The Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society publishes original papers on systematic and evolutionary botany and comparative studies of both living and fossil plants. Review papers are also welcomed which integrate fields such as cytology, morphogenesis, palynology and phytochemistry into a taxonomic framework. The Journal will only publish new taxa in exceptional circumstances or as part of larger monographic or phylogenetic revisions. Also published on behalf of the Linnean Society: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society and Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
For more than half a century, The Botanical Review has been a leading international journal noted for its in-depth articles on a broad spectrum of botanical fields. Systematics, phytogeography, cladistics, evolution, physiology, ecology, morphology, paleobotany, and anatomy are but a few of the many subjects that have been covered. The Botanical Review draws together outstanding scientists in the field, synthesizes the current knowledge about a specific subject, and promotes the advancement of botany by indicating the gaps in our knowledge and providing new outlooks on the topic.
Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters is an international scientific journal, published by the French botanical Society (Société botanique de France) in partnership with Taylor & Francis. The title was created in 1993, continuing more than a century of renowned publications of the Société Botanique de France. It publishes innovative peer-reviewed research articles on a wide range of botany subjects, including:Taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny and evolution; Morphology, phenology, physiology and ecology; Floristic, phytogeography, and distribution of populations, species and ecosystems; General and population genetics, biology of conservation; Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology and plant biotechnology; Plant - animal or plant - microbial interactions; Palynology; Paleobotany and plant paleoecology; History of botany and plant sciences, and historical botany (including interactions between human beings and environment, ethnobotany, and archaeobotany. Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters accepts articles dealing with all photosynthetic organisms, or any taxa described in their interactions with photosynthetic organisms. All organization levels are accepted, with a particular interest for multidisciplinary papers. Articles on methodologies and tools, short communications, especially on thesis (PhD) researches, and reviews are strongly encouraged. Book reviews will also be published. Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters may also accept scientific grounded analyses of controversial or topical subjects in the field. Articles can be published in French (with an extended English abstract) or in English (with abstract in French).
The Brazilian Journal of Botany is the official publication of the Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo - SBSP, whose goal is to publish original articles of scientific research in plant sciences in English. First published in 1978, held biannually until 1997. Since 1998, maintains the production of four issues per year volume this increasing its capacity to publish scientific articles, proposing to disclose an average of 10 articles per issue. In 2012 started to use as main name Brazilian Journal of Botany with articles exclusively in English.
Since 1931, Brittonia, assuming the broadest possible definition of the field of systematic botany, has been an important outlet for the publication of original research articles on anatomy, botanical history, chemotaxonomy, morphology, paleobotany, phylogenetic systematics, taxonomy, and phytogeography. Each issue contains articles by the staff of The New York Botanical Garden and outside contributors, book reviews, and announcements.
California Agriculture is a peer-reviewed journal reporting research, reviews and news from the University of California and its Agriculture and Natural Resources division. The first issue of California Agriculture was published in December 1946, making it one of the oldest, continuously published, land-grant university research publications in the country. It is also one of the largest circulation publications of its kind (about 15,000 domestic and 1,700 foreign subscribers). The authors are primarily, but not exclusively, faculty from the University of California. It is currently published quarterly.
2009 Impact Factor - 0.632.Five Year Impact Factor - 1.054.169;2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174;Aims & Scope The Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology publishes the results of scientific research and other information relevant to the discipline of plant pathology as review papers, research articles, notes and disease reports. Papers may be submitted in English or French and are subject to peer review. Research articles and notes include original research that contributes to the science of plant pathology or to the practice of plant pathology, including the diagnosis, estimation, prevention, and control of plant diseases. Notes are generally shorter in length and include more concise research results. Disease reports are brief, previously unpublished accounts of diseases occurring on a new host or geographic region. Review papers include mini-reviews, descriptions of emerging technologies, and full reviews on a topic of interest to readers, including symposium papers. These papers will be highlighted in each issue of the journal and require prior discussion with the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission.All submissions should be made online at the Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology Manuscript Central site. New users should first create an account. Once logged on to the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre. Online user guides and access to a helpdesk are available on this website.Click here for Aims & Scopes in FrenchDisclaimer The Canadian Phytopathological Society/Revue de la Soci233;t233; Canadienne de Phytopathologie and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.
This bimonthly publication reports peer-reviewed research in all aspects of plant science, including agronomy (grains, forages, industrial and alternative crops), horticulture (fruits, vegetables, ornamentals), and pest management (entomology, plant pathology, weed science).Cross-disciplinary papers in the application of technology, plant breeding and genetics, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, management, economics, and plant production systems are also published.Many contributions reflect aspects of plant growth and reproduction, such as winter-hardiness and cold and drought tolerance, unique to cooler latitudes.Reviews, letters to the Editor, the abstracts of technical papers presented at the meetings of the sponsoring societies and conference proceedings may also be published, subject to the approval of the Editor. Contributions are published in English or French with abstracts in both languages. A page charge is payable on publication.
Chemistry of Natural Compounds publishes reviews and general articles about the structure of different classes of natural compounds, the chemical characteristics of botanical families, genus, and species, to establish the comparative laws and connection between physiological activity and the structure of substances. Chemistry of Natural Compounds is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian language journal Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii. The Russian Volume Year is published in English from April.
Medicine/Public Health general, Gynecology, Pneumology/Respiratory system, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics
Collectanea Botanica publica artículos originales e inéditos sobre taxonomía y sistemática vegetal y fúngica y campos relacionados, como la biogeografía, bioinformática, citogenética, conservación, ecofisiología, filogenia, filogeografía, florística, morfología funcional, nomenclatura o relaciones planta-animal, incluyendo trabajos de síntesis y revisión.La revista tiene periodicidad anual. Envía información sobre las nuevas especies publicadas para que sean incluidas en las bases de datos TROPICOS, (International Plant Name Index o IndexFungorum )Collectanea Botanica proporciona acceso inmediato a texto completo a todos los contenidos de esta edición electrónica.