This journal is dedicated to the scientific study of dyslexia, its comorbid conditions; and theory-based practices on remediation, and intervention of dyslexia and related areas of written language disorders, including spelling, composing and mathematics. Annals of Dyslexia publishes original empirical studies, significant review, and well-documented reports of evidence-based effective practices.
The purpose of Annals of Finance is to provide an outlet for original research in all areas of finance and its applications to other disciplines having a clear and substantive link to the general theme of finance. In particular, innovative research papers of moderate length of the highest quality in all scientific areas that are motivated by the analysis of financial problems will be considered. Annals of Finance's scope encompasses - but is not limited to - the following areas: accounting and finance, asset pricing, banking and finance, capital markets and finance, computational finance, corporate finance, derivatives, dynamical and chaotic systems in finance, economics and finance, empirical finance, experimental finance, finance and the theory of the firm, financial econometrics, financial institutions, mathematical finance, money and finance, portfolio analysis, regulation, stochastic analysis and finance, stock market analysis, systemic risk and financial stability. Annals of Finance will also publish special issues on any topic in finance and its applications of current interest. A small section, entitled finance notes, will be devoted solely to publishing short articles – up to ten pages in length, of substantial interest in finance.Officially cited as: Ann Finance
This journal examines global problems of geometry and analysis as well as the interactions between these fields and their application to problems of theoretical physics. It contributes to an enlargement of the international exchange of research results in the field. The areas covered in Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry include: global analysis, differential geometry, complex manifolds and related results from complex analysis and algebraic geometry, Lie groups, Lie transformation groups and harmonic analysis, variational calculus, applications of differential geometry and global analysis to problems of theoretical physics.
Annals of Hematology covers the whole spectrum of clinical and experimental hematology, hemostaseology, blood transfusion, and related aspects of medical oncology, including diagnosis and treatment of leukemias, lymphatic neoplasias and solid tumors, and transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Coverage includes general aspects of oncology, molecular biology and immunology as pertinent to problems of human blood disease. The journal is associated with the German Society for Hematology and Oncology, and the Austrian Society for Hematology and Oncology. The Editor-in-Chief is Arnold Ganser, Department of Hematology, Hemostasis and Oncology, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence presents a range of topics of concern to scholars applying quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to diverse areas of Artificial Intelligence, from decision support, automated deduction, and reasoning, to knowledge-based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and planning. The journal features collections of papers appearing either in volumes (400 pages) or in separate issues (100-300 pages), which focus on one topic and have one or more guest editors. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence hopes to influence the spawning of new areas of applied mathematics and strengthen the scientific underpinnings of Artificial Intelligence.
Annals of Nuclear Medicine is an official journal of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine. It develops the appropriate application of radioactive substances and stable nuclides in the field of medicine. The journal promotes the exchange of ideas and information and research in nuclear medicine and includes the medical application of radionuclides and related subjects. It presents original articles, case reports, short communications, technical notes, and reviews, letters to the editor.
The Annals of Operations Research publishes peer-reviewed original articles dealing with key aspects of operations research, including theory, practice, and computation. The journal publishes full-length research articles, short notes, expositions and surveys, reports on computational studies, and case studies that present new and innovative practical applications. In addition to regular issues, the journal publishes periodic special volumes that focus on defined fields of operations research, ranging from the highly theoretical to the algorithmic and the applied. These volumes have one or more Guest Editors who are responsible for collecting the papers and overseeing the refereeing process.Officially cited as: Ann Oper Res
Annals of Surgical Oncology is one of the leading journals in Oncology and Surgery. Annals is a monthly publication that features original articles on the latest advances in oncology for surgeons from all specialties.
Annals is currently included in the following indexing services in print and/or electronic format: Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Excerpta Medica, Science Citation Index and Science Citation Index Expanded.
Annals benefits surgeons, oncologists, hematologists, radiologists, general practitioners, pathologists, researchers, academicians, and other clinical professionals interested in all aspects of the surgical treatment of cancer.
Annals of Surgical Oncology is the official journal of the Society of Surgical Oncology.
