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Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology

ISSN: 1383-875XeISSN: 1572-8595

The Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology is an international publication devoted to fostering research in and development of interventional techniques and therapies for the management of cardiac arrhythmias. It is designed primarily to present original research studies and scholarly scientific reviews of basic and applied science and clinical research in this field. The Journal will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to link physical, experimental, and clinical sciences as applied to the development of and practice in interventional electrophysiology. The Journal will examine techniques ranging from molecular, chemical and pharmacologic therapies to device and ablation technology. Accordingly, original research in clinical, epidemiologic and basic science arenas will be considered for publication. Applied engineering or physical science studies pertaining to interventional electrophysiology will be encouraged. The Journal is committed to providing comprehensive and detailed treatment of major i

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Journal of Physiology - Paris

ISSN: 0928-4257

Each issue of the Journal of Physiology (Paris) is specially commissioned, and provides an overview of one important area of neuroscience, delivering review and research papers from leading researchers in that field. The content will interest both those specializing in the experimental study of the brain and those working in interdisciplinary fields linking theory and biological data, including cellular neuroscience, mathematical analysis of brain function, computational neuroscience, biophysics of brain imaging and cognitive psychology.This is a forum where the proceedings of specialized symposia can be published as a collection of full-length articles. The Editor-in Chief welcomes suggestions for topics to be covered and would like to receive your request to become a Guest Editor six to twelve months in advance of your meeting.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of physiological anthropology

ISSN: 1880-6791eISSN: 1880-6805

Journal of Physiological Anthropology, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on the physiological functions of modern mankind, with an emphasis on the bio-cultural effects on human adaptability to current environment.

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Klinische Neurophysiologie

ISSN: 1434-0275

Starke ImpulseDie gesamte Bandbreite*EEG, EMG, ENG, EVP, Funktionelle Bildgebung, Ultraschalldiagnostik, Interventionelle NeurophysiologieFundiertes Fachwissen*CME-zertifizierte Fort- und Weiterbildung*Systematische Reviews*Originalien mit klinischen Studien*Interessante Kasuistiken*Informative Bildbefunde*Schwerpunkthefte zu ausgewählten Themen.

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ISSN: 1073-9688eISSN: 1549-8719

Submit your paper to Microcirculation - visit the ScholarOne manuscript submission site Microcirculation features original contributions that are the result of investigations contributing significant new information relating to the vascular and lymphatic microcirculation addressed at the intact animal, organ, cellular, or molecular level. Papers describe applications of the methods of physiology, biophysics, bioengineering, genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology to problems in microcirculation. The journal also publishes state-of-the-art reviews that address frontier areas or new advances in technology in the fields of microcirculatory disease and function. Specific areas of interest include: Angiogenesis, growth and remodeling; Transport and exchange of gasses and solutes; Rheology and biorheology; Endothelial cell biology and metabolism; Interactions between endothelium, smooth muscle, parenchymal cells, leukocytes and platelets; Regulation of vasomotor tone; and Microvascular structures, imaging and morphometry. Papers also describe innovations in experimental techniques and instrumentation for studying all aspects of microcirculatory structure and function.

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Motor Control

ISSN: 1087-1640eISSN: 1543-2696

Motor Control, the official journal of the International Society of Motor Control, is designed to provide a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of scientific information on the control of human movement across the lifespan, including issues related to motor disorders.Motor Control encourages submission of papers from a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to, biomechanics, kinesiology, neurophysiology, neuroscience, psychology, physical medicine, and rehabilitation. The journal will publish a wide variety of types of research papers including clinical experimental, modeling, and theoretical studies. To be considered for publication, papers should clearly demonstrate a contribution to the understanding of control of movement.In addition to publishing research papers, Motor Control will publish review articles, quick communications, commentaries, target articles, and book reviews. When warranted, an entire issue may be devoted to a specific topic within the area of motor control.

