Ethics and Information Technology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the dialogue between moral philosophy and the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The journal aims to foster and promote reflection and analysis which is intended to make a constructive contribution to answering the ethical, social and political questions associated with the adoption, use, and development of ICT. Within the scope of the journal are also conceptual analysis and discussion of ethical ICT issues which arise in the context of technology assessment, cultural studies, public policy analysis and public administration, cognitive science, social and anthropological studies in technology, mass-communication, and legal studies. In addition, the journal features research that deals with the history of ideas and provides intellectual resources for moral and political reflection on ICT.
The aim of the journal is to encourage dialogue and debate across social, intercultural and international boundaries on the serious ethical issues relating to professional interventions into social life. Through this we hope to contribute towards deepening understandings and further ethical practice in the field of social welfare.
The journal welcomes material in a variety of formats, including high quality peer-reviewed academic papers, reflections, debates and commentaries on policy and practice, book reviews and review articles. We actively encourage a diverse range of contributions from academic and field practitioners, voluntary workers, service users, carers and people bringing the perspectives of oppressed groups.
Contributions might include reports on research studies on the influence of values and ethics in social welfare practice, education and organisational structures, theoretical papers discussing the evolution of social welfare values and ethics, linked to contemporary philosophical, social and ethical thought, accounts of ethical issues, problems and dilemmas in practice, and reflections on the ethics and values of policy and organisational development.
The journal aims for the highest standards in its published material. All material submitted to the journal is subject to a process of assessment and evaluation through the Editors and through peer review.
Founded in 1890, Ethics publishes scholarly work in moral, political, and legal philosophy from a variety of intellectual perspectives, including social and political theory, law, and economics. In addition to major articles, Ethics also publishes review essays, discussion articles, and book reviews. The Editors welcome work that draws on more than one disciplinary approach, as well as contributions from outside the United States. Essays should avoid unnecessary technicality and strive to be accessible to the widest possible audience without sacrificing clarity and rigor. Ethics publishes both theory and the application of theory to contemporary moral issues. Historical essays are welcome, provided they have significant implications for contemporary theory.
Die Zeitschrift Ethik in der Medizin konzentriert sich auf die wissenschaftliche Erarbeitung, die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und die Vermittlung von Ethik in der Medizin in allen Anwendungsbereichen. Mit Übersichts- und Originalarbeiten werden Grundinformationen bereitgestellt und Fallstudien exemplarisch kommentiert. In Verbindung mit Ethikkommissionen und öffentlichen Beratungsgremien werden entsprechende Texte, Verlautbarungen und Verordnungen veröffentlicht. Ethik in der Medizin dient sowohl dem grundsätzlichen ethischen Diskurs als auch der Förderung des praktischen Entscheidungsverhaltens im Medizinischen Alltag.
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is Europe's only peer-reviewed journal entirely devoted to child and adolescent psychiatry. It aims to further a broad understanding of psychopathology in children and adolescents. Empirical research is its foundation, and clinical relevance is its hallmark. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry welcomes in particular papers covering neuropsychiatry, cognitive neuroscience, genetics, neuroimaging, pharmacology, and related fields of interest. Contributions are encouraged from all around the world.
Founded by Mark Sacks in 1993, the European Journal of Philosophy has come to occupy a distinctive and highly valued place amongst the philosophical journals. The aim of the EJP has been to bring together the best work from those working within the 'analytic' and 'continental' traditions, and to encourage connections between them, without diluting their respective priorities and concerns. This has enabled the EJP to publish a wide range of material of the highest standard from philosophers across the world, reflecting the best thinking from a variety of philosophical perspectives, in a way that is accessible to all of them.' Robert Stern, editor of the EJP.