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Contemporary Jewry

ISSN: 0147-1694eISSN: 1876-5165

Contemporary Jewry serves as the single source for the social scientific consideration of world Jewry, its institutions, trends, character, and concerns. In its pages can be found work by leading scholars and important new researchers from North America, Europe, Australasia and Israel. While much relevant scholarship about Jewry is published in general social science journals, as well as more narrowly focused periodicals, no single scholarly journal focuses primarily on the social scientific study of Jewry.Over 500 articles have been published in Contemporary Jewry since its inception. Each issue includes original research articles across a variety of social-science disciplines, including anthropology, demography, economics, education, ethnography, social history, politics, population, social psychology, and sociology.  We are open to submissions of shorter research notes, and, on occasion, will publish important work that had originally appeared in Hebrew or other languages. Special issues have focused on such topics as the National Jewish Population Survey, Jewish community surveys, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Women in the Holocaust, economic frameworks for understanding Jewry, and Jewry in Israel. Individual articles have treated a range of topics, from Jewish identity in Syria and the Ukraine to New Zealand and Israel: from an analysis of rabbis’ salaries to a historical study of Jewish women physicians in Central Europe: from survey research to ethnography to historical analysis.Each year Contemporary Jewry includes the Marshall Sklare Award lecture, delivered at the Association of Jewish Studies conference in co-sponsorship with the Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry, the founding association of the journal, by distinguished scholars chosen to receive the award because of their contributions to the field of the social scientific study of Jewry. The distinguished editorial board reflects the, multi-disciplinary nature of the journal.

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Contemporary Justice Review

ISSN: 1028-2580eISSN: 1477-2248

Contemporary Justice Review is an interdisciplinary journal for scholars, activists, and practitioners of social and restorative justice around the globe who seek to design and implement models of justice that take into account the needs of all. The journal publishes cutting-edge work on: social and restorative justice theory; restorative justice demonstration projects; peacemaking criminology; state crimes and healing from genocide; peaceful methods of conflict resolution; truth and reconciliation commissions; environmental justice; critiques of criminal justice institutions and law; structural issues of justice in the family, school, and workplace; utopian visions of a just society; and non-violent, needs-meeting solutions to needs-denying, power-based social arrangements.The journal embraces a variety of formats: scholarly articles; electronic roundtable discussions; interviews on social and restorative justice; narrative histories on crime and punishment; film and book review essays; and justice watch statements on timely issues that affect the quality of life around the globe. The editors prefer articles written in engaging and accessible prose which avoid academic jargon and offer insights in how to foster justice in daily life.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Contemporary Political Theory

ISSN: 1470-8914eISSN: 1476-9336

The central focus of CPT will be on publishing contributions to contemporary theory, though informed by historical experience with submissions on past thinkers and thought welcomed where they bear upon current philosophical and political concerns. CPT will reflect the diversity of the subject by encompassing a very wide range of approaches including analytical political philosophy, radical and post-structural political thought, feminist theory, international relations theory and philosophy of social science.

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Contemporary Politics

ISSN: 1356-9775eISSN: 1469-3631

Contemporary Politics provides a platform for studies of politics that are alert to the international without being international relations, and conscious of national difference without ignoring international context. Such studies are often implicitly comparative, even if not explicitly so.Contemporary Politics ranges across international relations, comparative politics and national politics, and is not constrained by disciplinary boundaries in any domain. It takes an interest in major conceptual and theoretical issues generated by current world politics.Contemporary Politics is keen to uncover and explain politics in hidden spaces, and welcomes submissions that bring marginalized and misunderstood aspects of current international politics into focus and into the academic mainstream.Contemporary Politics carries articles that are accessible to informed academic and non-academic audiences around the world. While the journal does not have a book review section, it does carry lengthy review articles that are both informative and theoretically rich.Contemporary Politics publishes special issues on topics of especially broad interest and great moment. Proposals can be sent to the Editor at any time, and should include a full list of authors, article titles and abstracts.

