To publish articles of clinical and experimental studies that foster the advancement of research, teaching and assistance in surgical, clinical, and endoscopic gastroenterology, and related areas.
The Ars mission is: (1) To qualify Brazilian cultural and artistic production in general; (2) To provide a privileged arena for the debate and exchange of knowledge, to both beginners and distinguished artists, art teachers and researchers, working in Brazil or abroad; (3) To bring about a locus of mutual criticism and strenghtening for both the academic and the artistic and cultural milieu, thus stimulating the University towards an assertive role in Brazilian society; (4) To pursue the level of academic excellence in the artistic, cultural and cientific areas of research; (5) To stimulate the dialogue between the visual arts and other cultural and scientific areas and (6). To build a public interested in the specific areas of art and culture, a task still to be consolidated in the Brazilian context.
To publish original scientific papers about Amazonia
DIRECCI N Flavia Freidenberg Universidad de Salamanca CONSEJO DE REDACCI N Elena Mart nez Barahona Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Amelia Brenes Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Patricia Marenghi (Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Fernando Pedrosa Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Margarita C. Batlle Univ. Externado. Colombia Luc a Miranda Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jorge Castillo Vaquera El Colegio Mexiquense. A.C.. M xico Daniela Paiva Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais. Brasil Araceli Mateos D az Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Juan Mario Solis Delgadillo Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Mar a Jos Cascante Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Santiago Basabe Serrano FLACSO. Ecuador Julieta Su rez Cao Northwestern University EE.UU. Oniel D az Jim nez University of Birmingham. Reino Unido An bal P rez-Li n Pittsburgh University. EE.UU. Idalina Arreola Atilano Univ. Aut noma de Tlaxcala. M xico CONSEJO CIENT FICO Manuel Alc ntara S ez Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Catalina Romero Pontificia Univ. Cat lica de Per Detlef Nolte GIGA-Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Hamburgo. Alemania Francisco Panizza (London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Gran Breta a Jonathan Hartlyn Univ. de Carolina del Norte. EE.UU. Olivier Dab ne SCIENCE PO. Francia Iv n Llamazares Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Salvador Mart Puig Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jos Enrique Molina Univ. del Zulia Venezuela Sim n Pachano FLACSO. Ecuador Ludolfo Paramio CSIC. Espa a Francisco Guti rrez San n Univ. Nacional. Colombia Fernando Rueda Junquera Univ. de Burgos. Espa a Philippe C. Schmitter Instituto Universitario Europeo. Italia Mario Serrafero Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Pilar Domingo Univ. de Londres. Gran Breta a V ctor Alarc n Olgu n Univ. Aut noma Metropolitana. M xico Esther del Campo Univ.
Acta Botanica Brasilica (Acta bot. bras.) publishes original articles on all aspects of plant (including algae) and fungi biology. The submitted manuscript or its essential content must not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Contributions should be substantial, written in English and show general interest. Manuscripts that report aspects of local interest are discouraged unless the implications of the findings are wide-reaching. Manuscripts with agronomic subjects are expected to contain a substantial amount of basic plant biology.
To publish original papers on basic and applied research in surgery, and biomedical sciences, new surgical techniques, reviews related to investigations in biomedicine, articles on teaching, advances in biomedicine and scientific communication.
To publish articles in the area of Ortopedia.
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem to publish original contributions in Sciences of the Health.Its abbreviated title is Acta paul. enferm., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. The articles published in Acta Paulista de Enfermagem are indexed: * Comulative Index to Nursing and Allied Literature - CINAHL * Base de datos en Enfermería en Español, Sociological Abstracts - CUIDEN * Literatura Latina-Americana em Cincias da Saúde - LILACS * Base de dados em Enfermagem - BDENF * Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde - BVS * SCOPUS * ISI.
To publish original papers of scientific value in the area of Letters.
To encourage the dissemination of ideas, proposals and research findings related to different theoretical and methodological perspectives in the field of language studies, both in Brazil and abroad. Alfa´s regular issues (published twice a year) and special ones (published acoording to editorial interest) welcome papers, retrospectives, book reviews, interviews, and translations in any of the various branches of Linguistics.
The Almanack magazine is a quarterly academic journal, specialized in the history of the national State building in Brazil and around the world, between the 18th and 19th centuries.
To produce social environmental knowledge within interdisciplinary focus.
