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International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 1598-2645eISSN: 2093-744X

International Journal of Fuzzy Systems

ISSN: 1562-2479eISSN: 2199-3211
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International Journal of Humanoid Robotics

ISSN: 0219-8436eISSN: 1793-6942

The International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR) covers all subjects on the mind and body of humanoid robots. It is dedicated to advancing new theories, new techniques, and new implementations contributing to the successful achievement of future robots which not only imitate human beings, but also serve human beings. While IJHR encourages the contribution of original papers which are solidly grounded on proven theories or experimental procedures, the journal also encourages the contribution of innovative papers which venture into the new, frontier areas in robotics. Such papers need not necessarily demonstrate, in the early stages of research and development, the full potential of new findings on a physical or virtual robot.

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International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making

ISSN: 0219-6220eISSN: 1793-6845

International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) provides a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies which bridge the latest information technology and various decision-making techniques. It promotes how information technology improves decision techniques as well as how the development of decision-making tools affects the information technology era. The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes both high-quality academic (theoretical or empirical) and practical papers in the broad ranges of information technology related topics including, but not limited to the following: * Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making * Bio-informatics and Medical Decision Making * Cluster Computing and Performance * Data Mining and Web Mining * Data Warehouse and Applications * Database Performance Evaluation * Decision Making and Distributed Systems * Decision Making and Electronic Transaction and Payment * Decision Making of Internet Companies * Decision Making on Information Security * Decision Models for Electronic Commerce * Decision Models for Internet Based on Companies * Decision Support Systems * Decision Technologies in Information System Design * Digital Library Designs * Economic Decisions and Information Systems * Enterprise Computing and Evaluation * Fuzzy Logic and Internet * Group Decision Making and Software * Habitual Domain and Information Technology * Human Computer Interaction * Information Ethics and Legal Evaluations * Information Overload * Information Policy Making * Information Retrieval Systems * Information Technology and Organizational Behavior * Intelligent Agents Technologies * Intelligent and Fuzzy Information Processing * Internet Service and Training * Knowledge Representation Models * Making Decision through Internet * Multimedia and Decision Making * Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Information Technology * Network and Decision Making * Neural Networks and Performance * Online Business and Decision Making * Optimization and Information Technology * Organizational Information Systems * Pattern Recognition Models * Performance of Parallel Computing * Reasoning under Uncertainty * Social Decisions on Internet * Software Performance and Evaluation * Telecommunication Systems and Evaluation * Visualization and Decision Making * Web based Language Development * Web Search and Decision Making * Website Design and Development * Wireless Technology and Performance.

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International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control

ISSN: 1349-4198

International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics

ISSN: 2156-1664eISSN: 2156-1656
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International Journal of Intelligent Systems

ISSN: 0884-8173eISSN: 1098-111X

The International Journal of Intelligent Systems serves as a forum for individuals interested in tapping into the vast theories based on intelligent systems construction. With its peer-reviewed format, the journal explores several fascinating editorials written by today's experts in the field. Because new developments are being introduced each day, there's much to be learned ? examination, analysis creation, information retrieval, man?computer interactions, and more. The International Journal of Intelligent Systems uses charts and illustrations to demonstrate these ground-breaking issues, and encourages readers to share their thoughts and experiences.

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International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence

ISSN: 1989-1660eISSN: 1989-1660

International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science

ISSN: 1947-8208eISSN: 1947-8216

International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems

ISSN: 1327-2314eISSN: 1875-8827
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International Journal of Machine Consciousness

ISSN: 1793-8430eISSN: 1793-8473

The journal examines the theoretical foundations of conscious machines and analyzes current approaches to machine consciousness. It offers unity and visibility to a wide spread of research, which is now scattered throughout many diverse and often unrelated journals. The journal also allows a publication focus where scholars could present, compare and evaluate their work on machine consciousness both from the theoretical and technical side. Since the topic of machine consciousness is still highly controversial, each issue will endorse a blend of papers covering provocative theories as well as testable models. Machine consciousness is pursued for:

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International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics

ISSN: 1868-8071eISSN: 1868-808X

Cybernetics is concerned with describing complex interactions and interrelationships between systems which are omnipresent in our daily life. Machine Learning discovers fundamental functional relationships between variables and ensembles of variables in systems. The merging of the disciplines of Machine Learning and Cybernetics is aimed at the discovery of various forms of interaction between systems through diverse mechanisms of learning from data.

