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Carnets de Geologie

ISSN: 1634-0744eISSN: 1634-0744
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Climate of the Past

ISSN: 1814-9324eISSN: 1814-9332

Climate of the Past (CP) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications and review papers on the climate history of the Earth.The main subject areas are:* reconstructions of past climate based on instrumental and historical data as well as proxy data from marine and terrestrial (including ice) archives; development and validation of new proxies, improvements of the precision and accuracy of proxy data;* theoretical and empirical studies of processes in and feedback mechanisms between all climate system components in relation to past climate change on all space and time scales; * simulation of past climate and model-based interpretation of palaeo climate data for a better understanding of present and future climate variability and climate change.Climate of the Past has an innovative two-stage publication process which involves a scientific discussion forum and exploits the full potential of the Internet to:* foster scientific discussion;* enhance the effectiveness and transparency of scientific quality assurance;* enable rapid publication;* make scientific publications freely accessible.In the first stage, papers that pass a rapid access-review by one of the editors are immediately published on the Climate of the Past Discussions (CPD) website. They are then subject to Interactive Public Discussion, during which the referees' comments (anonymous or attributed), additional short comments by other members of the scientific community (attributed) and the authors' replies are also published in CPD. In the second stage, the peer-review process is completed and, if accepted, the final revised papers are published in CP. To ensure publication precedence for authors, and to provide a lasting record of scientific discussion, CPD and CP are both ISSN-registered, permanently archived and fully citable.

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ISSN: 0172-9179eISSN: 1612-4820

The journal Facies presents papers dealing with the interpretation of ancient and modern biotopes and carbonate depositional environments by means of facies analysis in its broadest sense. Once the central part of research in hydrocarbon exploration, facies analysis integrates modern and ancient biogeological processes of a changing earth. Special emphasis is placed on paleobiology and -ecology, basin evolution, sedimentology including diagenesis and geochemistry, as well as studies emphasizing the impact of life on earth history.

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Fossil Imprint

ISSN: 2533-4050eISSN: 2533-4069
Publisher: Narodni Muzeum

Földtani Közlöny

ISSN: 0015-542XeISSN: 2559-902X
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Geobios:Palaeontology, Stratigraphy, Palaeoecology

ISSN: 0016-6995eISSN: 1777-5728

Geobios publishes bimonthly in English original peer-reviewed articles of international interest in any area of paleontology, paleobiology, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, (bio)stratigraphy and biogeochemistry. All taxonomic groups are treated, including microfossils, invertebrates, plants, vertebrates and ichnofossils.Geobios welcomes descriptive papers based on original material (e.g. large Systematic Paleontology works), as well as more analytically and/or methodologically oriented papers, provided they offer strong and significant biochronological/biostratigraphical, paleobiogeographical, paleobiological and/or phylogenetic new insights and perspectices. A high priority level is given to synchronic and/or diachronic studies based on multi- or inter-disciplinary approaches mixing various fields of Earth and Life Sciences. Works based on extant data are also considered, provided they offer significant insights into geological-time studies.

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Geologie de la France

ISSN: 0246-0874

Geoscience Research Reports

ISSN: 0514-8057eISSN: 2336-5757


eISSN: 1553-040X

Established in 1888, The Geological Society of America provides access to elements that are essential to the professional growth of earth scientists at all levels of expertise and from all sectors: academic, government, business, and industry.The Geological Society's growing membership unites thousands of earth scientists from every corner of the globe in a common purpose to study the mysteries of our planet and share scientific findings.

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International Journal of Coal Geology

ISSN: 0166-5162eISSN: 1872-7840

The International Journal of Coal Geology deals with fundamental and applied aspects of the geology and petrology of coal, oil/gas source rocks and shale gas resources. The journal aims to advance the exploration, exploitation and utilization of these resources, and to stimulate environmental awareness as well as advancement of engineering for effective resource management.The scope of the journal encompasses basic research, laboratory studies and field studies in:Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrologyformation of coal and coal seams, including studies of modern coal-forming processes and environmentsmetamorphosis of coal materials in coal seams and dispersed in other rock typesgeologic aspects of coal measures, oil- and gas source rockspetrology, petrography and petrophysics of coal, coal seams and organic matter-rich shales including mineralogy, inorganic and organic geochemistry, and physical characteristics of these resourcesExploration and development of unconventional resourcesformation, transport and storage of gases in coals and shales including coal bed methane, coal mine methane, abandoned mine methaneunconventional petroleum systems (e.g. oil shales, oil sands, tar sands) and ore deposits of rare metals in coal and coal-bearing strataimpacts of coal mining and acid-mine drainageby and end products of coal utilization related to geology and constituents of coalemission reduction and carbon capture and storagegeological aspects of coal fires and underground coal gasificationTypes of contributions published are: research papers describing original theoretical (with potential for application) and applied research; proceedings of symposia; short contributions; surveys; reviews; book reviews; overviews of recent literature, and letters to the editor. Research papers that combine theory and experiments and/or field studies are especially welcome.

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International Journal of Sediment Research

ISSN: 1001-6279
International Journal of Sediment Research, the Official Journal of International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and http://www.waser.cnThe World Association for Sedimentation and Erosion Research, publishes scientific and technical papers on all aspects of erosion and sedimentation interpreted in its widest sense.

The subject matter is to include not only the mechanics of sediment transport and fluvial processes, but also what is related to geography, geomorphology, soil erosion, watershed management, sedimentology, environmental and ecological impacts of sedimentation, social and economical effects of sedimentation and its assessment, etc. Special attention is paid to engineering problems related to sedimentation and erosion.

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Journal of Iberian Geology

ISSN: 1698-6180eISSN: 1886-7995

ournal of Iberian Geology will acknowledge for publication of original papers dealing with different aspects of Earth Sciences, mainly concerned with Geology of the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding areas. The Journal also accepts collections of selected original papers that will be published as edited monographic volumes. Potential editors of monographic volumes should contact with the editors-in-chief for further information before preparing any documentation.

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Journal of Mediterranean Earth Sciences

ISSN: 2037-2272eISSN: 2280-6148

Journal of Soils and Sediments

ISSN: 1439-0108eISSN: 1614-7480

The Journal of Soils and Sediments (JSS) is devoted to soils and sediments; it deals with contaminated, intact and disturbed soils and sediments. JSS explores both the common aspects and the differences between these two environmental compartments. Inter-linkages at the catchment scale and with the Earth’s system (inter-compartment) are an important topic in JSS. The range of research coverage includes the effects of disturbances and contamination; research, strategies and technologies for prediction, prevention, and protection; identification and characterization; treatment, remediation and reuse; risk assessment and management; creation and implementation of quality standards; international regulation and legislation. Potential authors are invited to check the contents of recent issues to determine whether their manuscript is suitable for JSS. Topics:Research on effects caused by disturbances and contamination Research, strategies and technologies for prediction, prevention, and protection Research, strat

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Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen

ISSN: 0340-4404

Marine and Petroleum Geology

ISSN: 0264-8172eISSN: 1873-4073

Marine and Petroleum Geology is the pre-eminent international forum for the exchange of multidisciplinary concepts, interpretations and techniques for all concerned with marine and petroleum geology in industry, government and academia. Rapid bimonthly publication allows early communications of papers or short communications to the geoscience community.Marine and Petroleum Geology is essential reading for geologists, geophysicists and explorationists in industry, government and academia working in the following areas: marine geology; basin analysis and evaluation; organic geochemistry; reserve/resource estimation; seismic stratigraphy; thermal models of basic evolution; sedimentary geology; continental margins; geophysical interpretation; structural geology/tectonics; formation evaluation techniques; well logging.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Newsletters on Stratigraphy

ISSN: 0078-0421eISSN: 2363-6122

Newsletters in Stratigraphy is an international, peer-reviewed journal, publishing articles of international interest dealing with stratigraphical matters for example, descriptions of new stratotypes, redefinitions of existing stratotypes, new approaches to the subdivision of stratigraphic units and the discussion of problems associated with particular boundaries. Papers adding comment and/or critique to to original papers published in this journal or elsewhere are accepted. Newsletters on stratigraphy also publishes summaries of original papers that are not accessible in the literature, this also applies to papers in which the stratigraphic aspect is only a byproduct. Reviews of current commission or conference discussions, recommendations or resolutions are invited, as are papers of other purport, if they are of relevance to stratigraphic problems. Newsletters on Stratigraphy invites the submission of such papers and there are no page charges for the publication of regular papers.

