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Education for Primary Care

ISSN: 1473-9879eISSN: 1475-990X
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Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia

eISSN: 1110-1849

Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Society of Egyptian Anesthesiologists. The journal is published quarterly (one volume per year beginning in January) by the Society of Egyptian Anesthesiologists. The contents of this journal are organized by the Society of Egyptian Anesthesiologists. The journal is a peer reviewed journal and is a multi-disciplinary journal in the field of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation and will address the modern achievements in this field. The contributions are from all over the world. The journal publishes original papers, CME articles, case reports and briefs.

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Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences

eISSN: 2314-808X
Egyptian journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (EJBAS) publishes English language, peer-reviewed publications focused on the integration of all areas of sciences and their application.

Supporting the concept of interdisciplinarity EJBAS welcome submissions in different academic areas

Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (EJBAS): Biological and medical Sciences publishes original articles concerned with the study in the field of biology, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, agriculture and veterinary medicine.

Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (EJBAS): Natural science and technology publishes original articles concerned with the study in the field of technology, innovation, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and geology.

Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences publish original articles, short communications, review articles, and case reports. The Egyptian journal of basic and Applied Sciences is the official publication of Mansoura University and is published by Mansoura University in collaboration with Elsevier and is edited by an international group of eminent researchers.

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Electric Power Components and Systems

ISSN: 1532-5008eISSN: 1532-5016

This well-established journal publishes original theoretical and applied papers of permanent reference value related to the broad field of electromechanics, electric machines, and power systems. Specific topics covered include: rotating electric machines - new methods of analysis, computation, and design; advances in materials used in electric machines (e.g. permanent magnets and superconductors); solid-state control of electric machines; linear motors; new types of electric machines; electromagnetic fields in energy converters; control aspects of electrical machines; power system planning; reliability and security; transmission and distribution; dispatching and scheduling; high voltage of dc systems; power system protection; power system stability; and related topics. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine

ISSN: 1536-8378eISSN: 1536-8386

Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, publishes peer-reviewed research articles on the biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (from extremely-low frequency to radiofrequency). Topic examples include in vitro and in vivo studies, epidemiological investigation, mechanism and mode of interaction between non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and biological systems. In addition to publishing original articles, the journal also publishes meeting summaries and reports, and reviews on selected topics. .

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ISSN: 0272-6343eISSN: 1532-527X

This journal, which now publishes eight times a year, features an international editorial board, offers refereed papers that span the entire broad field of electromagnetics and serves as an exceptional reference source of permanent archival value. Included in this wide ranging scope of materials are developments in electromagnetic theory, high frequency techniques, antennas and randomes, arrays, numerical techniques, scattering and diffraction, materials, and printed circuits. The journal also serves as a forum for deliberations on innovations in the field. Additionally, special issues give more in-depth coverage to topics of immediate importance. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Emerging Microbes & Infections

eISSN: 2222-1751

Emerging Microbes & Infections (EMI) is a new open access, fully peer-reviewed international journal. The purpose of EMI is to provide a forum to publish a wide range of scientific reports related to emerging infectious diseases, especially with new information from developing countries where such diseases are constantly arising and being discovered regularly. It will report discoveries of emerging microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pathogens) including their previously unknown phenotypic or genotypic characteristics, as well as cutting edge information associated with microbial mechanisms of pathogenesis, immune evasion and protection, clinical presentation and outcome, drug efficacy and its resistance, epidemiology and other issues important to global health.

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Emu - Austral Ornithology

ISSN: 0158-4197eISSN: 1448-5540

Emu - Austral Ornithology is a major journal for the publication of research articles, reviews and short communications in all branches of ornithology. It has a proud tradition of publishing papers on many aspects of the biology of birds. Papers highlighting the conservation and management of birds are particularly welcomed. The Journal´s emphasis is on studies relating to the Southern Hemisphere and adjacent tropics. Emu - Austral Ornithology is for professional ornithologists, research scientists, resource managers, students and amateurs interested in any aspect of the biology and management of birds.For citation purposes, the journal should be cited as Emu. The subtitle, Austral Ornithology, is used to emphasize the scope of the journal.

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Endocrine Research

ISSN: 0743-5800eISSN: 1532-4206

This journal publishes original articles relating to endocrinology in the broadest context. Subjects of interest include: receptors and mechanism of action of hormones, methodological advances in the detection and measurement of hormones; structure and chemical properties of hormones. Invitations to submit Brief Reviews are issued to specific authors by the Editors.

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ISSN: 1062-3329eISSN: 1029-2373
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Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects

ISSN: 1556-7036eISSN: 1556-7230

Energy Sources, a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal of science and technology, serves as a publication medium for the investigation of trends in and solutions to resolving the issues of continuing increase in worldwide demand for energy, the diminishing accessibility of natural energy resources, and the growing impact of energy use on the environment. The technological, scientific and environmental aspects of energy from coal, geothermal energy, natural gas, nuclear energy, oil shale, organic waste, petroleum, solar energy, tar, sand, and wind are addressed. Energy Sources publishes full-length research articles dealing with completed research projects and invited review papers reporting on the state of the art in extraction and conversion of energy sources, as well as on their impact on the environment. Review articles will also be considered after consultation with the Editor. Energy Sources is also willing to consider publishing selected proceedings from a conference or a collection of papers dealing with a single topic. The journal is a useful resource to chemists and engineers in the energy field. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy

ISSN: 1556-7249eISSN: 1556-7257

Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal of science and technology that serves as a forum for the reporting and investigation of economic and political trends and issues relating to the use of fossil fuels and alternate fuel sources. Energy Sources, Part B will carry articles related to the continuing increases in worldwide energy costs and diminishing accessibility of fossil energy resources, and the economic impact of energy use on the environment. In addition to petroleum-related articles (that also includes articles related to heavy oil), the economic and political aspects of the development and use of coal, geothermal energy, natural gas, nuclear energy, ocean thermal gradients, oil shale, organic waste, solar energy, tar, sand, and wind will be covered. Full-length articles and invited review papers reporting on the economic and developmental state of the art in extraction and conversion of energy sources, as well as on their impact on the environment are welcome. Energy Sources, Part B will also publish selected proceedings from a conference or a collection of papers dealing with a single topic.

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Energy and Policy Research

ISSN: 2381-5639eISSN: 2381-5639

Energy and Policy Research provides a major new open access platform for researchers and policy-makers from around the world to share their research and developments on the engineering, science, technology, policy, and management related to energy systems. This international journal will ensure a rigorous and rapid process of peer review. All published articles will be universally accessible online to enable the widest possible audience for the content. The journal will consider original research articles, reviews, and short communications in theoretical and applied topics, and encourage work that supports innovation, debate, and collaboration within the energy community.

Topics covered include
•Advanced power cycles
•Governmental policies on energy
• Carbon mitigation technologies: clean coal and carbon capture
•Hydrogen and fuel cells
•Energy generation, conversion, storage, and transmission
•Market-based energy planning
•Economic, social, and environmental aspects of energy policies
•Micro- and nano-energy systems
•Energy supply security
•Nuclear energy
•Renewable energy: wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and biomass

•Thermal and fluid design of energy systems
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial evaluation by the Editor and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert reviewers. All peer review is single blind. Submissions are made online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
Publication office: Taylor & Francis Group, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106. 

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Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics

ISSN: 1994-2060eISSN: 1997-003X

The aim of the Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics is a continuous and timely dissemination of innovative, practical and industrial applications of computational techniques to solve the whole range of hitherto intractable fluid mechanics problems. The journal is a truly interdisciplinary forum, and publishes original contributions on the latest advances in numerical methods in fluid mechanics and their applications to various engineering fields including aeronautic, civil, environmental, hydraulic and mechanical. The journal has a distinctive and balanced international contribution, with emphasis on papers addressing practical problem-solving by means of robust numerical techniques to generate precise flow prediction and optimum design, and those fostering the thorough understanding of the physics of fluid motion.

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Engineering Management Journal

ISSN: 1042-9247eISSN: 2377-0643
2014 Impact Factor: 0.391 
Ranking: 171/185 in Management
2014 5-Year Impact Factor: 0.542
©2015 Thomson Reuters, 2014 Journal Citation Reports® 

EMJ is designed to provide practical, pertinent knowledge on the management of technology, technical professionals, and technical organizations. EMJ strives to provide value to the practice of engineering management and engineering managers. EMJ is an archival journal that facilitates both practitioners and university faculty in publishing useful articles. The primary focus is on articles that improve the practice of engineering management. To support the practice of engineering management, EMJ publishes papers within key engineering management content areas. EMJ Editors will continue to refine these areas to ensure they are aligned with the challenges faced by technical organizations and technical managers. Content areas are described below.

  • Strategic: The processes and tools by which the organization positions itself externally and aligns itself internally. Areas include: Strategic & operations management; and Management of design & consulting engineering organizations.
  • Core: The processes and tools by which the organization produces its products and services for its customers. Areas include: Systems engineering/systems engineering management; Program & project management; Technology management: Research & development, technology transfer, commercialization; Technology management: technology forecasting, emerging technologies; Innovation & new product development.
  • Enabling: The processes and tools by which the strategic and core processes are supported with the necessary facilities, equipment, personnel, and supporting business functions. Areas include: Organization and work system design; Economics of engineering; Quantitative methods & models; Knowledge & information management; Quality management; and Developing engineering management professionals.
  • Perspectives of the Profession: Articles to provide an evolving historical perspective to the profession. Areas include: Engineering management: Past, present, & future; and Book reviews.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via the Editorial Manager.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106
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Engineering Optimization

ISSN: 0305-215XeISSN: 1029-0273

This journal continues to serve the large technical community concerned with quantitative and computational methods of optimization, and their application to engineering planning, design, manufacture and operational processes. The policy of the journal treats optimization as any formalized process for improvement. Algorithms for numerical optimization are therefore mainstream for the journal, but equally welcome are papers which use many of the methods of operations research, decision support, statistical decision theory, systems theory, logical inference, knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, information theory and processing, and all methods which can be used in the quantitative modelling of the decision-making process. The engineering dimension is vital. Engineering Optimization aims to serve all disciplines within the engineering community. Relevance to problems of engineering, planning, design, construction and operation is a key element in all published papers. Papers on both research aspects and practical industrial implementations are welcomed. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.

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Engineering Project Organization Journal

ISSN: 2157-3727eISSN: 2157-3735

Engineering Project Organization Journal (EPOJ) - the official journal of the Engineering Project Organization Society (EPOS), addresses the need to publish interdisciplinary scholarly articles in the field of organization studies as applied to the complex and dynamic engineering project domain.
The scope of interest extends vertically from the individual project level to the program level and to the organizational level and horizontally through all stages of governance from initial project development to project delivery and through all areas of organization management from leadership to strategic issues. The journal welcomes papers from a diverse range of topics including: project dynamics, leadership, learning, innovation, globalization, and knowledge management.
The editors and EPOS are focused on establishing this journal as world-class publication and are committed to bringing the journal to a global audience.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

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Enterprise Information Systems

