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ACI Open

eISSN: 2566-9346

ACI Open is an Open Access companion journal to Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI). It is published by Thieme in cooperation with Schattauer publishing subject matters in the field of clinical informatics including clinical information systems (including electronic medical records and systems, personal health records, physician/provider order entry, electronic prescribing, clinical decision support, nursing information systems, patient scheduling and tracking tools, lab information systems, radiology information systems, PACS, GP information systems), mobile health applications, administrative and management systems, eHealth systems, information technology development, deployment, usability, and evaluation, socio-technical aspects of information technology and health IT training. ACI Open is an official ejournal of AMIA.

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Accounts and Rapid Communications in Chemical Synthesis

ISSN: 0936-5214eISSN: 1437-2096

SYNLETT is an international journal reporting research results and trends in synthetic organic chemistry in short personalized reviews and preliminary communications. It covers all fields of scientific endeavor that involve organic synthesis. SYNLETT is published 20 times per year and is characterized by a fast and rigorous refereeing system and publication times of 3 months as well as its flexible format for Letters (no 2- or 4-page straitjacket). It is listed in the most important databases: Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Chemical Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Research Alert, Scisearch, Index Chemicus, Chemistry Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, Reaction Citation Index, and Biological Abstracts. SYNLETT offers the following special features to the reader: * Accounts Personalized reviews about important recent work of individual research groups. * Synpacts Short personalized articles featuring contributions of research groups in 'hot' areas within the general context of the field.* Clusters Collections of letters on rapidly evolving topics in designated areas of research. * Spotlights Highlighting the characteristics of a reagent and its importance in current research, chosen by postgraduates. * New Tools in Synthesis Reviews of conceptual methodological or technical developments in areas of synthetic strategy giving innovative and practical support for the synthetic chemist in the laboratory.

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Adipositas - Ursachen, Folgeerkrankungen, Therapie

ISSN: 1865-1739
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Aktuelle Dermatologie

ISSN: 0340-2541
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Aktuelle Neurologie, Supplement

ISSN: 1437-2754
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Aktuelle Rheumatologie

ISSN: 0341-051X

Ihr Forum in der Rheumatologie: praxisrelevant und informativ*Die entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung und Studien*Übersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis*Top informiert – breite klinische Berichterstattung .

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Aktuelle Urologie

ISSN: 0001-7868

Ihr Forum der praxisrelevanten Urologie*Die entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung - für Sie auf den Punkt zusammengefasst und kritisch kommentiert*Übersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis*Top informiert - breite klinische BerichterstattungCME-Punkte sammeln mit der Rubrik "Operative Techniken"*In jeder Ausgabe: Techniken wichtiger Standard-OPs - Schritt für Schritt*Erstklassige OP-Skizzen mit verständlichen ErläuterungenAktuelle Rubriken mit echtem Nutzwert: *Die Prüfung sicher bestehen: "Fragen für den Facharzt"*Den Paragraphendschungel durchblicken: "Aus der Rechtsprechung"*Tipps und Tricks erfahrener Experten.

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Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date

ISSN: 1611-6437eISSN: 1611-6461
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American Journal of Perinatology

ISSN: 0735-1631eISSN: 1098-8785

The American Journal of Perinatology is an international, peer-reviewed, and indexed journal publishing 10 issues a year dealing with original research and topical reviews. It is the definitive forum for specialists in obstetrics, neonatology, perinatology, and maternal/fetal medicine, with emphasis on bridging the different fields.The focus is primarily on clinical and translational research, clinical and technical advances in diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment as well as evidence-based reviews. Topics of interest include epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and management of maternal, fetal, and neonatal diseases. Manuscripts on new technology, NICU set-ups, and nursing topics are published to provide a broad survey of important issues in this field.All articles undergo rigorous peer review, with web-based submission, expedited turn-around, and availability of electronic publication.

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American Journal of Perinatology Reports

ISSN: 2157-6998eISSN: 2157-7005

To report rare or exceptional cases in neonatology or maternal/fetal medicine of wider interest to those working in the field.

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Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)

ISSN: 0379-038XeISSN: 2454-5635
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Applied Clinical Informatics

eISSN: 1869-0327

ACI is the third Schattauer journal dealing with biomedical and health informatics. As the Official eJournal of AMIA and IMIA, the online journal ACI publishes approximately 100 peer-reviewed articles per year. It aims to establish a platform that allows sharing knowledge between clinical medicine and health IT specialists as well as bridging gaps between visionary design and successful and pragmatic deployment. The core editorial subject matters of ACI are: clinical information systems (including electronic medical records and systems, personal health records, physician/provider order entry, electronic prescribing, clinical decision support, nursing information systems, patient scheduling and tracking tools, lab information systems, radiology information systems, PACS, GP information systems), administrative and management systems, eHealth systems, information technology development, deployment, and evaluation, socio-technical aspects of information technology and health IT training. The target group of ACI is an international and potentially very influential readership, e.g.: chief information officers, chief executive officers, chief financial officers, medical informatics researchers, nurse informaticians, consultants, public health officials, vendors, IT safety healthcare providers, informatics trainees, health information management and health informatics practitioners, as well as organizations such as IMIA, AMDIS, AMIA, AHIMA, HIMSS or the equivalent.

