Genre, published by Duke University Press, last updated on 2013-11-26, available at
* German Life and Letters was founded in 1936 by the distinguished British Germanist L.A. Willoughby and the publisher Basil Blackwell. In its first number the journal described its aim as 'engagement with German culture in its widest aspects: its history, literature, religion, music, art; with German life in general'. German LIfe and Letters has continued over the decades to observe its founding principles of providing an international and interdisciplinary forum for scholarly analysis of German culture past and present.
Hispanic Research Journal promotes and disseminates research into the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The fields covered include literature and literary theory, cultural history and cultural studies, language and linguistics, and film and theatre studies. Hispanic Research Journal publishes articles in four languages; Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and English, and encourages, especially through its features section, debate and interaction between researchers all over the world who are working in these fields. .
The Hispanic Review is a quarterly journal devoted to research in Hispanic literary and cultural studies. Published since 1933 by the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, the journal features essays and book reviews on the diverse cultural manifestations of Spain and Latin America, from the medieval period to the present.