To be the main scientific journal in the field of Built Environment Technology in Latin America, assumindog the roles of forum of providing in-depth discussion on the results of research and development activities, as well as a means of formal recognition for high quality scientific work.
To publish original papers of scientific value in the field of dermatology and similar areas.
To publish the results of original research in the broad range of scientific areas represented in the Academia Brasileira de Ciências.
Publish theoretical and monographic articles that focus on social practices mediated by materiality and treated as historical issues.
Publishing original papers of scientific value in the field of Clinical Psychiatry and similar areas.
Publish and make available to the medical and scientific community national and international clinical and basic scientific contributions in the field of endocrinology and metabolism and related sciences.
Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria is published by the Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Austral de Chile.Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria publishes, in both spanish and english, original scientific contributions containing the latest developments and discoveries in Veterinary Sciences, covering topics such as Animal Health and Production, Animal Welfare, Preventive Medicine, Zoonosis, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, methods of diagnosis and other areas related to Veterinary Science.The journal was founded in 1969 and has 40 years of uninterrupted publishing. Since 2006 it publishes 3 issues per year.The abbreviation of its tittle is Arch Med Vet which must be used in references, footnotes and figure legends.
The article inquires about the cultural goods of the ways of dwelling in order to propose a research agenda of thesymbolic construction of the cultural heritage of such ways. As the relationship between habitable space and urban culture is established, cultural goods we talk about are the artifacts involved in modes of inhabiting, so that interest is centered on how urbanactors produce a symbolic meaning as a way of generating cultural identity artifacts. The diversity of symbolic contentsgenerated by the differences and divergences, typical of thecontemporary society?s heterogeneous condition, are incorporated into the analysis. Finally, as the relationship between daily life and habitable space is established, the proposal of a classification of cultural goods for both collective and domestic daily life is formulated as a first draft for a research agenda of such goods.
The surubim catfish, Pseudoplatystoma coruscans (Spix, Agassiz, 1829), also known in the Sa~o Francisco River Valley as "moleque", belongs to the order Siluriformes and also occurs in the Parana´, Paraguai and Uruguai rivers (Fowler, 1951). In other regions, its spotted body has earned the popular name of "pintado". The surubim catfish is an essentially piscivorous species (Marques, 1993), and its corporal weight can exceed 100kg (Sato, 1999). As a result of constant changes in the environment of the Sa~o Francisco River, the capture of this fish has declined from 86.3% in 1987 to 27% in 1999 (Godinho et al., 2001). The high commercial value of the surubim catfish is due to the excellent quality of its meat, its high marketability, and its marked participation in commercial fishing (Marques, 1993). The possibility of inducing spawn by hypophysation has created promising prospects for the artificial breeding of the surubim catfish (Sato, 1999). The zootechnical indexes and carcass characteristics of this species confirm that it has a high potential for commercial production (Ribeiro, Miranda, 1997). The objective of this work is to study the reproductive biology of the wild surubim catfish in the Sa~o Francisco River.
To publish scientific works on veterinary medicine, food technology and inspection, as well as related areas.
To publish articles on cardiovascular topics, including new investigations, clinical or surgical experiments, or other original contributions.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia (ABE&M) is the official Scientific Journal for the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia - SBEM) which is affiliated with the Brazilian Medical Association (Associação Médica Brasileira).The Journal provides a collaborative working space for the following medical organizations and associations of interest in the fields of Endocrinology and Metabolism: Brazilian Diabetes Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes - SBD), Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity (Associação Brasileira para o Estudo da Obesidade - ABESO) and Brazilian Society of Studies on Bone and Mineral Metabolism (Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos do Metabolismo Ósseo e Mineral - SOBEMOM).The Journal is published on a regular basis, with nine printed issues published a year (ISSN 0004-2730) in addition to an online version which can be accessed at ( and, ISSN 1677-9487).The abbreviated title of the Journal is Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab, which should be used in footnotes, references and bibliographic strips. .
To publish scientific papers by national and foreign researchers who are in agreement with the aim of the journal as well as with its editorial policies.
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria will provide clinical neurologists and other neuroscientists with sigfnificant peer-reviewed articles, editorials, reviews and clinical reports to improve neurological practice, education, clinical research, professional expertise and to promote the international visibility of the Brazilian neurology.
Disclose scientific production concerning relevant topics from Audiology, Human Communication Disorders and related fields, aiming to improve and update professionals.
