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Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726eISSN: 1988-2041

Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte

ISSN: 0101-3289eISSN: 2179-3255

Promote the dissemination of scientific research in the field of Physical Education and Sports Sciences nationally and internationally. Generate academic exchange by releasing research results conducted in national and international institutions. Contribute with the consolidation of Physical Education and Sports Sciences as an academic field nationally and internationally.

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Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte

ISSN: 1517-8692eISSN: 1806-9940

To spread the scientific production in the areas of exercise and sport sciences, through the publication of results of original research and other document forms that contribute for the basic and applied knowledge in physical activity, exercise and sport in the scope of Biological Sciences and Medicine.

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Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte

ISSN: 1885-3137eISSN: 1885-3137
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Revista International de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y del Deporte

ISSN: 1577-0354eISSN: 1577-0354
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Revista de Investigación en Logopedia

ISSN: 2174-5218eISSN: 2174-5218
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Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología

ISSN: 0214-4603eISSN: 1578-1712

La Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología (Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology) is the official journal of the Spanish Association of Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology (Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología (AELFA). It is a multidisciplinary journal which publishes articles associated with the fields of Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology and complies with APA guidelines. Director: Enrique Salesa Batlle.

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Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie

ISSN: 1876-2204

Organe d'expression de la Société Francophone d'Etude et de Recherche en Orthoptie, la Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie, de parution trimestrielle, est destinée aux orthoptistes, et plus largement aux professionnels de santé concernés par l'orthoptie : opthalmologistes, mais aussi enseignants, éducateurs pour jeunes enfants, soignants prenant en charge les personnes âgées, personnels de rééducation (kinésithérapeutes, ergothérapeutes, psychomotriciens…).Dans chaque numéro, la Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie propose des articles d'actualité (professionnelle, sociale, juridique, santé publique, Europe), de recherche (études, cas cliniques), de formation (dossier) et de sciences humaines (société, histoire, droit), ainsi que des fiches pratiques et techniques (test, équipement).

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Revue Francophone des Laboratoires

ISSN: 1773-035XeISSN: 1773-0368

Chaque mois, la Revue francophone des laboratoires propose a ses lecteurs:toute l'actualité scientifique professionnelle à travers une revue de presse internationale et des échos rédigés par les membres de notre comité scientifique,un dossier scientifique consacré à un thème de fond en biologie médicale, composé d'articles scientifiques de très haut niveau couvrant les différents phénomènes biologiques et les différentes techniques d'analyses,Un dossier du technicien plus "pratique" spécialement destiné à la formation des techniciens de laboratoires,des rubriques régulières comme Cas clinique et Fiche technique illustrant, à partir d'un cas concret, une méthode de diagnostic ou une technique d'analyse,une veille juridique, complément indispensable pour la bonne exécution des analyses.

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Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada

ISSN: 1715-1635

Established in 1868, the Canadian Pharmacists Journal is the oldest continuously published periodical in Canada. Our mission is to attract, disseminate and discuss research and contemporary health care issues and link knowledge to practice. Our vision is to become a leading journal for the application of research and knowledge into pharmacy practice. CPJ is published 6 times per year, with the addition of supplements on specific clinical topics. Both original research and review papers pertaining to clinical, social, regulatory, historical and business topics will be considered for publication. News of interest to the profession, opinion pieces and descriptions of innovative practice models are also welcome.

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Revue du Podologue

ISSN: 1766-7313eISSN: 2772-8056

La Revue du Ppodologue se veut un outil à la fois de technique et de pratique à l'intention des pédicures-podologues et de tous les professionnels de santé préoccupés par le pied, ses pathologies et les soins à y apporter.Cette nouvelle revue vous proposera à chaque numéro :- Actualités: Toute l'actualité de votre profession : comptes rendus de congrès, réunions scientifiques et techniques, ...- Formation: Un dossier thématique pour approfondir votre formation continue.- Pratique: Des rubriques de pratique quotidienne.- Guide: Toutes les informations nécessaires à la gestion de votre formation et de votre carrière : offres d'emploi et de formation, derniers produits et livres

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Rural and Remote Health

eISSN: 1445-6354

SLAS Technology

ISSN: 2472-6303eISSN: 2472-6311

ranslating Life Sciences Innovation: SLAS Technology explores ways in which scientists adapt advancements in technology for scientific exploration and experimentation.

SLAS Technology
 emphasizes scientific and technical advances that enable and improve life sciences research and development; drug-delivery; diagnostics; biomedical and molecular imaging; and personalized and precision medicine. This includes high-throughput and other laboratory automation technologies; micro/nanotechnologies; analytical, separation and quantitative techniques; synthetic chemistry and biology; informatics (data analysis, statistics, bio, genomic and chemoinformatics); and more.

SLAS Technology is of particular interest to those involved in automation, bioengineering, micro- and nanotechnology, nanomedicine, microfluidics, 3D printing, biotechnology, bioinformatics, analytical chemistry, biomedical optics, information technology, artificial intelligence, spectroscopy, clinical diagnostics, pharmacogenomics, molecular biology and biomedical sciences.

SLAS Technology is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and was published previously (1996-2016) as the Journal of Laboratory Automation (JALA).

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Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports

ISSN: 0905-7188eISSN: 1600-0838

Representing the Scandinavian sports medicine and science associations, the journal publishes original articles on the traumatologic (orthopaedic), physiologic, biomechanic, medical (including rehabilitation), sociologic, psychologic, pedagogic, historic and philosophic aspects of sport. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports is thus multidisciplinary and encompasses all elements of research in sport. Leading authorities are invited to contribute reviews on selected topics. The journal is divided into three sections: I Physiology and Biomechanics; II Medicine, Traumatology and Rehabilitation; III Social and Behavioural Aspects of Sports.

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Science of Gymnastics Journal

ISSN: 1855-7171

Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology

ISSN: 0740-2570eISSN: 1930-1111

Each issue of Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology offers current, authoritative reviews of topics in diagnostic anatomic pathology. The Seminars is of interest to pathologists, clinical investigators and physicians in practice.

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Seminars in Hearing

ISSN: 0734-0451eISSN: 1098-8955

Seminars in Interventional Radiology is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic-specific issues in the field of radiology and related sub-specialties.The journal provides comprehensive coverage of areas such as cardio-vascular imaging, oncologic interventional radiology, abdominal interventional radiology, ultrasound, MRI imaging, sonography, pediatric radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, metallic stents, renal intervention, angiography, neurointerventions, and CT fluoroscopy along with other areas. Seminars also offers CME credits in an effort to promote the professional growth and development of the practicing radiologist.The journal's content is suitable for both the practicing radiologist as well as residents in training.

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Seminars in Speech and Language

ISSN: 0734-0478eISSN: 1098-9056

Seminars in Speech and Language is a quarterly topic driven review journal that covers the entire spectrum of speech language pathology. Two issues per year are Adult-focused and two are Child-focused.In each issue, a leading specialist covers diagnostic procedures, screening and assessment techniques, treatment protocols, as well as short and long-term management practices in areas such as apraxia, communication, stuttering, autism, dysphagia, attention, phonological intervention, memory as well as other disorders.Seminars in Speech and Language is accredited by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for CEU credits.

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Sexuality and Disability

ISSN: 0146-1044eISSN: 1573-6717

Sexuality and Disabililty is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original interdisciplinary scholarly papers that address the psychological and medical aspects of sexuality in relation to rehabilitation. Publishing timely research articles, review articles, case studies, clinical practice reports, brief research reports, survey data reports, and book and film reviews, the journal offers the latest developments in the area of sexuality as it relates to a wide range of disabilities and conditions. Contributions address: clinical and research progress; community programs; independent-living programs; guidelines for clinical practice; special grand-rounds topics; consumer issues; and contemporary developments in special programs in sex education and counseling for people with disabilities. The journal features special issues with internationally renowned guest editors focusing on current topics in sexual health. By publishing research, best-practice, evidence-based, and educational article

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Sociology of Sport Journal

ISSN: 0741-1235eISSN: 1543-2785

The purpose of the Sociology of Sport Journal is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays. Analyses of sport from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives are encouraged. Submissions concerned with play, games, exercise, leisure, and body culture are welcomed.

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