers.• Thermal sensors, such as: platinum resistors, thermistors, diode temperature sensors, silicon transistor thermometers, integrated temperature transducers, PTAT circuits, thermocouples, thermopiles, pyroelectric thermometers, quartz thermometers, power transistors and thick-film thermal print heads.• Magnetic sensors, such as: magnetoresistors, Corbino disks, magnetodiodes, Hall-effect devices, integrated Hall devices, silicon depletion-layer magnetometers, magneto-injection transistors, magnistors, lateral magnetotransistors, carrier-domain magnetometers, MOS magnetic-field sensors, solid-state read and write heads.• Micromechanics, such as: research papers on actuators, structures, integrated sensors-actuators, microsystems, and other devices or subdevices ranging in size from millimetres to sub-microns; micromechatronics; microelectromechanical systems; microoptomechanical systems; microchemomechanical systems; microrobots; silicon and non-silicon fabrication techniques; basic studies of physical phenomena of interest to micromechanics; analysis of microsystems; exploration of new topics and materials related to micromechanics; microsystem-related problems like power supplies and signal transmission, microsystem-related simulation tools; other topics of interest to micromechanics.• Interface electronics: electronic circuits which are designed to interface directly with the above transducers and which are used for improving or complementing the characteristics of these devices, such as linearization, A/D conversion, temperature compensation, light-intensity compensation, current/frequency conversion and microcomputer interfacing.• Sensor Systems and Applications, such as: sensor buses, multiple-sensor systems, sensor networks, voting systems, telemetering, sensor arrays, and automotive, environmental, monitoring and control, consumer, medical, alarm and security, robotic, nautical, aeronautical and space measurement systems.
Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to covering research and development in the field of chemical sensors, actuators and microsystems.The scope of the journal encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas:• Sensing principles and mechanisms• New materials development (transducers and sensitive/recognition components) • Fabrication technology• Actuators • Optical devices• Electrochemical devices• Mass-sensitive devices• Gas sensors• Biosensors• Analytical microsystems• Environmental, process control and biomedical applications • Signal processing• Sensor and sensor-array chemometricsµTAS - Micro Total Analysis Systems: Microsystems for the generation, handling and analysis of (bio)chemical informationThe special section of Sensors & Actuators, B: Chemical on micro TAS is dedicated to contributions concerning miniaturised systems for (bio)chemical synthesis and analysis, also comprising work on Bio-MEMS, Lab-on-a-chip, biochips and microfluidics.Topics covered by the micro TAS section include:• Physics and chemistry of microfluidics• Microfabrication technology for micro TAS• Analytical chemical aspects• Detectors, sensors, arrays for micro TAS• Micro TAS applications• DNA analysis• Microinstrumentation• Microsystems for combinatorial chemistry.
Separation and Purification Technology is a publication dedicated to the dissemination of separation research results and findings. Its coverage extends to all aspects of separation and purification of homogeneous solutions and heterogeneous mixtures. Separation and Purification Technology welcomes, from investigators worldwide, contributions focused on the experimental studies and theoretical analyses of phenomena associated with and arising from separation and purification as well as process development and simulation, equipment design and fabrication and materials preparation and modification used in separation operations. Of particular interest are articles aimed at solving separation problems encountered in the emerging technologies including biotechnology, green technology, energy storage and conversion, and resource recovery and recycling. Authors who wish to contribute a review paper should send an abstract to one of the Editors prior to submission of the full paper.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Sexologies is the official organ of expression of the European Federation of Sexology (EFS), published with the scientific cooperation of the Inter University Hospital Association of Sexology (AIHUS) which which has gathered French academic teachings of Sexology since 1983.Created in 1992, Sexologies quarterly publishes original, synthetic articles on human sexuality, its dysfunctions and its management.Sexologies offers a large panel of information to all health professionals working in the field of sexuality: anatomophysiological and basic research; psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioural and relational evaluations of sexual difficulties; epidemiological, sociological, forensic data; information on new sexoactive molecules; research on sexual physiology, reports on specialized congresses; press and books reviews; ethical aspects; calendar of major events of sexology around the world.Major international experts in their field joined the editorial committee as ?Field Editors?, confirming and enhancing the will for scientific excellence of the journal.
A peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the sexual and reproductive health of women and men.The journal aims to serve its readers as an authoritative resource of disseminating significant sexual and reproductive health related scientific information.Our key audience is the academic, practising, educational and service user including:• Midwives• Maternity care and neonatal nurses• Maternity service users• Obstetricians• Neonatologists• Pediatricians• Health sociologists and economists• Biologists and psychologists with an interest in maternal and infant research• Policy makers in sexual and reproductive health.The journal welcomes original papers in all aspects of sexual and reproductive health including:• Family planning and counseling• Management of pregnancy• Labour and delivery• Breast feeding and post-natal care • Many other aspects of aspects of sexual health including contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV prevention• Issues related to the menopausal and post-menopausal yearsThe journal publishes the following types of paper: original research articles, reviews, short communications, letters to the editor.Please see the Guide for Authors for specific details including online submission at http://ees.elsevier.com/srhc.Why have we launched this title?Research in the area of sexual and reproductive health is growing internationally, particularly among midwives. In a global perspective there is a huge interest in women's health, which is mirrored in the millennium goals of the UN as well as in international declarations and agreements.Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare aims to take on the role as a contributor of new knowledge and evidence to representatives of the health care sector and society. The journal will present studies demonstrating sexual and reproductive health matters from a multifaceted perspective where the connection between these questions and the individuals' rights will be illuminated.
Sexual Medicine’s emphasis on papers relevant to specific populations distinguishes it from
• Design driven innovation within social and economic change
• Design practices in management, consulting, and public service
• Design for alternative economies and industrial transformation
• Design for smart and sustainable living
• Latest design theories, methods, and methodologies
• Design for social innovation, organizational change, and education
• Design, computation, and algorithms
• Cultural aspects of design and innovation
• Philosophy of design
• Philosophy of science for design research
In particular,
• Original research articles.
• Review articles.
• Case studies.
• Short communications.
• Book reviews. Books reviews focus on analysis and discussion of individual books as well as extended book reviews covering several books.
• Discussion articles. Discussion articles include interviews, opinion leader commentary, and dialogues. Discussion articles are not subject to peer review.
• Letters.
The journal Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory provides a forum for original, high-quality papers dealing with any aspect of systems simulation and modelling.The journal aims at being a reference and a powerful tool to all those professionally active and/or interested in the methods and applications of simulation. Submitted papers will be peer reviewed and must significantly contribute to modelling and simulation in general or use modelling and simulation in application areas.Paper submission is solicited on:• theoretical aspects of modelling and simulation including formal modelling, model-checking, random number generators, sensitivity analysis, variance reduction techniques, experimental design, meta-modelling, methods and algorithms for validation and verification, selection and comparison procedures etc.;• methodology and application of modelling and simulation in any area, including computer systems, networks, real-time and embedded systems, mobile and intelligent agents, manufacturing and transportation systems, management, engineering, biomedical engineering, economics, ecology and environment, education, transaction handling, etc.;• simulation languages and environments including those, specific to distributed computing, grid computing, high performance computers or computer networks, etc.;• distributed and real-time simulation, simulation interoperability;• tools for high performance computing simulation, including dedicated architectures and parallel computing.Papers covering applications should be presented in such a way that the separate steps in the process, such as model development, computer implementation of the derived model, mathematical and scalability problems encountered and validation/verification with real data become transparent to all readers.Theory may play an important role in a paper, but it should be presented in the context of its applicability to the work being described. For application-oriented readers it is essential that theoretical papers should cover the following aspects: why the theory is relevant and how it can be applied, what is the novelty of the approach and what are the benefits and objectives of a new theory, method or algorithm; what experience has been obtained in applying the approach and what innovations did result.(Variations from these prototypes, such as comprehensive surveys of active research areas, critical reviews of existing work, and book reviews, will be considered provided they make a clear contribution to the field.)Special issues on specific topics will be published from time to time; proposals for such issues are invited.
