As an academic journal HTS disseminates the results of the theological research of national and international scholars. It has a wide multi-disciplinary scope and supports theologians, philosophers, scholars, ministers of religion and specialists in religious, social and economically related subjects by providing them with research results. The journal covers theology in it broadest sense and therefore publishes articles linked with a variety of other study fields, has a multi-disciplinary, multi-church, inter-faith, and multi-religious focus and scope. Articles cover, among others, aspects of religious studies, philosophy, ancient Semitic and classical languages, sociology and ethics. HTS Teologiese Studies /Theological Studies is committed to the capacity building of young scholars.
Hispania Sacra se publica desde 1948. En estos años ha recogido las investigaciones sobre historia religiosa ajustándose a la orientación de la historiografía y evolucionando con ella.En la actualidad Hispania Sacra publica artículos originales sobre historia religiosa, especialmente referidos al mundo hispánico, en español, inglés, francés, italiano o portugués. Ha continuado la labor de Missionalia Hispanica.Los contenidos de Hispania Sacra están indizados en Web of Science (Thomson-ISI) A&HCI, SCOPUS, y en otras prestigiosas bases de datos.
For nearly fifty years, History of Religions has set the standard for the study of religious phenomena from prehistory to modern times. History of Religions strives to publish scholarship that reflects engagement with particular traditions, places, and times and yet also speaks to broader methodological and/or theoretical issues in the study of religion. Toward encouraging critical conversations in the field, HR also publishes review articles and comprehensive book reviews by distinguished authors.
Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal is a fully refereed journal. It publishes new and provocative ideas, paying particular attention to issues that have a contemporary relevance and a wider public interest. It is aimed at an academic and wider public readership. It draws upon expertise from virtually all relevant disciplines (history, culture, politics, religion, archaeology, sociology). Over time it will deal with a wide range of topics: two nations and three faiths; conflicting Israeli and Palestinian perspectives; social and economic conditions; Palestine in history and today; ecumenism and interfaith relations; modernisation, religious revivalisms and fundamentalisms; Zionism and Post-Zionism; the 'new historiography' of Israel and Palestine. Conventionally these diversified discourses are kept apart. This journal brings them together.