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Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice

ISSN: 1948-9137eISSN: 2162-2752
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Contemporary Security Policy

ISSN: 1352-3260eISSN: 1743-8764

One of the oldest peer reviewed journals in international conflict and security, Contemporary Security Policy promotes theoretically-based research on policy problems of armed violence, peace building and conflict resolution. Since it first appeared in 1980, CSP has established its unique place as a meeting ground for research at the nexus of theory and policy.Spanning the gap between academic and policy approaches, CSP offers policy analysts a place to pursue fundamental issues, and academic writers a venue for addressing policy.The journal emphasizes debate on:War and armed conflictStrategic cultureDefence policyNational and International SecurityConflict resolutionArms control and disarmament Contemporary Security Policy, is committed to a broad range of intellectual perspectives. Articles promote new analytical approaches, iconoclastic interpretations and previously overlooked perspectives. Its pages encourage novel contributions and outlooks, not particular methods or outlooks. Authors are encouraged to examine established issues in innovative ways and to apply traditional methods to new problems.In addition to regular articles and book reviews, CSP features special issues and symposia on particular topics. Relying on solicited and unsolicited contributions, these apply academic analysis to cutting-edge debates previously beyond the purview of scholarly journals. Peer reviewed, special issues and symposia balance spontaneity and incisiveness with academic rigor.As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as "derivative reproduction" (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source). For further information and FAQs, please see: & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Contemporary Social Science

ISSN: 2158-2041eISSN: 2158-205X

Free articles on the 2012 Olympics 1. Social science perspectives on the 2012 London Olympic Games 2. Re-thinking the Legacy 2012: the Olympics as commodity and gift This interdisciplinary, cross-national journal provides a forum for disseminating and enhancing theoretical, empirical and/or pragmatic research across the social sciences and related disciplines. Reflecting the objectives of the Academy of Social Sciences, it emphasises the publication of work that engages with issues of major public interest and concern across the world, and highlights the implications of that work for policy and professional practice. Contributions are welcome in any appropriate form, including critical essays, reviews of significant topics, qualitative or quantitative empirical studies, including case studies and large-scale statistical analyses. Well documented examples of social science in action, composite reviews of sets of books and other publications are also welcome. Papers will not normally be more than 5,000 to 6,000 words. Whilst the submission of individual papers is encouraged, proposals for special issues on relevant themes that incorporate contributions from a variety of social sciences will also be carefully considered. All contributions will be blind, peer reviewed to determine both academic excellence and the accessibility of the material to non-specialists in social sciences other than the authors'. All papers should include some indication of the implications for policy and/or practice. Disclaimer The Academy of Social Sciences and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, the Academy and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Academy or Taylor & Francis.

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Contemporary Sociology

ISSN: 0094-3061eISSN: 1939-8638

Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews (CS) publishes reviews and critical discussions of recent works in sociology and related disciplines that merit the attention of sociologists. Since not all sociological publications can be reviewed, a selection is made to reflect important trends and issues in the field. An official journal of the ASA, peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly.

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Contemporary South Asia

ISSN: 0958-4935eISSN: 1469-364X

John Zavos discusses the dispute between Hindus and Muslims over Ayodhya on Radio 4. Listen now on iPlayerThe countries of South Asia - Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka - are internally diverse and part of global flows of people, goods and ideas. Contemporary South Asia seeks to address the issues of the region by presenting research and analysis which is both cross-regional and multi-disciplinary. The journal encourages the development of new perspectives on the study of South Asia from across the arts and social sciences disciplines. We also welcome contributions to pan-regional and inter-disciplinary analysis. Our aim is to create a vibrant research space to explore the multidimensional issues of concern to scholars working on South Asia and South Asian diasporas in the postcolonial era. Peer Review StatementAll research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by referees. All Research Notes, Viewpoints and Book Reviews undergo editorial screening.Book ReviewsContemporary South Asia carries a substantial number of book reviews in each issue. We review books on all aspects related to the study of South Asia. Please take a look at the downloadable list of books currently available for review. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Contemporary Women's Writing

ISSN: 1754-1476eISSN: 1754-1484

Contemporary Women’s Writing critically assesses writing by women authors who have published approximately from 1970 to the present, especially in essays that reach beyond a reading of a single text in order to challenge existing thinking or extend debates about an author, genre, topic, or theoretical perspective and relate literary analysis to wider cultural and intellectual contexts.The journal aims to reflect retrospectively on developments throughout the period, to survey the variety of contemporary work, and to anticipate the new and provocative in women’s writing. It welcomes theoretical, cultural, historical, geographical, formalist, and political approaches to contemporary women’s writing. It takes an interest in the production and reception of contemporary women’s writing, in terms of the practices of individual authors, the creation of cultural and literary fields, and the construction of readerships. Publishing original work in English, Contemporary Women’s Writing is open to essays on literature in English and other languages. It welcomes submissions relating to all literary forms and from a wide variety of theoretical and interdisciplinary perspectives. .

