As an innovative, fundamental and scientific journal, Advances in Manufacturing aims to describe the latest regional and global research results and forefront developments in advanced manufacturing field. As such, it serves as an international platform for academic exchange between experts, scholars and researchers in this field.
All articles in Advances in Manufacturing are peer reviewed. Respected scholars from the fields of advanced manufacturing fields will be invited to write some comments. We also encourage and give priority to research papers that have made major breakthroughs or innovations in the fundamental theory. The targeted fields include: manufacturing automation, mechatronics and robotics, precision manufacturing and control, micro-nano-manufacturing, green manufacturing, design in manufacturing, metallic and nonmetallic materials in manufacturing, metallurgical process, etc. The forms of articles include (but not limited to): academic articles, research reports, and general reviews.
Adversity and Resilience Science (ARS) welcomes manuscripts focused on protective factors and processes that promote resilience in the face of adversity throughout the lifespan. ARS publishes empirical articles, informed practice reviews, literature reviews, brief reports, book/media reviews, and policy papers. Authors are encouraged to incorporate clinical and/or policy applications. Special issues highlight applied as well as basic science topics.
ARS includes manuscripts focused on childhood adversity (prenatal to age 18 years) from the fields of psychology, social work, education, human development and family science, public health, pediatrics, psychiatry, epidemiology, epigenetics, neuroscience, immunology, public policy, and related fields.
Associated with the International Association for Aerobiology, Aerobiologia is an international medium for original research and review articles in the interdisciplinary fields of aerobiology and interaction of human, plant and animal systems on the biosphere. Coverage includes bioaerosols, transport mechanisms, biometeorology, climatology, air-sea interaction, land-surface/atmosphere interaction, biological pollution, biological input to global change, microbiology, aeromycology, aeropalynology, arthropod dispersal and environmental policy. Emphasis is placed on respiratory allergology, plant pathology, pest management, biological weathering and biodeterioration, indoor air quality, air-conditioning technology, industrial aerobiology and more.
Aerobiologia serves aerobiologists, and other professionals in medicine, public health, industrial and environmental hygiene, biological sciences, agriculture, atmospheric physics, botany, environmental science and cultural heritage.There are no page charges to pub
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is a publication of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the official journal of the European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (EASAPS) and Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plastica (SBCP).
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery provides a forum for original articles advancing the art of aesthetic plastic surgery. Many describe surgical craftsmanship; others deal with complications in surgical procedures and methods by which to treat or avoid them. Coverage includes 'second thoughts' on established techniques, which might be abandoned, modified, or improved. Also included are case histories; improvements in surgical instruments, pharmaceuticals, and operating room equipment; and discussions of problems such as the role of psychosocial factors in the doctor-patient and the patient-public interrelationships. Perhaps most important is the discussion of the role of aesthetic plastic surgery as the final step in the rehabilitation of patients under
African Archaeological Review publishes authoritative articles on African archaeology, highlighting the outstanding contributions of this region's past as they relate to key global issues. Important topics include the emergence of modern humans, earliest manifestations of human culture, and the origins of African plant and animal domesticates. Contributions feature timely interregional (continental or subcontinental) studies covering a wide research range, including: cultural continuities and discontinuities: interregional interactions: biocultural evolution: cultural dynamics and ecology: the role of cultural materials in politics and ideology: the application of ethnohistorical, textual, and ethnoarchaeological data in archaeological interpretation: conservation: management of cultural heritage, information technology, and public archaeology. Papers present new field data from key excavation sites or localities aimed at understanding interregional processes, major cultural changes, and transitions in Africa's past, and Africa's place in world archaeology. Ranked 'B' in the Australian Research Council Humanities and Creative Arts Journal List. For more information, visit:
Afrika Matematika is the Journal of the African Mathematical Union.Its publication started in 1978. It provides a platform both for presenting high-level mathematical research done in Africa, and for bringing international mathematical research to Africa. Since relaunch in 2010, Afrika Matematika's Editorial Board has been restructured and widened to include distinguished mathematicians from various African countries, and from the other continents. Afrika Matematika is open to research articles in all areas of mathematics and its applications, and to authors worldwide. Afrika Matematika also publishes commissioned survey articles on topics of broad current interest in the mathematical community, including more general topics such as history and philosophy of mathematics and mathematical education. Scrutiny and selection of articles is by the accepted standards of peer review, drawing on the competence of specialist referees worldwide. Afrika Matematika is indexed and reviewed in Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet and ZentralblattMATH.Afrika Matematika adheres to the IMU Recommendations for Best Practice for Journals. ****************************************************************************The designs on the cover are computer drawings, made by Paulus Gerdes, of basket weaving patterns invented by Yombe (19th century Congo) and Tonga (20th century Mozambique) female mat and basket weavers (cf. Paulus Gerdes, African Basketry: A gallery of twill woven patterns, Lulu, 2007)
