Decision Analysis is INFORMS newest peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the theory, application, and teaching of all aspects of decision analysis.The primary focus of this journal is to develop and study operational decision-making methods. The journal bridges the gap between theory and practice thereby facilitating active communication and exchange of knowledge among decision analysts in academia, business, industry, and government.Topics covered in Decision Analysis include the decision-relevant aspects of: Ambiguity Applications of Decision Analysis Auctions Bayesian Simulation Behavioral Economics and Finance Behavioral Decision Theory Consumer Analysis Creative Problem Structuring Decision Analysis and Theory Expected Utility Theory Experimental Economics Fairness Game Theory Group Decisions Intertemporal Decisions Multiattribute Decisions Neuroeconomics Operational Decision Making Pooling Judgments Probability Elicitation Probability Scoring Rules Risk Analysis Teaching Decision Analysis Value-Focused Decisions Value of InformationThe Decision Analysis audience includes a broad community of those interested in the practical aspects of decision theory and decision analysis which include specialists, practitioners, consultants, and in-house experts within organizations, as well as instructors of decision analysis or decision making courses.
The INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC) is a quarterly that publishes papers in the intersection of operations research (OR) and computer science (CS). Most papers contain original research, but we also welcome special papers in a variety of forms, including Feature Articles on timely topics, Expository Reviews making a comprehensive survey and evaluation of a subject area, and State-of-the-Art Reviews that collect and integrate recent streams of research. All papers are refereed.
Alarge body of research in economics, information systems, and marketing has sought to understand sources of price dispersion. Previous empirical work has mainly offered consumer- and/or product-based explanations for this phenomenon. In contrast, our research explores the key role played by vendors' price-format adoption in explaining price dispersion. We empirically analyze over a half-million online and offline prices offered by major U.S. airlines in the top 500 domestic markets. Our study shows that a vendor's price format remains an important source of price dispersion in both channels even after accounting for other factors known to impact dispersion in airline ticket prices. Importantly, this finding is true for both transacted and posted tickets. We document several other interesting empirical findings. First, the lower variance in the prices of "everyday low price" (EDLP) firms serves to reduce the market-level dispersion in prices when such firms are present. Moreover, the price variance of non-EDLP firms in these markets is also lower than in those markets in which EDLP competitors are absent. Second, we also find that dispersion in offered prices increases closer to the departure date, which is consistent with theoretical assertion that price dispersion increases with reservation prices. Finally, we continue to observe dispersion of online prices even after accounting for vendor strategy and other known sources of dispersion, suggesting that the prices are unlikely to converge even in the presence of sophisticated online search mechanisms.
Learn how to overcome the difficulties and issues encountered in applying operations research and management science to real-life situations. Interfaces, a bimonthly journal of INFORMS, is dedicated to improving the practical application of OR/MS to decisions and policies in today's organizations and industries. Each article provides details of the completed application, along with the results and impact on the organization. Interfaces is essential reading for analysts, engineers, project managers, consultants, students, researchers, and educators!.
Management Science is a scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the practice of management. Within our scope are all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology, and organizations as well as all functional areas of business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and operations. We include studies on organizational, managerial, and individual decision making, from both normative and descriptive perspectives. Our articles are primarily based on the foundational disciplines of economics, mathematics, psychology, sociology, and statistics, and we encourage cross-functional, multidisciplinary research that reflects the diversity of the management science professions. Our interest extends to managerial issues in diverse organizational forms, such as for-profit and nonprofit firms, private and public sector institutions, and formal and informal networks of individuals. We welcome both empirical (field or lab) and theoretical contributions.
M&SOM is the INFORMS journal for operations management (OM). The purpose of the journal is to publish high-impact manuscripts that report relevant research on important problems in operations management. This research can be prescriptive or descriptive, but in either case the intent of the research is to develop enduring knowledge that can lead to more efficient and effective processes for the creation and delivery of goods and services.
Marketing Science, at the upper echelon of business and marketing journals, addresses current questions in marketing and introduces cutting-edge research as well as new insights and approaches to current marketing-related problems. Research is supported by detailed results prepared through rigorous scientific methodology and reviewed by prestigious scholars in the field of marketing science.The audience for Marketing Science includes academics in business schools and marketing professionals who use sophisticated analysis to perform market research.
The following institutions are supporting MOR in various ways: The Technion, IBM Research Division, Alfred Renyi Institute, Tel Aviv University, Stanford University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Washington.
The mission of Operations Research is to serve the entire Operations Research (OR) community, including practitioners, researchers, educators, and students. Operations Research, as the flagship journal of our profession, strives to publish results that are truly insightful. Each issue of Operations Research attempts to provide a balance of well-written articles that span the wide array of creative activities in OR. Thus, the major criteria for acceptance of a paper in Operations Research are that the paper is important to more than a small subset of the OR community, contains important insights, and makes a substantial contribution to the field that will stand the test of time.
Organization Science is ranked among the top journals in management by the Social Science Citation Index in terms of impact and is widely recognized in the fields of strategy, management, and organization theory. Organization Science provides one umbrella for the publication of research from all over the world in fields such as organization theory, strategic management, sociology, economics, political science, history, information science, communication theory, and psychology.
2008 Impact Factor: 0.642Ranking: 70/92 in Statistics & Probability2008 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.892 169;2009 Thomson Reuters, 2008 Journal Citation Reports174;Stochastic Models is devoted to the theory and applications of probability as they arise in the modeling of phenomena in the natural sciences and technology. It presents contributions on the mathematical methodology, from structural, analytical, and algorithmic to experimental approaches. It offers an interdisciplinary presentation on the uses of probability theory and discusses practical applications of stochastic models to diverse areas such as biology, computer science/telecommunications modeling, inventories and dams, reliability, storage, queuing theory, and operations research.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Transportation Science is the foremost journal in the field of transportation analysis. Published quarterly by INFORMS, it features comprehensive, timely articles and surveys that cover all levels of planning and all modes of transportation. Topics covered include economic analysis of transportation systems; strategic, tactical, and operational transportation planning; and transporation systems design.Transportation Science is international in scope, with editors from nations around the globe.