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ISSN: 2236-532XeISSN: 2316-1329

Contextos Educativos Revista de Educación

ISSN: 1575-023XeISSN: 1695-5714
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Continuity and Change

ISSN: 0268-4160eISSN: 1469-218X
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Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies

ISSN: 1030-4312eISSN: 1469-3666

"More than any other journal, Continuum has shaped the field of Cultural Studies in Australia. An indispensable reference point, and always a great read"
Meaghan Morris, UTS, Australia

"This journal is probably the best kept secret in international cultural studies ... [it has] a long tradition of intelligent, thoughtful, tough-minded ... examination of core issues in media studies and popular culture ... Continuum is the place to turn for fresh and unorthodox perspectives on contemporary cultural issues"
Henry Jenkins, MIT, USA

"There is an urgency and a seriousness to Australian debates about culture and media which cannot be ignored - on questions of indigenous culture, the tensions between critical distance and policy making, Asian identities and diasporas and cultural formations around the Pacific Rim ... Continuum is establishing itself as essential reading, not just regionally but globally"
James Donald, University of Sussex, UK

Continuum is an academic journal of media and cultural studies. For over two decades it has contributed to the formation of these disciplines by identifying new areas for investigation and developing new agendas for enquiry in the fields. The journal has consistently provided a space for important new voices in media and cultural studies, while also featuring the work of internationally renowned scholars. Continuum is now one of the most highly regarded and most cited journals in media and cultural studies.

The journal is of central importance to all scholars involved in the research and teaching of media and cultural studies. It provides vital information and ideas for thinking about the formations of media in culture and the culture of media.

The journal editors are interested in papers investigating the relationship between media texts and wider questions of culture. Particular areas of interest include the formation of communities, publics and nations; questions of taste and value; international mediascapes; policy, industry and academic interventions; issues around the disciplinary status of history, media studies, cultural studies, philosophy and visual arts; and questions around technologies, identities and cultures.

Continuum is edited from Australia, with an international scope. It is affiliated with the Cultural Studies Association of Australia.
Continuum is a referred publication. All submissions are submitted to two reviewers for blind refereeing. The process normally takes three months to complete.

Peer Review Statement
All research, review and commentary articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review based on initial editor screening and detailed review by at least two anonymous referees. All other contributions have undergone editorial screening and review.
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
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Contributions to Indian Sociology

ISSN: 0069-9667eISSN: 0973-0648

Contributions to Indian Sociology (CIS) is a peer-reviewed journal which has encouraged and fostered cutting-edge scholarship on South Asian societies and cultures over the last fifty years. Its regular features include research articles, a discussion section on the sociology of India, short comments, and book reviews. The journal also publishes special issues to highlight new and significant themes in the discipline.CIS invites articles on all countries of South Asia, the South Asian diaspora as well as on comparative studies related to the region. The journal favours articles in which theory and data are mutually related. It welcomes a diversity of theoretical approaches and methods.

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Contributions to Political Economy

ISSN: 0277-5921eISSN: 1464-3588

Contributions to Political Economy provides a forum for the academic discussion of original ideas and arguments drawn from important critical traditions in economic analysis. Articles fall broadly within the lines of thought associated with the work of the Classical political economists, Marx, Keynes, and Sraffa. While the majority of articles are theoretical and historical in emphasis, the journal welcomes articles of a more applied character. It also reviews noteworthy books recently published.

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Contributions to the History of Concepts

ISSN: 1807-9326eISSN: 1874-656X
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ISSN: 1354-8565eISSN: 1748-7382
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Cooperation and Conflict

ISSN: 0010-8367eISSN: 1460-3691

Published for over 40 years, Cooperation and Conflict is a peer reviewed journal that aims to promote research on and understanding of international relations. It believes in the deeds of academic pluralism and thus does not represent any specific methodology, approach, tradition or school. The mission of the journal is to meet the demands of the scholarly community having an interest in international studies.

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Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies

ISSN: 1395-4199