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IEEE Internet of Things Journal

eISSN: 2327-4662

IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal publishes articles on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various aspects of IoT. Topics include IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications. Examples are IoT demands, impacts, and implications on sensors technologies, big data management, and future Internet design for various IoT use cases, such as smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, etc. The fields of interest include: IoT architecture such as things-centric, data-centric, service-oriented IoT architecture; IoT enabling technologies and systematic integration such as sensor technologies, big sensor data management, and future Internet design for IoT; IoT services, applications, and test-beds such as IoT service middleware, IoT application programming interface (API), IoT application design, and IoT trials/experiments; IoT standardization activities and technology development in different standard development organizations (SDO) such as IEEE, IETF, ITU, 3GPP, ETSI, etc.

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IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

ISSN: 2168-2194eISSN: 2168-2208

J-BHI publishes original papers describing recent advances in the field of biomedical and health informatics where information and communication technologies intersect with health, healthcare, life sciences and biomedicine. Papers must contain original content in theoretical analysis, methods, technical development, and/or novel clinical applications of information systems. Topics covered by J-BHI include but are not limited to: acquisition, transmission, storage, retrieval, management, processing and analysis of biomedical and health information; applications of information and communication technologies in the practice of healthcare, public health, patient monitoring, preventive care, early diagnosis of diseases, discovery of new therapies, and patient specific treatment protocols leading to improved outcomes; and the integration of electronic medical and health records, methods of longitudinal data analysis, data mining and discovery tools. Manuscripts may deal with these applications and their integration, such as clinical information systems, decision support systems, medical and biological imaging informatics, wearable systems, body area/sensor networks, informatics in biological and physiological systems, personalized and pervasive health technologies (u-, p-, m- and e-Health), telemedicine, home healthcare and wellness management. Topics related to integration include interoperability, protocol-based patient care, evidence-based medicine, and methods of secure patient data.

Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine


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IEEE Latin America Transactions

ISSN: 1548-0992

IEEE Latin America Transactions (IEEE LATAM) is an interdisciplinary journal focused on the dissemination of original and quality research papers / review articles in Spanish and Portuguese of emerging topics in three main areas: Computing, Electric Energy and Electronics. Some of the sub-areas of the journal are, but not limited to: Automatic control, communications, instrumentation, artificial intelligence, power and industrial electronics, fault diagnosis and detection, transportation electrification, internet of things, electrical machines, circuits and systems, biomedicine and biomedical / haptic applications, secure communications, robotics, sensors and actuators, computer networks, smart grids, among others.

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IEEE MultiMedia

ISSN: 1070-986XeISSN: 1941-0166

IEEE MultiMedia contains technical information covering a broad range of issues in multimedia systems and applications. Articles discuss research as well as advanced practice in hardware/software and are expected to span the range from theory to working systems. Especially encouraged are papers discussing experiences with new or advanced systems and subsystems. To avoid unnecessary overlap with existing publications, acceptable papers must have a significant focus on aspects unique to multimedia systems and applications. These aspects are likely to be related to the special needs of multimedia information compared to other electronic data, for example, the size requirements of digital media and the importance of time in the representation of such media. The following list is not exhaustive, but is representative of the topics that are covered: Hardware and software for media compression, coding & processing; Media representations & standards for storage, editing, interchange, transmission & presentation; Hardware platforms supporting multimedia applications; Operating systems suitable for multimedia applications; Storage devices & technologies for multimedia information; Network technologies, protocols, architectures & delivery techniques intended for multimedia; Synchronization issues; Multimedia databases; Formalisms for multimedia information systems & applications; Programming paradigms & languages for multimedia; Multimedia user interfaces; Media creation integration editing & management; Creation & modification of multimedia applications. The primary goal of the magazine is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present new findings and discuss experiences with multimedia systems and applications. In addition, the magazine keeps readers informed of the state of the art in the multimedia arena, including technical trends and research directions.

