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Animal Production Science

ISSN: 1836-0939eISSN: 1836-5787

Comprehensive Analyses of the Animal and Food SciencesResearch papers in Animal Production Science (continuing Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture) focus on improving livestock and food production, and on the social and economic issues that influence primary producers. The journal is predominantly concerned with domesticated animals (beef cattle, dairy cows, sheep, pigs, and poultry); however, contributions on horses and wild animals may be published where relevant.Animal Production Science publishes the highest quality original contributions dealing with:* animal breeding and genetics* animal nutrition and reproduction* livestock farming systems, sustainability and natural resource management* meat science and consumer acceptability* behaviour, health and welfare* feed quality and nutritional value* bio-pharmaceuticals derived from animalsCritical Reviews, Interdisciplinary Views and CommentsWith the new scope of Animal Production Science you´ll benefit from exposure to debate from subject specialists from a variety of disciplines, including:* genetic and reproductive biotechnologies for livestock improvement* animal behaviour, health and welfare* dairy science and technology* sustainable production systems* meat science and quality .

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Australia and New Zealand Health Policy

eISSN: 1743-8462
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Australian Health Review

ISSN: 0156-5788eISSN: 1449-8944

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), formerly Australian Healthcare Association (AHA), is the independent peak membership body and advocate for the Australian public healthcare system and a national voice for universally accessible, high quality healthcare in Australia - since 1946. The AHHA is uniquely positioned to facilitate collaboration between clinicians, academics, policy makers, administrators and politicians.

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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences

ISSN: 0004-9417
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Australian Journal of Botany

ISSN: 0067-1924eISSN: 1444-9862

The Australian Journal of Botany is an international journal for publication of original research in plant science. Work on all plant groups, including fossil plants, is published. The journal publishes in the areas of ecology and ecophysiology; conservation biology and biodiversity; forest biology and management; cell and molecular biology; paleobotany; reproductive biology and genetics; mycology and pathology; and structure and development. Review articles will also be considered.

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Australian Journal of Chemistry

ISSN: 0004-9425eISSN: 1445-0038
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Australian Journal of Physics

ISSN: 0004-9506eISSN: 1446-5582
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Australian Journal of Primary Health

ISSN: 1448-7527eISSN: 1836-7399

The Australian Journal of Primary Health is published by CSIRO PUBLISHING on behalf of the Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing and School of Public Health, La Trobe University in association with the Primary and Community Health Network. The Journal is a refereed, international journal that publishes articles on a range of issues influencing community health services and primary health care. The focus of the Australian Journal of Primary Health is on the integration of theory and practice in primary health utilising perspectives from a range of disciplines. The Journal publishes research articles, policy reports and analyses, literature reviews, reports of evidence-based practice, book reviews, and letters.AimsThe Australian Journal of Primary Health is a peer-reviewed journal designed to publish articles on a range of issues influencing community health services and primary health care. The definition of primary health care applicable to the Journal is as defined in the 1978 Declaration of Alma Ata, Article VI.The Australian Journal of Primary Health aims to:*Support the integration of theory and practice in primary health care.*Publish research articles, policy reports and analyses, book reviews, the views of practitioners, consumers, students, caregivers, and special interest groups, and descriptions of professional practice initiatives in the field of primary health.* Promote the standing and visibility of primary health care and community health services.*Provide a forum for community discussion and information exchange.*Support and inform critical discussion on primary health and community services in relation to Australia´s multicultural and diverse society.*Encourage and inform discussion on the integration of ecological health in primary health care.*Promote quality improvement and best practice in all areas of primary health care.The Journal has a readership throughout Australia and overseas who have an interest in primary health.

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Australian Journal of Soil Research

ISSN: 0004-9573eISSN: 1446-568X
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Australian Journal of Zoology

ISSN: 0004-959XeISSN: 1446-5698

The Australian Journal of Zoology is an international journal that publishes papers and critical reviews that demonstrate a conceptual advance to any aspect of zoology. The focus is on the Australasian fauna, however, high quality papers from any region that have practical or theoretical relevance to any general zoological issue will be considered. Subject areas include anatomy, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, reproductive biology, developmental biology, parasitology, morphology, behaviour, ecology, zoogeography, systematics and evolution.

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Australian Mammalogy

ISSN: 0310-0049eISSN: 1836-7402

Australian Mammalogy is a major journal for the publication of research articles and notes in all branches of mammalogy. The Journal´s emphasis is on studies relating to Australasian mammals, both native and introduced, and includes marine mammals in the Antarctic region. Subject areas include anatomy, behaviour, ecology, genetics, reproductive and developmental biology, parasites and diseases of mammals, physiology, molecular biology, taxonomy, systematics and evolution. Review articles and collections of symposium papers are welcomed. Australian Mammalogy is for professional mammalogists, research scientists, resource managers, consulting ecologists, students and amateurs interested in any aspects of the biology and management of mammals.

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Australian Systematic Botany

ISSN: 1030-1887eISSN: 1446-5701

Australian Systematic Botany considers papers and critical reviews that aim to advance systematic botany and related aspects of biogeography and evolution of all plant groups, including fossils. Descriptive taxonomic papers should normally constitute a comprehensive treatment of group. Short papers on individual species and nomenclatural papers must contain significant new information of broader interest to be considered. Papers dealing with groups of unrelated species or miscellaneous collections of species are not considered. Numbered series of papers are discouraged. The prestigious L.A.S. Johnson Review Series is published. Other review articles will also be considered.

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Brain Impairment

ISSN: 1443-9646eISSN: 1839-5252
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Crop and Pasture Science

ISSN: 1836-0947eISSN: 1836-5795

Crop & Pasture Science (continuing Australian Journal of Agricultural Research) is an international journal publishing outcomes of strategic research in crop and pasture sciences and the sustainability of farming systems. The primary focus is broad-scale cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds and pastures. Papers are encouraged that advance understanding in plant-based agricultural systems through the use of well-defined and original aims designed to test a hypothesis, innovative and rigorous experimental design, and strong interpretation. The journal embraces experimental approaches from molecular level to whole systems, and the research must present novel findings and progress the science of agriculture.Crop & Pasture Science is read by agricultural scientists and plant biologists, industry, administrators, policy-makers, and others with an interest in the challenges and opportunities facing world agricultural production. To facilitate accessibility and clarity, research papers should address a clearly enunciated hypothesis, and the Abstract should define the novel outcomes.Specific areas of interest include:* Centres of origin and diversity of crop and pasture species and associating these centres with traits of agronomic interest, including quality and disease resistance*Plant genetic improvement using molecular or traditional approaches. Papers which map QTLs for metric traits and which can validate the utility of the markers in breeding will be particularly relevant. Genetic maps are not published unless they incorporate traits of agronomic value or concern comparative mapping among species of agricultural relevance* Transgenic research should show a direct relevance to agriculture. Papers demonstrating improvement for traits not readily amenable to traditional breeding are important* Genotype X environment research and innovative statistical approaches to understanding G X E*Plant soil relations* Plant water relations* Crop and pasture agronomy research, the findings of which advance the science of agriculture* Plant pathology and entomology which increase our understanding of the biology of the interaction and lead to improved management. Research on the genetics of host parasite interactions is relevant* Novel cropping options and systems to improve productivity and which attempt to present the findings in a broad context* Integrated land and water resources management in agricultural systems* Impacts of changing climate on crops, pastures and agricultural systems.

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Environmental Chemistry

ISSN: 1448-2517eISSN: 1449-8979

Environmental Chemistry publishes manuscripts addressing the chemistry of the environment (air, water, soil, sediments, space, and biota). The scope encompasses atmospheric chemistry, (bio)geochemistry, climate change, marine chemistry, water chemistry, polar chemistry, fire chemistry, astrochemistry, earth and geochemistry, soil and sediment chemistry and chemical toxicology. The journal aims to facilitate links between these aspects of environmental science, and thus papers that are multidisciplinary, and papers that view the environment as an integrated earth system, are particularly encouraged.While focussing on the publication of important new original research and timely reviews, the journal also publishes essays and opinion pieces on issues of importance to environmental scientists, such as policy and funding.Papers should be written in a style that is accessible to those outside the field, as the readership will include - in addition to chemists - biologists, toxicologists, soil scientists, and workers from government and industrial institutions. All manuscripts are rigorously peer-reviewed and professionally copy-edited.The journal is published online six times per year.Publishing policyThe publishing policy of Environmental Chemistry is to accept only those papers reporting important new chemistry that enhances our understanding of the environment (air, water, soil, sediments, space, and biota). Papers that are multidisciplinary and/or that view the environment as an integrated earth system, are particularly encouraged. Papers that report incremental results, which do not have sufficient originality and significance, will not be recommended for acceptance.

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Functional Plant Biology

ISSN: 1445-4408eISSN: 1445-4416

Functional Plant Biology publishes papers that contain new and significant information about plant functions and their regulation, especially in relation to changing environments. FPB encourages papers on emerging concepts and new tools in plant biology, and studies on the following functional areas encompassing work from the molecular through whole plant to community scale.Focus areas:* Emerging science* Plant growth and development* Photosynthesis* Carbohydrate metabolism* Nutrient uptake and metabolism* Effective resource utilisation* Root-rhizosphere biology* Reproduction biology* Seed and fruit biology* Stress tolerance* Defence and protectionViewpoint articles and focused reviews on these topics are welcome.There are no arbitrary restrictions on the length of papers, and there are no page charges. FPB welcomes papers from any part of the world and uses expert reviewers from a wide range of countries.

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Healthcare Infection

ISSN: 1835-5617eISSN: 1835-5625
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Historical Records of Australian Science

ISSN: 0727-3061eISSN: 1448-5508
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International Journal of Wildland Fire

ISSN: 1049-8001eISSN: 1448-5516

The journal publishes new and significant papers that advance basic and applied research concerning wildland fire. The Journal wishes to attract papers on a broad range of wildland fire issues that may include subjects beyond the range of papers published in recent issues. Manuscripts pertaining to physical and societal aspects of wildland fire will be considered. The Journal has an international perspective, since wildland fire plays a major social, economic and ecological role around the globe.

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Invertebrate Systematics

ISSN: 1445-5226eISSN: 1447-2600

Invertebrate Systematics (formerly Invertebrate Taxonomy) publishes original and significant contributions on the systematics and phylogeny of invertebrates worldwide. Papers provide comprehensive or revisionary treatments of clearly defined taxonomic groups and contain information on the phylogeny, biogeography and/or other aspects of biodiversity and general biology of the group. Contributions on the systematics of selected species that are of conservation, economic, medical or veterinary importance may also be considered, if these aspects are substantially highlighted in the work. Short, general papers, pertinent to invertebrate systematic biology are encouraged on: methodology, theoretical systematics, cladistics, phylogeny, molecular biology and biogeography. Pivotal reviews of general invertebrate systematics, containing innovative data or overviews of current theories, are also actively sought.

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