Slavic Literatures is a peer-reviewed academic periodical that publishes literary studies in English and in Russian. The journal combines special and regular issues devoted to Slavic literatures. Many journal contributions are devoted to Russian literature, but we also regularly publish and emphatically welcome research devoted to Belarusian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Polish, Ukrainian, and other Slavic literatures.
Published since 1971, the journal has served as publication outlet for cardinal names in Slavic literary and cultural studies. The journal today continues to refine and broaden the field, by uniting English- and Russian-language scholarship from Central, Eastern, and Western Europe, the US, Asia, and Australia; by combining the work of talented newcomers with that of leading academics; and by welcoming methodological and disciplinary innovation. All methods and viewpoints are welcomed, provided they contribute new, original or challenging insights to the field, or use insights from young research paradigms to complicate existing thinking in Slavic literary studies.
Sleep Medicine aims to be a journal no one involved in clinical sleep medicine can do without.A journal primarily focussing on the human aspects of sleep, integrating the various disciplines that are involved in sleep medicine: neurology, clinical neurophysiology, internal medicine (particularly pulmonology and cardiology), psychology, psychiatry, sleep technology, pediatrics, neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology, and dentistry.The journal publishes the following types of articles: Reviews (also intended as a way to bridge the gap between basic sleep research and clinical relevance); Original Research Articles; Full-length articles; Brief communications; Controversies; Case reports; Letters to the Editor; Journal search and commentaries; Book reviews; Meeting announcements; Listing of relevant organisations plus web sites.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Sleep Medicine Clinics provides a forum for invited, topical reviews in this rapidly growing field, ideal for any clinician working with patients suffering from sleep disorders. Published quarterly—in March, June, September, and December—each issue provides expert, state-of-the-art reviews on a single topic, making ample use of figures, diagrams, and tables. Subject areas covered include anesthesia and critical care, respiratory medicine, disorders of sleep, causes of sleep disturbance, diagnostic techniques, and the science of sleep. In addition, you can also purchase a CME subscription that offers up to 60 AMA Category 1 credits per year.
Sleep Medicine Reviews provides International coverage of sleep disorders, their aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and implications for related conditions at an individual and public health level.Articles review the clinical information published in peer-reviewed journals devoted to the many disciplines involved in sleep medicine, including: pulmonology, psychiatry, psychology, physiology, otolaryngology, paediatrics, geriatrics, cardiology, dentistry, nursing, neurology and general medicine.The journal publishes narrative reviews, systematic reviews and editorials covering area of controversy and debate, as well as areas of future research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Small Ruminant Research publishes original, basic and applied research articles, technical notes, and review articles on research relating to goats, sheep, deer, the New World camelids llama, alpaca, vicuna and guanaco, and the Old World camels.Topics covered include nutrition, physiology, anatomy, genetics, microbiology, ethology, product technology, socio-economics, management, sustainability and environment, veterinary medicine and husbandry engineering.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Social Networks is an interdisciplinary and international quarterly. It provides a common forum for representatives of anthropology, sociology, history, social psychology, political science, human geography, biology, economics, communications science and other disciplines who share an interest in the study of the empirical structure of social relations and associations that may be expressed in network form. It publishes both theoretical and substantive papers. Critical reviews of major theoretical or methodological approaches using the notion of networks in the analysis of social behaviour are also included, as are reviews of recent books dealing with social networks and social structure.The editorial criteria for acceptance will be based on the degree to which a paper makes a broad theoretical or methodological, and empirically relevant, contribution to the study of social networks. Acceptable papers may range from abstract, formal mathematical derivations to concrete, descriptive case studies of particular social networks. The editors are therefore particularly interested in papers that attempt to uncover the processes by which social networks emerge, evolve and have consequences for other aspects of behaviour. However, for reports of empirical research results, manuscripts must contain the following: a discussion of sampling, representation, and generalizability; a substantive foundation based on the social network literature; a consideration of social network processes; and feature meaningful data.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Social Science & Medicine provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of social science research on health. We publish original research articles (both empirical and theoretical), reviews, position papers and commentaries on health issues, to inform current research, policy and practice in all areas of common interest to social scientists, health practitioners, and policy makers. The journal publishes material relevant to any aspect of health from a wide range of social science disciplines (anthropology, economics, epidemiology, geography, policy, psychology, and sociology), and material relevant to the social sciences from any of the professions concerned with physical and mental health, health care, clinical practice, and health policy and organization. We encourage material which is of general interest to an international readership.The journal publishes the following types of contribution:1) Peer-reviewed original research articles and critical or analytical reviews in any area of social science research relevant to health. These papers may be up to 8,000 words including abstract, tables, and references as well as the main text. Papers below this limit are preferred.2) Peer-reviewed short reports of research findings on topical issues or published articles of between 2000 and 4000 words.3) Submitted or invited commentaries and responses debating, and published alongside, selected articles.4) Special Issues bringing together collections of papers on a particular theme, and usually guest edited.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require further information, the journal's editorial staff will be happy to help.
Social Science Research publishes papers devoted to quantitative social science research and methodology. The journal features articles that illustrate the use of quantitative methods in the empirical solution of substantive problems, and emphasizes those concerned with issues or methods that cut across traditional disciplinary lines. Special attention is given to methods that have been used by only one particular social science discipline, but that may have application to a broader range of areas.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Societal Impacts is a multidisciplinary, open access, peer-reviewed journal, which publishes short, digestible articles that describe the societal impacts of research, including cultural, economic, educational, environmental, health, legal, political, social, and technological impacts. The journal contributes to open science by promoting societal engagement in research and making the impacts of research visible. It openly showcases the diverse approaches adopted by individuals working within different research fields and institutions and how these can help communities tackle local, regional, and global challenges including support for Sustainable Development Goals.
The principal criterion used in evaluating a manuscript submitted to the journal is: uniqueness or innovation of the work in terms of the methodology being developed, and/or its application to a problem of particular importance in the public or service sector and/or the setting within which the effort is being made, e.g. an emerging region of the world. That is to say, of the model/methodology itself, the application, and the problem context, at least one of these must be unique and important.
Additional criteria considered in reviewing a submitted paper are its accuracy, the organization/presentation (i.e. logical flow), and writing quality.
Representative of the topic areas included in the journal are the following:
Studies directed toward the more effective utilization of existing resources, e.g. mathematical programming models of health care delivery systems with relevance to more effective program design; systems analysis of fire outbreaks and its relevance to the location of fire stations; statistical analysis of the efficiency of a developing country economy or industry.
Studies relating to the interaction of various segments of society and technology, e.g. the effects of government health policies on the utilization and design of hospital facilities; the relationship between housing density and the demands on public transportation or other service facilities: patterns and implications of urban development and air or water pollution.
Studies devoted to the anticipations of and response to future needs for social, health and other human services, e.g. the relationship between industrial growth and the development of educational resources in affected areas; investigation of future demands for material and child health resources in a developing country; design of effective recycling in an urban setting.
To this end,
Above all,
Originating from these broad thematic areas, the journal also welcomes submissions of software that works in cross cutting thematic areas, such as citizen science, cybersecurity, digital economy, energy, global resource stewardship, health and wellbeing, etcetera.
Domain independent underpinning software tools and technologies have for too long been underrepresented in academic literature. We wish to ensure that these software items get academic recognition and welcome submissions of software tools and services that may otherwise not have a publication home. Examples include mathematical or image processing libraries or methodologies, visualization tools, data management, etcetera.
Through the quality of the description and of the (potential) impact of the software deposited we aim that significant reuse will occur both within and without the original developing domain and therefore encourage consideration of this reuse factor when submitting and in the language used within the description.
Submissions to
Submissions are accepted only if the code/software has been made freely available. To submit please follow the Original Software Publication guidelines,
For any questions contact us at:
This ISTRO-affiliated journal examines the physical, chemical and biological changes in the soil caused by tillage and field traffic. Manuscripts will be considered on aspects of soil science, physics, technology, mechanization and applied engineering for a sustainable balance among productivity, environmental quality and profitability. The following are examples of suitable topics within the scope of the journal of Soil and Tillage Research:The agricultural and biosystems engineering associated with tillage (including no-tillage, reduced-tillage and direct drilling), irrigation and drainage, crops and crop rotations, fertilization, rehabilitation of mine spoils and processes used to modify soils. Soil change effects on establishment and yield of crops, growth of plants and roots, structure and erosion of soil, cycling of carbon and nutrients, greenhouse gas emissions, leaching, runoff and other processes that affect environmental quality. Characterization or modeling of tillage and field traffic responses, soil, climate, or topographic effects, soil deformation processes, tillage tools, traction devices, energy requirements, economics, surface and subsurface water quality effects, tillage effects on weed, pest and disease control, and their interactions.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
AIMSSoil Biology & Biochemistry publishes original, scientifically challenging research articles of international significance that describe and explain biological processes occurring in soil. These include the possible applications of such knowledge to issues of soil and environmental quality - insofar as such studies inform our understanding of the role of soil biology and biochemistry in mediating soil functions, agricultural sustainability and ecosystem services. The ecology and biochemical processes of soil organisms, their effects on the environment and their interactions with plants are major topics. The applications of new molecular, microscopic and analytical techniques to understanding and explaining population and community dynamics is of great interest. The journal also publishes state-of-the-art reviews of contemporary research that present significant and novel hypotheses, as well as comments and arguments about specific and often controversial aspects of life in the soil.SCOPEThe scope of Soil Biology & Biochemistry is wide and embraces accounts of recent original research on any aspect of the biology and biochemistry of soils. Some of the subjects that are receiving increasing attention are: novel molecular approaches to explore community dynamics and processes and provide bioassays for soil phenomena; modelling of soil biological and biochemical processes; mitigation and adaption to climate change; carbon storage and soil organic matter dynamics; effects of introduced genetically modified organisms; application and outcomes of biotechnology on the soil environment and its biological functions; biological farming; role of soil biota in ecological engineering; microbial and plant signalling mechanisms; effects of invasive species; soil structure and biota interactions; and relationships between the biota and soil physicochemical properties.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The journal aims to encourage and enhance the role of mechanics and other disciplines as they relate to earthquake engineering by providing opportunities for the publication of the work of applied mathematicians, engineers and other applied scientists involved in solving problems closely related to the field of earthquake and geotechnical engineering.Emphasis is placed on new concepts and techniques, but case histories will also be published if they enhance the presentation and understanding of new technical concepts.Fields Covered:• Seismology and geology relevant to earthquake problems.• Elastodynamics: wave propagation and scattering soil and rock dynamics.• Dynamic constitutive behaviour of materials.• Mathematical methods: system methodology and identification in soil dynamics relevant to earthquake phenomena.• Practical methods.• Probabilistic methods in: seismology, geotechnical earthquake engineering; risk analysis; earthquake engineering reliability; interaction problems; soil structure interaction and fluid-soil interaction; instrumentation and experimental methods; inelastic and nonlinear problems; finite element analysis in dynamics and elastodynamics; earthquake case histories; tsunamis.
Soils and Foundations is your core geotechnical journal from Asia; the official journal of the Japanese Geotechnical Society (JGS). The journal publishes a variety of original research paper, technical reports, technical notes, as well as the state-of-the-art reports upon invitation by the Editor, in the fields of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnical engineering, and environmental geotechnics. Since the publication of Volume 1, No.1 issue in June 1960, Soils and Foundations celebrated the 50th anniversary in the year of 2010.Soils and Foundations welcomes theoretical as well as practical work associated with the aforementioned field(s). Case studies that describe the original and interdisciplinary work applicable to geotechnical engineering are particularly encouraged. Discussions to each of the published articles are also welcomed in order to provide an avenue in which opinions of peers may be fed back or exchanged. In providing latest expertise on a specific topic, one issue out of six per year on average was allocated to include selected papers from the International Symposia which were held in Japan as well as overseas.
La revue de tou(te)s les infirmier(e)sLa revue Soins s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui ont choisi la profession infirmière : en cours d'études et en exercice, hospitaliers et libéraux, cadres et non cadres. Cette revue a deux objectifs majeurs : former aux savoirs et aux pratiques nécessaires à un exercice infirmier de qualité, et informer au plus près de l'actualité professionnelle, sanitaire et sociale susceptible de modifier les pratiques professionnelles des infirmier(e)s.La revue de référence infirmière Tous les articles de Soins sont écrits par des professionnels de santé français ou étrangers, et sélectionnés par un Comité de rédaction, avec le conseil d'un Comité scientifique qui rassemble les président(e)s des plus grandes associations infirmières françaises et étrangères. Des experts de renom, spécialisés dans tous les domaines environnant la pratique infirmière (sociologie, économie, droit, santé publique, etc.), ainsi que des référents en soins infirmiers, sont associés à la rédaction.4 temps de lecture essentiels- Actu Soins : toute l'actualité professionnelle, sanitaire et sociale- Savoirs et Pratiques : des clés pour mieux vivre son métier- Dossier : une vision large et documentée sur des sujets concernant chaque infirmière au quotidien- Fiches : synthétiques et pratiques, pour faire le point et mémoriser facilement+ l'agenda, les petites annonces, les comptes rendus de congrès et l'actualité du webThèmes des dossiers 2006 (2nd sem) :- Soins aux personnes atteintes de pathologies veineuses- La consultation infirmière - Loi Leonetti, soins et fin de vie - Ordre et désordres infirmiers - BPCO, du dépistage au soinsHors série et suppléments :- Cardiologie - Emploi - Formation - Diabète La revue a été primée plusieurs fois par le Syndicat National de la Presse Médicale et des Professions de Santé (SNPM) : Catégorie ¿meilleure initiative éditoriale en presse écrite'' : - 2ème prix 2006 pour 2 dossiers intitulés respectivement ¿D'une vocation à une profession : 150 ans d'histoire d'infirmière'' et ''Soins infirmiers psychiatriques ¿ 200 ans d'histoire'' Catégorie ¿meilleur article ou dossier de formation et/ou de synthèse paru dans les revues destinées aux infirmières'' : - 1er prix 2004 pour le dossier intitulé ¿Handicaps et traumatismes crânien'' - 3ème prix 2003 pour le dossier intitulé ¿Les maladies rares'' - 1er prix 2002 pour l'article intitulé ¿L'incontinence, un handicap intime¿ - 1er prix 2000 pour l'article intitulé ¿Prendre en charge la douleur liée à la réfection des pansements'' Catégorie ¿meilleur dossier sur la vie professionnelle et l'économie de la santé¿ : - 3ème prix 2003 pour le dossier intitulé "La négligence dans les soins"
La revue Soins Gérontologie s'adresse à tous les acteurs du soin auprès des personnes âgées, quel que soit leur lieu de travail : hospitalisation traditionnelle, domicile, hôpital de jour, EHPAD, maison de retraite..., tissant ainsi un vaste réseau inter-institutions entre la ville et l'hôpital. Réunissant des professionnels aux larges compétences : infirmières, kinésithérapeutes, diététiciennes, psychologues, ergothérapeutes, assistantes sociales, médecins, directeurs d'établissement, cadres administratifs, la revue Soins Gérontologie a pour pôle fédérateur le patient dans sa globalité. Une revue en 4 parties - Actu géronto - Dossier - Savoirs & pratiques : une rubrique psychogériatrie, Ehpad et une rubrique sous l'égide de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie (SFGG) - Fiche médicament / Fiche situations de soins +agenda et les petites annonces
La revue
L'objectif de la rédaction est de tisser un vaste réseau entre tous les acteurs du soin qui entourent et accompagnent l'enfant, quel que soit leur mode d'exercice : hospitalisation traditionnelle, HAD, centres de PMI, centres médico-psychologiques, crèches, écoles...En effet, le projet éditorial de la revue, à laquelle collaborent des professionnels de ces différents modes d'exercice, reconnaît l'enfant comme pôle fédérateur de toute démarche soignante, individu à part entière vivant au sein d'une famille et d'un environnement social particulier. C'est pourquoi
Une revue en 3 grandes parties
- Actualités
- Dossier
- Savoirs et Pratiques
+ l'agenda et les petites annonces
Thèmes des dossiers traités en 2004
- La greffe chez l'enfant