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Movement & Sport Sciences

ISSN: 2118-5735eISSN: 2118-5743
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Muscle & Nerve

ISSN: 0148-639XeISSN: 1097-4598

Muscle & Nerve is an international and interdisciplinary publication of original contributions, in both health and disease, concerning studies of the muscle, the neuromuscular junction, the peripheral motor, sensory and autonomic neurons, and the central nervous system where the behavior of the peripheral nervous system is clarified. Appearing monthly, Muscle & Nerve publishes clinical studies and clinically relevant research reports in the fields of anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, electrophysiology and electrodiagnosis, epidemiology, genetics, immunology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, and virology. The Journal welcomes articles and reports on basic clinical electrophysiology and electrodiagnosis. We expedite some papers dealing with timely topics to keep up with the fast-moving pace of science, based on the referees' recommendation.

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ISSN: 1661-7800eISSN: 1661-7819

This highly respected and frequently cited journal is a prime source of information in the area of fetal and neonatal research. Original papers present research on all aspects of neonatology, fetal medicine and developmental biology. These papers encompass both basic science and clinical research including randomized trials, novel observational studies and epidemiology. Basic science research covers molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology in fetal and neonatal life. In addition to the classic features the journal accepts papers for sections "Research Briefings", "Sources of Neonatal Medicine" (historical pieces) and "Global Neonatal Research". Papers reporting the results of animal studies should be based upon hypotheses that relate to developmental processes or disorders in the human fetus or neonate.

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ISSN: 1660-8151eISSN: 2235-3186

Nephron comprises two sections, “Clinical Practice” and “Experimental Nephrology and Genetics”, which are each under the editorship of internationally recognized leaders and served by specialized and young associate editors. Apart from high-quality original research, Nephron publishes invited reviews/mini-reviews on up-to-date topics. The section “Clinical Practice” also includes second-opinion articles that provide a platform for international experts and opinion leaders to cast a critical eye over published papers dealing with hot topics in clinical and experimental nephrology. The section “Experimental Nephrology and Genetics” includes case studies of genetic interest articles that provide clinically relevant examples of the genetic heterogeneity of renal diseases. Finally, special articles cover a broad range of topics, offering a human-interest perspective on medical/scientific issues with a strong emotional and societal impact. They are published on an ad hoc basis upon invitation

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Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology

ISSN: 0305-1846eISSN: 1365-2990

* Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology is an international journal, sponsored by the British Neuropathological Society, for the publication of original papers and authoritative reviews on the disease mechanisms and the clinical pathology of disorders of brain, nerve and muscle.

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Obesity Facts

ISSN: 1662-4025eISSN: 1662-4033

Obesity Facts publishes articles covering all aspects of obesity, in particular epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, and the prevention of adiposity. As obesity is related to many disease processes, the journal is also dedicated to all topics pertaining to comorbidity and covers psychological and sociocultural aspects as well as influences of nutrition and exercise on body weight. The editors carefully select papers to present only the most recent findings in clinical practice and research. All professionals concerned with obesity issues will find this journal a most valuable update to keep them abreast of the latest scientific developments. Special sections comprising a variety of subspecialties reinforce the journal’s value as an exhaustive record of recent progress for all internists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians, dieticians, nutritionists, bariatric surgeons, psychologists and psychiatrists, occupational health practitioners, sports medicine specialists, ecotrophologists, sociologists, and biologists as well as prevention and public health researchers. In addition, Obesity Facts serves as an ideal information tool for the members of the pharmaceutical and food industry as well as those active in nutritional research and medicine.