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Arthritis und Rheuma

ISSN: 0176-5167
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ISSN: 0004-4172eISSN: 1616-7066

Arzneimittelforschung Drug Research is an international peer-reviewed journal presenting the very latest research results related to novel and established drug molecules and the evaluation of new drug development. A key focus of the publication is translational medicine and the application of biological discoveries in the development of drugs for use in the clinical environment. Articles and experimental data from across the field of drug research address not only the issue of drug formulation, but also the mathematical and statistical methods for evaluating results from industrial investigations and clinical trials. .

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Augenheilkunde up2date

ISSN: 1616-9719eISSN: 1616-9735
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Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport

ISSN: 1613-0863eISSN: 1613-3269
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Brazilian Neurosurgery

eISSN: 0103-5355
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Chilean Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

eISSN: 0716-4548

Revista de la Sociedad Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatología has been the official publication of the Chilean Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology since 1953. The contents of the journal give priority to original articles in Spanish on the specialization, which are subject to a rigorous review procedure. It also publishes one or two case histories in each issue which are of special interest to its readers, as they usually contain exceptional cases with difficult diagnoses or therapy. The sections on Updates, Reviews and Basic Research works are of great interest to specialists, thanks to a careful selection of subjects. All articles are open access and include a summary in English.

Revista Chilena de Ortopedia y Traumatología es el Órgano Oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología desde 1953. En el contenido de la revista se da prioridad a la publicación de artículos originales en español sobre la especialidad que pasan por un estricto proceso de revisión. Se publican además uno o dos casos clínicos por número que son de gran interés para los lectores, ya que suelen exponer casos excepcionales, de dificultad diagnóstica o terapéutica. Las secciones de Actualización, Revisiones y Trabajos de Investigación básica tienen gran interés para los especialistas, gracias a una cuidadosa selección de los temas. Todos los artículos son de acceso abierto y cuentan con un resumen en inglés.

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Chinese Medicine and Natural Products

eISSN: 2096-918X
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Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery

ISSN: 1531-0043eISSN: 1530-9681

Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic-specific issues on diseases of the small bowel, colon, rectum, and anus.

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Das Gesundheitswesen

ISSN: 0941-3790
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Deutsche Heilpraktiker Zeitschrift

ISSN: 1862-2267eISSN: 1862-2275
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Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift

ISSN: 0012-0472eISSN: 1439-4413

Für die immunsuppressive Induktionstherapie stehen im Wesentlichen drei Medikamente zur Verfügung: Antithymozytenglobulin, Basiliximab und Alemtuzumab. Hanaway et al. prüften jetzt in einer prospektiven Untersuchung vergleichend deren Effektivität und Nebenwirkungsrate.

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Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie

ISSN: 1617-5891
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Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie

ISSN: 1610-5044eISSN: 1613-3781
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Diabetes Aktuell

ISSN: 1611-2520
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Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel

ISSN: 1861-9002eISSN: 1861-9010


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Die Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0034-3536

In practical paperback format, each 200 page topic-based issue of Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology will provide a comprehensive review of current clinical practice and thinking within the specialties of obstetrics and gynaecology.All chapters are commissioned and written by an international team of practising clinicians with the Guest Editors for each issue drawn from a pool of renowned experts and opinion leaders. Reference is made to:*the latest original research* Cochrane Reviews*audits and confidential enquiries* national and international conferences* national and international guidelines* personal communicationsAll chapters take the form of practical, evidence-based reviews that seek to address key clinical issues of diagnosis, treatment and patient management.Each issue follows a problem-orientated approach that focuses on the key questions to be addressed, clearly defining what is known and not known. Management will be described in practical terms so that it can be applied to the individual patient.Boxed and bulleted Learning Objectives and Practice Points are features within each chapter and will highlight the core and essential knowledge that will help the physician to provide the best care to their patients.

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Drug Research

ISSN: 2194-9379
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ISSN: 0177-4077
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ISSN: 0013-726XeISSN: 1438-8812

Here is the premier journal on international developments in gastrointestinal endoscopy, essential for helping clinicians stay current on worldwide advances. From top quality review articles and original fast, in-depth coverage of the most important national and international valuable surveys of diagnostic and therapeutic advances, Endoscopy covers the field in twelve information-packed issues per year. Plus, every two years, Endoscopy publishes a complete review of the literature in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy published in the previous two-year period, a unique feature that is alone worth the price of a subscription!Standard items which make a subscription to Endoscopy such good value:* Original articles with targeted editorials and reviews, short communications, case studies including unusual cases, and technical notes* State-of-the-art issue in gastroenterologic endoscopy that reviews all articles in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy regularly published* Congress report from DDW each year, published within months of the meeting* Publication of the endoscopic abstracts of the annual United European Gastroenterology Week accompanied by a topical review of the abstracts* Special review sections on minimally invasive surgery, GI Pathology, GI radiology, and the latest technological developments* Unsurpassed reproductive quality of photographic and schematic material* Extensive international congress calendar.

