BJPT is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers original research articles on topics related to the professional activity of physical therapy and rehabilitation, including clinical, basic or applied studies on the assessment, prevention, and treatment of movement disorders.
British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) is a multi-media information portal that provides original research, reviews and debate relating to clinically-relevant aspects of sport and exercise medicine. We contribute to innovation (research), education (teaching and learning) and knowledge translation (implementing research into practice and policy). We use web, print, video and audio material to serve the international sport and exercise medicine community.
Cartilage (CART) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal on the musculoskeletal system with particular attention to cartilage repair, development, function, degeneration, transplantation, and rehabilitation. Aimed at researchers and clinicians involved in cartilage biology and repair, CART publishes full length original manuscripts on all types of cartilage including articular, nasal, auricular, tracheal/bronchial, and intervertebral disc fibrocartilage.
The official journal of the Chiropractic & Osteopathic College of Australasia (COCA) and the European Academy of Chiropractic (EAC) Chiropractic & Manual Therapies is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of evidence-based information that is clinically relevant to chiropractors, manual therapists and related health care professionals. COCA and EAC have agreed to cover the cost of article-processing charges for all manuscripts submitted before January 2013. This will enable Chiropractic & Manual Therapies to remain an international open access journal without charge to authors during this time. Journal title changed in January 2011: was previously Chiropractic & Osteopathy.
The Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine is an international refereed journal published for clinicians with an interest in sports medicine practice. The journal publishes original research articles on specific musculoskeletal syndromes and conditions, rehabilitation, clinical physiology, population studies, and other key topics. Also included are case reports of new syndromes, injuries, and medical conditions, new diagnostic techniques, important clinical complications or problems associated with common conditions, and more. A Critical Review section contains structured review articles to provide brief, in-depth, critical summaries with recommendations for clinical management. A Sports Medicine Journal Club section presents structured abstracts of significant studies relevant to sports medicine.Website: and In-Training subscribers receive fully searchable online access to articles from Volume 1 to the present—now available on a powerful new website! This best-in-class website platform uses Web 2.0 functionality to provide an enhanced online experience through such features as: saved searches, personal article collections, easy image downloads to PowerPoint, and more.160;.
Clinical Rehabilitation is a highly ranked, peer reviewed scholarly journal. It is a multi-professional journal covering the whole field of disability and rehabilitation, publishing research and discussion articles which are scientifically sound, clinically relevant and sometimes provocative.The journal acts as a forum for the international dissemination and exchange of information amongst the large number of professionals involved in rehabilitation.The leading journal in its field, Clinical Rehabilitation combines clinical application of scientific results and theoretical aspects in an ideal form. It gives high priority to articles describing effectiveness of therapeutic interventions and the evaluation of new techniques and methods.Essential reading, Clinical Rehabilitation covers:· An ideal combination of theoretical aspects with clinical application;· An evidence based approach;· An evaluation of treatment procedures and description of new approaches;· Well-presented information is based on high quality research and discussion articles. .
Ideal for orthopedists and those in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Clinics in Sports Medicine offers the latest in patient management trends and updates on the newest advances in the field. Published four times a year—in January, April, July, and October—each issue focuses on a single topic in sports medicine, from spine, knee, head, and neck injuries, to trauma, imaging, and rehabilitation. Clinics in Sports Medicine has been edited by respected orthopedic surgeon Mark D. Miller since 1999.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology along with Disability and Rehabilitation seek to encourage a better understanding of all aspects of disability and to promote rehabilitation science, practice and policy aspects of the rehabilitation process. Taken together, both journals represent an important forum for the dissemination and exchange of ideas amongst global health practitioners and researchers.
The mission of Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology is to advance the practice and science of interdisciplinary and integrative assistive technology service delivery and product design internationally so that persons with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and challenges to the performance of activities and participation in life roles, achieve enhanced functioning and life quality.
Assistive technology focuses on both equipping individuals with the most appropriate technologies and also removing barriers to functioning that exist in the environment. Topics range from everyday/mainstream to specialized devices, and include: exoskeltons and robotics; smart homes; information and communication technologies and computerized systems; ergonomics; universal design; ambient assistive technology; telerehabilitation; job and environmental accommodations; and methods of service delivery.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology is an international and multidisciplinary journal, published six times a year. The Journal publishes review articles and original research on assistive technology devices, services, user experiences, education and training, and policies. The journal also publishes supplements, special issues and special sections. Because the field is broad, submissions include experimental investigations, survey research, case studies, systematic reviews and product development and testing. Theoretical and conceptual papers and the discussion of professional issues and international/national policies and standards are also published.
Subscribers to Disability and Rehabilitation receive Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology as part of their subscription, totaling 32 issues per year.
Click for the Disability and Rehabilitation homepage.
Ergonomics, also known as human factors, is the scientific discipline that seeks to understand and improve human interactions with products, equipment, environments and systems. Drawing upon human biology, psychology, engineering and design, ergonomics aims to develop and apply knowledge and techniques to optimise system performance, whilst protecting the health, safety and well-being of individuals involved. The attention of ergonomics extends across work, leisure and other aspects of our daily lives. The journal Ergonomics is an international multi-disciplinary refereed publication, with a 50 year tradition of disseminating high quality research. Original submissions, both theoretical and applied, are invited from across the subject, including physical, cognitive, organisational and environmental ergonomics. Papers reporting the findings of research from cognate disciplines are also welcome, where these contribute to understanding equipment, tasks, jobs, systems and environments and the corresponding needs, abilities and limitations of people.
Zielsetzung der Zeitschrift
Manuelle Medizin richtet sich an Orthopäden/Unfallchirurgen, Allgemeinmediziner, Rheumatologen, Internisten und Traumatologen sowie an Krankengymnasten und Physiotherapeuten in Klinik und Praxis. Die Zeitschrift fördert durch den interdisziplinären Ansatz die wissenschaftliche, praktische und berufsständische Entwicklung der Manuellen Medizin.
Praxisorientierte Übersichtsarbeiten greifen ausgewählte Themen auf und bieten dem Leser eine Zusammenstellung aktueller Erkenntnisse aus allen Bereichen der Manuellen Medizin und der Osteopathischen Medizin. Daneben werden relevante Fragestellungen der Kieferorthopädie und Zahnheilkunde aufgegriffen. Neben der Vermittlung von relevantem Hintergrundwissen liegt der Schwerpunkt dabei auf der Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse unter Berücksichtigung praktischer Erfahrung – der Leser erhält konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.
Frei eingereichte Originalien ermöglichen die Präsentation wichtiger klinischer Studien und dienen dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch.
Kasuistiken zeigen interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe.Begutachtungsverfahren
Alle für Manuelle Medizin eingereichten Manuskripte werden begutachtet. Originalien und Übersichten durchlaufen einen Peer-Review-Prozess.Deklaration von Helsinki
Alle eingereichten Manuskripte, die Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung mit Menschen wiedergeben, müssen die Deklaration von Helsinki befolgen.Aims & Scope
Manuelle Medizin deals with all aspects of manual medicine and its neighboring areas. It provides information on current developments in the field and addresses orthopedists, rheumatologists, internists, traumatologists as well as general practitioners and physiotherapists. Through its interdisciplinary approach the journal offers a wide scientific basis for current developments of manual medicine.
Freely, submitted original papers allow the presentation of important clinical studies and serve scientific exchange.
Case reports feature interesting cases and aim at optimizing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Comprehensive reviews on a specific topical issue focus on providing evidenced based information on current findings. Review
All articles of Manuelle Medizin are reviewed. Original papers and case reports undergo a peer review process.Declaration of Helsinki
All manuscripts submitted for publication presenting results from studies on probands or patients must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki.