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Liver Transplantation

ISSN: 1527-6465eISSN: 1527-6473

Since the first application of liver transplantation in a clinical situation was reported more than twenty years ago, there has been a great deal of growth in this field and more is anticipated. As an official publication of the AASLD and the ILTS , Liver Transplantation delivers current, peer-reviewed articles on surgical techniques, clinical investigations and drug research - the information necessary to keep abreast of this evolving specialty.

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Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation

ISSN: 0931-0509eISSN: 1460-2385

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation is one of the world's leading journals devoted to original clinical and laboratory research in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation. Published monthly, the journal provides an essential resource for researchers and clinicians throughout the world.The journal covers all aspects of nephrology, particularly clinical nephrology, but also research relating to the basic immunology, anatomy, and physiology of the kidney. It also carries special supplements and publishes the annual reports from the EDTA Registry on demography, trends, current practice, and studies relating to dialysis and transplantation in both adults and children in Europe.

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Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation

ISSN: 1312-5257

Open Access Surgery

eISSN: 1178-7082
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ISSN: 1547-6278eISSN: 1555-8592

Organogenesis is a peer-reviewed journal, available in print and online, that publishes significant advances on all aspects of organ development. The journal covers organogenesis in all multi-cellular organisms and also include research into tissue engineering, artificial organs and organ substitutes.The overriding criteria for publication in Organogenesis are originality, scientific merit and general interest. The audience of the journal consists primarily of researchers and advanced students of anatomy, developmental biology and tissue engineering.The emphasis of the journal is on experimental papers (full-length and brief communications), but it will also publish reviews, hypotheses and commentaries. The Editors encourage the submission of addenda, which are essentially auto-commentaries on significant research recently published elsewhere with additional insights, new interpretations or speculations on a relevant topic. If you have interesting data or an original hypothesis about organ development or artificial organs, please send a pre-submission inquiry to the Editor-in-Chief. You will normally receive a reply within days. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer review, and accepted manuscripts will be posted to the electronic site of the journal immediately and will appear in print at the earliest opportunity thereafter.Advertisements.

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Pediatric Transplantation

ISSN: 1397-3142eISSN: 1399-3046

The aim of Pediatric Transplantation is to publish original articles of the highest quality on clinical experience and basic research in transplantation of tissues and solid organs in infants, children and adolescents. The journal seeks to disseminate the latest information widely to all individuals involved in kidney, liver, heart, lung, intestine and stem cell (bone-marrow) transplantation. In addition, the journal publishes focused reviews on topics relevant to pediatric transplantation as well as timely editorial comment on controversial issues. The scope of the journal includes involving clinical research, case-reports delineating universal clinical consequences and basic transplant immunobiology related to pediatric transplantation. Each issue contains Pediatric Transplant Grand Rounds which comprise reports from institutions worldwide aimed at sharing pertinent clinical information with those caring for pediatric transplant recipients. The publication of a journal devoted to transplantation in infants, children and adolescents is extremely important because of the increasing clinical use of tissue and organ transplantation to resolve catastrophic circumstances not amenable to other therapeutic approaches. The journal serves the needs of pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, transplant surgeons, pediatric urologists, pediatric nephrologists, pediatric gastroenterologists, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric pulmonologists and pediatric haematologists/oncologists, all of whom will find great advantage in the timely updated information offered by the journal.

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Progress in Transplantation

ISSN: 1526-9248eISSN: 2164-6708
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Revista de Nefrología, Diálisis y Trasplante

ISSN: 0326-3428eISSN: 2346-8548
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Stem Cells and Development

ISSN: 1547-3287eISSN: 1557-8534

Stem Cells and Development focuses on stem cells of all tissue types and their potential therapeutic applications. The Journal continues its tradition of providing a forum for animated discussion of contentious issues in conventional medicine.Stem Cells and Development covers: Controversial issues on stem cell research Stem cells of all tissues and organs Embryogenesis and adult counterparts of this process Physical processes linking stem cells, primary cell function, and structural development Transition from genes to physical effects: hypotheses and data Development of vasculature, CNS, and other germ layer development and defects Processes included in development: how the molecules work Pluripotentiality of adult stem cells The role of various mediators and how genetic factors affect development at a physical level Correspondence and concise, comprehensive reviews.