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Endoskopie heute

ISSN: 0933-811XeISSN: 1439-2577

Aktuelle Entwicklungen aus Gastroenterologie, Chirurgie, Pathologie, Urologie, Radiologie, Gynäkologie und Nuklearmedizin*Überblick über die gesamte Endoskopie*Entwicklungen aus angrenzenden Fachgebieten*Fachübergreifende Originalarbeiten, Fallbeispiele Übersichten*Neueste Entwicklungen von Spezialisten referiert und bewertet*Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschungsarbeit und technischer Entwicklungen*Veranstaltungskalender.

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ISSN: 0014-0082eISSN: 1439-4294
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ISSN: 1439-2283
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Ernährung und Medizin

ISSN: 1439-1635eISSN: 1438-9002
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European Journal of Dentistry

ISSN: 1305-7456eISSN: 1305-7464
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European Journal of General Dentistry

ISSN: 2278-9626eISSN: 2320-4753
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European Journal of Pediatric Surgery

ISSN: 0939-7248eISSN: 1439-359X

This broad-based international journal updates you on vital developments in pediatric surgery through original articles, case reports, abstracts of the literature, and meeting announcements.You will find state-of-the-art information on:*abdominal and thoracic surgery*neurosurgery*urology*gynecology*oncology*orthopedics*traumatology*anesthesiology*child pathology*embryology*morphologyWritten by surgeons, physicians, anesthesiologists, radiologists, and others involved in the surgical care of neonates, infants, and children, the EJPS is an indispensable resource for all specialists.

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European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports

eISSN: 2194-7619
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European Journal of Ultrasound

ISSN: 0172-4614eISSN: 1438-8782

European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB).

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Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes

ISSN: 0947-7349eISSN: 1439-3646

Publishing outstanding articles from all fields of endocrinology and diabetology, from molecular biology to clinical research in 10 issues annually, this journal is an outsanding resource. Since being published in English in 1983, both the impact factor and popularity of this journal have grown steadily, reflecting the importance of this publication within its field.Case reports, original contributions and short communications appear in each issue along with reviews addressing current topics. In addition, supplementary issues are published each year presenting abstracts or proceedings of national and international scientific meetings.Celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2008, the journal was initially published in German, and is still the oldest endocrinological periodical in the German-language market.

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Facial Plastic Surgery

ISSN: 0736-6825eISSN: 1098-8793

Facial Plastic Surgery is a review journal that publishes topic-specific issues covering areas of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery as it relates to the head, neck, and face. The journal's scope includes issues devoted to scar revision, periorbital and mid-face rejuvenation, facial trauma, facial implants, rhinoplasty, neck reconstruction, cleft palate, face lifts, as well as various other emerging minimally invasive procedures.Authors provide a global perspective on each topic, critically evaluate recent works in the field, and apply it to clinical practice.2011 Topics Include:Management of the Crooked Nose - GoldsteinNew Technologies in FPS - HamiltonManagement of the Lower Third of the Face - Langsdon.

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Flugmedizin Tropenmedizin Reisemedizin

ISSN: 0947-7616
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Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie

ISSN: 0720-4299

Fundiertes Wissen für den Berufsalltag*Relevante Originalarbeiten*Informative Übersichten zu wichtigen Themen*Fortbildungsteil mit Zertifizierung – 36 CME-Punkte pro Jahr*Interessante Kasuistiken*Referiert & kommentiert: Internationale Studien*Aktuelles zu Begutachtung und Neurobiologie*International gelistet und häufig zitiert.

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Frauenheilkunde up2date

ISSN: 1439-3719eISSN: 1611-650X
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Gastroenterologie up2date

ISSN: 1616-9670eISSN: 1616-9727
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Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde

ISSN: 0016-5751

Die GebFra informiert Sie über die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen in der Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. Mit jeder zweiten Ausgabe sammeln Sie außerdem CME-Punkte für Ihre regelmäßige Fortbildung.

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Global Medical Genetics

eISSN: 2699-9404
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Handchirurgie - Mikrochirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie

ISSN: 0722-1819

In Originalarbeiten und Fallberichten finden Sie die neuesten Informationen über:*Diagnostik*Verfahrenswahl*state of the art / neueste Techniken*rekonstruktive Verfahren*Behandlung infolge von Traumata oder OP*Bewertung der Ergebnisse*Klinische Forschung.

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ISSN: 0932-8122eISSN: 1439-4197
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ISSN: 0172-6390

With more than 100 research and review journals in medicine, chemistry, and life science, Thieme-connect provides clinicians, general practitioners, researchers, and students with immediate access to our rich periodical content online.

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ISSN: 1475-4916eISSN: 1476-4245

A valuable resource for those in traditional medicine as well as complementary practitioners, Homeopathy publishes peer-reviewed articles that will appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience.Homeopathy is an international journal aimed at improving the understanding and clinical practice of homeopathy by publishing high quality articles on clinical and basic research, clinical audit and evidence-based practice of homeopathy. It also promotes debate and reviews homeopathic literature.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Homoeopathic Links

ISSN: 1019-2050eISSN: 1860-3149
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Hormone and Metabolic Research

ISSN: 0018-5043eISSN: 1439-4286

Covering the fields of endocrinology and metabolism from both a clinical and basic science perspective, this well regarded monthly journal publishes original articles, and short communications on cutting edge topics.Speedy publication time is given high priority, ensuring that endocrinologists worldwide get timely, fast-breaking information as it happens.Hormone and Metabolic Research presents reviews, original papers, and short communications, and includes a section on Innovative Methods. With a preference for experimental over observational studies, this journal disseminates new and reliable experimental data from across the field of endocrinology and metabolism to researchers, scientists and doctors world-wide.

