The Behavior Analyst is an official publication of the Association for Behavior Analysis International. It is published twice annually, and in addition to its articles on theoretical, experimental, and applied topics in behavior analysis, this journal also includes literary reviews, re-interpretations of published data, and articles on behaviorism as a philosophy.
Behavior Genetics - the leading journal concerned with the genetic analysis of complex traits - is published in cooperation with the Behavior Genetics Association. This timely journal disseminates the most current original research on the inheritance and evolution of behavioral characteristics in humans and other species. Contributions from eminent international researchers focus on both the application of various genetic perspectives to the study of behavioral characteristics and the influence of behavioral differences on the genetic structure of populations.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology publishes reviews, original contributions and commentaries dealing with quantitative empirical and theoretical studies in the analysis of animal behavior at the level of the individual, group, population, community, and species. The section 'Methods' considers submissions concerning statistical procedures and their problems, as well as with problems related to measurement techniques.Special emphasis is placed on ultimate functions and evolution of ecological adaptations of behavior, in addition to mechanistic studies of proximate cause.Among aspects of particular interest are intraspecific behavioral interactions, with special focus on social behavior including altruism, cooperation and parental care; pre- and postzygotic sexual selection;kin recognition and kin selection, group structure, social networks; interspecific behavioral interactions including competition, resource partitioning, speciation, foraging, mutualism, predator-prey interactions and parasitism; signalling
Fachzeitschrift für Soziologie und ihre Randgebiete mit Beiträgen zum aktuellen Diskurs und zu Klassikern der Soziologie
Das Berliner Journal für Soziologie, herausgegeben vom Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, veröffentlicht Beiträge zu allgemeinen Themen und Forschungsbereichen der Soziologie sowie Schwerpunkthefte zu Klassikern der Soziologie und zu aktuellen Problemfeldern des soziologischen Diskurses. Umfassende Review-Essays greifen innovative Entwicklungen innerhalb der deutschen und internationalen Sozialwissenschaften auf und informieren über den Stand der Forschung in zentralen Bereichen der Soziologie.
Die Zeitschrift wurde 1991 auf Initiative der ostdeutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie gegründet. Sie versteht sich als eine allgemeine soziologische Fachzeitschrift, die Beiträge aus allen Forschungs- und Themenbereichen der Soziologie publiziert. Von Beginn an war es das programmatische Ziel, der Diskussion und Weiterentwicklung zent
best practice onkologie richtet sich an alle Ärzte, die in der onkologischen Regelversorgung tätig sind - sei es als niedergelassener Arzt mit eigener Praxis oder in einer Klinik. Im Mittelpunkt der Zeitschrift stehen die Themen, mit denen der Arzt tagtäglich in Berührung kommt. In jeder Ausgabe werden jeweils drei Themenbereiche praxisorientiert und interdisziplinär abgehandelt. Davon bietet ein Beitrag die Möglichkeit, 3 CME-Punkte zu sammeln. In einem Interview wird eine bedeutende Persönlichkeit aus dem Bereich der Onkologie mit ihrer Arbeit vorgestellt. Ein weiterer Beitrag bietet einen Blick in die Zukunft der onkologischen Medizin. Ein umfassender Service- und Informationsteil zu Webadressen, aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen und weiterführender Literatur rundet jede Ausgabe ab., .
BioChip Journal publishes original research and reviews in all areas of the expanding field of biochip technology. Coverage spans a broad range of disciplines and topics, including protein chip, DNA chip, cell chip, lab-on-a-chip, bio-MEMS, biosensor, micro/nano mechanics, microfluidics, high-throughput screening technology, medical science, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and micro/nanotechnology. The editors of BioChip Journal are committed to rapid peer review, to ensure the timely publication of the highest quality original research, news and review articles.
BioControl, the official journal of the International Organization for Biological Control, presents original papers on basic and applied research in all aspects of biological control of invertebrate, vertebrate and weed pests, and plant diseases. Coverage includes biology and ecology of organisms for biological control, and aspects of use including biological controls for integrated pest management, such as plant resistance, pheromones and intercropping. Organisms covered include parasitoids, invertebrate and vertebrate predators of pest animals and plants, mites, plant and insect pathogens, nematodes, and weeds. The journal publishes interdisciplinary papers with a global perspective on the use of biological control in integrated pest management systems, and related developments in molecular biology and biotechnology that have direct relevance. BioControl also publishes forum papers and invited reviews and Letters to the Editor. 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.445
BioEnergy Research fills a void in the rapidly growing area of feedstock biology research related to biomass, biofuels, and bioenergy. The journal publishes a wide range of articles, including peer-reviewed scientific research, reviews, perspectives and commentary, industry news, and government policy updates. Its coverage brings together a uniquely broad combination of disciplines with a common focus on feedstock biology and science, related to biomass, biofeedstock, and bioenergy production.
BioMetals is the only established journal to feature the important role of metal ions in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, environmental science, and medicine. BioMetals is an international, multidisciplinary journal singularly devoted to the rapid publication of the fundamental advances of both basic and applied research in this field. BioMetals offers a forum for innovative research and clinical results on the structure and function of: metal ions metal chelates, siderophores, metal-containing proteins biominerals in all biosystems. BioMetals rapidly publishes original articles and reviews. BioMetals is a journal for metals researchers who practice in medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, cell biology, chemistry, and plant physiology who are based academic, industrial and government laboratories.