ISSN: 1751-7575eISSN: 1751-7583

As the topic of Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) has an important strategic impact on global business and the world economy, there is a growing demand for research to provide insights into challenges, issues, and solutions related to the design, implementation and management of EIS. To respond the market needs from both academic researchers and practitioners for communicating and publishing their research outcomes, Taylor & Francis is launching Enterprise Information Systems. Published four times a year, the Journal focuses on both the technical and application aspects of enterprise information systems technology, and the complex and cross-disciplinary problems of enterprise integration that arise in integrating extended enterprises in a contemporary global supply chain environment. Techniques developed in mathematical science, computer science, manufacturing engineering, operations management used in the design or operation of enterprise information systems will also be considered. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Enterprise information systems' design, application, implementation, and impacts in a variety of industrial sectors including manufacturing, service, healthcare, and government Enterprise information systems and e-logistics, global e-supply chain management, supplier relationship management (SRM), customer relationship management (CRM) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Business process and workflow modelling, analysis, integration, monitoring, and management Enterprise modelling and integration, enterprise engineering Enterprise computing concepts for specific domains such as electronic and mobile commerce, vertical domains such as finance, telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, command and control, defence, healthcare, and government Inter-enterprise collaboration and virtual enterprises Enterprise architecture design and modelling, model-driven architecture (MDA), component-oriented architecture, service-oriented architecture (SOA), collaborative development and co-operative engineering Integration of (legacy) enterprise applications and information, integrated systems, e-factories, integrated manufacturing systems, industrial informatics Evolution and management of enterprise computing systems Realization technologies for enterprise computing, including ontologies and semantic web support, middleware standards and systems, such as CORBA and J2EE, modelling and description languages, such as XML, RDF, OWL, and UML Enterprise computing tools Business intelligence and knowledge management in enterprise information systems Trust, security, and privacy issues in enterprise computing Quality assurance issues in enterprise computing Enterprise modelling and simulation Systems research, systems engineering and enterprise information systems Future generation enterprise information systems Applications, case studies, and management issuesWritten specifically for and by academic researchers and practitioners of EIS, the Journal provides in-depth coverage of cutting-edge research and applications issues in the area of EIS. The Journal is committed to publishing refereed research papers and review papers that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in EIS. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Environmental Forensics

ISSN: 1527-5922eISSN: 1527-5930

Environmental Forensics provides a forum for scientific investigations that address environmental contamination which is subject to law court, arbitration, public debate, or formal argumentation and is subject to the basic science that serves as underpinnings to those activities. Journal subject matter encompasses all aspects of contamination within the environmental media of air, water, soil and biota. The journal is an international, quarterly, peer-reviewed publication offering scientific studies that explore source, fate, transport, and human health and ecological effects of environmental contamination. Contamination is delineated in terms of chemical characterization, biological influence, responsible parties and legal consequences. Manuscripts dealing with a wide range of environmental issues and how they relate to the characterization and tracking of contamination will be accepted. Journal focus is on scientific and technical information, data, and critical analysis in the following areas; * Analytical Chemistry, including analytical techniques that provide definitive, quality results for analyses that are conducted to answer litigious environmental contamination questions * Geochemistry, including chemistry and physics of soil, water and air with respect to potential interactions with contamination * Atmospheric Chemistry, including occurrence, alteration, fate, transport and modeling of chemicals in the atmosphere * Microbiology, including all aspects of microbe-related transformation and alteration of contamination constituents * Environmental Fate Assessment, including partitioning and transformation of contaminant components between and within environmental media * Environmental Transport Assessment, including geologic, hydrogeologic, oceanographic and meteorologic integrated controls on the migration or movement of contamination. * Integrated Case Studies, employing environmental fate techniques described herein * Legal Considerations, including strategic considerations for environmental fate in litigation and arbitration, and regulatory statutes and actions Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Environmental Hazards

ISSN: 1747-7891eISSN: 1878-0059

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: Human and Policy Dimensions is an innovative, interdisciplinary and international research journal addressing the human and policy dimensions of hazards.The journal addresses the full range of hazardous events from extreme geological, hydrological atmospheric and biological events such as earthquakes, floods, storms and epidemics to technological failures and malfunctions such as industrial explosions, fires and toxic material releases. Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions is the source of the new ideas in hazards and risk research.With a genuinely international perspective, this journal highlights issues of human exposure, vulnerability, awareness, response and risk. The role of hazards in affecting development, and issues of efficiency, social justice and sustainability are also explored in the journal.Well known conventional hazards receive extensive coverage but submissions about new forms of hazard, emerging risk management institutions and restructuring of ideas about hazards – including their role in human affairs – are particularly welcome.Reinvigorating the debate about how we define, understand and manage hazards, the journal is interdisciplinary in scope and open to contributions by specialists from a wide range of fields who are interested in the effects of hazards events on people, property and societies.

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