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Czech Literature

ISSN: 0009-0468eISSN: 2571-094X

C?eska´ literatura je recenzovany´ ve?decky´ c?asopis vyda´vany´ U´stavem pro c?eskou literaturu Akademie ve?d C?R, v. v. i. Vycha´zi´ s?estkra´t roc?ne?, je zame?r?en na zkouma´ni´ historie, poetiky, kontextu° a funkci´ c?eske´ literatury a na proble´my c?eske´ a sve?tove´ litera´rne?ve?dne´ teorie. Ci´lem c?asopisu je pr?ina´s?et metodologicky podloz?ene´ pr?i´spe?vky, jez? pr?edstavuji´ informac?ni´ pr?i´nos a badatelske´ impulzy pro c?eskou i sve?tovou litera´rne?ve?dnou bohemistiku i dals?i´ spr?i´zne?ne´ humanitni´ discipli´ny. C?asopis otiskuje pu°vodni´ i pr?eloz?ene´ texty v c?eske´m jazyce. C?asopis C?eska´ literatura je indexova´n v na´sleduji´ci´ch elektronicky´ch databa´zi´ch: ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities, kategorie A), CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities). C?asopis byl zar?azen na Seznam recenzovany´ch neimpaktovany´ch periodik vyda´vany´ch v C?eske´ republice.

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ISSN: 1582-4438

Dalhousie Review

ISSN: 0011-5827

Daphnis - Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur und Kultur der Frühen Neuzeit

ISSN: 0300-693XeISSN: 1879-6583
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Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte

ISSN: 0012-0936eISSN: 2365-9521
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ISSN: 0300-7162eISSN: 1080-6539

For over thirty years, diacritics has been an exceptional and influential forum for scholars writing on the problems of literary criticism. Each issue features articles in which contributors compare and analyze books on particular theoretical works and develop their own positions on the theses, methods, and theoretical implications of those works.

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Dickens Quarterly

ISSN: 0742-5473
Publisher: Dickens Society


ISSN: 0012-2440

Die Welt des Islams

ISSN: 0043-2539eISSN: 1570-0607

Focuses on the history and culture of the peoples of Islam from the end of the 18th century up to the present, with special attention given to literature.

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Dix-Neuf: New Directions in Nineteenth-Century French Studies

eISSN: 1478-7318
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ELH: English Literary History

ISSN: 0013-8304eISSN: 1080-6547

Since 1934, ELH has published superior studies that interpret the conditions affecting major works in English and American literature. The importance of historical continuity in the discipline of letters remains a central concern for ELH but the journal does not seek to sponsor particular methods or aims. ELH has consistently maintained its high standards, publishing articles with an intelligent mix of historical, critical, and theoretical concerns.

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ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries"

ISSN: 1581-8918eISSN: 2386-0316

ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries is an academic journal that publishes original research articles, studies and essays that address matters pertaining to the English language, literature, teaching and translation. It promotes the discussion of linguistic and literary issues from theoretical and applied perspectives regardless of school of thought or methodology, covering a wide range of issues and concerns in English studies.

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ESQ - Journal of the American Renaissance

ISSN: 0093-8297

Early China

ISSN: 0362-5028eISSN: 2325-2324
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Early Medieval China

ISSN: 1529-9104eISSN: 1946-7842
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Early Modern French Studies

ISSN: 2056-3035eISSN: 2056-3043

Early Modern French Studies (formerly Seventeenth-Century French Studies) publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed, original articles in English and French on a broad range of literary, cultural, methodological, and theoretical topics relating to the study of early modern France. The journal has expanded its historical scope and now covers work on the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Within this period of French literary and cultural history, the journal particularly welcomes work that will relate to the term 'early modern', as well as work that will interrogate it. It will continue to publish special issues devoted to particular topics (such as the highly successful 2014 special issue on the cultural history of fans) as well as individual submissions.

EMFS brings to its readership the work of both established figures and young researchers, and has historically provided a unique forum for the strong UK tradition of scholarship in the field. The journal is the official publication of the Society for Seventeenth-Century French Studies and was first published in 1979. Since then, the journal’s increasingly broad and inclusive stance has widened to include the full range of early modern artistic, musical, philosophical, scientific, political, and material concerns. Interdisciplinary in its interests and international in its scope, the journal continues to encourage contributions from throughout the UK, the US, France, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, and the Republic of Ireland, among others.

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Edad de Oro

ISSN: 0212-0429eISSN: 2605-3314
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Edgar Allan Poe Review

ISSN: 2150-0428eISSN: 2166-2932

Eighteenth-Century Fiction

ISSN: 0840-6286eISSN: 1911-0243
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Eighteenth-Century Life

ISSN: 0098-2601eISSN: 1086-3192

With a firm commitment to interdisciplinary exchange, Eighteenth-Century Life addresses all aspects of European and world culture during the long eighteenth century, 1660-1815. The most wide-ranging journal of eighteenth-century studies, it also encourages diverse methodologies--from close reading to cultural studies--and it is always open to suggestions for innovative approaches and special issues. Among Eighteenth-Century Life's noteworthy regular features are its film forums, its review essays, the longest and most eclectic lists of books received of any journal in the field, and its book-length special issues.

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