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physica status solidi (a) – applications and materials science

ISSN: 1862-6300eISSN: 1862-6319

physica status solidi is devoted to the thorough peer review and the rapid publication of new and important results in all fields of solid state and materials physics, from basic science to applications and devices. Being among the largest and most important international publications, the pss journals publish review articles, letters and original work as well as special issues and conference contributions. physica status solidi a - applications and materials science covers the preparation, structural analysis, and numerical simulation of advanced materials, nanostructures, surfaces and interfaces, as well as properties of such materials and structures relevant for device applications (magnetic, electromechanical, or electronic devices, photonics, spintronics, sensors...). The pss journal family is one of the largest international platforms and most important publications in solid state and materials physics. In all, more than 20,000 citations to pss articles appeared in the literature throughout 2011. Article access reached the level of annually 1 million full-text downloads in 2012. The 2012 Impact Factor of physica status solidi (a) is 1.469. Total pss (a) cites have further increased to 9,404 in 2012, proving the high visibility and broad relevance of its content. Among the recent citation highlights top reviews and original research articles on, e.g., oxide and flexible electronics, nitride LEDs as well as advanced photovoltaic applications can be found (see Most Cited). Sign up for the free newsletter and get weekly updates on the latest developments and exciting breakthroughs in the vast field of materials science.

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