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IEEE Network

ISSN: 0890-8044eISSN: 1558-156X

As currently defined, IEEE Network covers the following areas: 1. network protocols and architectures, 2. Protocol design and validation, 3. Communication software and its development and test, 4. Network control and signalling, 5. network management, 6. Practical network implementations including local area networks, (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks, (WANs), 7. Switching and processing in integrated (voice/data) networks and network components, 8. Micro-to-host communication.

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IEEE Pervasive Computing

ISSN: 1536-1268eISSN: 1558-2590

IEEE Pervasive Computing explores the role of computing in the physical world–as characterized by visions such as the Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Computing. Designed for researchers, practitioners, and educators, this publication acts as a catalyst for realizing the ideas described by Mark Weiser in 1988. The essence of this vision is the creation of environments saturated with sensing, computing, and wireless communication that gracefully support the needs of individuals and society. Many key building blocks for this vision are now viable commercial technologies: wearable and handheld computers, wireless networking, location sensing, Internet of Things platforms, and so on. However, the vision continues to present deep challenges for experts in areas such as hardware design, sensor networks, mobile systems, human-computer interaction, industrial design, machine learning, data science, and societal issues including privacy and ethics. Through special issues, the magazine explores applications in areas such as assisted living, automotive systems, cognitive assistance, hardware innovations, ICT4D, manufacturing, retail, smart cities, and sustainability. In addition, the magazine accepts peer-reviewed papers of wide interest under a general call, and also features regular columns on hot topics and interviews with luminaries in the field.

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IEEE Security and Privacy

ISSN: 1540-7993eISSN: 1558-4046

IEEE Security & Privacy’s primary objective is to stimulate and track advances in security, privacy, and dependability and present these advances in a form that can be useful to a broad cross-section of the professional community—ranging from academic researchers to industry practitioners. It provides articles with both a practical and research bent by the top thinkers in the field of security and privacy, along with case studies, surveys, tutorials, columns, and in-depth interviews and podcasts for the information security industry.

Through special issues, the magazine explores other timely aspects of privacy in areas such as usable security, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, cryptography, and big data. Other popular topics include software, hardware, network, and systems security, privacy-enhancing technologies, data analytics for security and privacy, wireless/mobile and embedded security, security foundations, security economics, privacy policies, integrated design methods, sociotechnical aspects, and critical infrastructure. In addition, the magazine accepts peer-reviewed articles of wide interest under a general call, and also features regular columns on hot topics and interviews with luminaries in the field.

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IEEE Systems Journal

ISSN: 1932-8184eISSN: 1937-9234

This publication provides a systems-level, focused forum for application-oriented manuscripts that address complex systems and system-of-systems of national and global significance. It intends to encourage and facilitate cooperation and interaction among IEEE Societies with systems-level and systems engineering interest, and to attract non-IEEE contributors and readers from around the globe. Our IEEE Systems Council job is to address issues in new ways that are not solvable in the domains of the existing IEEE or other societies or global organizations. These problems do not fit within traditional hierarchical boundaries. For example, disaster response such as that triggered by Hurricane Katrina, tsunamis, or current volcanic eruptions is not solvable by pure engineering solutions. We need to think about changing and enlarging the paradigm to include systems issues.

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IEEE Transactions on Big Data

eISSN: 2332-7790

The IEEE Transactions on Big Data publishes peer reviewed articles with big data as the main focus. The articles will provide cross disciplinary innovative research ideas and applications results for big data including novel theory, algorithms and applications. Research areas for big data include, but are not restricted to, big data analytics, big data visualization, big data curation and management, big data semantics, big data infrastructure, big data standards, big data performance analyses, intelligence from big data, scientific discovery from big data security, privacy, and legal issues specific to big data. Applications of big data in the fields of endeavor where massive data is generated are of particular interest.