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Palaeontographica: Abteilung A

ISSN: 0375-0442eISSN: 2509-8373

Palaeontographica publishes peer reviewed contributions to paleozoology and paleobotany. Founded in 1846, it is one of the oldest scholarly journals in paleobiology. Its editors include a large number of landmark paleontologists (see history). Its claim to fame were and still arelarge format, high quality plates and careful descriptions and interpretations of source materials of paleontological research.From 1846 to 1933 paleozoological and paleobotanical papers were published side by side journal. In 1933, the paleobotanical papers were branched off into a separate journal, Palaeontographica Abt. B. The title of the paleozoology part of Paleontographica was correspondingly renamed to Palaeontographica Abt. A (Paleozoology) at the same time.

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ISSN: 1871-174X

Palaeoworld is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to studies on palaeontology and stratigraphy centered in China and the neighboring regions, encouraging original works of fossils and strata, comparative studies worldwide, and interdisciplinary approaches in related disciplines. Some issues will be devoted entirely to a special theme in the discipline. Palaeoworld is oriented to a broad spectrum of geoscience researchers as well as experts and students in evolutionary biology who are interested in historical geology and biotic evolution.Palaeoworld publishes papers in the following areas:• Systematic studies of all fossil groups• Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy• Palaeoecology, palaeoenvironment and global changes in Earth's history• Tempo and mode of biological evolution• Studies of biological events in Earth's history• Evolving ecosystem• Molecular palaeontology• Methods in palaeontology and stratigraphy• Interdisciplinary studies of fossil and strataPalaeoworld accepts the following categories of contributions:• Original research papers and case studies• Review articles (normally invited)• Special theme issues• Short notes• Letters to the Editors• Book reviews

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Quaternary Geochronology

ISSN: 1871-1014eISSN: 1878-0350

Quaternary Geochronology is an international journal devoted to the publication of the highest-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of dating methods applicable to the Quaternary Period - the last 2.6 million years of Earth history. Reliable ages are fundamental to place changes in climates, landscapes, flora and fauna - including the evolution and ecological impact of humans - in their correct temporal sequence, and to understand the tempo and mode of geological and biological processes. There is growing scientific appreciation of the complexity of the Quaternary Period. This has increased the demand on geochronological techniques to deliver increasingly more accurate and precise ages, which underpin attempts to determine the causes and consequences of events at a variety of temporal and spatial scales.Some Quaternary dating methods are well established, while others are in the early stages of development. Quaternary Geochronology will provide a readily accessible platform to rapidly communicate the latest developments and applications in these emerging fields, as well as improvements made to more traditional methods of age determination. New technological capabilities are providing a greater understanding of the underlying principles of age estimation and are stimulating innovative applications. Quaternary Geochronology will report the latest insights and discoveries to an inter-disciplinary audience concerned with events in the Quaternary Period.Quaternary Geochronology will publish research in the following areas:• Principles of geochronological methods• Advances in methodology, analytical procedures and instrumentation• Methodological standardisations and inter-laboratory comparisons• Calibrations and comparisons of different methods• Novel and groundbreaking applications in all fields of Quaternary researchWe particularly encourage the submission of: • Systematic and comprehensive studies in pure and applied contexts• Integrated and inter-disciplinary applications of geochronological data• Provocative and topical papers of immediate interest to a wide audienceThe following contributions will be accepted:• Original research papers and case studies• Review papers• Special thematic issues• Viewpoint articles• Letters to the Editors (including comments on papers published in Quaternary Geochronology)• Book reviews

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