Filozofska istra?ivanja, published from 1980, is the main relevant philosophical journal in Croatia which is published on regular basis. It finds its main thematic framework within the field of philosophy, but also in its related fields. In a journal, published quarterly (four times a year), great number of foreign and Croatian authors contribute, mainly on regular basis. As a rule, every particular issue of Filozofska istra?ivanja has a main Thematic unit/bloc, then Studies (including only original papers), Review articles, Papers from scientific meetings and symposia, Book Reviews, as well as Notes and news from philosophical life in Croatia and abroad. Every article in Filozofska istra?ivanja has a summary on English, German or French. .
Frontiers of Philosophy in China aims to disseminate new scholarly achievements in the field of broadly defined philosophy, and promote philosophical researches of the highest level by publishing peer-reviewed academic articles that facilitate intensive or extensive communication and cooperation between philosophers in China and abroad. It covers nearly all main branches of philosophy, with priorities given to original works on Chinese philosophy or in comparative studies of Chinese philosophy and other kinds of philosophy in the world.
The »Hegel-Jahrbuch« is the yearbook of the International Hegel Society, which was founded in 1953 by Wilhelm Raimund Beyer (1902–1990) in Nuremberg. It has been published since 1961 and was edited by W. R. Beyer until 1984, since then by the respective acting board of the Society. It documents the contributions of the International Hegel Congresses.
Heidegger Studies is a peer-reviewed, annual journal dedicated to promoting the understanding of Heidegger’s thought through the interpretation of his writings. Heidegger Studies provides a forum for the thorough interpretation of the whole of Heidegger’s work (including works published during his lifetime) that is called for by the publication of his Gesamtausgabe. In keeping with its international character, Heidegger Studies publishes articles in English, German, French, and Italian. The editors of this journal welcome the submission of manuscripts that take up the serious task of interpreting and thinking through Heidegger’s work. The editors especially welcome submission of manuscripts devoted to an interpretive exploration of the new texts published in the Gesamtausgabe.
Historical Materialism is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring and developing the critical and explanatory potential of Marxist theory. The journal started as a project at the London School of Economics from 1995 to 1998. The advisory editorial board comprises many leading Marxists, including Robert Brenner, Maurice Godelier, Michael Lebowitz, Justin Rosenberg, Ellen Meiksins Wood and others.Marxism has manifested itself in the late 1990s from the pages of the Financial Times to new work by Fredric Jameson, Terry Eagleton and David Harvey. Unburdened by pre-1989 ideological baggage, Historical Materialism stands at the edge of a vibrant intellectual current, publishing a new generation of Marxist thinkers and scholars.
History and Theory leads the way in exploring the nature of history. Prominent international thinkers contribute their reflections in the following areas: critical philosophy of history, speculative philosophy of history, historiography, history of historiography, historical methodology, critical theory, and time and culture. Related disciplines are also covered within the journal, including interactions between history and the natural and social sciences, the humanities, and psychology.