On 1.8.2007, the Faculty of Biological Sciences became the Faculty of Science. The specialized study programs, which were focused almost exclusively on biology, have been expanded to include chemical, physical and mathematical.study programs. Also, courses in the offered study programs are included in the training program for future teachers.
Kontakt is a platform for publishing contributions on the complexity of interactions between clinical and social actions in the context of health improvement.
It is the official journal of the
Kontakt accepts for publication original research, review articles, letters to editor and interesting case reports, on all aspects of nursing, health and social problems related to health and illness. By its broad scope, the journal is aimed at all public health practitioners and researchers as well as public health nurses, policy makers and healthcare managers.
Articles are published in two sections:
1. Nursing aims to promote excellence in the field of nursing through dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed information. The section serves as a platform to exchange knowledge related to education of nurses, practice concepts, innovations policy, legal and ethical issues, nurses' opinions regarding patient safety, work in multicultural environment, advancements in best nursing practice, analysis of clinical practice guidelines which explore the meaning, impact, prevention, treatment and outcomes of health problems relevant to nursing.
2. Social Sciences in Health welcomes contributions relevant to any aspect of health, from broadly understood social sciences perspective, including impact of medicine on society, ethical challenges in healthcare, risk management, and ending with impact and influence of political and economic conditions in health. Articles are to develop understanding and to provide practical application of quantitative and qualitative research methods related to conducting, commissioning or using research in the social and healthcare arenas.
All articles are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The review procedure is reciprocally anonymous.
All issues published before 2014 are available at