BioNanoScience is a new field of research that has emerged at the interface of nanoscience and biology, aimed at integration of nano-materials into engineered systems, for new applications in biology and medicine. The aim of BioNanoScience is to provide a forum for the rapidly growing area of bionanoscience, emphasizing the link between structure, properties and processes of nanoscale phenomena in biological, biomicking and bioinspired structures and materials for a variety of engineered systems. The journal promotes fundamental research in bionanoscience and engineering to advance nanoscience, nanotechnology and engineering, toward application in biology and medicine. This new journal will provide a forum for this interdisciplinary community by publishing highest quality peer-reviewed publications. Methods covered in this journal include experimental (including but not limited to imaging, via SEM/AFM/optical microscopy and tweezers: x-ray scattering and diffraction tools, electrical/magnetic characterizations: design, and synthesis via self-assembly, layer-by-layer, Langmuir films: biotechnology, via recombinant DNA methods, and protein engineering, etc.), theoretical (e.g. statistical mechanics, nanomechanics, quantum mechanics, etc.) and computational (bottom-up multi-scale simulation, first principles methods, supercomputing, etc.) research. Areas of applications of interest include all relevant physical, chemical, and biological phenomena and their engineering into integrated systems: mechanical (e.g. deformation, adhesion, failure), electrical and electronic (e.g. electromechanical stimulation, capacitors, energy storage, batteries), optical (e.g. absorption, luminescence, photochemistry), thermal (e.g. thermomutability, thermal management), biological (e.g. how cells interact with nanomaterials, molecular flaws and defects, biosensing, biological mechanisms s.a. mechanosensing), nanoscience of disease (e.g. genetic diseas, e, cancer, organ/tissue failure), as well as information science (e.g. DNA computing). The journal covers fundamental structural and mechanistic analyses of biological processes at nanoscale and their translation into synthetic applications. Studies of interfaces (e.g. between dissimilar structures, organic-inorganic) are of particular interest. In the area of interface between dissimilar structures, papers are also welcome on hybrid systems, including CMOS integrated circuits embedding organic nanostructures as well as biological components.
Biochemical Genetics links the sciences of biology, chemistry and genetics by offering an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of new developments. The extraordinary scope, dynamics, and progress that characterize modern biochemical genetics are reflected in the journal's original papers on fundamental experimental and theoretical research in the biochemical genetics of all organisms, from viruses to humans. Coverage includes the molecular aspects of genetic variation and evolution, mutation, gene action and regulation, immunogenetics, somatic cell genetics, and nucleic acid function in heredity and development, and with the biochemical aspects of genetic defects.
Biodegradation publishes papers, reviews and mini-reviews on the biotransformation, mineralization, detoxification, recycling, amelioration or treatment of chemicals or waste materials by naturally-occurring microbial strains, microbial associations, or recombinant organisms. Coverage spans a range of topics, including Biochemistry of biodegradative pathways; Genetics of biodegradative organisms and development of recombinant biodegrading organisms; Molecular biology-based studies of biodegradative microbial communities; Enhancement of naturally-occurring biodegradative properties and activities. Also featured are novel applications of biodegradation and biotransformation technology, to soil, water, sewage, heavy metals and radionuclides, organohalogens, high-COD wastes, straight-, branched-chain and aromatic hydrocarbons; Coverage extends to design and scale-up of laboratory processes and bioreactor systems. Also offered are papers on economic and legal aspects of biological treatment of waste. 'Waste treatm
Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. The scope of Biodiversity and Conservation is wide and multidisciplinary, and embraces all life-forms. The journal presents research papers, as well as editorials, comments and research notes on biodiversity and conservation, and contributions dealing with the practicalities of conservation management, economic, social and political issues. The journal provides a forum for examining conflicts between sustainable development and human dependence on biodiversity in agriculture, environmental management and biotechnology, and encourages contributions from developing countries to promote broad global perspectives on matters of biodiversity and conservation.
Biogeochemistry publishes original and synthetic papers dealing with biotic controls on the chemistry of the environment, or with the geochemical control of the structure and function of ecosystems. Cycles are considered, either of individual elements or of specific classes of natural or anthropogenic compounds in ecosystems. Particular emphasis is given to coupled interactions of element cycles. The journal spans from the molecular to global scales to elucidate the mechanisms driving patterns in biogeochemical cycles through space and time. Studies on both natural and artificial ecosystems are published when they contribute to a general understanding of biogeochemistry.Biogeochemistry is in the Top 25 Journals Most Frequently Published in by Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Scientists. Please check the link on the right (under Additional Information)
Biogeochemistry LettersA new fast-track review process is available for high-profile manuscripts that present results that substantially advance the field
The journal Biogerontology offers a platform for research which aims primarily at achieving healthy old age accompanied by improved longevity. The focus is on efforts to understand, prevent, cure or minimize age-related impairments.Biogerontology provides a peer-reviewed forum for publishing original research data, new ideas and discussions on modulating the aging process by physical, chemical and biological means, including transgenic and knockout organisms; cell culture systems to develop new approaches and health care products for maintaining or recovering the lost biochemical functions; immunology, autoimmunity and infection in aging; vertebrates, invertebrates, micro-organisms and plants for experimental studies on genetic determinants of aging and longevity; biodemography and theoretical models linking aging and survival kinetics. Biogerontology publishes original research reports, reviews, hypotheses, new methods and interviews, and special issues on topics relating to aging, health and longevity. Spri