- L'enfant, le livre et le soignant
- Vivre avec la mucoviscidose
- L'enfant roi
- De la brûlure à la guérison
- Objets transitionnels
Thèmes des dossiers traités en 2005
- La migraine de l'enfant
- L'enfant malvoyant
- La présence des parents à l'hôpital en France et ailleurs
- L'enfant en psychiatrie
La revue a été plusieurs fois primée par le SNPMSyndicat National de la Presse Médicale et des Professions de Santé) :
- 1er prix 2003 du meilleur dossier de formation et/ou de synthèse paru dans les revues destinées aux infirmières pour un dossier intitulé `'Handicap et image de soi" (
- Prix 2001 du meilleur article de formation infirmière pour un article intitulé
Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society®, is devoted exclusively to the science and technology of solar energy applications.The Society was founded in 1954 and is now incorporated as a non-profit educational and scientific institution. With participation encompassing 100 countries, ISES® serves as a centre for information on research and development in solar energy utilisation. Through its publications and its sponsorship of technical conferences, the Society provides a world forum for the active consideration of solar energy.Solar Energy welcomes manuscripts presenting information not previously published in journals on any aspect of solar energy research, development, application, measurement or policy. The term "solar energy" in this context includes the indirect uses such as wind energy and biomass. Because of the international character of Solar Energy, articles that deal solely with the solar radiation or wind data base of a specific country are not normally considered suitable for Solar Energy. Submitted manuscripts may take the form of reports of original studies or reviews of significant prior work in a given area. All manuscripts are subject to reviews to assure accuracy, clarity, and long-term value.Manuscripts of general interest not being suitable for Solar Energy should be submitted to Refocus, which publishes magazine-style feature articles concerning all aspects of renewable energy. Please e-mail David Hopwood, Editor for further details (d.hopwood@elsevier.co.uk) and visit http://www.re-focus.net.
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells is intended as a vehicle for the dissemination of research results on materials science and technology related to photovoltaic, photothermal and photoelectrochemicalsolar energy conversion. Materials science is taken in the broadest possible sense and encompasses physics, chemistry, optics, materials fabrication and analysis for all types of materials.Of particular interest are:Solar Cells, covering single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous materials utilising homojunctions and heterojunctions, Schottky barriers, liquid junctions and their applications. Also of interest is analysis of component materials, individual cells and complete systems, including their economic aspects.Photothermal Devices, in the broadest sense, including solar absorber devices, heat storage materials, radiative cooling systems and their applications.Photoelectrochemical and Photochemical Devices, covering photoelectrodes, photocatalysis, photoconversion and solar desalination systems and their applications.Optical Properties of materials, including light trapping, texturising, solar concentrators which include imaging and non-imaging optical collectors.Light Control, including systems for energy efficient architecture and daylighting, chromogenics and smart windows.The pertinent issues are comprehensive and encompass bulk materials, coatings and thin films and surface treatments, from basic as well as from applications-oriented and manufacturing related perspectives.Manuscripts of general interest not being suitable for Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells can be submitted to Refocus, which publishes magazine-style feature articles concerning all aspects of renewable energy. Please e-mail David Hopwood, Editor for further details (d.hopwood@elsevier.com) and visit http://www.re-focus.net.Technical articles not specifically related to the materials aspects of Solar Energy conversion can be submitted to Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society. For details, visithttp://www.elsevier.com/locate/se-online.
SESCI is a peer-reviewed journal; it publishes research papers on a wide range of subjects in the Earth sciences, including
SESCI aims at providing an interface for Earth scientists all over the world, to share new progress and exchange new ideas. It contains some of the following:
SESCI publishes the finest peer-reviewed research on Earth sciences in China and invites contributions from all over the world.
Solid State Communications is an international medium for the publication of short communications on significant developments in condensed matter science, giving scientists immediate access to important, recently completed work. The journal publishes original experimental and theoretical research on the physical and chemical properties of solids and other condensed systems and also on their preparation. The submission of manuscripts reporting research on the basic physics of materials science and devices, as well as of state-of-the-art microstructures and nanostructures, is encouraged.A coherent quantitative treatment emphasizing new physics is expected rather than a simple accumulation of experimental data. Consistent with these aims, the submitted manuscripts should be kept concise and short, usually not longer than four printed pages. The number of figures and tables should also be kept to a minimum. Instructions for the preparation of manuscripts appear in the first issue of each volume. Solid State Communications will also publish important initial results of ongoing research which should be referred to in more extensive papers being submitted elsewhere at a later date.It is strongly recommended that authors submit their manuscripts either to a local (or nearby) Editor or to one who is an expert in their field of endeavour.The Fast-Track section of Solid State communications is the venue for very rapid publication of short communications on significant developments in condensed matter science. The goal is to offer the broad condensed matter community quick and immediate access to publish recently completed papers in research areas that are rapidly evolving and in which there are developments with great potential impact.
This interdisciplinary journal is devoted to the physics, chemistry and materials science of diffusion, mass transport, and reactivity of solids. The major part of each issue is devoted to articles on: (i) physics and chemistry of defects in solids; (ii) reactions in and on solids, e.g. intercalation, corrosion, oxidation, sintering; (iii) ion transport measurements, mechanisms and theory. Related technological applications are also included, provided their characteristics are interpreted in terms of the basic solid state properties.Review papers and relevant symposium proceedings are welcome.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The journal Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance publishes original manuscripts of high scientific quality dealing with all experimental and theoretical aspects of solid state NMR. This includes advances in instrumentation, development of new experimental techniques and methodology, new theoretical insights, new data processing and simulation methods, and original applications of established or novel methods to scientific problems of product and procedure developments.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
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Solid State Sciences is the journal for researchers from the broad solid state chemistry and physics community. It publishes key articles on all aspects of solid state synthesis, structure-property relationships, theory and functionalities.Key topics for stand-alone papers and special issues:Novel ways of synthesis, inorganic functional materials, including porous and glassy materials, hybrid organic-inorganic compounds and nanomaterialsPhysical properties, emphasizing but not limited to the electrical, magnetical and optical featuresMaterials related to information technology and energy and environmental sciencesThe journal publishes feature articles from experts in the field upon invitation.Solid State Sciences - your gateway to energy-related materials.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
However, given the wide availability of industrial simulators (Atlas, MEDICI etc), device simulation papers should be coupled with experiment or novel analytical approaches. Also, materials growth and characterization papers should be relevant to a current or future device technology.
Types of contributions
Original research papers, letters (intended for high impact and high quality short papers)and invited review papers (please contact the editors prior to submission).
SSE does not publish Notes and Brief communications.
Benefits to authors
We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our
Please see our
The South African Journal of Botany publishes original papers that deal with the classification, biodiversity, morphology, physiology, molecular biology, ecology, biotechnology, ethnobotany and other botanically related aspects of species that are of importance to southern Africa. Manuscripts dealing with significant new findings on other species of the world and general botanical principles will also be considered and are encouraged.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com