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eISSN: 1873-149X

Pathophysiology is a peer-reviewed international English language which address the etiology, development, and elimination of pathological processes. Contributions on the basic mechanisms underlying these processes, model systems and interdisciplinary approaches are strongly encouraged.An international editorial board welcomes contributions covering the following areas:• General pathophysiological processes: inflammation, infection, hypoxia, stress, shock, pain, disregulation• Cellular and molecular pathophysiology• Neuroscience• Heart and circulation• Respiratory system• Renal, fluid and electrolyte pathophysiology• Gastrointestinal and hepatic system• Endocrine system• Metabolic disorders• Blood system• Immune system• Reproductive system• Locomotor system

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Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology

ISSN: 0031-6768eISSN: 1432-2013

Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology publishes the results of original research considered likely to further the physiological sciences in their broadest sense. Topics include pathophysiological or methodological issues when these can be used as a tool for further investigation of physiological mechanisms. Papers should give mechanistic insights into physiological functions at the molecular and cellular level. Priority will be given to manuscripts that provide conceptual novelty. Pflügers specifically aims at publishing work on ion channels, transporters, cardiac electrophysiology, and sensory physiology on a molecular and cellular level. The journal welcomes papers linking genomic and proteomic approaches to physiological functions, as well as articles describing work on the mechanistic phenotyping of transgenic animal models.

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Physiological Measurement

ISSN: 0967-3334eISSN: 1361-6579

Physiological Measurement publishes papers about the quantitative assessment and visualization of physiological function in clinical research and practice, with an emphasis on the development of new methods of measurement and their validation.

Papers are published on topics including:

  • applied physiology in illness and health
  • electrical bioimpedance, optical and acoustic measurement techniques
  • advanced methods of time series and other data analysis
  • biomedical and clinical engineering
  • in-patient and ambulatory monitoring
  • point-of-care technologies
  • novel clinical measurements of cardiovascular, neurological, and musculoskeletal systems.
  • measurements in molecular, cellular and organ physiology and electrophysiology
  • physiological modeling and simulation
  • novel biomedical sensors, instruments, devices and systems
  • measurement standards and guidelines.

The journal encourages publication of data and code as well as results.

Physiological Measurement is an interdisciplinary journal. Authors of each article are therefore asked to ensure that at least the title and abstract of their article are understandable to researchers in other disciplines and to supply suitable keywords as a concise method of describing its general research topic in both clinical and scientific terms.

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Physiological Reports

eISSN: 2051-817X

Physiological Reports is an online, open access monthly journal that publishes peer-reviewed research across all areas of basic and translational physiology and allied disciplines. Case reports are acceptable, so long as they have a physiological focus, but Physiological Reports does not publish clinical trials. For further information, see the journal's full scope statement. 

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Physiological Reviews

ISSN: 0031-9333eISSN: 1522-1210

Physiological Reviews provides state of the art coverage of timely issues in the physiological and biomedical sciences. It appeals to physiologists, neuroscientists, cell biologists, biophysicists, and clinicians with special interest in pathophysiology. Topics are covered in a broad and comprehensive manner. These articles are very useful in teaching and research as they provide interesting, clearly written updates on important new developments.

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ISSN: 0031-9376
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Physiology International

ISSN: 2498-602XeISSN: 2677-0164

Akadémiai Kiadó is pleased to announce the online availability of their online journals at their new website: As an added benefit to subscribers, you can now access the electronic version of every printed article along with exciting enhancements that include:* Subscription* Free trials to many publications* Pay-per-view purchasing of individual articles* Enhanced search capabilities such as full-text and abstract searching* ActiveSearch resubmits specified searches and deliver notifications when relevant articles are found* E-mail alerting of new issues by title or subject* Custom links to your favourite titles.

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ISSN: 0048-5772eISSN: 1469-8986

Psychophysiology is the oldest, first, and most established journal in its field. This prestigious international journal plays a key role in advancing psychophysiological science and human neuroscience, covering research on the interrelationships between the physiological and psychological aspects of brain and behavior. Psychophysiology reports on new theoretical, empirical and methodological advances in: psychology and psychiatry, cognitive science, cognitive and affective neuroscience, social science, health science and behavioral medicine, and biomedical engineering. The journal publishes theoretical papers, evaluative reviews of literature, empirical papers, methodological articles, meeting announcements, and fellowship opportunities.

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