The International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (IJMLC) focuses on the key research problems emerging at the junction of machine learning and cybernetics and serves as a broad forum for rapid dissemination of the latest advancements in the area. The emphasis of IJMLC is on the hybrid development of machine learning and cybernetics schemes inspired by different contributing disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, cognitive sciences, and applications. New ideas, design alternatives, implementations and case studies pertaining to all the aspects of machine learning and cybernetics fall within the scope of the IJMLC.

Key research areas to be covered by the journal include:

Machine Learning for modeling interactions between systemsPattern Recognition technology to support  discovery of system-environment interactionControl of system-environment interactions Biochemical interaction in biological and biologically-inspired systemsLearning for improvement of communication schemes between systems 

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research

eISSN: 2278-0149

International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation

ISSN: 2045-1059eISSN: 2045-1067

IJMA is a fully refereed international journal that presents state-of-the-art research in the area of mechatronics and industrial automation. The intention of IJMA is to provide an international forum to report latest developments from interdisciplinary theoretical studies, computational algorithm development and practical applications. It particularly welcomes those emerging methodologies and techniques which bridge theoretical studies and applications and have significant potential for real-world applications.

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International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation

ISSN: 1744-2869eISSN: 1744-2850
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International Journal of Neural Systems

ISSN: 0129-0657eISSN: 1793-6462

The International Journal of Neural Systems is a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal which covers information processing in natural and artificial neural systems. It publishes original contributions on all aspects of this broad subject which involves physics, biology, psychology, computer science and engineering. Contributions include research papers, reviews, short communications and Letters to the Editor.The journal presents a fresh, undogmatic attitude towards this multi-disciplinary field, aiming to be a forum for novel ideas and improved understanding of collective and cooperative phenomena in systems with computational capabilities.

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International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence

ISSN: 0218-0014eISSN: 1793-6381

This journal publishes both applications and theory-oriented articles on new developments in the fields of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, and is of interest to both researchers in industry and academia. From the beginning, there has always been a close relationship between the disciplines of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. The recognition and understanding of sensory data like speech or images, which are major concerns in pattern recognition, have always been considered as important subfields of artificial intelligence. On the other hand, topics like knowledge representation, inference, search or learning that belong to the center of artificial intelligence, have constantly attracted the attention of researchers working in pattern recognition. IJPRAI is the first to cover both fields in one periodical, and particular emphasis is put on papers which are in the intersection of both fields. However, it is open to articles from "pure" pattern recognition and "pure" artificial intelligence as well. * Contains current material on applications and theory research in: *Image Processing *Natural Language Processing * Computer Vision * Speech Understanding * Pattern Recognition * Robotics and Related Fields * Expert Systems * Artificial Intelligence * Knowledge Engineering * Neural Networks * Has special issues devoted to relevant and key areas in the field * Is a worthwhile investment for researchers/libraries concerned with research in industry or academia.

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International Journal of Robotics Research

ISSN: 0278-3649eISSN: 1741-3176

International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) was the first scholarly publication on robotics research; it continues to supply scientists and students in robot and related fields - artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering - with timely, multidisciplinary material on topics from sensors and sensory interpretations to kinematics in motion planning. IJRR also publishes peer reviewed data papers and multimedia extensions alongside articles.

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International Journal of Semantic Computing

ISSN: 1793-351XeISSN: 1793-7108
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International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

ISSN: 0218-1940eISSN: 1793-6403

The International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering is intended to serve as a forum for researchers, practitioners, and developers to exchange ideas and results for the advancement of software engineering and knowledge engineering. Three types of papers will be published: * Research papers reporting original research results * Technology trend surveys reviewing an area of research in software engineering and knowledge engineering * Survey articles surveying a broad area in software engineering and knowledge engineering In addition, tool reviews (no more than three manuscript pages) and book reviews (no more than two manuscript pages) are also welcome.A central theme of this journal is the interplay between software engineering and knowledge engineering: how knowledge engineering methods can be applied to software engineering, and vice versa. The journal publishes papers in the areas of software engineering methods and practices, object-oriented systems, rapid prototyping, software reuse, cleanroom software engineering, stepwise refinement/enhancement, formal methods of specification, ambiguity in software development, impact of CASE on software development life cycle, knowledge engineering methods and practices, logic programming, expert systems, knowledge-based systems, distributed knowledge-based systems, deductive database systems, knowledge representations, knowledge-based systems in language translation & processing, software and knowledge-ware maintenance, reverse engineering in software design, and applications in various domains of interest.

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