A must for all who need to keep up on the latest findings from both basic research and practical experience in the fields of suicide prevention and crisis intervention! This well-established periodical’s reputation for publishing important articles on suicidology and crisis intervention from around the world is being further enhanced with the move to 6 issues per year (previously 4) in 2010. But over and above its scientific reputation, Crisis also publishes potentially life-saving information for all those involved in crisis intervention and suicide prevention, making it important reading for clinicians, counselors, hotlines, and crisis intervention centers.
The EJPA is the official organ of the European Association of Psychological Assessment (EAPA). It is also sponsored by the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP, Division 2).
The European Psychologist is a direct source of information regarding both applied and research psychology throughout Europe; provides both reviews of specific fields and original papers of seminal importance; integrates across subfields and provides easy access to essential state-of-the-art information in all areas within psychology; provides a European perspective on many dimensions of new work being done elsewhere in psychology; makes European psychology visible globally; promotes scientific and professional cooperation among European psychologists; develops the mutual contribution of psychological theory and practice. The European Psychologist, the English language voice of psychology in Europe, seeks to integrate across all specializations in psychology and to provide a general platform for communication and cooperation among psychologists throughout Europe and worldwide. The Journal accepts four kinds of contribution: 1. Original articles (peer reviewed) form an essential section of the journal. Not necessarily focused on European aspects, these present important new findings and ideas, and are written for a non- specialist, general readership in psychology. 2. Contemporary reviews (peer reviewed) provide carefully written state-of-the art papers on trends and developments within psychology, with possible reference to European perceptions or fields of specialization. 3. Reports inform readers about the work of major research and on psychology-related activities of European institutions and on scientific trends in member countries. Articles on legal and regulatory developments and on trends within respective fields and the political realm that will impact on any aspect of psychology may also be included here. These contributions can be presented in a lively manner, and may involve such formats as discussions, interviews, debates, or conventional articles. 4. News and announcements: The Journal will act as a central source of information on important legal, regulatory, ethical, and administrative events of interest to psychologists working throughout Europe. Such items include: Reports on major congresses, Calendar of forthcoming meetings, Information on key symposia and seminars, European funding information about major projects, Current data on academic and other major vacancies. Book reviews will also be published from time to time.
Since 1930 this journal has provided an important international forum for scientific advances in the study of nutrition and vitamins.Widely read by academicians as well as scientists working in major governmental and corporate laboratories throughout the world, this publication presents work dealing with basic as well as applied topics. The editorial and advisory boards include many of the leading persons currently working in this area.The journal is of particular interest to:NutritionistsVitaminologistsBiochemistsPhysiciansEngineers of human and animal nutritionInternational Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research is abstracted/indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE, Sci-Search), Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology, and Environmental Sciences, Science Citation Index, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Prous Science Integrity, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Medline, AGRICOLA, EMBASE, BIOBASE, EMBASE Biology, EMCARE, Scopus, CAB Abstracts and CAB Health.
Researchers, teachers, and students interested in all areas of individual differences (e.g., gender, temperament, personality, intelligence) and their assessment in human and animal research will find the Journal of Individual Differences useful. The Journal of Individual Differences publishes manuscripts dealing with individual differences in behavior, emotion, cognition, and their developmental aspects. This includes human as well as animal research. The Journal of Individual Differences is conceptualized to bring together researchers working in different areas ranging from, for example, molecular genetics to theories of complex behavior. Moreover, it places emphasis on papers dealing with special methodological and conceptual issues in basic science as well as in their applied fields (assessment of personality and intelligence).
Die Zeitschrift ist das deutschsprachige Publikationsorgan für Beiträge aus neuropsychologischer Forschung und Praxis. Zugleich ist sie das Organ der (deutschen) Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie und der Gesellschaft für NeuroPsychologie Österreich.In der Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse sowie Reviewartikel aus dem Bereich der experimentellen und klinischen Neuropsychologie sowie angrenzender Gebiete (z.B. Biologische Psychologie, Neurologie, Neuropsychiatrie, Neuropsychopharmakologie, Rehabilitationspsychologie) publiziert. Die Beiträge sollen gleichgewichtet sowohl die human- und tierexperimentelle Grundlagenforschung, als auch die klinische Forschung und die klinische Praxis berücksichtigen. Der klinische Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Diagnostik und Rehabilitation von kognitiven und affektiven Störungen, wie z.B. von Aufmerksamkeit, Gedächtnis, Planen und Problemlösen, Sensomotorik, Wahrnehmung, Emotionalität und Sozialverhalten.Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie ist gelistet in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Neuroscience Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Scopus, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX und PsyJOURNALS.