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ISSN: 0720-9355

Hämostaseologie is an interdisciplinary specialist journal on the complex topics of haemorrhages and thromboembolism and is aimed not only at haematologists, but also at a wide range of specialists from clinic and practise. The readership consequently includes both specialists for internal medicine as well as for surgical diseases. In each issue we publish predominantly German language review articles in basic research, diagnosis and therapies concerning a specific problem area. Additionally, current topics of interest are brought to the fore in original articles and brief notices. Reports from international literature, congresses, book reviews and highlights from research and industry further complete the scope of the Journal. The congress issue publishes abstracts from the annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung e. V. (GTH).

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Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology

ISSN: 0971-5851eISSN: 0975-2129
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Indian Journal of Neurosurgery

ISSN: 2277-954XeISSN: 2277-9167
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Indian Journal of Neurotrauma

ISSN: 0973-0508

The Indian Journal of Neurotrauma (IJNT) aims to provide a platform for accumulation and dissemination of ideas and information related to the field of neurotrauma, leading to overall improvement in its understanding and with the ultimate benefit to the patient with neurotrauma. IJNT seeks to provide information on the current knowledge, problems and controversies in the specialized filed of neurotrauma. The approach is holistic, covering all aspects of neurotrauma as it affects the population in general or the individual patient in particular. The journal will be a standard reference source for peer reviewed data on neurotrauma in India.

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Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

ISSN: 0970-0358eISSN: 1998-376X
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Intensivmedizin up2date

ISSN: 1614-4856eISSN: 1614-6697
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International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology

eISSN: 1809-9777

To publish scientific articles of high level from the International and National scientific comunity, in original articles of experimental and clinical researches, articles of systematic revision's literature and metanalysis, related cases articles, opinion articles and letters to the editor, in the Otorhinolaryngology area and others related.

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International Journal of Angiology

ISSN: 1061-1711eISSN: 1615-5939

To provide a medium for the timely publication of scientific materials in the field of vascular and cardiovascular medicine and surgery.

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International Journal of Practical Otolaryngology

eISSN: 2569-1783
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International Journal of Sports Medicine

ISSN: 0172-4622eISSN: 1439-3964

A truly international, monthly publication in sports medicine!This respected journal now publishes 12 issues per annum ensuring faster access to the most relevant and up-to-date developments sports medicine and exercise science. The wide range of topics covered in the International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM) include:

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Journal of Academic Ophthalmology

eISSN: 2475-4757
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Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury

eISSN: 1749-7221

Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of brachial plexus and peripheral nerve injury.

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Journal of Child Science

eISSN: 2474-5871
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Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology ISVIR

eISSN: 2456-4869
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Journal of Coloproctology

ISSN: 2237-9363eISSN: 2317-6423

Publish articles that may contribute to the improvement and the development of the practice, research, and teaching of coloproctology and related specialities.

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Journal of Digestive Endoscopy

ISSN: 0976-5042eISSN: 0976-5050
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Journal of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology

eISSN: 2581-9178
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Journal of Health and Allied Sciences

ISSN: 2582-4287eISSN: 2582-4953
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Journal of Knee Surgery

ISSN: 1538-8506eISSN: 1938-2480

The Journal of Knee Surgery covers a range of issues relating to the orthopedic techniques of arthroscopy, arthroplasty, and reconstructive surgery of the knee joint. In addition to original peer-review articles, this quarterly periodical provides details on emerging surgical techniques, as well as case reports, reviews, and special focus sections. Topics of interest include cruciate ligament repair and reconstruction, bone grafting, cartilage regeneration, and magnetic resonance imaging.

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Journal of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care

ISSN: 2348-0548eISSN: 2348-926X
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Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports

eISSN: 2193-6358

To communicate unique or unusual clinical cases encountered across the fields of neurosurgery and skull base surgery.

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Journal of Pediatric Genetics

ISSN: 2146-4596
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Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases

ISSN: 1305-7707
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Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care

ISSN: 2146-4618
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Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

ISSN: 0940-6689

Offizielles Organ/Official Organ:*Deutsche Gesellschaft für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation e.V.*Berufsverband der Rehabilitationsärzte e.V.*Österreichische Gesellschaft für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation*Berufsverband Österreichischer Fachärzte für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation

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Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

ISSN: 0743-684XeISSN: 1098-8947

The Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery publishes original articles containing clinical information of use to the practicing micro-surgeon. In addition, special sections discuss new technologies, innovations, materials, and significant problem cases.The journal welcomes controversial topics, editorial comments, book reviews, and letters to the Editor, in order to complete the balanced spectrum of information available in the Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery. All articles undergo stringent peer review by international experts in the specialty.

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Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open

eISSN: 2377-0813
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Journal of Social Health and Diabetes

ISSN: 2321-0656eISSN: 2321-0664
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Journal of Wrist Surgery

ISSN: 2163-3916eISSN: 2163-3924
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Kardiologie up2date

ISSN: 1611-6534eISSN: 1860-3513
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Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

ISSN: 1617-0288
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Kleintier konkret

ISSN: 1434-9132
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ISSN: 0341-2350eISSN: 1439-3859
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Klinische Neurophysiologie

ISSN: 1434-0275

Starke ImpulseDie gesamte Bandbreite*EEG, EMG, ENG, EVP, Funktionelle Bildgebung, Ultraschalldiagnostik, Interventionelle NeurophysiologieFundiertes Fachwissen*CME-zertifizierte Fort- und Weiterbildung*Systematische Reviews*Originalien mit klinischen Studien*Interessante Kasuistiken*Informative Bildbefunde*Schwerpunkthefte zu ausgewählten Themen.

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Krankenhaushygiene up2date

ISSN: 1862-5797eISSN: 1862-5800
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ISSN: 0935-8943

Die Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie bringt die Themen, die Sie wirklich interessieren und in der täglichen Arbeit unterstützen. Kurze, leicht lesbare Beiträge, interessante Rubriken und Originalarbeiten mit Relevanz für Ihre Arbeit:Jetzt neu: Facharztwissen HNOViermal im Jahr, konsequent arbeitsplatzorientiert und praxisnah, mit vielen Tipps und Tricks und konkreten Anweisungen für eine zeitgemäße Diagnostik und Therapie.

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Libyan International Medical University Journal

eISSN: 2519-139X
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Methods of Information in Medicine

ISSN: 0026-1270

Good medicine and good healthcare demand good information. Since the journal’s founding in 1962, Methods of Information in Medicine has stressed the methodology and scientific fundamentals of organizing, representing and analyzing data, information and knowledge in biomedicine and health care. Covering publications in the fields of biomedical and health informatics, medical biometry, and epidemiology, the journal publishes original papers, reviews, reports, opinion papers, editorials, and letters to the editor. From time to time, the journal publishes articles on particular focus themes as part of a journal‘s issue.

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ISSN: 0722-1541

Die Nervenheilkunde ist eine der bekanntesten Fort- und Weiterbildungszeitschriften für Neurologen, Psychiater und Nervenärzte. Da bei psychischen Störungen Hausärzte fast immer die ersten Ansprechpartner sind und die Weichenstellung für eine kompetente fachärztliche Behandlung in ihren Händen liegt, wendet sich die Nervenheilkunde zugleich an Primärärzte. Ziel ist neben der Weitergabe aktueller wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse, praxistaugliche Informationen zu vermitteln, die zur besseren Versorgung von Patienten mit neurologischen und psychiatrischen Störungen beitragen. Folgerichtig können Leser der Nervenheilkunde CME-Punkte sammeln. Regelmäßig werden Empfehlungen oder Leitlinien der Deutschen Migräne- und Kopfschmerzgesellschaft sowie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke veröffentlicht.

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ISSN: 0174-304XeISSN: 1439-1899

For key insights into today's practice of neuropediatrics neurology, Neuropediatrics is the worldwide journal of choice. Original articles, case reports and panel discussions are the distinctive features of a journal that always keeps abreast of current developments and trends - the reason it has developed into an internationally recognized forum for specialists throughout the world.Pediatricians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neurobiologists will find it essential reading.Good reasons to subscribe:* Up-to-date information on cutting edge topics* Developments, techniques and topical research* Rigourous, independant peer-reviewing system* International and esteemed Editorial Board* Free online access to the journal with individual subscriptionsMEDLINE, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Science Citation Index, Bio-Sciences Information Services of Biological Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and SCOPUS.

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Neuroradiologie Scan

ISSN: 1616-9697
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ISSN: 1611-6496eISSN: 1611-7654
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ISSN: 0177-2309

Wissen auf dem neuesten Stand:*Kasuistiken, Originalarbeiten und CME-Fortbildung vermitteln Ihnen die neuesten Entwicklungen der Notfallmedizin*Praxisorientierte Tipps zur optimalen Versorgung und zum Transport von Notfallpatienten *Darstellung von interdisziplinären Notfallsituationen und Grenzgebieten der Notfallmedizin.

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Notfallmedizin up2date

ISSN: 1611-6550eISSN: 1862-6955
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Nuclear Medicine

ISSN: 0029-5566

Nuklearmedizin/NuclearMedicine guarantees an excellent scientific standard and publishes articles exclusively on diagnosis and therapies in the area of nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. This includes original and review articles, and congress reports in both English and German dealing with current topics from research and industry as well as innovative developments in technology and new systems. Nuklearmedizin is the official journal of the German, Austrian, and Swiss societies for nuclear medicine, and publishes the news from these societies, including abstracts from their annual meetings.

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Onkologische Welt

ISSN: 1869-0874
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Organic Materials

eISSN: 2625-1825
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ISSN: 1019-1291

Osteologie" is the journal for all those concerned with the prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment (conservative, surgical, endoprosthetic) of bone and joint diseases."Osteologie" is official organ of the Dachverband Osteologie (DVO; the umbrella organization for osteology), of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteologie (DGO; German Society of Osteology), and of the Orthopädische Gesellschaft für Osteologie (OGO; Orthopedic Society of Osteology).Since 2008 the journal has been published by Schattauer.