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The International Journal of Artificial Organs

ISSN: 0391-3988eISSN: 1724-6040

The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) is the Official Journal of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO).The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) publishes monthly peer-reviewed research and clinical, experimental and theoretical, contributions to the field of artificial, bioartificial and tissue-engineered organs. The mission of the IJAO is to foster the development and optimization of artificial, bioartificial and tissue-engineered organs, for implantation or use in procedures, to treat functional deficits of all human tissues and organs.The topics of interest range from the initial concept to clinical application, and are grouped in the following independent sections managed by highly qualified Editors:.

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Transplant Immunology

ISSN: 0966-3274eISSN: 1878-5492
Transplant Immunology will publish up-to-date information on all aspects of the broad field it encompasses. The journal will be directed at (basic) scientists, tissue typers, transplant physicians and surgeons, and research and data on all immunological aspects of organ-, tissue- and (haematopoietic) stem cell transplantation are of potential interest to the readers of Transplant Immunology. Original papers, Review articles and Hypotheses will be considered for publication and submitted manuscripts will be rapidly peer-reviewed and published. They will be judged on the basis of scientific merit, originality, timeliness and quality.

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Transplant Infectious Disease

ISSN: 1398-2273eISSN: 1399-3062

Transplant Infectious Disease has been established as a forum for presenting the most current information on the prevention and treatment of infection complicating organ and bone marrow transplantation. The point of view of the journal is that infection and allograft rejection (or graft-versus-host disease) are closely intertwined, and that advances in one area will have immediate consequences on the other. The interaction of the transplant recipient with potential microbial invaders, the impact of immunosuppressive strategies on this interaction, and the effects of cytokines, growth factors, and chemokines liberated during the course of infections, rejection, or graft-versus-host disease are central to the interests and mission of this journal. Transplant Infectious Disease is aimed at disseminating the latest information relevant to the infectious disease complications of transplantation to clinicians and scientists involved in bone marrow, kidney, liver, heart, lung, intestinal, and pancreatic transplantation. The infectious disease consequences and concerns regarding innovative transplant strategies, from novel immunosuppressive agents to xenotransplantation, are very much a concern of this journal. In addition, this journal feels a particular responsibility to inform primary care practitioners in the community, who increasingly are sharing the responsibility for the care of these patients, of the special considerations regarding the prevention and treatment of infection in transplant recipients. As exemplified by the international editorial board, articles are sought throughout the world that address both general issues and those of a more restricted geographic import. Transplant Infectious Disease includes state-of-the-art review articles on important subjects, the results of clinical investigation, interesting case reports, and two recurring features: a clinical-pathologic conference and reviews of the basic science foundation of transplant infectious disease. Subjects covered include specific infections, the epidemiology of important infections, the interaction among immunosuppression and infection exposure, the diagnosis of specific infection, pathogenesis, and clinical management. Both basic science and clinical articles are featured. Where controversy exists, both sides of an issue are presented. This journal is meant to serve the needs of all clinicians and scientists involved in the study and care of organ and bone marrow transplant recipients.

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Transplant International

ISSN: 0934-0874eISSN: 1432-2277

The aim of the journal is to serve as a forum for the exchange of scientific information in the form of original and high quality papers in the field of transplantation. Clinical and experimental studies, as well as editorials, letters to the editors, and, occasionally, reviews on the biology, physiology, and immunology of transplantation of tissues and organs, are published. Publishing time for the latter is approximately six months, provided major revisions are not needed. The journal is published in yearly volumes, each volume containing twelve issues. Papers submitted to the journal are subject to peer review.

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Transplant Research and Risk Management

eISSN: 1179-1616
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ISSN: 0041-1337eISSN: 1534-6080

The most cited and influential journal in the field (with over 26,000 citations a year), Transplantation174; is published twice monthly and provides extensive coverage of the most important advances in transplantation. Using an electronic on-line submission and peer review tracking system, Transplantation174; is committed to rapid review and publication. The average time to first decision is now less than 21 days. Time to publication of accepted manuscripts continues to be shortened, with the Editorial team committed to a goal of 3 months from acceptance to publication.Consistently ranked among the top journals in Transplantation, Surgery and Immunology (2008 Journal Citation Reports), the journal covers areas including:Cell therapy and islet transplantationClinical transplantationExperimental transplantationImmunobiology and genomicsXenotransplantationExpert researchers and clinicians from around the world contribute original Articles, Overviews and Brief Reports in every pertinent specialty. Forums provide in-depth discussion of exciting developments and controversies in the field. Rapid Communications bring attention to cutting edge research.Issues also contain Analyses and Commentaries, Letters to the Editor and Announcements. Dedicated issues include the World Transplant Congress issue. Website:

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Transplantation Direct

eISSN: 2373-8731
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Transplantation Proceedings

ISSN: 0041-1345eISSN: 1873-2623
A Publication of Affiliated Societies: American Society for Reconstructive Transplantation, Asian Transplantation Society, Andalusian Transplantation Society, Brazilian Transplantation Society, Belgian Transplantation Society, Catalan Transplantation Society, Chilean Transplantation Society, Hellenic Transplantation Society, Hungarian Transplantation Society, International Hand and Composite Tissue Allotransplantation Society, International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association, International Society of Organ Donation and Procurement, International Society of Small Bowel Transplantation, Italian Transplantation Society, Japan/Korea Transplantation Society Forum, Latin America and the Caribbean Transplantation Society, Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation, Polish Transplantation Society, Portuguese Transplantation Society, Scandinavian Transplantation Society, Spanish Transplantation Society, Spanish Liver Transplantation Society, Turkish Transplantation Centers Coordination Association, Turkish Transplantation Society

Aims and Scope:
Transplantation Proceedings publishes several different categories of manuscripts, all of which undergo extensive peer review by recognized authorities in the field prior to their acceptance for publication.

The first type of manuscripts consists of sets of papers providing an in-depth expression of the current state of the art in various rapidly developing components of world transplantation biology and medicine. These manuscripts emanate from congresses of the affiliated transplantation societies, from Symposia sponsored by the Societies, as well as special Conferences and Workshops covering related topics.

Transplantation Proceedings also publishes several special sections including publication of Clinical Transplantation Proceedings, being rapid original contributions of preclinical and clinical experiences. These manuscripts undergo review by members of the Board.

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Transplantation Reports

eISSN: 2451-9596
Aims and Scope:
To provide to national and regional audiences experiences unique to them or confirming of broader concepts originating in large controlled trials. All aspects of organ, tissue and cell transplantation clinically and experimentally.

Transplantation Reports will provide in-depth representation of emerging preclinical, impactful and clinical experiences.

  • Original basic or clinical science articles that represent initial limited experiences as preliminary reports.
  • Clinical trials of therapies previously well documented in large trials but now tested in limited, special, ethnic or clinically unique patient populations.
  • Case studies that confirm prior reports but have occurred in patients displaying unique clinical characteristics such as ethnicities or rarely associated co-morbidities.

Transplantation Reports offers these benefits:

  • Fast and fair peer review
  • Rapid, article-based publication
  • Unrivalled visibility and exposure for your research
  • Immediate, free and permanent access to your paper on Science Direct
  • Immediately citable using the article DOI

As an online only, open access journal, Authors will be required to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) of $1,800 USD. All articles submitted to Transplantation Reports undergo extensive review by our international team. Articles accepted for publication will appear online within (3) business days on Direct and at

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Transplantation Research

ISSN: 2047-1440

Transplantation Research is a peer-reviewed, open access, online journal that publishes articles on a broad range of topics in the discipline of transplantation. The content of this journal is directed towards both basic scientists and clinicians in this field, with the aim of informing all transplantation researchers and those interested in transplantation. Among the research topics included in Transplantation Research are:   organ preservation ischemia-reperfusion injury and inflammation histocompatibility pharmacological/experimental immunosuppression immune recognition - regulation, and tolerance induction strategies stem cell research for tissue regeneration/repair and immune regulation early-stage clinical trials and clinical trial protocols innovative method protocols complications of transplantation, including graft dysfunction, tissue repair, infections and posttransplant malignancy biomarker investigation organ donation and other ethical issues xenotransplantation. Types of transplantation primarily included are thoracic (heart and lung), abdominal (kidney, liver and pancreas) and tissue (islets, composite tissue). Transplantation Research emphasizes the publication of experimental research and pilot clinical trials that introduce new ideas and concepts to the field of transplantation.Transplantation Research is a forum for the quick release of cutting-edge experimental and clinical research in transplantation. Introduction of novel experimental concepts and early stage trial results are welcomed for publication and debate. As an open access online journal, Transplantation Research is in an optimal position to publish data and ideas with the least delay and with the greatest, exposure due to lack of restrictions regarding access. This represents a major new platform for transplantation researchers.

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Transplantation Reviews

ISSN: 0955-470X
Transplantation Reviews contains state-of-the-art review articles on both clinical and experimental transplantation. The journal features invited articles by authorities in immunology, transplantation medicine and surgery.

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