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Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

ISSN: 0957-8765eISSN: 1573-7888

The official journal of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Voluntas is an interdisciplinary journal that provides a central forum for worldwide research in the area between the state, market, and household sectors. The journal combines full-length articles with shorter research notes (reflecting the latest developments in the field) and book reviews.
Voluntas is essential reading for all those engaged in research on the Third Sector (voluntary and nonprofit organizations) including economists, lawyers, political scientists, psychologists, sociologists, and social and public policy analysts. It presents leading-edge academic argument around civil society issues in a style that is accessible to practitioners and policymakers.Articles are published in English with abstracts in French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic. 2-Year Impact Factor: .881 (2012)Subject Category 'Social Issues': Rank 20 out of 39SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR) 2011. SJR is a measure of the

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WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics

ISSN: 1109-9526eISSN: 2224-2899

World Customs Journal

ISSN: 1834-6707eISSN: 1834-6715

World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development

ISSN: 1746-0573eISSN: 1746-0581
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World Sports Activewear

ISSN: 1356-644X

Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu

ISSN: 1331-8004eISSN: 1846-7520

The Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics – Journal of Economics and Business (Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci – Casopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu) has been a continuous scientific publication of the Faculty ever since 1971. However, in the period 1988–1993 it was issued annually, and it has been published twice a year ever since 1993 (spring and autumn/fall). The Concept of the Journal is focused on publishing articles dealing with economic theory as well as economic policies. It is primarily oriented to scientific papers, but it also publishes professional articles of exceptional quality that are estimated to contribute to economic theory and practice. The second part contains reviews of books and scientific works in the field of economics as well as those dealing with other related scientific fields. In addition, the Journal promotes international conferences, announces public tenders and provides useful information on other important events. The International Advisory Board sets mission and purpose, objectives and strategies of the Journal. Editorial Board sets the Journal policy, contents and layout, following the guidelines set by the International Advisory Board. The Journal has been abstracted and indexed in JEL (Journal of Economic Literature)/EconLit (American Economic Association’s Electronic Database), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA since 1993, as well as in the IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences), ProQuest, Cambridge, UK, and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Lund University, Sweden, since 2007. Furthermore, since June 2008 the Journal has been abstracted and indexed in CAB Abstracts, UK, and since July 31, 2008 the Journal has been included in SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), Social Scisearch and JCR (Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition), Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, USA, starting with No 1/2007, while Proquest – ABI/INFORM, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA starting with No. 1/2006. In addition, SCOPUS, Elsevier, B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands have started coverage of all published material of the Journal since 2009, and EBSCO, Ipswich, MA, USA also covers the Journal in their databases EconLit with Full Text and SocINDEX in Abstracts&Indexing with references. The Journal is open for cooperation with scientists from Croatia and abroad all year round. Your contribution to economic theory and practice is welcomed. A special section in the Journal is reserved for Letters to the Editor. Readers and authors are invited to give their comments and suggestions. The most interesting letters, comments, and discussions will be published. .

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