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PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie

ISSN: 0173-7937eISSN: 1439-1058
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Pferde Spiegel

ISSN: 1860-3203
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Pharmaceutical Fronts

ISSN: 2628-5088eISSN: 2628-5096
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ISSN: 0176-3679eISSN: 1439-0795

Covering all new advances in psychotropic drugs, Pharmacopsychiatry provides psychiatrists and pharmacologists with key clinical insights and information about new avenues of research and treatment. The pharmacological, neurophysiological, and psychological basis of psychiatric disorders are explored using models and model theory as applied to clinical and experimental studies.Pharmacopsychiatry publishes information about controlled clinical trials, case reports, and meeting proceedings, and serves as a state-of-the-art tool for advancing the field and setting European standards.*Psychiatry/Gerontopsychiatry*Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacology*Neuro and Psychophysiology*Psychology and Neurobiology.

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ISSN: 0939-978X

Phlebologie is the forum for European scientific research in phlebology. As a CME certified journal it covers the spectrum of relevant topics in research and in the clinic. New diagnostic processes, issues in preventative medicine as well as therapies are discussed in original and review articles in English and German. Announcements and official guidelines of the German Society for Phlebology are regularly published in the Journal. Abstracts from the of the scientific societies' annual meetings are also published.

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ISSN: 1439-023X
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ISSN: 1860-3092eISSN: 1860-3351
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Planta Medica: Journal of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research

ISSN: 0032-0943eISSN: 1439-0221

Planta Medica is one of the leading international journals in the field of medicinal plants and natural products with original research papers, letters, rapid communications, reviews, minireviews and perspectives from researchers worldwide. From 2011 Planta Medica will publish 18 issues per year.The following areas of medicinal plants and natural products are covered:* Biological and Pharmacological Activity* Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Studies* Natural Product Chemistry* Analytical Studies.

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ISSN: 0934-8387
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Psychiatrische Pflege Heute

ISSN: 0949-1619eISSN: 1439-0213
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Psychiatrische Praxis

ISSN: 0303-4259
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Psychotherapie im Dialog

ISSN: 1438-7026
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Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie

ISSN: 0937-2032
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Radiologie up2date

ISSN: 1616-0681eISSN: 1617-8300
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ISSN: 1866-1033eISSN: 1866-1041
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Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

eISSN: 0100-7203

The Values cultivated by RBGO will always be innovation and commitment to quality with respect to ethics in research and its editions.

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Revista Iberoamericana de Cirugía de la Mano

ISSN: 1698-8396eISSN: 1698-840X

Revista Iberoamericana de Cirugía de la Mano (RICMA, The Latin American Journal of Hand Surgery) publishes the following article types: editorials, original articles, update articles, case reports, surgical techniques and special articles. All these related to any aspect of Surgery and Microsurgery of Upper Extremity. Scientific societies affiliated to this journal are the Spanish Society of Hand Surgery, the Argentina Association of Hand Surgery, the Brazilian Society of Cirurgia da Mao, the Portuguese Society of Hand Surgery, the Society of Plastic Surgery of Uruguay (section hand), the Venezuelan Society of Hand Surgery and the Chilean Society of Hand Surgery.

La Revista Iberoamericana de Cirugía de la Mano (RICMA) publica los siguientes tipos de artículos: editoriales, artículos originales, artículos de actualización, casos clínicos, técnicas quirúrgicas y artículos especiales. Todos relacionados con cualquier aspecto de la Cirugía y Microcirugía de la Extremidad Superior. Las sociedades científicas afiliadas a esta revista son la Sociedad Española de Cirugía de Mano, la Asociación Argentina de Cirugía de la Mano, la Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia da Mão, la Sociedad Portuguesa de Cirugía da Mano, la Sociedad de Cirugía Plástica de Uruguay (sección mano), la Sociedad Venezolana de Cirugía de Mano y la Sociedad Chilena de Cirugía de Mano.

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Revista Urología Colombiana

ISSN: 0120-789XeISSN: 2027-0119

Urología Colombiana is the serial scientific publication of the Colombian Society of Urology at intervals of three issues per year, in which the results of original research, review articles and other research designs that contribute to increase knowledge in medicine and particularly in the specialty of urology.

Urología Colombiana es la publicación seriada de carácter científico de la Sociedad Colombiana de Urología con una periodicidad de tres números por año, en la cual se publican los resultados de investigación original, artículos de revisión y otros diseños de investigaciín que contribuyan a enriquecer el conocimiento en medicina y particularmente en la especialidad de urología.

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Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetricía : revista da Federação Brasileira das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

ISSN: 1806-9339eISSN: 1806-9339
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Seminars in Hearing

ISSN: 0734-0451eISSN: 1098-8955

Seminars in Interventional Radiology is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic-specific issues in the field of radiology and related sub-specialties.The journal provides comprehensive coverage of areas such as cardio-vascular imaging, oncologic interventional radiology, abdominal interventional radiology, ultrasound, MRI imaging, sonography, pediatric radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, metallic stents, renal intervention, angiography, neurointerventions, and CT fluoroscopy along with other areas. Seminars also offers CME credits in an effort to promote the professional growth and development of the practicing radiologist.The journal's content is suitable for both the practicing radiologist as well as residents in training.

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Seminars in Interventional Radiology

ISSN: 0739-9529eISSN: 1098-8963

Seminars in Interventional Radiology is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic-specific issues in the field of radiology and related sub-specialties.

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Seminars in Liver Disease

ISSN: 0272-8087eISSN: 1098-8971

Seminars in Liver Disease is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic specific issues related to the specialties of hepatology and gastroenterolgy.As the premiere review journal in the field, Seminars in Liver Disease provides in-depth coverage with articles and issues focusing on topics such as cirrhosis, transplantation, vascular and coagulation disorders, cytokines, hepatitis B & C, Nonalcoholic Steatosis Syndromes (NASH), pediatric liver diseases, hepatic stem cells, porphyrias as well as a myriad of other diseases related to the liver. Attention is also given to the latest developments in drug therapy along with treatment and current management techniques.

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Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology

ISSN: 1089-7860eISSN: 1098-898X

Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology is a review journal that is devoted to musculoskeletal and associated imaging techniques. The journal's topical issues encompass a broad spectrum of radiological imaging including body MRI imaging, cross sectional radiology, ultrasound and biomechanics. The journal also covers advanced imaging techniques of metabolic bone disease and other areas like the foot and ankle, wrist, spine and other extremities.The journal's content is suitable for both the practicing radiologist as well as residents in training.2011 Topics Include:Non Neoplastic Bone Marrow Disorders, ESSR 2011 - Apostolos KarantanasTropical Infections MSK System - Wilfred Peh.

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Seminars in Neurology

ISSN: 0271-8235eISSN: 1098-9021

Subscribe today and receive up to 20% off your first year's subscription! Applies for Individuals only.Seminars in Neurology is a review journal on current trends in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological diseases. Areas of coverage include multiple sclerosis, central nervous system infections, muscular dystrophy, neuro-immunology, spinal disorders, strokes, epilepsy, motor neuron diseases, movement disorders, higher cortical function, neuro-genetics and neuro-opthamology.Each issue is presented under the direction of an expert guest editor, and invited contributors focus on a single, high-interest clinical topic.Up-to-the-minute coverage of the latest information in the field makes this journal an invaluable resource for neurologists and residents.

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Seminars in Plastic Surgery

ISSN: 1535-2188eISSN: 1536-0067

Seminars in Plastic Surgery is a quarterly review journal that publishes topic-specific issues covering all areas of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. The journal's scope includes issues devoted to breast reconstruction, rhinoplasty, lipogenesis and lipoplasty, craniomaxillofacial trauma, and all other major plastic surgery procedures.

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Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

ISSN: 1526-8004eISSN: 1526-4564

Seminars in Reproductive Medicine is a bi-monthly topic driven review journal that provides in-depth coverage of important advances in the understanding of normal and disordered human reproductive function, as well as new diagnostic and interventional techniques.Seminars in Reproductive Medicine offers an informed perspective on issues like male and female infertility, reproductive physiology, pharmacological hormonal manipulation, and state-of-the-art assisted reproductive technologies.2011 Topics Include:Regenerative Medicine Meets GynecologyThe Role of Modern Reproductive Surgery for the Evaluation, Therapy and Preservation of Fertility.

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Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

ISSN: 1069-3424eISSN: 1098-9048

seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine is a bi-monthly topic driven review journal that provides comprehensive coverage of respiratory and pulmonary disorders.The journal focuses on new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, laboratory studies, genetic breakthroughs, pathology, clinical features and management as related to such areas asthma and other lung diseases, critical care management, cystic fibrosis, lung and heart transplantation, pulmonary pathogens, and pleural disease as well as many other related disorders.2011 Topics Include:Serious Infections in the Intensive Care Unit - J Chastre and JF Teboul, Guest EditorsInvasive Fungal Infections - P Pappas and J Baddley, Guest Editors.

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Seminars in Speech and Language

ISSN: 0734-0478eISSN: 1098-9056

Seminars in Speech and Language is a quarterly topic driven review journal that covers the entire spectrum of speech language pathology. Two issues per year are Adult-focused and two are Child-focused.In each issue, a leading specialist covers diagnostic procedures, screening and assessment techniques, treatment protocols, as well as short and long-term management practices in areas such as apraxia, communication, stuttering, autism, dysphagia, attention, phonological intervention, memory as well as other disorders.Seminars in Speech and Language is accredited by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for CEU credits.

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Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis

ISSN: 0094-6176eISSN: 1098-9064

Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis is a topic driven review journal that focuses on all issues relating to hemostatic and thrombotic disorders. As one of the premiere review journals in the field, Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis serves as a comprehensive forum for important advances in clinical and laboratory diagnosis and therapeutic interventions.Seminars offers an informed perspective on today's pivotal issues, including hemophilia A & B, thrombophilia, gene therapy, venous and arterial thrombosis, von Willebrand disease, vascular disorders and thromboembolic diseases. Attention is also given to the latest developments in pharmaceutical drugs along with treatment and current management techniques. The journal also frequently publishes sponsored supplements to further highlight emerging trends in the field.Hormones, Endocrine Disorders and HemostasisHemostatic Factors in the Etiology, Early Detection, Prevention and Management of Pre-eclampsia.

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ISSN: 1611-6453
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South Asian Journal of Cancer

ISSN: 2278-330XeISSN: 2278-4306
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Sports Medicine International Open

eISSN: 2367-1890
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Sportverletzung - Sportschaden

ISSN: 0932-0555

Ihr Forum - Die Zeitschrift Sportverletzung-Sportschaden*Infos von A bis Z: Grundlagen, Prävention und Rehabilitation*Topaktuelle Themen: zeitnahe Abbildung der Verletzungen /Prävention, die durch Trendsportarten entstehen (Dauerschwerpunkt)*Vielfältiges Spektrum: Physiotherapie, angewandte Forschung, neue Produkte und Hilfsmittel etc.

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ISSN: 1439-9903

Aus der Praxis für die Praxis*Kompaktes Fachwissen*Übersichten und Originalia*Kasuistiken und Therapieberichte*Neue Trends aus der Suchtmedizin, Suchtpsychologie, Suchtsozialarbeit*Zusammenfassungen internationalerStudien, Veranstaltungsberichte, Recht, Interviews*Sucht international - Blick über die Grenzen.

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Surgery Journal

eISSN: 2378-5136
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eISSN: 2509-9396
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Synfacts: Highlights in Current Synthetic Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 1861-1958eISSN: 1861-194X
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Synthesis: Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry

ISSN: 0039-7881eISSN: 1437-210X
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TH Open

eISSN: 2512-9465
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Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

ISSN: 0171-6425eISSN: 1439-1902

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon publishes articles of the highest standard from internationally recognized thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons, cardiologists, anesthesiologists, physiologists, and pathologists. This journal is an essential resource for anyone working in this field.Original articles, case reports, and important meeting announcements keep you abreast of key clinical advances, as well as providing the theoretical background of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.

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Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports

eISSN: 2194-7635

To communicate unique or unusual cases encountered in association with the surgical treatment of heart, vessels and chest.

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Tierärztliche Praxis Ausgabe G: Großtiere / Nutztiere

ISSN: 1434-1220

The journal Tierärztliche Praxis with its two editions (Edition K: Kleintiere/Heimtiere, small animals; and Edition G: Grosstiere/Nutztiere, large animals) is the only German veterinary journal which clearly focuses on the differing information needs of small animal or large animal veterinarians. It aims to bridge gaps between latest developments in clinical veterinary medicine and the needs and knowledge of practitioners. The specialised veterinarian will find peer-reviewed original articles as well as state of the art reviews about the latest developments in therapy, surgery and diagnostic imaging procedures. The student or beginning veterinarian will find educational articles and case reports with a high practical value within the section “For Study and Practice”. Each article contains a “Conclusion for the Practice” for the hasty reader and many excellent, mostly coloured figures. Furthermore, each issue contains one CME article approved by the German Akademie für tierärztliche Fortbildung (ATF).

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Tierärztliche Praxis Ausgabe K: Kleintiere / Heimtiere

ISSN: 1434-1239

The journal Tierärztliche Praxis with its two editions (Edition K: Kleintiere/Heimtiere, small animals; and Edition G: Grosstiere/Nutztiere, large animals) is the only German veterinary journal which clearly focuses on the differing information needs of small animal or large animal veterinarians. It aims to bridge gaps between latest developments in clinical veterinary medicine and the needs and knowledge of practitioners. The specialised veterinarian will find peer-reviewed original articles as well as state of the art reviews about the latest developments in therapy, surgery and diagnostic imaging procedures. The student or beginning veterinarian will find educational articles and case reports with a high practical value within the section “For Study and Practice”. Each article contains a “Conclusion for the Practice” for the hasty reader and many excellent, mostly coloured figures. Furthermore, each issue contains one CME article approved by the German Akademie für tierärztliche Fortbildung (ATF).

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TumorDiagnostik und Therapie

ISSN: 0722-219X
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Ultrasound International Open

eISSN: 2199-7152
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eISSN: 2625-2325
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Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology

ISSN: 0932-0814

VCOT is the most important single source for clinically relevant information in orthopaedics and neurosurgery available anywhere in the world today. It is unique in that it is truly comparative and there is an unrivalled mix of review articles and basic science amid the information that is immediately clinically relevant in veterinary surgery today. VCOT is a must-have reference for any veterinary surgeon, clinician or researcher interested in orthopaedic and neurologic surgery with a close eye on progress in the human field and in all animal species. The information is pertinent, succinct and relevant. The peer review process is impeccable and the consistent delivery of premier articles of direct relevance to the disciplines of orthopaedics, neurosurgery and traumatology is world-class. VCOT is published six times per year (ISSN 0932-0814), both in print and online. Online services include manuscript submission and review, eTOC (Electronic Table of Contents), and rapid publication online under Epub Ahead of Print. Subscribers to the Journal can also enjoy online access to the journal archive, which now dates back to the very first issue, starting in 1988.

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