Applied Psychological Measurement (APM) publishes empirical research on the application of psychological measurement to substantive problems in all areas of psychology and related disciplines. It offers reports on the development and application of innovative measurement techniques; methodological developments in the solution of measurement problems; comparisons of measurement techniques; investigations of measurement methodologies; validation and reliability methodologies; and critical reviews of measurement methodology.
The peer-reviewed, international Archive for the Psychology of Religion/Archiv für Religionspsychologie is the oldest periodical in the psychology of religion. It is open to all scientific methodologies, quantitative and qualitative.
Armed Forces & Society (AFS), a quarterly publication, publishes articles on military institutions, civil-military relations, arms control and peacemaking, and conflict management. The journal is international in scope with a focus on historical, comparative, and interdisciplinary discourse. The editors and contributors include political scientists, sociologists, historians, psychologists, scholars, and economists, as well as specialists in military organization and strategy, arms control, and peacekeeping.
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education is an international peer reviewed journal. It publishes articles, reviews and scholarly comment relating to the arts and humanities in higher education.
Published in association with the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that focuses on health issues in the Asia-Pacific Region. APJPH publishes original articles on public health related issues, including implications for practical applications to professional education and services for public health and primary health care that are of concern and relevance to the Asia-Pacific region.The editor-in-chief welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of public health, as well as global challenges in public health, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, health security, disaster management, and chronic disease. For manuscript inquiries, please contact Wah-Yun Low, Ph.D at
Assessment (ASM) focuses on applied clinical assessment, with an emphasis on information relevant to the use of assessment measures, including test development, validation, and interpretation practices. Articles cover the assessment of cognitive and neuropsychological functioning, personality, and psychopathology, as well as empirical assessment of clinically relevant phenomena, such as behaviors, personality characteristics, and diagnoses.
Assessment for Effective Intervention (AEI) provides critical analysis of practitioner-developed assessment procedures, as well as papers that focus on published tests. Features articles that describe the relationship between assessment and instruction, introduce innovative assessment strategies; outline diagnostic procedures; analyze relationships between existing instruments; and review assessment techniques, strategies, and instrumentation.
The Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) is the official journal of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC). It is an academic journal for the dissemination of leading studies in marketing, for researchers, students, educators, scholars, and practitioners. The objective of the AMJ is to publish articles that enrich and contribute to the advancement of the discipline and the practice of marketing. Therefore, manuscripts accepted for publication will be theoretically sound, offer significant research findings and insights, and suggest meaningful implications and recommendations. Articles reporting original empirical research should include defensible methodology and findings consistent with rigorous academic standards. All articles will be subject to a double-blind review process.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: