Journal Guide

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4 open

eISSN: 2557-0250
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ISSN: 0249-5627eISSN: 1297-9643
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Analusis: A European Journal on Analytical Chemistry

ISSN: 0365-4877
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Animal Research

ISSN: 1627-3583eISSN: 1627-3591
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Annales de Physique

ISSN: 0003-4169eISSN: 1286-4838
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Annales de Zootechnie

ISSN: 0003-424X

Annales des Sciences Forestieres

ISSN: 0003-4312

Aquatic Living Resources

ISSN: 0990-7440eISSN: 1765-2952

Aquatic Living Resources publishes original research papers, review articles and short notes dealing with all living resources in marine, brackish and freshwater environments.

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Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series

ISSN: 0365-0138
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BIO Web of Conferences

eISSN: 2117-4458
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Biologie Aujourd'hui

ISSN: 2105-0678eISSN: 2105-0686

Biologie Aujourd'hui publie des mises au point de haut niveau en langue française, consacrées à des sujets d'actualité en biologie. Écrits par des spécialistes, les articles groupés par theme font un tour complet des questions traitées. Vous y trouverez également un état des avancées les plus récentes et la bibliographie correspondante.

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European Astronomical Society Publications Series

ISSN: 1633-4760eISSN: 1638-1963

Founded in 1990, the European Astronomical Society (EAS) aims to contribute to and promote the advancement of all aspects of astronomy in Europe. The European Astronomical Society Publications Series was launched to publish the proceedings of selected scientific meetings, including the proceedings of conferences, symposia and workshops, held in Europe and beyond. The EAS review process ensures that only research of the highest scientific standards is accepted for publication.

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European Physical Journal: Applied Physics

ISSN: 1286-0042eISSN: 1286-0050

EPJ AP an international journal devoted to the promotion of the recent progresses in all fields of applied physics.The articles published in EPJ AP span the whole spectrum of applied physics research.Sections covered:* Semiconductors and devices*Physics of organic materials and devices*Thin films*Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies*Photonics*Spintronics, magnetism and superconductivity*Imaging, microscopy and spectroscopy*Plasma, discharges and processes*Physics of energy transfer, conversion and storage*Instrumentation and metrology*Physics and mechanics of fluids, microfluidics*Biophysics and biosensors*Surfaces and interfaces.

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EPJ Data Science

ISSN: 2193-1127

EPJ Data Science is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.

Data-driven science is rapidly emerging as a complementary approach to the traditional hypothesis-driven method. This revolution accompanying the paradigm shift from reductionism to complex systems sciences has already largely transformed the natural sciences and is about to bring the same changes to the techno-socio-economic sciences, viewed broadly. The journal EPJ Data Science addresses the challenges of the data revolution across academic disciplines: ·         how to extract meaningful data from systems with ever-increasing complexity·         how to analyze data in ways that inspire new insights·         how to generate data that is needed but not yet available·         how to develop new empirical laws, or more fundamental theories, concerning the function of complex natural or artificial systems EPJ Data Science spans a broad range of research areas and applications with a focus on social systems, where it comprises those research lines that regard digital traces of human behavior as first-order objects for scientific investigation. This includes human and animal social behavior and interaction, economic and financial systems, management and business networks, socio-technical infrastructure, health and environmental systems, the science of science, as well as general risk and crisis scenario forecasting.

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EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics

ISSN: 2195-0008

EPJ - Nonlinear Biomedical Physics is an open access journal, published under the brand SpringerOpen, dedicated to the application of nonlinear dynamics and integrative systems science to the quantitative modeling and understanding of how structure and function as well as dysfunctions and diseases emerge in complex biomedical matter and processes. Coverage is focused on the application-driven development of theoretical, experimental and computational techniques, including relevant methodologies, instrumentation and related advanced technology. Coverage includes systems biology, physiology and pharmacology, such diseases as epilepsy, cancer and diabetes, nonlinear data analysis of biomedical signals / complexity measures as diagnostic tools: EEG, ERPs, MEG, NIRS, PET, fMRI and more.

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EPJ N - Nuclear Sciences and Technologies

eISSN: 2491-9292
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EPJ Photovoltaics

ISSN: 2105-0716
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EPJ Web of Conferences

eISSN: 2100-014X
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ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

ISSN: 1292-8119eISSN: 1262-3377

ESAIM: COCV publishes rapidly and efficiently papers and surveys in the areas of control, optimisation and calculus of variations. Articles may be theoretical,computational, or both, and they will cover contemporary subjects with impact on forefront technology, biosciences, materials science, computer vision, continuum physics, decision sciences and other allied disciplines.

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ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

ISSN: 1292-8100eISSN: 1262-3318
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ESAIM: Proceedings

ISSN: 1270-900X
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Éducation thérapeutique du patient

ISSN: 2100-0808eISSN: 2100-0816
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Emergent Scientist

ISSN: 2556-8779

Welcome to Emergent Scientist (EmSci), the first open access student-oriented scientific journal.

Reading, writing and reviewing articles is a major part of the scientific process and should be as such included in scientific education. However, most professional journals are too technical to be accessible to students in training: a solid background is required to understand articles, it takes a long research experience to produce new publishable material and only well-established scientists are invited to review submitted manuscripts.

EmSci offers students a unique opportunity to get acquainted with scientific publication.

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Environmental Biosafety Research

ISSN: 1635-7922eISSN: 1635-7930
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ISSN: 0248-1294eISSN: 1625-967X

Fruits is a scientific journal for original articles and reviews on fruit crops in temperate, Mediterranean, subtropical and tropical regions. Fruits covers a wide range of subjects (agronomy, physiology, genetics, crop protection, postharvest storage, product processing and marketing). In each issue, the journal presents a list of forthcoming meetings and new books published on the fruit topic.

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ISSN: 0337-307X
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Histoire Epistemologie Langage

ISSN: 0750-8069

Houille Blanche

ISSN: 0018-6368

Numerous journals publish papers on systematic and / or morphological research. It is not easy to keep track of them all and to decide which one is the best journal to submit a given manuscript to. In order to assist others with finding the right journal for their manuscripts, I decided to put a list of journals on my websites that publish papers in the abovementioned areas. The list comes in two versions: one is alphabetical, in the other the journals are ranked by the average number of citations an article receives in the year after its publication.

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Hydroécologie Appliquée

ISSN: 1958-556X
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ITM Web of Conferences

eISSN: 2271-2097
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International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

eISSN: 1779-6288
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International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

eISSN: 1779-6288
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International Journal of Limnology

eISSN: 2823-1465

International Journal of Limnology (IJL) publishes original articles and reviews on all aspects dealing with the physical or chemical properties, biology and ecology of freshwater and brackish systems. Manuscripts can be proposed about studies performed either in the laboratory or at field. Said differently, IJL aims at providing a unique media for topics addressing inland water environments (physics, chemistry, biogeochemistry, biology, ecology), from both fundamental and functional aspects to applications and management issues. IJL promotes rapid peer-review and rapid publication. In 2020, time from submission to first decision was 1-2 weeks and time from acceptance to online publication was 4 weeks. The official language of the journal is English.

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International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering

eISSN: 2107-6847
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Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes

ISSN: 1638-5705
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Journal de Physique. Colloque

ISSN: 0449-1947

Journal of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery

eISSN: 2608-1326
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Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

ISSN: 2115-7251
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Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems

ISSN: 1961-9502

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (KMAE-Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture since 1928) serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to freshwater ecosystems.The journal publishes articles, short communications, reviews, comments and replies that contribute to a scientific understanding of freshwater ecosystems and the impact of human activities upon these systems. Its scope includes economic, social, and public administration studies, in so far as they are directly concerned with the management of freshwater ecosystems (e.g. European Water Framework Directive, USA Clean Water Act, Canadian Water Quality Guidelines, …) and prove of general interest to freshwater specialists. Papers on insular freshwater ecosystems and on transitional waters or estuaries are welcome.

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Orthodontie Française

ISSN: 0078-6608
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ISSN: 0023-7302eISSN: 1297-9694

MATEC Web of Conferences

eISSN: 2261-236X
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Manufacturing Review

eISSN: 2265-4224
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Matériaux and Techniques

ISSN: 0032-6895
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Médecine Buccale Chirurgie Buccale

ISSN: 1273-2761eISSN: 2105-1011
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ISSN: 0767-0974

M/S : médecine sciences is the product of a cooperative effort between the governments of France and Quebec following upon a recommendation by the Commission permanente de coopération franco-québécoise.M/S : médecine sciences contains articles written by internationally renowned physicians and researchers who rigourously lay the foundation for scientific debates. The journal also contains syntheses, editorials, discussion of technical themes and analyses presented within the proper context so that the information provided is as accurate, understandable and objective as possible.The emphasis is on the human dimension, with analysis of the issues of diagnostic and therapeutic benefits, prevention and ethics as they involve recent advances. In short, M/S : médecine sciences presents a clear, concise panorama of the latest developments in the field of science — news, summaries, data, reference points and perspectives — so that you miss nothing of significance.

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Metallurgical Research and Technology

ISSN: 2271-3646eISSN: 2271-3654

The journal, created in 1904 by H. Le Chatelier, publishes high-quality peer-reviewed research papers in the field of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. It seeks to strengthen the dialogue between science and industry and emphasise the importance of technological innovation at a time when the metallurgy industry is challenged by issues surrounding energy, raw materials and the environment. The article types are the following: papers containing technical and economic information; papers on processes, new products and experimental techniques; review articles (state of the art on a specific topic) and original research articles dealing with technical, industrial or scientific aspects.

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Movement and Sport Sciences - Science and Motricité

ISSN: 2118-5735eISSN: 2118-5743
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Natures Sciences Sociétés

ISSN: 1240-1307eISSN: 1765-2979
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Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids

ISSN: 2272-6977eISSN: 2257-6614
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Oceanologica Acta

ISSN: 0399-1784

Oil and Gas Science and Technology

eISSN: 1953-8189

The journal covers disciplines and fields related to oil and gas prospecting, production, processing and utilization as well as that of other energy sources. The articles are either based on the scientific and technical activities of the French Petroleum Institute (IFP) or written by engineers, scientists and technicians from around the world.

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Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids

eISSN: 2257-6614
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eISSN: 1776-1042

Help with achieving parasitology progress and, especially, favour every kind of scientific exchange among researchers to promote a comparative parasitology.Members.

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ISSN: 1142-2785eISSN: 1760-4826
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RAIRO: Theoretical Informatics and Applications

ISSN: 0988-3754eISSN: 1290-385X

The journal publishes original research papers of high scientific level in the area of theoretical computer science and its applications. Theoretical computer science is understood in its broadest sense and comprises in particular the following areas: automata and formal languages, game theory, rewriting systems, design and analysis of algorithms, complexity theory, quantum computation, concurrent, distributed, parallel computations, verification of programs, “logic” and compilers, computational geometry and graphics on computers, cryptography, combinatorics on words.This list is not supposed to be exhaustive and the editorial board will promote new fields of research that will be worked out in the future.

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RAIRO: Operations Research

ISSN: 0399-0559eISSN: 1290-3868

RAIRO-Operations Research is an international journal devoted to high-level pure and applied research on all aspects of operations research. All papers published in RAIRO-Operations Research are critically refereed according to international standards. Any paper will either be accepted (possibly with minor revisions) either submitted to another evaluation (after a major revision) or rejected. Every effort will be made by the Editorial Board to ensure a quick turnaround to all papers submitted to the journal. Articles may be written in English or in French.

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ISSN: 0033-8451

Radioprotection publishes articles on all aspects of radiological protection, including non-ionising as well as ionising radiations. Fields of interest range from research, development and theory to operational matters, education and training. The very wide spectrum of its topics includes (theoretical and practical aspects): dosimetry, instrument development, specialized measuring techniques, epidemiology, biological effects (in vivo and in vitro) and risk and environmental impact assessments.

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Regenerative Medicine Research

ISSN: 2050-490X

Regenerative Medicine Research is an open access, online journal which publishes research relating to both the fundamental and practical aspects of regenerative medicine, with a particular emphasis on translational research.

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Reproduction Nutrition Development

ISSN: 0926-5287eISSN: 1297-9708
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SHS Web of Conferences

eISSN: 2261-2424
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eISSN: 2426-8887
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Sustainable Buildings

eISSN: 2492-6035
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The European Physical Journal Plus

eISSN: 2190-5444

The aims of this peer-reviewed online journal are to distribute and archive all relevant material required to document, assess, validate and reconstruct in detail the body of knowledge in the physical and related sciences. The scope of EPJ Plus encompasses a broad landscape of fields and disciplines in the physical and related sciences - such as covered by the topical EPJ journals and with the explicit addition of geophysics, astrophysics, general relativity and cosmology, mathematical and quantum physics, classical and fluid mechanics, as well as physics techniques applied to any other topics, including energy, environment and cultural heritage. The journal will be a new forum for: 1. the setting and improvement of standards, procedures and performance in: - experimental and observational physics: techniques and instruments, including laboratory protocols and similar best practice studies in scientific data acquisition, analysis, transmission and processing: - computational physics: numerical techniques and simulations, including technical performance studies and similar benchmark calculations: - theoretical physics: development and refinement of relevant mathematical toolsand techniques: 2. the progress, verification and documentation of research through: - important and substantial additional details and insights on existing work: - original research, by theoretical, experimental or numerical means, on specific or technical issues, in particular critical assessment of existing work: - relevant and independent theoretical, computational or experimental supportand validation of previously published results. To facilitate such aims and scope: - papers will be refereed regarding the quality and thoroughness of presentation as well as the clarity and soundness of details and arguments. - the journal explicitly encourages the submission of additional mate, rial that can be published as electronic supplementary material to accepted articles. The journal will accept the following article categories: - Regular Article- Technical Report- Review- Addendum(*) --- (*) Addenda (analogous to Errata) refer directly to a previously published paper, but update rather than correct published material.

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ISSN: 0040-5957
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Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao

eISSN: 2609-7125
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