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American Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 0272-9490eISSN: 1943-7676

The American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research, practice, and health care issues in the field of occupational therapy. AJOT publishes articles that are theoretical and conceptual and that represent theory-based research, research reviews, and applied research related to innovative program approaches, educational activities, and professional trends.

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Australian Occupational Therapy Journal

ISSN: 0045-0766eISSN: 1440-1630

The Australian Occupational Therapy Journal is the official journal of Occupational Therapy Australia, and welcomes manuscripts relevant to the theory, research, practice and education of occupational therapy. The Journal aims to promote research and interdisciplinary communication, and provide a forum for discussion of issues relevant to occupational therapists. The Journal is dedicated to promoting occupational therapy internationally.

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British Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 0308-0226eISSN: 1477-6006

The College of Occupational Therapists is a wholly owned subsidiary of BAOT and operates as a registered charity. The College sets the professional and educational standards for the occupational therapy profession and represents the profession at the national and international levels.

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Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 0008-4174eISSN: 1911-9828

The Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists provides services, products, events and networking opportunities to assist occupational therapists achieve excellence in their professional practice. In addition CAOT provides national leadership to actively develop and promote the client-centred profession of occupational therapy in Canada and internationally.

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Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0942-8623

Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 1569-1861eISSN: 1876-4398

The Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy is an official publication of the Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association (HKOTA). The Journal promotes the development of theory and practice in occupational therapy, and facilitates documentation and communication among educators, researchers and practitioners in the profession.

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Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 0973-5666eISSN: 0973-5674

Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 0791-8437eISSN: 2398-8819

Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy is the official peer reviewed journal of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland. IJOT publishes quality articles, on a biannual basis, that further debate and evidence-based practice within occupational therapy, both in Ireland and worldwide.

Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

ISSN: 1053-0487eISSN: 1573-3688

The Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation is an international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original papers on the rehabilitation of the disabled worker. The journal offers investigations of clinical and basic research; theoretical formulations; literature reviews; case studies; discussions of public policy issues and book reviews. Papers, both clinical and theoretical, derive from a broad array of fields: rehabilitation medicine, physical and occupational therapy, health psychology, orthopedics, neurology, and social work, ergonomics, biomedical and rehabilitation engineering, disability management, law and more. A single multidisciplinary source for information on work disability rehabilitation, the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation helps to advance the scientific understanding, management, and prevention of work disability.

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Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools and Early Intervention

ISSN: 1941-1243eISSN: 1941-1251

With more than one quarter of all occupational therapists currently working in educational settings, the absence of a comprehensive resource on research and issues related to school-practice has been a problem for practitioners who don't have ready access to university libraries. The Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention provides a much-needed single source for articles that examine innovative practice methods, strategies for effective decision-making, and the latest evidence-based research findings consistent with current professional policies and guidelines. This unique, peer-reviewed journal focuses on early intervention and schools but also includes other settings (home, clinics, juvenile justice system) to help promote the seamless transition of effective services for children and adolescents.The Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention translates policy into practice with research findings, opinion pieces, and 8220;how-to8221; articles that examine topic areas including early intervention, preschool, elementary, and secondary, as well as general areas including administration, theory, continuing competency, and advocacy. In addition, the journal presents regular features on documentation tips, grants and funding, adaptive equipment, therapy activities, administration and work design, and Internet resources, reviews therapy 8220;tools8221; (books, software, etc.), and keeps you posted on disability updates, as well as policy changes and changes in legislation.The Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention also devotes entire issues to vital topics that require more in-depth examination, including:assistive technology in early intervention and schoolsevidence-based practiceplay and leisurecommunities of practice and collaborationdecision-makingtransitionand more! The Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention is an essential resource for OTs working in early intervention and schools, an invaluable training tool for OT educators and administrators, and a helpful guide for anyone involved in the service design and implementation of programs for children and adolescents with disabilities. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous reviewers. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation

ISSN: 1052-2263eISSN: 1878-6316
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OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research

ISSN: 1539-4492eISSN: 1938-2383

OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, published quarterly by the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, Inc., offers original research articles of professional interest to the practicing occupational therapist with a focus on occupation and fostering interdisciplinary research. The Journal also features research briefs and letters to the editor. Subscribers can also benefit from online advanced release of articles before they appear in print.

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Occupational Therapy International

ISSN: 0966-7903eISSN: 1557-0703

Occupational Therapy International is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing manuscripts that reflect the practice of occupational therapy throughout the world. Research studies or original concept papers are considered for publication. Priority for publication will be given to research studies that provide recommendations for evidence-based practice and demonstrate the effectiveness of a specific treatment method. Single subject case studies evaluating treatment effectiveness are also encouraged. Other topics that are appropriate for the journal include reliability and validity of clinical instruments, assistive technology, community rehabilitation, cultural comparisons, health promotion and wellness, surveys of treatment practices, historical reviews and meta-analyses that demonstrate treatment efficacy.

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Occupational Therapy in Health Care

ISSN: 0738-0577eISSN: 1541-3098

Occupational Therapy in Health Care is a journal of contemporary practice in occupational therapy. It provides occupational therapy practitioners with a forum to stay up-to-date on current methods and theories in the field. Focused on everyday practice, the journal addresses the concerns of new and experienced therapists, presenting innovations in client evaluations and treatments, current research findings, critical reviews of current textbooks, descriptions of novel programs and descriptions of fieldwork innovations.

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Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics

ISSN: 0270-3181eISSN: 1541-3152

This comprehensive journal is recognized for its useful balance of research and clinical practice articles. For more than twenty five years Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics has functioned as a forum for allied health professionals as well as others with a focus on rehabilitation of the geriatric client to share information, clinical experience, research, and therapeutic practice. Each issue focuses on current practice and emerging issues in the care of the older client, including rehabilitation and long-term care in institutional and community settings, and innovative programming; the entire range of problems experienced by the elderly; and the current skills needed for working with older clients. Contributors consider the current methods of managing older people at home, in assisted living, alone or with families. Contributors address policy issues that affect the styles of living of older people, and discuss projects relating to research and teaching as they may affect practice in the field of gerontology.

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Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics

ISSN: 0194-2638eISSN: 1541-3144

The highly acclaimed Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (POTP) delivers vital information to all therapists involved in developmental and physical rehabilitation of infants, children and youth. Designed for PT and OT pediatric professionals in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and health and human services agencies, the journal provides the latest clinical research and practical applications that no professional will want to miss. Current clinical advances and research findings are important for all therapists, and each issue of this journal brings therapists the latest discoveries in therapy as related to their work with children. With an emphasis on implications and applications for therapy practice, the journal includes case reports, and reviews/critiques of new measures.

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Physiotherapy Practice and Research

ISSN: 2213-0683eISSN: 2213-0691
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