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IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

eISSN: 2168-7161

The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) is dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud computing. It is committed to the publication of articles that present innovative research ideas, application results, and case studies in cloud computing, focusing on key technical issues related to theory, algorithms, systems, applications, and performance.

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IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

eISSN: 2325-5870

The IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems is committed to the timely publication of high-impact papers at the intersection of control systems and network science. In particular, the journal addresses research on the analysis, design and implementation of networked control systems, as well as control over networks. Relevant work includes the full spectrum from basic research on control systems to the design of engineering solutions for automatic control of, and over, networks. The topics covered by this journal include: Coordinated control and estimation over networks, Control and computation over sensor networks, Control under communication constraints, Control and performance analysis issues that arise in the dynamics of networks used in application areas such as communications, computers, transportation, manufacturing, Web ranking and aggregation, social networks, biology, power systems, economics, Synchronization of activities across a controlled network, Stability analysis of controlled networks, Analysis of networks as hybrid dynamical systems.

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IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

ISSN: 2168-2267eISSN: 2168-2275

The scope of the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics includes computational approaches to the field of cybernetics. Specifically, the transactions welcomes papers on communication and control across machines or machine, human, and organizations. The scope includes such areas as computational intelligence, computer vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms,  machine learning, fuzzy systems, cognitive systems, decision making, and robotics, to the extent that they contribute to the theme of cybernetics or demonstrate an application of cybernetics principles.


Indexed in Pubmed® and Medline®, products of the United States National Laboratory of Medicine


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IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing

ISSN: 1545-5971eISSN: 1941-0018

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) publishes archival research results focusing on research into foundations, methodologies, and mechanisms that support the achievement–through design, modeling, and evaluation–of systems and networks that are dependable and secure to the desired degree without compromising performance. The focus also includes measurement, modeling, and simulation techniques, and foundations for jointly evaluating, verifying, and designing for performance, security, and dependability constraints.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: View TDSC topics.

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IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

ISSN: 2168-6750

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing publishes papers on emerging aspects of computer science, computing technology, and computing applications not currently covered by other IEEE Computer Society Transactions. TETC is a special issues-based journal. Our authors have the option to submit papers to a current special issue or to the continuous call for papers, called "technical tracks." The most recent and current list of emerging topics in computing currently covered by the continuous call for papers is reported on the Technical Tracks Call for Papers page. All submissions not in the scope of the special issue or the technical tracks will not be considered by the journal. More detailed information is found under the tab "About" in TETC's main page at

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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

ISSN: 1551-3203eISSN: 1941-0050

Knowledge in the IST (Information Society Technologies) field envisions a technology bifurcation in the field of intelligent automation systems and real-time middle-ware technologies in the next 5-10 years. This technology bifurcation extends networked embedded intelligence at the real-time production control and re-scheduling levels further than is currently possible, allowing for a completely new range of intelligent automation products and services. Such products and services enables new paradigms of production and new concepts of product-services and new intelligent production automation concepts, which are more agile, flexible and integrated, based on agent-based technology. The scope of the journal considers the industry’s transition towards more knowledge-based production and systems organization and considers production from a more holistic perspective, encompassing not only hardware and software, but also people and the way in which they learn and share knowledge. Such a framework accommodates ideas related to: radical shifts in industrial structures with capabilities in networks and mastering; new hybrid technologies; development of new processes and devices and flexible and intelligent manufacturing systems; tools for the control of complex distributed production systems; realization of an ambient intelligence landscape at industrial level. The journal focuses on the following main topics: Flexible, collaborative factory automation, Distributed industrial control and computing paradigms, Internet-based monitoring and control systems, Real-time control software for industrial processes, Java and Jini in industrial environments, Control of wireless sensors and actuators, Systems interoperability and human machine interface.

