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Tree Physiology

ISSN: 0829-318XeISSN: 1758-4469

Tree Physiology publishes both technical reviews and original research reports on all aspects of physiology of trees, other woody species, and species of arborescent growth forms (a full list of topics can be found in our Instructions to Authors). Tree Physiology is a refereed journal distributed internationally.Tree Physiology was founded in 1986 by Alfred Burdett and Rozanne Poulson of Heron Publishing. Under their management, the journal grew in both size and reputation to become one of the top-ranking journals in the field. Oxford Journals will continue to build on this solid foundation and ensure wider dissemination and further development of Tree Physiology.Scope of the JournalTree Physiology promotes research in a framework of hierarchically organized systems, measuring insight by the ability to link adjacent layers: thus, investigated tree physiology phenomenon should seek mechanistic explanation in finer-scale phenomena as well as seek significance in larger scale phenomena (Passioura 1979). A phenomenon not linked downscale is merely descriptive; an observation not linked upscale, might be trivial. Physiologists often refer qualitatively to processes at finer or coarser scale than the scale of their observation, and studies formally directed at three, or even two adjacent scales are rare. To emphasize the importance of relating mechanisms to coarser scale function, Tree Physiology will highlight papers doing so particularly well as Feature Papers.Tree Physiology welcomes submissions of manuscripts on research of non-tree woody and arborescent species (shrubs, vines, tree ferns, palms, bamboo). It invites submissions on new methods designed to improve estimates of quantities of structural components and flux of matter, energy and information relevant to the structure and the function of these species.Tree Physiology also welcomes those manuscripts on genomics demonstrating a clear link and relevance to tree physiology.Authors who prepared short, hard-hitting manuscripts are encouraged to submit them as Tree Physiology Letters that will be fast tracked through the review process with the help of the Editorial Review Board.

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Tree-Ring Research

ISSN: 1536-1098


ISSN: 0931-1890eISSN: 1432-2285

Trees - Structure and Function publishes original papers on the physiology, biochemistry, functional anatomy, structure and ecology of trees and other woody plants. Also presented are articles concerned with pathology and technological problems, when they contribute to the basic understanding of structure and function of trees. In addition to original papers and short communications, the journal publishes reviews on selected topics concerning the structure and function of trees. The Founding Editor of Trees - Structure and Function is Hubert Ziegler. The Editors-in-Chief are Robert D. Guy, Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, and Ulrich E. Lüttge, Botanisches Institut der TU, Darmstadt, Germany.5-Year Impact Factor: 2.072 (2012)*

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US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin

ISSN: 0888-9708

USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report PNW

ISSN: 0887-4840

USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report RMRS-GTR

ISSN: 0277-5786

USDA Forest Service - Research Note PNW-RN

ISSN: 0887-7262

USDA Forest Service - Research Note RMRS-RN

ISSN: 0502-4994

USDA Forest Service - Research Papers PNW-RP

ISSN: 0882-5165

USDA Forest Service - Research Papers RMRS

ISSN: 0502-5001

USDA Forest Service - Resource Bulletin PNW-RB

ISSN: 0748-1284


ISSN: 0041-6436

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening

ISSN: 1618-8667

Urban Forestry and Urban Greening is a refereed, international journal aimed at presenting high-quality research with urban and peri-urban woody and non-woody vegetation and its use, planning, design, establishment and management as its main topics. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening concentrates on all tree-dominated (as joint together in the urban forest) as well as other green resources in and around urban areas, such as woodlands, public and private urban parks and gardens, urban nature areas, street tree and square plantations, botanical gardens and cemeteries.The journal welcomes fundamental and applied research papers, as well as review papers and short communications. Contributions should focus on one or more of the following aspects:Form and functions of urban forests and other vegetation, including aspects of urban ecology.Policy-making, planning and design related to urban forests and other vegetation.Selection and establishment of tree resources and other vegetation for urban environments.Management of urban forests and other vegetation.Original contributions of a high academic standard are invited from a wide range of disciplines and fields, including forestry, biology, horticulture, arboriculture, landscape ecology, pathology, soil science, hydrology, landscape architecture, landscape planning, urban planning and design, economics, sociology, environmental psychology, medicine, and education.Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary research as developed under the approaches of, for example, urban forestry, arboriculture, urban greening, urban ecology, urban health, urban agriculture, urban horticulture, urban silviculture, and community forestry.The papers should be written in a style that is understandable to specialists from other disciplines as well as interested policy-makers and higher-level practitioners.

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Waldokologie Online

ISSN: 1614-7103

Western Journal of Applied Forestry

ISSN: 0885-6095

The Journal of Forestry is the most widely circulated scholarly forestry journal in the world. In print since 1902, the Journal has received several national awards for excellence. The mission of the Journal of Forestry is to advance the profession of forestry by keeping professionals informed about significant developments and ideas in the many facets of forestry: economics, education and communication, entomology and pathology, fire, forest ecology, geospatial technologies, history, international forestry, measurements, policy, recreation, silviculture, social sciences, soils and hydrology, urban and community forestry, utilization and engineering, and wildlife management.

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Wood Research

ISSN: 1336-4561

Wood Research and Technology: Cellulose – Hemicelluloses – Lignin – Wood Extractives

ISSN: 0018-3830eISSN: 1437-434X

Holzforschung is an international scholarly journal that publishes cutting-edge research on the biology, chemistry, physics and technology of wood and wood components. High quality papers about biotechnology and tree genetics are also welcome. Rated year after year as the number one scientific journal in the category of Pulp and Paper (ISI Journal Citation Index), Holzforschung represents innovative, high quality basic and applied research. The German title reflects the journal's origins in a long scientific tradition, but all articles are published in English to stimulate and promote cooperation between experts all over the world. Ahead-of-print publishing ensures fastest possible knowledge transfer.

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Wood Science and Technology

ISSN: 0043-7719eISSN: 1432-5225

Wood Science and Technology publishes research articles and reviews covering the entire field of wood and pulp. Coverage extends to wood anatomy and ultrastructure, all aspects of the biology of wood, including the cytology of cambium, xylem and phloem, tree physiology and the microbiological degradation of wood, the chemistry of wood and bark, and wood physics. Also addressed are problems related to wood technology: combustion, drying, and impregnation of wood, its machining, gluing, and finishing, timber mechanics and rheology, and the conversion of wood into pulp. The Editor-in-Chief is Gerd Wegener, Technische Universität München, Germany; the Co-Editor-in-Chief is J.R. Barnett, School of Plant Sciences, The University of Reading, England UK

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World Agriculture

ISSN: 2043-7234eISSN: 2056-7979

Zpravy Lesnickeho Vyzkumu

ISSN: 0322-9688eISSN: 1805-9872