To contribute to the development of studies and research on higher education, especially those related to the evaluation of higher education, trends and perspectives in higher education, higher education and science and technology policies.
To promote and to publicize discourse studies researches, with emphasis on the dialogic studies.
The objective of BOLEMA journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge in Mathematics Education and related fields. The content can include results of empirical research, essays, and other standard forms in this domain of knowledge.
To publish original papers in in the field of Geodetic Sciences and correlated ones.
Publish original works in Anthropology, Archaeology, Indigenous Languages, and in related fields.
The journal is devoted to the publication of original scientific papers, prepared by experts in the Agricultural Sciences.
To spread the Brazilian Odontology research to the world.
To publish original articles in all fields concerning Biological Sciences.
The aim of the journal is to publish representative works related to the cardiovascular surgery, including original papers, research results, actualizations, case reports, as well as papers presented at the Congresses of the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery
Contribute to the development of Food Science and Technology for the benefit of society, publishing the results of original research.
The Brazilian Journal of Geology is intended to disseminate scientific themes of wide interest and original character related to Geosciences of Brazil and neighboring countries, including modern processes and new field and laboratory techniques.
To publish the results of original research which contribute significantly to knowledge in medical and biological sciences
To publish scientific contributions on Oceanography including physical oceanography, marine chemistry, marine geology and geophysics, biological oceanography, fisheries and related fields.
To publish original articles of clinical and experimental studies, review articles or bibliographic actualization, reports of clinical cases, articles of opinion under invitation and letters to the editor, in the area of the otolaryngology and correlate subjects.
The Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas / Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences edited quately by the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences – University of São Paulo, gives priority to the publication of Original Articles of Pharmaceutical Sciences. It also publishes short communications, Technical Notes and Book Reviews. By request of the Editorial Board Review Articles will be accepted for publication. Also these articles can be previousey submitted in abstract form to evaluate the interest in publishing.
To publish papers on economic theory and political science, with theory and application, that involves state and market.
To publish basic and applied research works, as well as articles on current themes and updated information in oral research.
To publish high-quality original articles in Political Science and International relations to enlarge the exchange of ideas with the international political science community.
To publish original articles representing relevant contribution to the knowledge of Forestry Science (Forest ecology, Forest Management, Silviculture, Technology of Forest Products).
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro journal is an annual publication of the Colombian Petroleum Institute (ICP) - ECOPETROL S.A., published since 1995, communicating Ecopetrol's research and development scientific achievements, as well as investigations in other petroleum related areas, as well as natural gas and alternative sources of energy.The abbreviation of its title in Spanish is Cienc.tecnol.futuro , which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes, legends and bibliographic references.
To publish articles, essays and research results, recognizing the importance of debate bringing together ideas, themes, subjects for comparison with research results for the construction of critical thinking in the social sciences.
A thematic publication directed to professionals and researchers from the educational field, aiming at approaching significant and current issues in that field.
The journal focuses on the debate on issues concerning urbanization processes and the different forms that the urban question assumes in the contemporary reality. It is targeted at the academic community in general, especially the areas of Architecture and Urbanism, Urban and Regional Planning, Geography, Demography, and Social Sciences. The journal publishes texts authored by researchers and by scholars who study urban themes and discuss the effects of socio-spatial transformations on the conditioning of the cities' political-institutional system, and also the challenges to the adoption of management models based on urban governance.
Cadernos Nietzsche attempt to be a vehicle for articles dedicated to exploring the philosopher ideas or unveiling the scheme of his concepts, for writings devoted to the influence exerted by him or to the repercussion of his work.
To contribute with the consolidation and development of the Collective Health field of knowledge, stating its multidisciplinary character and its commitment to social transformations, which result in benefits for the health of human populations, through the publicizing of theoretical and/or applied original studies that are interesting to the public health.
A journal of studies and research in education, having as its purpose the publication of academic research on education, gender, and race, stimulating the exchange of information and the discussion of the main issues and emerging themes in the field. It gives priority to studies carried out in Brazil, but also publishes foreign works.
Cadernos de Saúde Pública (CSP) publishes original articles of superior scientific merit that contribute to the study of public health in general and related disciplines.Cadernos de Saúde Pública has been published since 1985 by the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (ENSP-FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The journal was published quarterly from 1985 (vol. 1) to 2000 (vol. 16) and bimonthly from 2001 (vol. 17) to 2005 (vol. 21). Cadernos has been published monthly since 2006.The abbreviated title is Cad. Saúde Pública, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, citations, and bibliographic legends. .
To publish original articles that contribute to the study of public health in general and to related disciplines such as epidemiology, nutrition, parasitology,vector ecology and control, environmental health, public polices and health planning, social sciences applied to health, and others.
To publish original articles in the entire field of ceramic science and technology, including bioceramics, advanced ceramics, structural ceramics, electroelectronic ceramics, magnetic ceramics, optical ceramics, nuclear ceramics, ceramic raw materials, cements, sanitaryware and porcelain, thermal insulators, ceramic tiles, refractories, glazes and ceramic pigments, glasses and glass-ceramics, ceramic matrix composites, basic science, ceramic art, characterization techniques, ceramic equipments, microstructural analysis, manufacturing processes, powder synthesis, etc.
Ciência Rural is a bimonthly journal edited by the Centro de Ciências Rurais (CCR) with additional financial support from the Graduate Programs of the Centro de Ciências Rurais and Office of the Graduate School - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Financial support has also been granted by Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS). Since 2003 last issue of the year 33 (6) 2003 Ciência Rural has also been granted by CNPq. The journal was first edited in 1971 with the name of #!#!Revista do Centro de Ciências Rurais#!#! and in 1991 was renamed as Ciência Rural. Its objective is publishing original articles, reviews and notes, prepared by national and international experts which contribute to the scientific area of Agronomy, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and Forestry Science. The abbreviated title of the journal is Cienc. Rural, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.
To publish scientific papers on empirical or theoretical research outcomes as well as original essays related related to Science and Mathematics Education.
To publish debates, analyses, and results of research on a Specific Theme considered current and relevant to the field of Collective Health.
Publication of complete and original scientific articles, in the areas of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production, Biology and correlated areas.
To publish scientific articles, short communications and reviews related to the area of forest sciences.
To publish original articles (full papers), short notes and reviews prepared by national and international experts which contribute to the scientific area of Agronomy, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine and Forestry Science.
Its mission is to publish scientific articles in areas of plant and animal sciences including Agronomy, Food Science and Technology, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Rural Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnology.
To publish peer-reviewed articles of interest to clinicians and researchers in the medical sciences.
To contribute to the scientific and technical knowledge in Communication Sciences and Disorders and associated areas produced in Brazil and abroad.
To publish articles that contribute to the improvement and development of the practice, research and teaching of the themes related to the spinal column in Brazil and in Latin America.
The journal purpose is to promote the academic debate in International Relations broadly defined and encourage the development of conceptually innovative research in/of/from the Global South.
DELTA welcomes original unpublished submissions in all areas of language study, from both a theoretical and an applied perspective, so long as the contribution has not been submitted simultaneously elsewhere and the authors hold a PhD degree.
To publish original and cutting edge article in the field of Social Sciences that contribute to the theoretical and methodological innovation and/or empirical analysis.
Publishing research in cognitive and behavioral sciences, focusing on clinical epidemiology, basic and applied neurosciences, and cognitive tests devised or adapted for populations with heterogeneous cultural, educational and socioeconomic backgrounds. Dementia & Neuropsychologia is particularly involved in publishing research relevant to developing countries, and also seeks to disseminate reviews and case reports that are important contributions to neurological, psychiatric, geriatric, neuropsychological, speech therapy, occupational therapy and related fields.
To diffuse the scientific and technological advances of Orthodontics which significantly contribute for the community of researchers at local, regional and international levels.
To contribute to the development of critical reflection in the fields of Economics and Economic History.
Educar em Revista has the task of publishing with regular flow original articles from research on the educational field, as well as translations and book reviews of wide academic interest. It aims at approaching current and relevant issues in order to understand educational phenomena, and it accepts papers directly related to the Education field.
The journal aims to serve as a central vehicle for not only the knowledge and research that are already consolidated, but also for innovative perspectives in terms of methodology and for texts that offer alternatives to established models in the area.
Designed to be an incentive to academic research, and an instrument of broad debate on education in its several aspects, the journal accepts contributions in the form of articles and reviews in the Education Science fields
To contribute with the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the educational field, produced by researchers in universities and research institutions in Brazil and abroad. The magazine publishes in a continuing flux original articles from different theoretical and methodological perspectives, that effectively contribute to academic debates about various education’s dimensions.