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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

ISSN: 0018-9448eISSN: 1557-9654

The IEEE Transactions on Information Theory is a journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers concerned with the transmission, processing, and utilization of information. The boundaries of acceptable subject matter are intentionally not sharply delimited. Rather, it is hoped that as the focus of research activity changes, a flexible policy will permit this Transactions to follow suit. Current appropriate topics are best reflected by recent Tables of Contents; they are summarized in the titles of editorial areas that appear on the inside front cover.

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IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

ISSN: 1041-4347eISSN: 1558-2191

The scope includes the knowledge and data engineering aspects of computer science, artificial intelligence, electrical engineering, computer engineering, and other appropriate fields. This Transactions provides an international and interdisciplinary forum to communicate results of new developments in knowledge and data engineering and the feasibility studies of these ideas in hardware and software. Specific areas to be covered are as follows: Fields and Areas of Knowledge and Data Engineering: (a) Knowledge and data engineering aspects of knowledge based and expert systems, (b) Artificial Intelligence techniques relating to knowledge and data management, (c) Knowledge and data engineering tools and techniques, (d) Distributed knowledge base and database processing, (e) Real-time knowledge bases and databases, (f) Architectures for knowledge and data based systems, (g) Data management methodologies, (h) Database design and modeling, (i) Query, design, and implementation languages, (j) Integrity, security, and fault tolerance, (k) Distributed database control, (l) Statistical databases, (m) System integration and modeling of these systems, (n) Algorithms for these systems, (o) Performance evaluation of these algorithms, (p) Data communications aspects of these systems, and (q) Applications of these systems.

Additional Information
To reflect the current trends in knowledge and data engineering research and development practice, TKDE gives priorities to submissions on the emerging topics, including but not limited to big data and applications, new frontiers of knowledge and data engineering, such as social networks, social media, and crowd sourcing. Submissions purely focusing on the topics centered in some other sister IEEE Transactions, such as core machine learning theory, pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision, neural networks, and fuzzy systems, will not be considered.

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IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

ISSN: 1536-1233eISSN: 1558-0660

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing focuses on the key technical issues related to (a) architectures, (b) support services, (c) algorithm/protocol design and analysis, (d) mobile environments, (e) mobile communication systems, (f) applications, and (g) emerging technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: a) Architectures - Mobile networks and hosts, Agents and proxies, Mobility management, mobile agent and proxy architectures Integrated wireline and wireless systems, Planning and standardization. b) Support Services - Mobility and roaming, Nomadic computing, Multimedia Operating system support, Power management. c) Algorithm/Protocol Design and Analysis - Online and mobile environments, Limited bandwidth, Intermittent connectivity. d) Mobile Environments - Data and knowledge management, Performance modeling and characterization, Security, scalability and reliability, Design, management and operation, Systems and technologies. e) Mobile Communication Systems - Wireless, cellular and spread-spectrum systems, Multi-user and multi-access techniques and algorithms, Multi-channel processing, Channel coding, Data coding and compression. f) Applications - Location-dependent and sensitive, Nomadic computing, Wearable computers and body area networks, Multimedia applications and multimedia signal processing, Pervasive computing, Wireless sensor networks. g) Emerging Technologies.

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IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

ISSN: 1520-9210eISSN: 1941-0077

The scope of the Periodical is the various aspects of research in multimedia technology and applications of multimedia, including, but not limited to, circuits, networking, signal processing, systems, software, and systems integration, as represented by the Fields of Interest of the sponsors. 


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IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

eISSN: 1932-4537

IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management will publish (online only) peerreviewed archival quality papers that advance the state-of-the-art and practical applications of network and service management. Theoretical research contributions (presenting new concepts and techniques) and applied contributions (reporting on experiences and experiments with actual systems) will be encouraged. These transactions will focus on the key technical issues related to: Management Models, Architectures and Frameworks; Service Provisioning, Reliability and Quality Assurance; Management Functions; Enabling Technologies; Information and Communication Models; Policies; Applications and Case Studies; Emerging Technologies and Standards.

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