The official journal of the Saudi Society for Geosciences, the Arabian Journal of Geosciences examines the entire range of earth science topics, focused on, but not limited to those that have regional significance to the Middle East and northern Africa. The journal features peer-reviewed original and review articles on such topics as: geology, hydrogeology, earth system science, petroleum sciences, geophysics, seismology and crustal structures, tectonics, sedimentology, palaeontology, metamorphic and igneous petrology, natural hazards, environmental sciences and sustainable development, geoarchaeology, geomorphology, paleo-environment studies, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, GIS and remote sensing, geodesy, mineralogy, volcanology, geochemistry and metallogenesis.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences aims to publish articles covering the full spectrum of natural scientific methods, which are now a fundamental part of modern archaeological research, with the emphasis on the archaeological contexts and the questions being studied. In this way it aims to bridge the gap between archaeologists and natural scientists providing a forum to encourage the continued integration of scientific methodologies in archaeological research. Topics include: Archaeology, Geology/Geophysical Prospection, Geoarchaeology, Geochronology, Palaeoanthropology, Archaeozoology and Archaeobotany, Genetics and other Biomolecules, Material Analysis and Conservation Science. The journal is endorsed by the German Society of Natural Scientific Archaeology and Archaeometry (GNAA), the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry (HSC), the Association of Italian Archaeometrists (AIAr) and the Society of Archaeological Sciences
The intention of Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress is to provide a venue to present debates and address topical issues in a timely manner, through a mix of peer-reviewed articles, reports, and reviews. In keeping with the core values of the World Archaeological Congress and its commitment to diversity, multivocality, and social justice, it is particularly interested in contributions that seek to recentre (or decentre) world archaeology, and that contest local and global power geometries within the discipline. Areas and topics of interest include ethics and archaeology: public archaeology: the legacies of colonialism and nationalism within the discipline: the articulation between local and global archaeological traditions: theory and archaeology: the discipline’s involvement in projects of memory, identity, and restitution: and the rights and ethics relating to cultural property, issues of acquisition, custodianship, conservation, and display.The editors encourage writing that is accessible, scholarly, and engaged. In recognizing the importance of non-Western epistemologies and intellectual traditions, the editors are committed to giving serious consideration to submissions in nonstandard format (for example, dialogues: annotated photographic essays: transcripts from public events: opinion pieces: and statements from elders, custodians, descent groups. and individuals). Ranked 'B' in the Australian Research Council Humanities and Creative Arts Journal List. For more information, visit:
Archival Science aims at promoting the development of archival science as an autonomous scientific discipline, targeting primarily on researchers and educators in archival science, and secondarily on everyone else who is professionally interested in recorded information.The scope of the journal is the whole field of recorded process-related information, analysed in terms of form, structure and context.The journal's approach is integrated, interdisciplinary and intercultural: it covers the whole records continuum: it associates with the scientific disciplines dealing with the function of records and the way they are created, preserved and retrieved, the context in which information is generated, managed and used and the social and cultural environment of records creation in different times and places: it acknowledges the impact of different cultures on archival theory, methodology and practice, by taking into account different traditions in various parts of the world, and by promoting the exchange and comparison of concepts, views and attitudes in those traditions.
The Archive for History of Exact Sciences casts light upon the conceptual groundwork of the sciences by analyzing the historical course of mathematical and quantitative thought and the precise theory of nature, embracing as well their connections to experiment in the physical and modern biological sciences. This journal nourishes historical research meeting the standards of the mathematical sciences. Its aim is to give rapid and full publication to writings of exceptional depth, scope, and permanence.
The journal publishes research papers and occasionally surveys or expositions on mathematical logic. Contributions are also welcomed from other related areas, such as theoretical computer science or philosophy, as long as the methods of mathematical logic play a significant role. The journal therefore addresses logicians and mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers who are interested in the applications of mathematical logic in their own field, as well as its interactions with other areas of research.
The Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis nourishes the discipline of mechanics as a deductive, mathematical science in the classical tradition and promotes analysis, particularly in the context of application. Its purpose is to give rapid and full publication to research of exceptional moment, depth and permanence.
The Archive of Applied Mechanics aims to disseminate new results and methods of scientific research in the fields of solid and fluid mechanics, dynamics, vibrations and control. Mechanics of material, fracture and damage mechanics, material modeling in biomechanics, hydrodynamics and fluid-structure interaction are especially emphasized. Included are related disciplines, in a form useful to engineering practice. New analytical, numerical and experimental methods suited to research in the above-mentioned subjects are also welcomed.The Archive of Applied Mechanics was founded as 'Ingenieur-Archiv' in 1929 (Vol. 1) by R. Grammel. The title was changed to Archive of Applied Mechanics in 1991.
Former editors-in-chief
1929 - 1963 R. Grammel
1963 - 1980 K. Magnus
1981 - 1985 E. Becker
1986 - 1996 H. Lippmann
1996 - 2004 F. Pfeiffer
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering provides an active forum for the dissemination of results in both research and advanced practice in computational engineering, with particular emphasis on mechanics and its related areas. The journal exclusively publishes extended state-of-the-art reviews in selected areas, a unique feature of the journal. Reviews published in the journal not only offer a survey of the current literature, but also a critical exposition of the topic in its full complexity. A partial list of topics includes modeling; solution techniques and applications of computational methods in a variety of areas (e.g., liquid and gas dynamics, solid and structural mechanics, bio-mechanics, etc.); variational formulations and numerical algorithms related to implementation of the finite and boundary element methods; finite difference and finite volume methods; and other basic computational methodologies.
