Clinical and Experimental Optometry is a peer reviewed journal listed by ISI and abstracted by PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Citation Index and Current Contents. It publishes original research papers and reviews in clinical optometry and vision science. Debate and discussion of controversial scientific and clinical issues is encouraged and letters to the Editor and short communications expressing points of view on matters within the Journal's areas of interest are welcome. The Journal is published six times annually.
Contact Lens & Anterior Eye is a research-based journal covering all aspects of contact lens theory and practice, including original articles on invention and innovations, as well as the regular features of: Case Reports; Literary Reviews; Editorials; Instrumentation and Techniques and Dates of Professional Meetings.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.
The Journal of Optometry (JO) is the scientific, peer-reviewed publication of the Spanish General Council of Optometry. The readership of JO includes Optometrists, Ophthalmologists and Visual Scientists as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students in these fields.The JO publishes Full-Length Original Articles, Technical Reports, Critical Reviews, Case Reports, Editorials, Letters to Editor and other Authors. Manuscripts must be submitted in the English language irrespective of the native language of the authors. Within each issue, all abstracts will be translated into Spanish by the Editorial Office. Periodically, selected articles from each issue will also be translated into Spanish in order to spread the scientific knowledge and expand the readership of the journal.
Aims and Scope Aims and Scope Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics. first published in 1925. is a leading international interdisciplinary journal that addresses basic and applied questions pertinent to contemporary research in vision science and optometry. OPO publishes original research papers. technical notes. reviews and letters and will interest researchers. educators and clinicians concerned with the development. use and restoration of vision.
Serving primary eye care practitioners for more than 80 years, Optometry and Vision Science is the most authoritative source for current developments and research in optometry, physiological optics, and vision science. Promoting vital interdisciplinary exchange among scientists worldwide, Optometry and Vision Science keeps optometrists and ophthalmologists in practice and research apprised of current guidelines in patient eye care. The journal is the offical publication of the American Academy of Optometry.Website:
Organe d'expression de la Société Francophone d'Etude et de Recherche en Orthoptie, la Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie, de parution trimestrielle, est destinée aux orthoptistes, et plus largement aux professionnels de santé concernés par l'orthoptie : opthalmologistes, mais aussi enseignants, éducateurs pour jeunes enfants, soignants prenant en charge les personnes âgées, personnels de rééducation (kinésithérapeutes, ergothérapeutes, psychomotriciens…).Dans chaque numéro, la Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie propose des articles d'actualité (professionnelle, sociale, juridique, santé publique, Europe), de recherche (études, cas cliniques), de formation (dossier) et de sciences humaines (société, histoire, droit), ainsi que des fiches pratiques et techniques (test, équipement).