This international journal publishes original peer-reviewed papers in the field of telecommunications. It covers all the essential branches of modern telecommunications, ranging from digital communications to communication networks and the internet, to software, protocols and services, uses and economics. This large spectrum of topics accounts for the rapid convergence through telecommunications of the underlying technologies in computers, communications, content management towards the emergence of the information and knowledge society.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (AISM) provides an international forum for communication among statisticians and research workers. The journal seeks to advance the field of statistics, enabling people to better manage and cope with uncertainties. It focuses on findings that have the potential to significantly enhance the practice of statistics. AISM features high quality papers across the broad spectrum of statistics. In particular, the journal emphasizes papers that (a) establish new application areas, (b) present new procedures and algorithms, (c) develop unifying theories, (d) analyze and improve existing procedures and theories, and (e) communicate empirical findings supported by real data. In addition to papers by professional statisticians, the journal welcomes contributions from authors in related fields.Officially cited as: Ann Inst Stat Math
This journal publishes papers on fundamental and applied aspects of microbiology. Topics of particular interest include: structure & development; biochemistry & molecular biology; taxonomy, physiology & metabolic studies; genetics; ecological studies; especially molecular ecology; marine microbiology; medical microbiology; molecular biological aspects of microbial pathogenesis and bioinformatics.Details Concerning the Submission and Publication Procedures:
- No Page Charges
-Â No Fees for Online Color Images
- Optional Color Images in Print – Euro 950,-
- Optional Open Access Publication Fee (APC) – USD 3000,- / Euro 2200,-
Apidologie is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the biology of insects belonging to the superfamily Apoidea.Its range of coverage includes behavior, ecology, pollination, genetics, physiology, systematics, toxicology and pathology. Also accepted are papers on the rearing, exploitation and practical use of Apoidea and their products, as far as they make a clear contribution to the understanding of bee biology.Apidologie is an official publication of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) and Deutscher Imkerbund E.V. (D.I.B.)For more precise information, please see the Instructions to authors.
Apoptosis is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the rapid publication of innovative basic and clinically-oriented investigations into programmed cell death. It aims to stimulate research on the basis of mechanisms of apoptosis and on its role in various human disease processes including: cancer, autoimmune disease, viral infection, AIDS, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, osteoporosis and ageing. The editors intend to encourage the development of clinical therapies against apoptosis-related diseases.
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing publishes mathematically rigorous, original research papers reporting on algebraic methods and techniques relevant to all domains concerned with computers, intelligent systems and communications. Coverage includes vision, robotics, system design, fault tolerance and dependability of systems, VLSI technology, signal processing, signal theory, coding, error control techniques, cryptography, protocol specification, networks, software engineering, arithmetics, algorithms, complexity, computer algebra, programming languages, logic and functional programming, algebraic specification, term rewriting systems, theorem proving, graphics, modeling, knowledge engineering, expert systems, and artificial intelligence methodology. The journal offers papers dealing with problems in commutative or non-commutative algebra, group theory, field theory, or real algebraic geometry, among others.
This journal is devoted to publishing the highest quality innovative papers in the fields of biochemistry and biotechnology. The typical focus of the journal is to report applications of novel scientific and technological breakthroughs, as well as technological subjects that are still in the proof-of-concept stage. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology provides a forum for case studies and practical concepts of biotechnology, utilization, including controls, statistical data analysis, problem descriptions unique to a particular application, and bioprocess economic analyses. The journal publishes reviews deemed of interest to readers, as well as book reviews, meeting and symposia notices, and news items relating to biotechnology in both the industrial and academic communities. In addition, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology often publishes lists of patents and publications of special interest to readers.
Applied Categorical Structures focuses on applications of results, techniques and ideas from category theory to mathematics, physics and computer science. These include the study of topological and algebraic categories, representation theory, algebraic geometry, homological and homotopical algebra, derived and triangulated categories, categorification of (geometric) invariants, categorical investigations in mathematical physics, higher category theory and applications, categorical investigations in functional analysis, in continuous order theory and in theoretical computer science. In addition, the journal also follows the development of emerging fields in which the application of categorical methods proves to be relevant. Applied Categorical Structures publishes both carefully refereed research papers and survey papers. It promotes communication and increases the dissemination of new results and ideas among mathematicians and computer scientists who use categorical methods in their research.
Applied Composite Materials is an international journal dedicated to the publication of original full-length papers, review articles and short communications of the highest quality that advance the development and application of engineering composite materials. Its articles identify problems that limit the performance and reliability of the composite material and composite part; and propose solutions that lead to innovation in design and the successful exploitation and commercialization of composite materials across the widest spectrum of engineering uses. The main focus is on the quantitative descriptions of material systems and processing routes. Coverage includes management of time-dependent changes in microscopic and macroscopic structure and its exploitation from the material's conception through to its eventual obsolescence.
The journal Applied Entomology and Zoology publishes articles concerned with applied entomology, applied zoology, agricultural chemicals and pest control. Coverage spans a wide range of fields, including molecular biology, environmental science, physiology, ecology, ethology, taxonomy and toxicology. The journal examines insect pests, animal pests, natural enemies, beneficial insects, beneficial animals, agricultural chemicals and more. Founded in 1966, Applied Entomology and Zoology is an official English-language publication of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology.