Cancer Discovery publishes high impact articles from basic to clinical research and comprehensive news and information related to cancer research and science.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention publishes original, peer-reviewed research on cancer causation, mechanisms of carcinogenesis, prevention, and survivorship. Topics include descriptive, analytical, biochemical, and molecular epidemiology; the use of biomarkers to study the neoplastic and preneoplastic processes in humans; chemoprevention and other types of prevention trials; and the role of behavioral factors in cancer etiology and prevention. All submissions undergo peer review.
Cancer Prevention Research, the newest journal from the American Association for Cancer Research, is devoted exclusively to cancer prevention. The journal publishes important original studies, reviews, and perspectives within the major topic areas of oncogenesis, risk factors and risk assessment, early detection research, and chemopreventive and other interventions, including the basic science behind them. Cancer Prevention Research comprises preclinical, clinical and translational research, with special attention given to molecular discoveries and an emphasis on building a translational bridge between the basic and clinical sciences.
Cancer Research is the most frequently cited cancer journal in the world. The journal publishes original studies, reviews, and opinion pieces offering significance and broad impact to a diverse audience spanning basic, preclinical, clinical, prevention and epidemiological research. Cancer Research seeks manuscripts that offer pathobiological and translational impact to inform the personal, clinical, and societal problems posed by cancer. The main scope of the Journal is captured in its primary subsections, which focus on molecular and cellular pathobiology, tumor and stem cell biology, therapeutics and targets, microenvironment and immunology, prevention and epidemiology, and integrated systems and technology.
Clinical Cancer Research, is a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research whose focus is to publish innovative clinical and translational cancer research studies that bridge the laboratory and the clinic. Clinical Cancer Research is especially interested in clinical trials evaluating new treatments, accompanied by research on pharmacology and molecular alterations or biomarkers that predict response or resistance to treatment. The journal also prioritizes laboratory and animal studies of new drugs and molecule-targeted agents with the potential to lead to clinical trials, and studies of targetable mechanisms of oncogenesis, progression of the malignant phenotype, and metastatic disease.Specific areas of interest include clinical and translational research in targeted therapies; mechanisms of drug sensitivity and resistance; pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics; personalized medicine; novel applications of bioinformatics and biostatistics; immunotherapy and clinical immunology; gene therapy; radiobiology and radiation oncology; large scale molecular characterization of human tumors; diagnostic biomarkers; innovative imaging and other novel methods with potential applicability to clinical investigation; clinical genetics; and detection of minimal disease. Clinical Cancer Research will publish articles that provide the reader with knowledge and information to impact the natural history of malignant disease by providing better care for patients with cancer.
Molecular Cancer Research publishes original, novel, and well-designed studies on the molecular and cellular aspects of cancer biology. Papers should represent significant new information gathered from basic research that has implications for cancer therapeutics in one of the following areas: Angiogenesis, Metastasis, and the Cellular Microenvironment; Cancer Genes and Genomics; Cell Cycle, Cell Death, and Senescence; DNA Damage and Cellular Stress Responses; Model Organisms; and Signaling and Regulation. All submissions are peer reviewed and only those that meet high standards of scientific merit will be accepted for publication.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics will focus on basic research that has implications for cancer therapeutics in the following areas: Experimental Cancer Therapeutics, Identification of Molecular Targets, Targets for Chemoprevention, New Models, Cancer Chemistry and Drug Discovery, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Molecular Classification of Tumors, and Bioinformatics and Computational Molecular Biology. The journal provides a publication forum for these emerging disciplines that is focused specifically on cancer research. Papers are stringently reviewed and only those that report results of novel, timely, and significant research and meet high standards of scientific merit will be accepted for publication.