Archives of Razi Institute Scientific-Research Journal is one of Iran's oldest scientific professional research journals being published annually since 1938 under title: Archive de l'Institut Razi in French language and since 60th decade under title: Archives of Razi Institute in English. Its publication has been continued upto the present under ISSN: 3439-0365. This journal has aquired Scientific-Research degree grade via 153th session of MSRT's Scientific Journals evaluation Comminssion on 2000. Archives of Razi Institute is an outspring of research activities of scientists and researchers working on various sections of Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute and other Iranian universities and research centers for more than 85 years covering different fields of veterinary medicine, zoonoses and producing biological products. The addressees of the journal are veterinary and medical students, university professors and other relevant researchers inland and abroad.