Archives of Dermatological Research is a highly rated international journal that publishes original contributions in the field of experimental dermatology, including papers on biochemistry, morphology and immunology of the skin. The journal is among the few not related to dermatological associations or belonging to respective societies which guarantees complete independence. This English-language journal also offers a platform for review articles in areas of interest for dermatologists and for publication of innovative clinical trials. ADR offers English language copy-editing free of charge - especially helpful for non-native English speakers. All artwork and colour pictures are published without additional fees. Archives of Dermatological Research was founded in 1869 as 'Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis'
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology is a repository of significant, peer-reviewed articles describing original experimental or theoretical research work on the scientific aspects of contaminants in the environment. It provides a place for the publication of detailed, definitive and credible reports concerning advances and discoveries in the fields of air, water, and soil contamination and pollution, human health aspects, and in disciplines concerned with the introduction, presence, and effects of deleterious substances in the total environment. Papers accepted for publication in the Archives deal with aspects of environmental contaminants, including those that lie in the domains of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, agricultural, air, water, and soil chemistry. The Editor-in-Chief is Daniel R. Doerge, National Center for Toxicological Research, Paron, AR USA.
Founded in 1870 as 'Archiv für Gynaekologie', Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics has a long and outstanding tradition. Since 1922 the journal has been the Organ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. 'The Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics' is circulated in over 40 countries world wide and is indexed in 'PubMed/Medline' and 'Science Citation Index Expanded/Journal Citation Report'.The journal publishes invited and submitted reviews; peer-reviewed original articles about clinical topics and basic research as well as news and views and guidelines and position statements from all sub-specialties in gynecology and obstetrics.
Archives of Microbiology publishes papers on all areas of basic research in microbiology.Research papers must make a significant and original contribution tomicrobiology and be of interest to a broad readership. The results of anyexperimental approach that meets these objectives are welcome, particularlybiochemical, molecular genetic, physiological, and/or physical investigations intomicrobial cells and their interactions with their environments, including their eukaryotic hosts.Mini-reviews in areas of special topical interest and papers on medical microbiology, ecology and systematics, including description of novel taxa, are also published.Theoretical papers and those that report analysis of 'mining' of data areacceptable in principle if new information, interpretation, or hypothesesemerge. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.125 (2008)*
'Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery' is a rich source of instruction and information for physicians in clinical practice and research in the extensive field of orthopaedics and traumatology. The journal publishes papers that deal with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system from all fields and aspects of medicine. The journal is particularly interested in papers that satisfy the information needs of orthopaedic clinicians and practitioners. The journal places special emphasis on clinical relevance.'Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery' is the official journal of the German Speaking Arthroscopy Association (AGA).Rejection Rate: 75%
Archives of Osteoporosis is an international multidisciplinary journal which is a joint initiative of the International Osteoporosis Foundation and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA. The journal will highlight the specificities of different regions around the world concerning epidemiology, reference values for bone density and bone metabolism, as well as clinical aspects of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. This journal is directed by the same Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors and Editorial Board as Osteoporosis International. Authors interested in submitting their manuscripts to this journal should submit through the Manuscript Central Osteoporosis International website ( and mention their interest in the cover letter. All policies and procedures for Osteoporosis International also apply to Archives of Osteoporosis. At times, an Editor-in-Chief may feel that a manuscript submitted to Osteoporosis International would be more appropriate to Archives of Osteoporosis and offer the authors the option to publish it in that journal instead. Archives of Osteoporosis should serve as a forum for the communication and exchange of localized regional observations related to osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases.
Archives of Pharmacal Research is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of original scientific research papers and reviews in the fields of drug discovery, drug development, and drug actions with a view to providing fundamental and novel information on drugs and drug candidates.
Manuscripts will be considered for publication on the condition that the results reported are based on original research that has not been published elsewhere in any journal.
Upon acceptance for publication of an article in Archives of Pharmacal Research, the author tacitly agrees to make available any materials used in the published experiments, or novel or natural products disclosed in the article that are not commercially available, so that other researchers may confirm the observations.
For the studies using natural extract, the journal will determine the acceptability of such papers on an individual basis. Natural product contribution must meet the following specific criteria: a) any n
The official publication of the International Academy of Sex Research, is dedicated to the dissemination of information in the field of sexual science, broadly defined. Contributions consist of empirical research (both quantitative and qualitative), theoretical reviews and essays, clinical case reports, letters to the editor, and book reviews.
Archives of Toxicology provides up-to-date information on the latest advances in toxicology. The journal places particular emphasis on studies relating to defined effects of chemicals and mechanisms of toxicity, including toxic activities at the molecular level, in humans and experimental animals. Coverage includes new insights into analysis and toxicokinetics and into forensic toxicology. Review articles of general interest to toxicologists are an additional important feature of the journal.