ACI Open is an Open Access companion journal to Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI). It is published by Thieme in cooperation with Schattauer publishing subject matters in the field of clinical informatics including clinical information systems (including electronic medical records and systems, personal health records, physician/provider order entry, electronic prescribing, clinical decision support, nursing information systems, patient scheduling and tracking tools, lab information systems, radiology information systems, PACS, GP information systems), mobile health applications, administrative and management systems, eHealth systems, information technology development, deployment, usability, and evaluation, socio-technical aspects of information technology and health IT training. ACI Open is an official ejournal of AMIA.
SYNLETT is an international journal reporting research results and trends in synthetic organic chemistry in short personalized reviews and preliminary communications. It covers all fields of scientific endeavor that involve organic synthesis. SYNLETT is published 20 times per year and is characterized by a fast and rigorous refereeing system and publication times of 3 months as well as its flexible format for Letters (no 2- or 4-page straitjacket). It is listed in the most important databases: Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Chemical Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Research Alert, Scisearch, Index Chemicus, Chemistry Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, Reaction Citation Index, and Biological Abstracts. SYNLETT offers the following special features to the reader: * Accounts Personalized reviews about important recent work of individual research groups. * Synpacts Short personalized articles featuring contributions of research groups in 'hot' areas within the general context of the field.* Clusters Collections of letters on rapidly evolving topics in designated areas of research. * Spotlights Highlighting the characteristics of a reagent and its importance in current research, chosen by postgraduates. * New Tools in Synthesis Reviews of conceptual methodological or technical developments in areas of synthetic strategy giving innovative and practical support for the synthetic chemist in the laboratory.
Ihr Forum in der Rheumatologie: praxisrelevant und informativ*Die entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung und Studien*Übersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis*Top informiert – breite klinische Berichterstattung .
Ihr Forum der praxisrelevanten Urologie*Die entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung - für Sie auf den Punkt zusammengefasst und kritisch kommentiert*Übersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis*Top informiert - breite klinische BerichterstattungCME-Punkte sammeln mit der Rubrik "Operative Techniken"*In jeder Ausgabe: Techniken wichtiger Standard-OPs - Schritt für Schritt*Erstklassige OP-Skizzen mit verständlichen ErläuterungenAktuelle Rubriken mit echtem Nutzwert: *Die Prüfung sicher bestehen: "Fragen für den Facharzt"*Den Paragraphendschungel durchblicken: "Aus der Rechtsprechung"*Tipps und Tricks erfahrener Experten.
The American Journal of Perinatology is an international, peer-reviewed, and indexed journal publishing 10 issues a year dealing with original research and topical reviews. It is the definitive forum for specialists in obstetrics, neonatology, perinatology, and maternal/fetal medicine, with emphasis on bridging the different fields.The focus is primarily on clinical and translational research, clinical and technical advances in diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment as well as evidence-based reviews. Topics of interest include epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and management of maternal, fetal, and neonatal diseases. Manuscripts on new technology, NICU set-ups, and nursing topics are published to provide a broad survey of important issues in this field.All articles undergo rigorous peer review, with web-based submission, expedited turn-around, and availability of electronic publication.
To report rare or exceptional cases in neonatology or maternal/fetal medicine of wider interest to those working in the field.
ACI is the third Schattauer journal dealing with biomedical and health informatics. As the Official eJournal of AMIA and IMIA, the online journal ACI publishes approximately 100 peer-reviewed articles per year. It aims to establish a platform that allows sharing knowledge between clinical medicine and health IT specialists as well as bridging gaps between visionary design and successful and pragmatic deployment. The core editorial subject matters of ACI are: clinical information systems (including electronic medical records and systems, personal health records, physician/provider order entry, electronic prescribing, clinical decision support, nursing information systems, patient scheduling and tracking tools, lab information systems, radiology information systems, PACS, GP information systems), administrative and management systems, eHealth systems, information technology development, deployment, and evaluation, socio-technical aspects of information technology and health IT training. The target group of ACI is an international and potentially very influential readership, e.g.: chief information officers, chief executive officers, chief financial officers, medical informatics researchers, nurse informaticians, consultants, public health officials, vendors, IT safety healthcare providers, informatics trainees, health information management and health informatics practitioners, as well as organizations such as IMIA, AMDIS, AMIA, AHIMA, HIMSS or the equivalent.
Arzneimittelforschung Drug Research is an international peer-reviewed journal presenting the very latest research results related to novel and established drug molecules and the evaluation of new drug development. A key focus of the publication is translational medicine and the application of biological discoveries in the development of drugs for use in the clinical environment. Articles and experimental data from across the field of drug research address not only the issue of drug formulation, but also the mathematical and statistical methods for evaluating results from industrial investigations and clinical trials. .