Akadémiai Kiadó is pleased to announce the online availability of their online journals at their new website: www.akademiai.com. As an added benefit to subscribers, you can now access the electronic version of every printed article along with exciting enhancements that include:* Subscription* Free trials to many publications* Pay-per-view purchasing of individual articles* Enhanced search capabilities such as full-text and abstract searching* ActiveSearch (resubmits specified searches and delivers notifications when relevant articles are found)* E-mail alerting of new issues by title or subject* Custom links to your favourite titles.
Acta Linguistica publishes papers on general linguistics with particular emphasis on discussions of theoretical issues concerning Hungarian and other Finno-Ugric languages. Papers presenting empirical material must have strong theoretical implications. The scope of the journal is not restricted to the traditional research areas of linguistics, it also covers areas such as socio- and psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, discourse analysis, the philosophy of language, language typology, and formal semantics. Publishes book and dissertation reviews and advertisements.
ALA is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal which accepts research papers, survey papers and technical notes on the subjects of Asian linguistics, translation studies and the teaching of Asian languages, book reviews on representative works on the same subjects and reports from outstanding events.
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia evolved as the voice of the Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen. Our aim today is both to carry forward that tradition, emphasizing areas such as functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and sociolinguistics, but also phonology and formal linguistics, in all of which vigorous research is being carried out by Danish linguists, while at the same time expanding the international scope of the journal as a broad journal of General Linguistics. One of the ways in which we seek to pursue this dual aim is to alternate regular issues of the journal with thematic issues based on workshops organized by the Linguistic Circle in which articles by both Danish and international participants are presented on related subjects.
The scientific journal Acta Neophilologica publishes scientific studies in the field of Western-European, American and other literatures in English. The journal pays special attention to problems from the history of cultural and especially literary and theatrical contacts between Slovenia and Western-European literatures, as well as the problems of Slovenian emigrant literature. It also welcomes papers on German, French and Italian literatures.
To publish original papers of scientific value in the area of Letters.