To register scientific production and contributions of the scientific community in the health area.
Publish original scientific articles, technical articles and bibliographic reviews, to contribute significantly to advance of knowledge on agricultural engineering.
The publication of original technical and scientific contributions to do with areas of sanitation and environment as well as their interfaces.
Quarterly refereed journal that publishes research reports, critical reviews of literature, book reviews, and discussions of fundamental issues related to education in the natural sciences at all levels of education. Its purpose is to contribute to teachers and researchers in the enhancement of a culture of publications that combine academic rigor with relevance to practice.
To disseminate researches, studies, discussions and critical works about educational policies grounded on Brazilian experiences and perspectives.
To disseminate epidemiological knowledge applicable to surveillance, prevention and disease control relevant to Public Health, aiming to improve services offered by the National Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS).
Publishing original papers of scientific value in the field of nursery and similar areas.
Estudios Filológicos (EFil) acoge en sus páginas estudios especializados de lingüística y literatura, especialmente temas relativos a la lengua española y a la literatura española e hispanoamericana.
The Review’s guiding proposal is to leverage knowledge and critique for social progress, both for Brazilians and for other “developing” peoples.
To contribute to expand the cientifical knowledge in Economics.
Publication of unpublished works of History and Social Sciences in a historical perspective.
Our mission is to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge as well as to discuss the significance of practices in professional and research fields in Psychology. This journal publishes theoretical works, reviews and communications relevant to Psychology as science and profession.
The present study is inserted in the field of regional development and makes an analysis of the environmental management performed by the tobacco industries located in the region of Vale do Rio Pardo in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), which has the particularity of being the main tobacco producer in Brazil. It has been realized that the tobacco industry is recognizing the importance of the environmental aspect in its decisions and, in this way, besides the recognition in the economic context, it is showing concern about the environmental managing, through initiatives that aim the preservation of the environment and the improvement of quality of life of its employees as well as of the worker in the field, the farmer. As work methodology it was decided to do initially a theoretical essay involving the systemic approach and the regional development, followed by a case study with a description of the environmental management practices of the industries that cause impact in the tobacco farmer?s activities.
It has as the main objective disseminate originals articles, review articles or bibliographic updates and short communication, related to Forestry Science.
To diffuse and discuss the academic and scientific production in the psychology field. Its purpose is to recognize the need of coexistence among the many kinds of research in psychology, stimulating the constant debate as a mean of encouraging the scientific production.
Galaxia intends: understanding the production, circulation and reception of communication meanings/signs; discuss the methodological approximations of communicational objects starting from focal points linked to the theories of language, signification and interpretation of the senses.
research in genetics, evolution and related scientific disciplines.
To publish original works, as well as the results of studies and researches, in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management field.
Hidrobiológica ingresó este año al índice internacional del Instituto de Información Científica (ISI por sus siglas en inglés) con sede en el Instituto Thomson en Filadelfia, USA, convirtiéndose en apenas la segunda revista mexicana que se incorpora a este index internacional en el ámbito de las ciencias biológicas acuáticas.El ISI es importante en el ámbito internacional porque están incorporados cerca de 6 mil títulos de revistas de todo el mundo, incorporando más de 150 disciplinas científicas.En el ISI se generan bases de datos con la información registrada en el mundo de las revistas más importantes que se publican en el medio científico. En este sentido, Hidrobiológica se incorpora a dos de los tres principales índices del ISI: Biological Abstracts y el Biosis Previews.
Historia is published twice a year. It publishes articles by national as well as international researchers dedicated to Chilean history and related topics. The Editorial Board receives and selects articles for publication.
To promove the original scientific reseach in the history area.
The journal History of Education it has been published quarterly in Brazil since 1997. The topic it covers is the field of History of Education and its mission is to be a vehicle for the dissemination of studies in historiography of education. It aims mainly at disseminating the results of research done by teachers and undergraduate and graduate students, and its target public is teachers, students, researchers and people interested in history of education.
To publish original articles and other material related to the history of the sciences and health.
The Hoehnea publishes original complete articles, scientific notes and reviews in all fields of Botany and Mycology, in portuguese and english.
To publish scientific research articles in the field of Antropology.
Publishing original papers of scientific value in the field of horticulture and similar areas.
To publish original articles in Zoology.
Its greatest goal is to spread the results of academic research in the áreas of English, Literature and Cultural Studies.