Stratigraphy (ISSN 1547-139X) is published online four times a year with optional printed copies. Subject area rantges across the the entire range of stratigraphic disciplines, with emphasis on applications of micropaleontology. Stratigraphy is the journal of record for the North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature (NACSN).
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation (Stratigrafiya, Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya) is unique in offering comprehensive coverage of the fundamental and applied aspects of stratigraphy and the correlation of geological events and processes in time and space. Articles are based on the results of multidisciplinary research, and are directed toward researchers, university professors, students, and geologists interested in understanding stratigraphy and the chronological features of the world´s geological record.
The Swiss Journal of Geosciences is an international fully Open Access peer-reviewed journal and publishes original research and review articles, with a particular focus on the evolution of the Tethys realm and the Alpine/Himalayan orogen. By consolidating the former Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae and Swiss Bulletin of Mineralogy and Petrology, this international journal covers all disciplines of the solid Earth Sciences, including their practical applications.
The journal gives preference to articles that are of wide interest to the international research community, while at the same time recognising the importance of documenting high-quality geoscientific data in a regional context, including the occasional publication of maps.
Thematic "Special Issues” such as the “Alpine Workshop Special Issues” are published at irregular intervals. Contact us if you have a proposal for a Special Issue.
The Swiss Journal of Geosciences has editorial waivers available for outstanding contributions and review articles from researchers who lack funding for fully OA publication. Members of the Swiss Geological Society benefit from a reduced APC fee of EUR 800.
An international editorial team as well as guest editors guarantee that all regular articles as well as articles in Special Issues are peer-reviewed and meet the highest standards.
Terra Nova publishes short, innovative and provocative papers of interest to a wide readership and covering the broadest spectrum of the Solid Earth and Planetary Sciences. Terra Nova encompasses geology, geophysics and geochemistry, and extends to the fluid envelopes (atmosphere, ocean, environment) whenever coupling with the Solid Earth is involved. Papers that are of interest to Terra Nova readers will usually expose new general principles and understanding or challenge conventional wisdom.
The Journal of Geology publishes original research across a broad range of subfields in geology, including geophysics, geochemistry, sedimentology, geomorphology, petrology, plate tectonics, volcanology, structural geology, mineralogy, and planetary sciences. Its articles have wide appeal for geologists, present research of topical relevance, and offer new geological insights through the application of innovative approaches and methods. Contents range from work on the composition of the lunar interior to computer modeling of fossil development.
The Leading Edge complements Geophysics, SEG's peer-reviewed publication long unrivalled as the world's most respected vehicle for dissemination of developments in exploration and development geophysics. TLE is a gateway publication, introducing new geophysical theory, instrumentation, and established practices to scientists in a wide range of geoscience disciplines. Most material is presented in a semitechnical manner that minimizes mathematical theory and emphasizes practical applications. TLE also serves as SEG's publication venue for official society business.