As a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that has existed for over three decades, Ageing International serves all professionals who deal with complex ageing issues. The journal is dedicated to improving the life of ageing populations worldwide through providing an intellectual forum for communicating common concerns, exchanging analyses and discoveries in scientific research, crystallizing significant issues, and offering recommendations in ageing-related service delivery and policy making. Besides encouraging the submission of high-quality research and review papers, Ageing International seeks to bring together researchers, policy analysts, and service program administrators who are committed to reducing the 'implementation gap' between good science and effective service, between evidence-based protocol and culturally suitable programs, and between unique innovative solutions and generalizable policies. For significant issues that are common across countries, Ageing International will organize special forums for scholars and investigators from different disciplines to present their regional perspectives as well as to provide more comprehensive analysis. The editors strongly believe that such discourse has the potential to foster a wide range of coordinated efforts that will lead to improvements in the quality of life of older persons worldwide. Abstracted and Indexed in: ABI/INFORM, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, EBSCO, Ergonomics Abstracts, Expanded Academic, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, OCLC, PsychINFO, PsyARTICLES, SCOPUS, Social Science Abstracts, and Summon by Serial Solutions.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research offers a multidisciplinary forum on the progressing field of gerontology and geriatrics. The areas covered by the journal include: biogerontology, neurosciences, epidemiology, clinical gerontology and geriatric assessment, social, economical and behavioral gerontology. “Aging Clinical and Experimental Research” appears bimonthly and publishes review articles, original papers and case reports.
Agriculture and Human Values is the journal of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society. The Journal, like the Society, is dedicated to an open and free discussion of the values that shape and the structures that underlie current and alternative visions of food and agricultural systems.To this end the Journal publishes interdisciplinary research that critically examines the values, relationships, conflicts and contradictions within contemporary agricultural and food systems and that addresses the impact of agricultural and food related institutions, policies, and practices on human populations, the environment, democratic governance, and social equity.
Agroforestry Systems is an international scientific journal that publishes results of novel, high impact original research, critical reviews and short communications on any aspect of agroforestry. The journal particularly encourages contributions that demonstrate the role of agroforestry in providing commodity as well non-commodity benefits such as ecosystem services. Papers dealing with both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects are welcome. These include results of investigations of a fundamental or applied nature dealing with integrated systems involving trees and crops and/or livestock.  Manuscripts that are purely descriptive in nature or confirmatory in nature of well-established findings, and with limited international scope are discouraged. To be acceptable for publication, the information presented must be relevant to a context wider than the specific location where the study was undertaken, and provide new insight or make a significant contribution to the agroforestry knowledge base.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development offers scientific research on interactions between cropping systems and other activities in the context of sustainable development. The journal publishes original research articles that demonstrate a clear scientific breakthrough versus current knowledge.
Coverage includes: agroecology; sustainable agriculture; ecological production; Innovation in farming systems; preservation of natural resources; agroclimatology and modeling; biogeochemistry of agrosystems; pollutants in agrosystems; ecological pest control and biopesticides; ecological, economical and social impacts of genetic engineering applications; environmental impact on soil, water, air and biodiversity; risk assessment for food, ecotoxicology; food quality, food safety, supply chain management, and geographical indication; genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in cropping systems, and more.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development is an official publication of the Institut National de la Recherche A
Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health is a multidisciplinary journal which, by its very name, illustrates the broad range of work it publishes and which focuses on atmospheric consequences of human activities and their implications for human and ecological health. It offers research papers, critical literature reviews and commentaries, as well as special issues devoted to topical subjects or themes. International in scope, the journal presents papers that inform and stimulate a global readership, as the topic addressed are global in their import. Consequently, we do not encourage submission of papers involving local data that relate to local problems. Unless they demonstrate wide applicability, these are better submitted to national or regional journals. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health addresses such topics as acid precipitation; airborne particulate matter; air quality monitoring and management; exposure assessment; risk assessment; indoor air quality; atmospheric chemistry; atmospheric modeling and predictio
This journal publishes results of the latest research in the areas of modern general algebra and of logic considered primarily from an algebraic viewpoint. The algebraic papers, constituting the major part of the contents, are concerned with studies in such fields as ordered, almost torsion-free, nilpotent, and metabelian groups; isomorphism rings; Lie algebras; Frattini subgroups; and clusters of algebras. In the area of logic, the periodical covers such topics as hierarchical sets, logical automata, and recursive functions. Algebra and Logic is a translation of the peer-reviewed journal Algebra I Logika, a publication of the Siberian Fund for Algebra and Logic and the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. More information is available at the editor's website via the following link: